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A curated list of awesome V frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
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Mar 12, 2025
- v-vite starter (⭐0) - A starter kit for Veb applications, preconfigured with Vite.js.
- vite.v (⭐0) - Seamless Vite.js integration for Veb applications.
Mar 04, 2025
- veb (⭐36k) - V's built-in web framework.
Feb 28, 2025
Build Systems
- vab (⭐326) - The official V tool to build and package applications for Android.
- vab-sdl (⭐3) - Standalone and extra command for
to build and package SDL2 and SDL3 based applications importingvlang/sdl
- miniaudio (⭐51) - Bindings for the excellent miniaudio C audio library.
Game development
- chipmunk2d (⭐1) - V wrapper of the Chipmunk2D physics library.
- wren (⭐6) - V wrapper around the excellent Wren scripting language.
- sdl (⭐87) - Official SDL2 & SDL3 bindings for V.
- sgldraw (⭐10) - An experimental real-time vector render V module based on
- voronoi (⭐1) - V wrapper of JCash/voronoi (⭐664).
- vqoi (⭐12) - V: QOI - The "Quite OK Image" format for fast, lossless image compression.
- jni (⭐23) - V wrapper around the C Java Native Interface (Desktop + Android).
Feb 18, 2025
- fdup (⭐7) - Find and remove duplicate files.
Jan 22, 2025
Build Systems
- clockwork (⭐17) - A language-agnostic build tool wrote in V.
- vfetch (⭐9) - A macOS system information fetch written in V.
- maple (⭐8) - A very simple key-value config format wrote in V.
- Mantis (⭐22) - A web framework written in V.
Operating Systems & OS Development Examples / Vim
- limine-v-template (⭐0) - A simple template for building a Limine-compliant kernel in V.
- v-limine (⭐0) - A V library for handling Limine boot protocol structures.
Dec 22, 2024
- rr-dl (⭐1) - Royal-Road Novel downloader.
- vbmp (⭐1) - Read and write bitmap files.
Dec 10, 2024
Text processing
- vxml (⭐1) - Pure V library for parsing XML to a DOM.
Oct 26, 2024
- vin (⭐5) - A Basic Command Line Interface for V.
Oct 21, 2024
Operating systems/Kernels
- V-Unikernel (⭐19) - A unikernel is a computer program statically linked with the operating system code on which it depends.
Editor plugins / VS Code
- v-analyzer (⭐141) - Bring IDE features for the V programming language to VS Code.
Oct 20, 2024
Scientific computing
- NeuralNetworks-V-Module (⭐27) - This is a V module to create neural networks.
Oct 01, 2024
- Tiniest Veb Server (⭐14) - A < 1MB static hosting web server written in V, based on
. 🍃
Sep 21, 2024
Database clients
- redict (⭐2) - Client for Redict, a LGPL-3.0-only fork of Redis (compatible with Redis <=7.2.4).
Text processing
- slugify (⭐3) - Transform Unicode strings to url-friendly human-readable ASCII slugs.
- lexical_uuid (⭐4) - Lexicographically-sortable universally unique identifiers.
- dotenv (⭐2) - Loads environment variables from a .env file for development purposes.
- vistas (⭐1) - Central file server API.
Aug 15, 2024
Database clients
- vduckdb (⭐34) - A DuckDB client wrapper for V.
Jul 07, 2024
- lsv (⭐50) -
file lister in the spirit of exa, eza, lsd, pls, natls, ls-go and others.
Feb 16, 2024
Database clients
- mongodb (⭐50) - MongoDB driver for V.
Jan 21, 2024
- Aixt (⭐69) - Programming framework for microcontrollers based on a V-based language and written in V.
Jan 15, 2024
- v-nodejs-addon (⭐6) - An demo of how to create a Node.js addon with V.
Jan 10, 2024
- ini-v (⭐5) - Simple and practical module for manipulating ini/cfg file.
Operating system
- winreg (⭐5) - MS Windows Registry API. (WIP)
- json2v (⭐29) - Convert a json to a struct in Vlang.
Nov 17, 2023
- votp (⭐19) - TOTP and HOTP implementation in v.
Oct 17, 2023
- dialog (⭐28) - A cross-platform utility library to open system dialogs - open files, message boxes, color-pickers etc.
Sep 18, 2023
- discordwebhook (⭐1) - Super simple interface to send discord messages through webhooks.
Sep 17, 2023
- objc (⭐8) - V bindings to Objective-C runtime.
Sep 14, 2023
- vhs (⭐4) - Haskell prelude list functions(zip, zipwith, head, etc) implemented in V.
Sep 02, 2023
- west (⭐10) - A wrapper of vweb to work in a similar way as nestjs works with modules and dependency injection.
Aug 29, 2023
- cotowali (⭐613) - A statically typed scripting language that transpiles into POSIX sh.
- emoji-mart-desktop (⭐21) - An emoji picker created with V, webview and SvelteKit.
User Interface toolkits
- V-WebUI (⭐123) - A wrapper for WebUI. A lightweight library that allows you to use any web browser as a GUI, with V in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend.
- webview (⭐69) - Bindings for webview. A tiny library to build modern cross-platform GUI applications. It allows to combine V with modern web technologies to design a graphical user interface.
Online IDEs with V / Vim
Aug 14, 2023
Database clients
- vredis (⭐7) - A simple, user-friendly, and comprehensive Redis client.
Aug 07, 2023
- Puzzle Vibes (⭐16) - A jigsaw-like puzzle game written in V using
Game development
- shy (⭐58) - A foundation that helps you being creative in V.
Jul 23, 2023
User Interface toolkits
- iUI (⭐112) - Isaiah's cross-platform GUI library for V. Inspired by the syntax of Java's Swing.
Jul 12, 2023
- polygon-editor (⭐7) - A tool to create and edit 2D polygons with sprite lookup, created in V.
Jul 08, 2023
- vest (⭐5) - A REST client in V.
Jul 06, 2023
Text processing
- read_xlsx_v (⭐0) - Read xlsx using vlang.
Jun 12, 2023
- vibe (⭐34) - Request library that wraps libcurl to enable fast and reliable requests while providing a higher-level API.
Jun 08, 2023
- vfuck - A brainfuck interpreter written in V.
May 26, 2023
- github-releases (⭐6) - Cli tool to keep track of applications released as GitHub Release (or assets in workflow) and download them.
- vindex (⭐5) - A simple file list server generating json strings, compatible with nginx's autoindex module.
- 2048 (⭐4) - A 2048 game with several types of traditional AI integrated.
- flappylearning-v (⭐36k) - A simple flappy learning demo in v.
- v-admin-skeleton (⭐14) - Backend skeleton written in V.
Apr 21, 2023
Tutorials / Vim
- VOSCA Blog Tutorials - Tutorial category on VOSCA blog.
Apr 18, 2023
- vzcc (⭐27) - A CLI cross-compiling tool based on Zig CC for V.
Apr 15, 2023
- vas (⭐98) - A simple x86-64 assembler written in V.
Apr 10, 2023
Text processing
- whisker (⭐39) - Fast, robust template engine for V inspired by mustache.
Apr 03, 2023
Package managers
- vpm (⭐123) - The V language package management tool written in V.
Mar 26, 2023
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- bartender (⭐55) - Customizable progress indicators for V terminal applications.
Mar 13, 2023
- v-tiktok - A V library for downloading TikTok videos.
Patterns / Vim
- MVU.v (⭐5) - MVU pattern (The Elm Architecture) implemented in V programming language.
Mar 07, 2023
- mpv-v (⭐30) - World's Simplest Video Player.
Mar 05, 2023
- kitten (⭐14) - Simple Discord API library for writing bots.
Mar 03, 2023
GitHub templates / Vim
- v-project-basement (⭐13) - A basement for every V project, that contains universal minimum GitHub CI scripts and issue templates for a V project.
Feb 17, 2023
- vgoogle (⭐9) - Make google search on the terminal.
Feb 15, 2023
- VInstall (⭐38) - A cross-platform installer creator.
Jan 21, 2023
Programming contests / Vim
- Rosetta Code in V - Solutions for Rosetta Code in V.
Jan 15, 2023
Jan 11, 2023
Text processing
- pcre2 (⭐6) - Library for processing PCRE regular expressions.
Jan 04, 2023
Editor plugins / VS Code
- vscode-vlang (⭐391) - V Language extension for Visual Studio Code.
Online IDEs with V / Vim
Programming contests / Vim
- Advent of Code 2022 (⭐44) - Solution of Advent of Code 2022 in V.
Dec 22, 2022
- Heroku Buildpack for V (⭐2) - Deploy V apps on Heroku.
Dec 11, 2022
- ssh-config - A V library for parsing SSH config files.
Nov 21, 2022
- stas (⭐57) - A stack based compiled programming language. The bootstrap compiler is written in V.
Nov 10, 2022
Text processing
- text-processing (⭐6) - V text processing library, that contains common tools to manipulate text data.
Oct 30, 2022
- vPDF (⭐86) - A module to simplify PDF file creation using the V programming language.
- Gitly (⭐1.4k) - A light and fast SCM alternative to GitHub/GitLab written in V.
Oct 28, 2022
- crepl (⭐32) - Compile and execute C code on the fly as you type it.
Oct 10, 2022
- vgura (⭐21) - Official Gura parser for V.
- vsl.vcl (⭐367) - VCL is a high level way of writing programs with OpenCL using V. These are highly opinionated OpenCL bindings for V. It tries to make GPU computing easy, with some sugar abstraction, V's concurrency and channels.
Scientific computing
- vsl (⭐367) - VSL is a Scientific Library with a great variety of different modules. Although most modules offer pure-V definitions, VSL also provides modules that wrap known C libraries among other backends that allow high performance computing as an alternative. Also provides opinionated wrappers for OpenBLAS, LAPACKE, MPI, OpenCL among other libraries.
- vtl (⭐155) - The V Tensor Library is a numerical computing library supporting n-dimensional data structure, backed by VSL.
Oct 04, 2022
- HN-top (⭐22) - A simple command to list most recent news from hacker-news.
- klonol (⭐20) - CLI tool to help you "clone all" git repositories belonging to you. Works with GitHub and Gitea.
- portctl (⭐9) - CLI tool to manage Docker Swarm resources using Portainer API.
- runner (⭐26) - A tool that automates running/compiling code written in various programming languages.
- symlinker (⭐8) - A small Linux tool to manage symlinks.
- vast (⭐27) - A simple tool for vlang, generate v source file to AST json file.
- verve (⭐6) - Simple and fast static file server.
- vinit (⭐16) - A tool to generate v projects.
- vLogQL (⭐17) - A tiny command-line utility to query LogQL APIs.
- vqrcode (⭐26) - CLI for creating QR Codes.
- vspect (⭐2) - A tool to inspect vlang source file. ( Archived )
- text_editor (⭐36k) - Small text editor from the official V examples.
- Boundstone (⭐61) - High Performance / Fast Compilation / Lightweight Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Server.
- Kurarin (⭐53) - osu! beatmap visualizer made in V. Example video.
- minesweeper (⭐38) - A simple Minesweeper game written in vlang.
- v-pong (⭐13) - A classic paddle game brought back to life through the power of V.
- monkey_v (⭐38) - Implementation of Thorsten Ball's Monkey Language in V.
- v (⭐36k) - V itself. Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software.
- vbf (⭐19) - A brainfuck interpreter/compiler.
- vcc (⭐102) - A C compiler written in V.
- Vork (⭐28) - Alternative V compiler/interpreter written in Python.
Operating systems/Kernels
- Vinix (⭐2k) - Small and simple OS in V. Runs bash.
Project management
- Lenra template (⭐3) - The Lenra template to write V app for Lenra platform.
- vset (⭐20) - A project setup and configuration tool for V projects.
- vlang-yaml (⭐25) - A V-native YAML reader, incl. YAML-to-JSON converter.
- vblog (⭐29) - A simple, fast and responsive blogging system.
- Vebview.JS (⭐78) - Electron/Neutralino.JS alternative written in V.
- Vieter (⭐11) - Archlinux repository server & package build system, written in V.
- Vlang Benchmarks Visualization (⭐9) - Fancy statistics and plots for Is V still fast?.
- vorum (⭐220) - Open-source blogging/forum software written in V.
- vss (⭐37) - Easy-to-use static site generator.
- VTik (⭐18) - TikTok and Twitter video downloader app (CLI / Telegram Bot).
- pico.v (⭐112) - A web server in V based on picoev and picohttpparser.
- v-jsonrpc (⭐33) - Basic JSON-RPC 2.0-compliant server written on V.
- validate (⭐21) - A simple library to validate strings in V.
- valval (⭐153) - Web framework written in V, improved by vweb.
- vcurrency (⭐7) - API wrapper (written in V) for
- vex (⭐343) - Web framework written on V inspired by Express and Sinatra.
- vigest (⭐4) - Simple client for digest authentication (written in V).
- vxbloauth (⭐8) - A minimalistic Xbox Live authenticator for vweb.
- vave (⭐40) - A crazy simple library for reading/writing WAV files in V. 🌊
- vspeech (⭐50) - Complete V bindings for Mozilla's DeepSpeech TensorFlow based Speech-to-Text library. 📢📜
- vrobot (⭐52) - Desktop automation for V. Only supports Windows.
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- spinners (⭐20) - Create spinners in your terminal!
Database clients
- redis (⭐68) - Redis client for V, written in V.
- vmemcached (⭐11) - Memcached client for V, written in V.
- vsql (⭐46) - A sql query builder for V.
- discord.v (⭐120) - User-friendly Discord bot library.
- viscord (⭐22) - Pretty basic library for connecting to the Discord gateway.
- vord (⭐5) - Library for interacting with user account endpoints and gateway (Self-bots, custom clients, etc).
- eventbus (⭐36k) - A simple event bus system for V.
File handling
- v-mime (⭐24) - MIME detection library for V.
- vmon (⭐36) - Asynchronously watch for file changes in a directory. The module is essentially a V wrapper for
. It works for Windows, macOS and Linux.
Game development
- V_ecs (⭐17) - ECS library made in V inspired by Bevy ECS.
- V Earcut (⭐14) - fast (real-time) polygon triangulation library based on mapbox/Earcut (⭐2.3k) to handle holes, twisted polygons, degeneracies and self-intersections.
- V_sokol_gp (⭐4) - A V wrapper for the sokol_gp library for easy and fast 2d graphics.
- viup (⭐46) - V wrapper for the C-based cross-platform UI library, IUP.
- vsdl (⭐12) - V wrapper for the C-based SDL library.
- vsdl2 (⭐46) - A libSDL2 wrapper.
- vitric (⭐4) - A transparent IRC library.
- vmq (⭐19) - V wrapper For ZMQ (aka ZeroMQ, ØMQ, 0MQ: a high-performance asynchronous messaging library).
Operating system
- vlipboard (⭐12) - An easy to use wrapper of clipboard with Wayland and Termux support.
Scientific computing
- vplot (⭐16) - V wrapper for GNU Plot (
Serial Communications
- vi2c (⭐14) - A tiny (wrapper) library for I2C serial communication for Linux written in V.
- vagi (⭐7) - Asterisk FastAGI library in V.
Text processing
- ascii_robot (⭐13) - ASCII Robot generator written in V.
- chalk (⭐22) - Colorize strings in the terminal.
- cjson (⭐12) - Wrap cJSON for vlang.
- crayon (⭐58) - Paint your terminal output like Picasso. 🖍️🎨
- iconv (⭐6) - Wrap iconv for vlang.
- Rosie-RPL (⭐6) - A Rosie Pattern Language (RPL) implementation.
- v-regex (⭐14) - A simple regex library for V.
User Interface toolkits
- mui (⭐110) - A Cross-Platform UI library for Windows, Linux, Android and Web.
- V UI (⭐2.4k) - Integrated cross platform UI toolkit for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and the web.
- range (⭐33) - Functionality of Python's range() in V.
- vdotenv (⭐40) - Support for .env files which loads environment variables.
- Getting Started with V Programming - Navule Pavan Kumar Rao - Packt 2021 Dec - Introductory book on V.
Editor plugins / Atom
- language-v (⭐7) - V language support for Atom (port of vscode-vlang).
Editor plugins / Emacs
- v-mode (⭐62) - Emacs major mode for the V programming language.
- vlang-mode.el (⭐12) - Emacs major mode for the V programming language.
Editor plugins / Sublime Text 3
- sublime-v (⭐15) - Fully-featured Sublime Text 3 package for the V Programming Language.
- vlang-sublime (⭐18) - Sublime text 3 Support for the Vlang Programming Language.
Editor plugins / Vim
- v-vim (⭐176) - Support for V syntax highlighting in Vim.
- vim-v (⭐25) - Quality syntax highlighting for the V programming language.
- vim-vtools (⭐17) - V tools for Vim, including auto formatting.
Forums / Vim
GitHub actions / Vim
- action-create-v-docs - GitHub action to create documentation for V modules.
- setup-v - GitHub action to install and use V in your workflow.
Operating Systems & OS Development Examples / Vim
- Simple Linux kernel module example (⭐27) - Demonstration & test of writing a very simple Linux kernel module, using V.
Programming contests / Vim
- Advent of Code 2019 (⭐12) - Solution of Advent of Code 2019 in V.
- SoloLearn Coding Challenges (⭐16) - Implementation of the SoloLearn coding challenges in V.
Syntax highlighting / Vim
- kate-syntax-highlight-v (⭐21) - V syntax highlighting for Kate.
- scite-v-support (⭐2) - V syntax highlighting for SciTE.
Tutorials / Vim
- V by Example (⭐170) - V book as GitBook.
- V for Node Devs (⭐28) - Vlang for node js developers.
- V learning notes (⭐171) - Personal learning notes in Chinese.
Videos / Vim
Sep 23, 2022
Game development
- vraylib (⭐6) - A V wrapper for the awesome raylib library.
Jul 05, 2022
IDEs with V / Vim
May 31, 2022
- vee (⭐49) - V Editor Engine. A V module providing the guts of a text editor. Comes with a TUI editor example (⭐49).
Mar 01, 2022
- vaker (⭐17) - A light-weight compile-time-generated data faker written in V.
Jan 21, 2022
Serial Communications
- vserialport (⭐11) - V wrapper for libserialport.
- vserialx (⭐12) - A tiny (wrapper) serial communication library for Linux written in V.
Nov 11, 2021
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- vesseract (⭐17) - V wrapper for Tesseract-OCR (optical character recognition).
Game development
- engine (⭐44) - WIP Vulkan in V.
Aug 29, 2021
Game development
- raylib.v (⭐72) - Updated V bindings for raylib with plans for complete cross-platform support.
- vraylib (⭐49) - V wrapper (bindings) for raylib, the C game development framework.
Operating system
- mmap (⭐5) - Provide native V-lang support for memory-mapping on Linux and Windows.
May 29, 2021
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- progressbar (⭐29) - An easy to use V library for creating progress bars in cli.
- termtable (⭐44) - V Terminal Tables: Simple and highly customizable library to display tables in the terminal.
- vargs (⭐38) - V library for parsing arguments from argv-like arrays. ( Archived )
Apr 02, 2021
- v-toxml (⭐9) - XML Serialization library for V.
Dec 30, 2020
- vRayTracer (⭐49) - A simple ray tracer written in V.
Oct 01, 2020
- ved (⭐1.4k) - 1 MB text editor written in V with hardware accelerated text rendering. Compiles in <1s.
Sep 24, 2020
- vproto (⭐55) - Protobuf compiler and runtime in V.
Jun 09, 2020
- vgram (⭐148) - Telegram bot library.
Feb 24, 2020
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- lol (⭐16) - V version of lolcat (text/character rainbowizer).
Jan 25, 2020
User Interface toolkits
- vgtk3 (⭐61) - A wrapper for GTK3 in V.
Jan 13, 2020
Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell
- boxx (⭐99) - Create highly customizable terminal boxes that also look great! 📦
Operating system
- clipboard (⭐36k) - V module for interacting with the OS clipboard. Fully cross-platform.
User Interface toolkits
- vig (⭐55) - Bindings for Dear ImGui (⭐64k) GUI toolkit.
- vnk (⭐53) - Bindings for Nuklear (⭐14k) GUI toolkit.