Awesome Calculators Overview
😎 A curated list of resources related to calculators!
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Awesome Calculators 
A curated list of resources related to calculators!
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Calculator apps:
- HiPER Scientific Calculator - Advanced scientific calculator, with lots of features, for example result history and themes.
- Calculator ++ - Scientific calculator with modern, Google Material Design interface.
- Google Calculator - Official calculator from Google.
- Samsung Calculator - New, official calculator from Samsung.
- Photomath (Camera Calculator) - Calculate math problems using camera.
- RealCalc - Scientific calculator with realistic interface.
- a41cv - Excellent emulation of the classic HP-41CV calculator.
- Wabbitemu - Emulate Texas Instruments graphing calculators on your device.
- Droid48 (src) (⭐67), Droid48 (app) - Android port of x48, the awesome HP48GX/SX emulator
- Scalar - Powerful math engine and math scripting language, that combines the simplicity of standard calculators with the flexibility of scripting.
- Windows Calculator (⭐26k) - Simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows
- HiPER Scientific Calculator (Windows Edition) - Advanced scientific calculator with lots of features.
- in-line calculator (AutoHotkey Calculator) (⭐47) - Interface-less calculator for Windows that lets you do basic math without having to leave the line you're typing on.
- Old Windows 7/8 Calculator in Windows 10 - Opportunity to use old Windows 7/8 calculator in Windows 10.
- GraphCal - Professional calculator with unique features.
- Numi - Beautiful calculator with great features, including unit & time zone conversion.
- Soulver 3 - Smart notepad with a built-in calculator.
- Calculator + ƒ - Powerful, extensible calculator for the Mac.
- Galculator (⭐106) - GTK 2 / GTK 3 based scientific calculator.
- KCalc (⭐25) - Calculator which offers many more mathematical functions than meet the eye on a first glance.
- x48 (⭐28) - Emulate the HP48GX/SX, one of the best engineering calculators ever.
- Parsify Desktop - Extendable calculator for the 21st Century.
- Simple Electron Calculator (⭐4) - Basic, cross-platform calculator made with Electron.
- elcalc (⭐2) - Calculator with simple & beautiful interface.
- Material Design Calculator (⭐22) - Cross-platform material design calculator.
- SpeedCrunch - High-precision scientific calculator featuring a fast, keyboard-driven user interface.
- Liri Calculator - Cross-platform, Material Design calculator with all the features you would expect from a modern calculator.
- mdlt (⭐146) - Command-line utility for quick math.
- calc (⭐457) - Simple, fast and intuitive command-line calculator written in Go.
- J# Calculator Barebones - Very simple calculator written in J#. Made as program for J# newcomers to extend and learn from.
- Qalculate! - Cross-platform scientific calculator including unit/currency converters.
- Wolfram|Alpha - Computational knowledge engine.
- Web 2.0 Scientific Calculator - Online calculator, that provides basic and advanced mathematical functions useful for school or college.
- Calculator.js - Open-Source, web calculator with beautiful Google Material Design interface.
- Notepad Calculator - Calculator with user-friendly, unique notepad interface.
- - Huge collection of various calculators.
- - Open-Source command-line style arbitrary precision calculator with mathematical, scientific, programming functions and more.
- Desmos - Online set of tools related to math, including a set of calculators, exams and more.
- Geogebra - Free online math tools for graphing, geometry, 3D, and more. Includes interactive graphical calculator.
- Calculators Subreddit - The place to share tips, tricks, and games regarding graphing or high powered calculators.
- Mathematics Stack Exchange - Great place to ask questions about math.
- MathOverflow - Question & Answer site for professional mathematicians.
- Simple calculator app using React & Node.js - Really easy tutorial for beginners.
- Calculator in C++ using - How to create a basic calculator in C++ using
- Simple calculator in Python - Create a simple calculator with Python.
- Arthur Benjamin - Faster than a calculator
- Tricks for your calculator
- How to use scientific calculator?
- Scott Flansburg, the human calculator
- 15 Year Old Yaashwin Sarawanan is a human calculator | Asia's Got Talent 2019
- 3Blue1Brown Lockdown math series (11 episodes)
To the extent possible under law, Antoni Kepinski has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.