Awesome Software Patreons Overview

A curated list of awesome programmers and software projects you can support!

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A curated list of awesome programmers and software projects you can support!

Help individual programmers or open source projects funding the development of your favorite software sponsoring them via Github, subscribing to their Patreon accounts or using other forms of sponsorship.

A tangible way to give back to the open source community!


Open Source Projects

Projects released with an open source license.

Messaging and social media


Libraries and frameworks.

Operating Systems

Operating Systems and Linux distributions.


Games and game-related projects.

Open Source Art

Developers creating art projects and contributing to art-related open source tools and libraries.

Hardware-related projects and makers.

People Doing Open Source Work

Developers contributing to multiple projects that ask to support their work.

Other kinds of content

Articles, videos, podcasts, etc…

Articles and Tutorials




Please take a quick look at the contribution guidelines (⭐481) first. Thanks to all contributors (⭐481); you rock!


This list adopts a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license.