Awesome Ripple Overview
A curated list of Ripple resources
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Awesome Ripple 
A curated list of Ripple resources.
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Books / Docs / Videos
- Wiki
- Ripple Primer
- Ripple Gateways
- Steven Zeiler's Ripple coding lessons
- Wikipedia
- "Ripple, The future of payments" video
- Ripple Labs: Building the Internet of Money
- Build a VueJS WebApp connecting to the Ripple Ledger
- Most common XRP misconceptions debunked
Gateways / Bridges
- Bitstamp
- SnapSwap US
- SnapSwap EU
- RippleCN
- RippleChina
- Kraken
- JustCoin
- RippleWise
- Ripple Union
- Divident Rippler
- Ripple Israel
- The Rock Trading
- WisePass
- Devcoin
- BuyXrp
- BTC2Ripple
- NoFiatCoin
- Ripple Singapore
- PaxMoneta
- Ripple Market Korea
- RippleFox
- ShapeShift: Buy Coins Instantly, No Account Needed
Rippled - The Guy!
- rippled (⭐4.2k): Ripple peer-to-peer network daemon
- rippled Docker container (node) (⭐44) - Docker hub
- rippled Docker container (validator) (⭐26) - Docker hub - Tutorial
Libs - Libraries for talking to the Ripple API
- ripple-libpp (⭐20): C++ Standalone RCL-compatible transaction signing and serialization library
- ripple-rest (⭐83): A RESTful API for submitting payments and monitoring accounts on the Ripple Network
- ripple-lib (⭐1.1k): Java Script
- xrpl-client: Javascript/Typescript nodejs WebSocket client with health detection and auto-reconnect
- xrpl-accountlib: Javascript/Typescript nodejs lib. to sign & derive from Family Seed, Mnemonic & Secret Numbers
- ripple-lib-java (⭐125): Java
- ripple-lib-ruby (⭐7): Ruby
- ripple-python (⭐49): Python Lib
- ripple-python-lib (⭐24): Python implementation of JSON-RPC and Data API calls
- ripple-haskell (⭐2): Haskell
- rubblelabs/ripple (⭐89): Go packages to interact with the Ripple protocol
- RippleKit (⭐5): Swift
Clients / Apps
- ripple-client (⭐1.3k): Web client
- ripple-client-desktop (⭐118): Desktop client
- ripple-client-ios (⭐34): iOS client
- ripplecharts (⭐33): Charting Website
- ripple-graph (⭐22): Ripple graph
- Ripple Go: Ripple Go is a set of Go packages and a ripple client.
- Snow: Digital currency exchange engine written in node.js.
- Ripplectron (⭐52): Desktop client for Electron
- gatewayd: Ripple gateway software automation framework
- ripple-blobvault (⭐36): Server for storing persistent data for Ripple clients
- ripple-authd: Ripple peer-assisted key derivation server
- rippled-historical-database (⭐91): SQL database as a canonical source of historical data in Ripple
- ripple-data-api (⭐47)
- ripple-vault-client
- federation-php (⭐10): Simple PHP federation endpoint with a static JSON dataset
- federation-python (⭐4): Python module for a simple federation endpoint.
- Ripple Rails (⭐5)
- Ripple Gen (⭐24)
- Ripple Checkout (⭐9): An embeddable widget for paying with Ripple.
- Magento plugin
- rubblelabs/tx (⭐18): Tool for executing transactions on the Ripple network
- Tool to generate payment request QR (with currency conversion)
- XRP Text: Send XRP using SMS Text messages (even on dumbphones)
Hosted Tools
- Ripple Trade: Official Ripple client developed by Ripple Labs
- GateHub
Developer tools
Trader tools / charts
Other tools
- Ripple Helpers (⭐6)
- XRPTools
- XRPValue: Real time XRP price.
- RippleGen (⭐24): A simple multithreaded vanity generator for the ripple p2p network.
- Dollero: Global remittance payments software
- Reddit 'ripple'
- Reddit 'ripplers'
- XRPTalk
- Ripple Forum
- Ripple Lounge
- Rippleusers Google Group
- XRP Tip Bot for Reddit, Twitter & Discord