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📝 A curated list of awesome Raspberry Pi tools, projects, images and resources
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Mar 05, 2025
- Raspberry Pi 500 (December 2024)
Nov 12, 2024
OS Images
- PiFi - Turn Raspberry Pi into a High-Speed VPN Router in Seconds ⚡️ (Supports Raspberry Pi 4 and 5).
Oct 31, 2024
- CocktailTDI (⭐2) - Another cocktail machine (powered by Raspberry Pi 4, Golang, a pneumatic pump and valves).
- DIY Arcade Machine (⭐8) - A retro style arcade machine, based on a Raspberry Pi Pico, a Hub75 LED matrix and some other stuff (Wii Nunchucks, 3D printed parts, ...)
- RGB-LED-Matrix (⭐3) - A 128x128 Pixel RGB LED Matrix to display images, animations, conways game of life and other stuff.
Aug 14, 2024
- Raspberry Pi Pico 2 (August, 2024)
Jul 09, 2024
- RPi Monitor Dashboard (⭐24) - Simple monitoring tool with a dashboard suitable for monitoring multiple RPi devices (CPU temperature, network, ping, browser, screenshot of X display etc.).
Mar 10, 2024
- Display_Lib_RPI (⭐27) - A shared installable C++ Library to connect various electronic displays to Raspberry Pi single board computers.
Feb 09, 2024
Useful Apps / Android
- PiGo - Effortlessly explore and manage multiple Pi servers on the go. Android
Feb 08, 2024
OS Images
- moOde - The moOde audio player acts as an Audiophile streamer with DLNS, Spotify Connect and AirPlay support for old receivers.
- ApplePi Baker - macOS application to easily install/backup/restore images onto an SD card.
- PiGro (⭐36) - PiGro does many commands that have to be entered via the terminal with one or two clicks of a button.
Jan 23, 2024
- PiKISS (⭐910) - A bunch of scripts with menu to make your life easier.
Dec 27, 2023
OS Images
- NextCloudPi (⭐2.6k) - Nextcloud ready image based on Raspbian. Features Nextcloud 11 running on Raspbian 8, with PHP 7 and HTTP2 enabled Apache server.
Nov 16, 2023
- TelePi (⭐20) - Telepi allows you to monitor and control your Raspberry Pi via Telegram featuring file downloads, system monitoring, network insights, speed tests, and the ability to open web tunnels.
Oct 17, 2023
- Raspberry Pi 5 (October, 2023)
Sep 11, 2023
- RaspiBolt - Beginner’s Guide to ️⚡Lightning️⚡ on a Raspberry Pi.
Aug 03, 2023
- Pi Temperature Exporter (⭐24) - a CPU and GPU temperature exporter for Prometheus consumption.
Jul 19, 2023
- RPi-eth-display - Open source DisplayLink alternative, ethernet to HDMI adapter.
Mar 15, 2023
- Raspberry Pi Setup (⭐35) - ⚡ Quickly setup my Raspberry Pi.
Feb 28, 2023
OS Images
- Mainsail OS (⭐586) - A distribution for 3D Printers that includes everything to get started with Klipper Firmware and Mainsail.
Jan 25, 2023
OS Images
- FreeBSD - FreeBSD is an advanced computer operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms.
Jan 23, 2023
OS Images
- Debian - Unofficial Debian image for Raspberry Pi (maintained by a Debian Developer).
Jan 16, 2023
OS Images
- FreedomBox - FreedomBox is a private home server for non-experts.
Community / iOS
Jan 07, 2023
OS Images
- Armbian - A base operating system platform for single board computers (SBCs) that other projects can trust to build upon.
- KonstaKANG - Unofficial LineageOS and AOSP builds for Raspberry Pi.
Dec 22, 2022
- rpi-cookstrap (⭐13) - A lightweight, plugin based bakery shell script framework to customize, bootstrap & provision raspberry pi OS disk images.
Dec 11, 2022
Articles / iOS
- 10 Years of Raspberry Pi - collections on 10 Years of Raspberry Pi, showcasing the most popular libraries across hobbyist uses cases, home automation, IoT, OS and utilities.
Nov 07, 2022
Swift programming / iOS
- Compile Swift for Raspberry Pi by Visual Studio Code - Quick tutorial to share the way to help setup compiling Raspberry Pi code with Visual Studio Code.
- Compile Swift for Raspberry Pi by Xcode - Quick tutorial to share the way to help setup compiling Raspberry Pi code with Xcode.
- Setup Swift environment on Raspbian - Quick guide to help setup Swift environment on Raspbian stretch (lite).
Oct 24, 2022
- Receiving GOES-16 Images on a Raspberry Pi - An advanced project to receive weather imagery from the GOES-16 satellite using software defined radio (SDR).
Sep 07, 2022
Useful Apps / iOS
- RaspController - Allows you to easily manage your Raspberry Pi remotely, control the GPIO ports, send commands directly through the terminal and so much more. iOS
Aug 17, 2022
OS Images
- Ubuntu Core - Official (minimal) Ubuntu distribution for IoT. Supports Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
- Ubuntu Desktop - Ubuntu Desktop distribution for the Raspberry Pi. Supports Raspberry Pi 4 and 5.
- Ubuntu Server - Ubuntu Server distribution for the Raspberry Pi. Supports Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
Jul 03, 2022
- Raspberry Pi Pico (January, 2021)
- Raspberry Pi Pico W (June, 2022)
Apr 08, 2022
OS Images
- openSUSE - openSUSE is a major Linux distribution that has images based for its stable release Leap and rolling release Tumbleweed. Images can be found for many of the Pis, including the Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi 4.
- CocktailMaker (⭐135) - An advanced cocktail making machine that can be controlled via browser and touchscreen.
Books / iOS
- The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook 2022 - A guide to help you get the most of your Raspberry Pi computer, essential information, project ideas, tutorials, and reviews. Updated for Raspberry Pi Pico.
Mar 22, 2022
- USB Proxy (⭐180) - A USB man-in-the-middle project that allow users to monitor and modify USB packets flow between host and device.
Feb 08, 2022
- ndm (⭐67) - Command line tool to easily manage DNS and DHCP servers.
- pistrong (⭐62) - Manage certificate-secured strongSwan VPNs. Installer and command-line tool for client-server, site-to-site, and host-to-host VPNs.
- sdm (⭐548) - Easily and fully customize RasPiOS images. Install apps, configure settings, etc then burn SSDs/SD cards for lots of different systems from a single image, and each one boots up fully configured and ready for work. Or play.
Jan 17, 2022
OS Images
- OpenHABian - A preconfigured version of the OpenHAB home automation software.
Tutorials / iOS
- Bridging Wifi to the Raspberry Pi over Ethernet - Set up tethered networking between macOS & Raspberry Pi.
- Raspberry Pi login with SSH keys - Password-less login for ssh sessions on the Raspberry Pi.
Dec 22, 2021
- Relayboard Control (⭐5) - A Qt application to connect a Waveshare 8-channel relay board to an MQTT server.
Dec 09, 2021
OS Images
- OpenWRT - OpenWrt is described as a Linux distribution for embedded devices for network management.
Dec 07, 2021
- stressberry (⭐335) - Stress test your Raspberry Pi and plot temperatures.
Nov 10, 2021
- Haven (⭐681) - Host a private blog on your Rasperry Pi intead of using Facebook.
Nov 03, 2021
Books / iOS
- Getting Started with Raspberry Pi - Learn how to get started with your Raspberry Pi 3A+.
- Raspberry Pi Annual 2018 - An educational book aimed to kids of all ages for an introduction to the Raspberry Pi.
- Raspberry Pi Beginner's Book 1 - The official Raspberry Pi beginner book covering how to get started with your Raspberry Pi and starting to utilize different software and hardware projects.
- Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide - Learn how to get started with your Raspberry Pi 3B+.
- Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide v2 - Learn how to get started with your Raspberry Pi 4.
- Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide v3 - Learn how to get started with your Raspberry Pi 4.
- Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide v4 - Learn how to get started with your Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 400.
- Raspberry Pi Projects Book 1 - A collection of Raspberry Pi projects with project guides and reviews of Raspberry Pi products.
- Raspberry Pi Projects Book 2 - A second collection of Raspberry Pi projects with project guides and reviews of Raspberry Pi products.
- Raspberry Pi Projects Book 3 - A third collection of Raspberry Pi projects with project guides and reviews of Raspberry Pi products.
- Raspberry Pi Projects Book 4 - A fourth collection of Raspberry Pi projects with project guides and reviews of Raspberry Pi products.
- Raspberry Pi Projects Book 5 - A fifth collection of Raspberry Pi projects with project guides and reviews of Raspberry Pi products.
- Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi - A guide on how to setup your Raspberry Pi to play classic games, and how to make your own games.
- The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook 2021 - A guide to help you get the most of your Raspberry Pi computer, essential information, project ideas, tutorials, and reviews.
Nov 02, 2021
Books / iOS
- Essentials - AIY Voice Projects - Using Google's AIY Project Kit, learn how to use artificial intelligence with your Raspberry Pi.
- Essentials - Code Music with Sonic Pi - Learn how to create music by coding with Sonic Pi on your Raspberry Pi.
- Essentials - Conquer the Command Line (Version 2) - Learn how to command and conquer the command line on the Raspberry Pi using Raspbian, simplify complex tasks while you automate simple ones.
- Essentials - GPIO Zero Electronics - Create electronic creations using the GPIO pins and the GPIO Zero library on your Raspberry Pi.
- Essentials - Learn to Code with C - Learn how to code using the language that built most of Linux and Raspbian, the C programming language, on your Raspberry Pi.
- Essentials - Learn to Code with Scratch - Use the Scratch coding blocks language to learn the basics of programming on your Raspberry Pi.
- Essentials - Make Games with Python - Create your own entertainment with a Raspberry Pi by making games with Python, from simple text based games to full-fledged games with sound and animations.
- Essentials - Making with Minecraft - Learn how to interact with a special Raspberry Pi version of minecraft using APIs, the GPIO pins, your programs, and so much more.
- Essentials - Sense HAT Experiments - A useful book of experiments to use with the Sense HAT and how use it to it's full potential.
Oct 28, 2021
- Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W (October, 2021)
Oct 02, 2021
- Pimod (⭐136) - Reconfigure Raspberry Pi images with an easy, Docker-like configuration file.
Sep 25, 2021
- Pi-Apps (⭐2.2k) - The most popular app store for Raspberry Pi computers, 100% open-source bash scripts.
Sep 14, 2021
- Raspberry Pi Dashboard (⭐294) - Full-featured web-based dashboard interface to inspect and manage Raspberry Pi hardware and software, with no extra software required.
Jan 11, 2021
Tutorials / iOS
Nov 21, 2020
- Lomorage (⭐228) - Private photo cloud host on Raspberry Pi, with Android/iOS/Web client.
Nov 11, 2020
OS Images
- Channels DVR Server - Custom image for Channels DVR Server which provides a whole home DVR system.
Nov 02, 2020
- Raspberry Pi 400 (November, 2020)
Oct 29, 2020
OS Images
- Raspberry Pi OS - The official supported Raspberry Pi OS (previously called "Raspbian"), based on Debian and available as a lite version.
- Raspbian - Raspbian is a free operating system based on Debian optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware.
- Twister OS - Skinned version of Raspberry Pi OS with preinstalled apps like box86 and Retropie to introduce noobs to Linux and Raspberry Pi.
Oct 20, 2020
- Raspberry Pi Imager - An easy way to install Raspberry Pi OS and other operating systems to an SD card ready to use with your Raspberry Pi
Oct 04, 2020
Tutorials / iOS
- Use a Raspberry Pi with Netflix - Tutorial on watching Netflix on a Raspberry Pi.
Oct 03, 2020
Useful Apps / Android
- RaspController - Manage your Raspberry Pi remotely, control the GPIO ports, send commands directly through the terminal, view images from a connected camera and obtain data from different sensors. Android
- Raspicast - Cast YouTube videos, media content from your android device, Play local media files, Play streams from playlists (m3u, pls) on your Raspberry Pi. Android
- TeamViewer - Remote into Raspberry Pi while you are on the road!. Android
Oct 01, 2020
OS Images
- RasComm RaspberryPi MorseCode Translator (⭐8) - RasComm is a communication device that translates plain text into Morse code (IMC) visually or audibly.
Sep 17, 2020
- Rhasspy - Open source, fully offline set of voice assistant services that works well with Home Assistant, Node-RED, MQTT and more.
Books / iOS
- Control Your Home with Raspberry Pi - Teaches you how to turn a Raspberry Pi into a secure, modular, open source and self-hosted home automation gateway with Docker Compose, MQTT and TLS.
Sep 15, 2020
- Drumbooth controller with touch interface (⭐9) - Project using Java, JavaFX, Pi4J and Arduino to control 8 relays and LED strips.
Books / iOS
- Getting Started with Java on the Raspberry Pi - A lot of info and history about Java itself and how to install and use it on the Raspberry Pi with a lot of example projects.
Sep 10, 2020
- Atlas toolkit (⭐262) - Very lightweight and easy to install toolkit to write in Python single-page web applications to pilot your RPi, without having to install a web server.
Sep 02, 2020
- Internet Chronometer (⭐115) - Turn your Raspberry Pi in to an Internet Chronometer.
- Pi-KVM (⭐8.7k) - DIY KVM over IP to manage remote computers via Web UI or VNC with FullHD video, mouse, virtual drive, IPMI, Wake-on-LAN and many other things.
Jul 21, 2020
- WebStation SYSMON (⭐192) - An intuitive remotely-accessible system performance monitoring and task management tool for servers and headless Raspberry Pi setups.
Jul 03, 2020
- Drago - Flexible configuration manager for Wireguard networks that is perfect for establishing secure overlays spanning multiple Raspberry Pis.
Jul 01, 2020
- PiVPN - Create a full-featured OpenVPN/WireGuard VPN Server with a single bash command.
Jun 26, 2020
- Coder for Raspberry Pi - A open source project by Googlers to turn a Raspberry Pi into a simple, tiny, personal web server and web-based development environment.
- Network Presence Detector (⭐370) - Setup a Pi Zero to scan for devices on a WiFi network and use that to determine who is "home".
- P4wnP1 (⭐4.1k) - P4wnP1 is a highly customizable USB attack platform, based on a low cost Raspberry Pi Zero or Raspberry Pi Zero W (required for HID backdoor).
- PoisonTap (⭐6.3k) - Exploits locked/password protected computers over USB, drops persistent WebSocket-based backdoor, exposes internal router, and siphons cookies using Raspberry Pi Zero & Node.js.
Jun 15, 2020
- Hardened Kernel Builder for RPi (⭐23) - Cross-compile the Linux kernel for Raspberry Pi with enhanced security using a single command.
Feb 05, 2020
- AdGuard Home (⭐27k) - DNS relay station with ad/tracker/other blocking, IP address redirections, and DNS-over-HTTPS.
Jan 03, 2020
OS Images
- Gladys Assistant - Gladys, a privacy-first, open-source home assistant.
Dec 17, 2019
- Gaussmeter (⭐14) - Project utilizing a Raspberry Pi Zero W, WS2812B Leds and the Tesla API to collect and display a Tesla's status.
- TeslaCam (⭐38) - Project utilizing a Raspberry Pi Zero W for USB Mass storage emulation and a PiJuice to collect and archive TeslaCam video.
Oct 23, 2019
- PiAware - Live flight tracking using a Raspberry Pi.
- PiFmRds (⭐1.5k) - FM-RDS transmitter using a Raspberry Pi.
Oct 20, 2019
- Pwnagotchi (⭐8.1k) - Pwnagotchi is an AI based Wi-Fi cracking tool that learns from its surrounding WiFi environment to maximize the crackable WPA key material it captures.
Oct 10, 2019
- Orangetool (⭐109) - Control functions for Single-Board computers in Python.
Oct 09, 2019
- StreamPi - A robust alternative to the Elgato Stream Deck, that can launch apps, scripts, websites and control applications like OBS.
Oct 07, 2019
OS Images
- LibreELEC - Just enough OS for Kodi
Oct 02, 2019
- FruitNanny - Baby monitor including custom case, server, and client source code.
Oct 01, 2019
- Smart Security Camera - Using OpenCV, Twilio and a WebCam/picam.
Aug 19, 2019
OS Images
- Manjaro - Friendly, open-source Linux distribution for Raspberry Pi.
Aug 12, 2019
OS Images
- PirateBox - Anonymous offline mobile file-sharing and communications system.
- HealthyPi (⭐200) - HAT which includes vital health monitoring like ECG, respiration, pulse oximetry and optional blood pressure & body temperature sensing.
Aug 07, 2019
- balenaEtcher - SD card burner app that is simple for end users, extensible for developers, and works on any platform.
Jul 10, 2019
- Stratux (⭐1.1k) - Open source ADS-B receiver which feeds weather, traffic, GPS, and AHRS data to electronic flight bag software via wifi.
Jun 25, 2019
- Raspberry Pi 4, Model B (June, 2019)
Jun 03, 2019
- Ceil (⭐48) - Auto-provisioned RPi cluster running K8S on bare-metal.
Apr 28, 2019
OS Images
- balenaOS - open source OS to run Docker containers on embedded devices that's been designed for reliability and proven in production.
- BerryBoot - Bootloader/universal OS installer, with support to VNC and HDMI-CEC.
- DroneBridge (⭐783) - A WifiBroadcast extension to make for a real alternative to DJI Lightbridge and other similar systems.
- EZ-WifiBroadcast (⭐844) - Affordable Wireless Digital HD Video Transmission made easy.
- Gentoo - Gentoo Stage 3 tarball for Raspberry Pi.
- - Home automation operating system/application for embedded device, also available standalone.
- HypriotOS - Minimal Debian-based operating system, optimized to run Docker.
- Kali Linux - Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking Linux distro for ARM devices.
- Lakka - Retro-gaming on the Raspberry Pi built entirely on RetroArch.
- Minibian - Minimal Raspbian (lighter than Jessie Lite).
- MoodleBox - The MoodleBox provides a Moodle learning management system on Raspberry Pi.
- motionEyeOS (⭐8k) - Linux distribution that turns a single-board computer into a video surveillance system.
- NetBSD - NetBSD is a free, fast, secure, and highly portable Unix-like Open Source operating system.
- NOOBS - New Out Of the Box Software, an easy OS installer for beginners.
- OctoPi - Distribution for 3d printers.
- OpenMediaVault - OpenMediaVault is the next generation network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux containing services like SSH, (S)FTP, SMB/CIFS, DAAP media server, RSync, BitTorrent client and many more.
- OSMC - Open Source Media Centre, based on Kodi.
- PiDeck - Small form factor DVS system allowing you to control digital music files with timecode vinyl.
- PiNet - System to manage Raspberry Pi classrooms.
- RasPlex - Plex client for the Raspberry Pi.
- Recalbox - Drag & drop light-weight retro-gaming and media center on the Raspberry Pi.
- RetroPie - Retro-gaming on the Raspberry Pi.
- Risc OS - Non-Linux OS originated from the group that developed the ARM microprocessor.
- RuneAudio - Free and open source OS that turns embedded hardware into Hi-Fi music players.
- Ubuntu MATE - Ubuntu distribution for the Raspberry Pi based on MATE desktop.
- Volumio - Headless audiophile music player, designed to play music with the highest possible fidelity.
- Windows 10 IoT Core - Windows 10 distribution for IoT.
- Alpha (⭐45) - Remotely load, debug and test bare-metal programs using GDB with this system-level GDB server.
- iotwifi (⭐307) - Wifi AP + Client management in 8MB Docker Container, with REST API for controlling wifi client and station modes simultaneously.
- pi-gen (⭐2.7k) - Tool used to create the Raspbian images. This can be used to create your own custom images with specific packages installed, etc.
- PiShrink (⭐3.6k) - Bash script that automatically shrinks a pi image that will then resize to the max size of the SD card on boot.
- RaspAP-webgui (⭐1) - A simple, responsive web interface to control wifi, hostapd and related services on the Raspberry Pi.
- Raspbian QEMU with network - Simple tool to launch QEMU on Raspbian with the required modifications on the system and kernel. Automatic network access. Handy to create images in your PC.
- Resin Bridge (⭐39) - Simple application/repo to bridge a Raspberry Pi's wlan0 interface to devices plugged into it over ethernet (eth0).
- TorTiPi (⭐118) - Shell script to automate the task of converting Raspberry Pi into a tor based wifi hotspot.
- WiFi config generator - Simple tool to generate wpa_supplicant.conf files with wifi settings
- BeeMonitor - Honey beehive monitoring project.
- Bitcoin Tracker (⭐46) - A Physical Dashboard that displays Bitcoin stats in real time.
- Building Timelapse with Resin - Remotely deploying timelapse camera using Docker, Resin, and 3G internet.
- Circle (⭐1.9k) - A C++ bare metal environment for Raspberry Pi.
- clockOS (⭐53) - simple smart desktop clock using a Raspberry Pi display.
- DIY USB Rubber Ducky - Raspberry Pi Zero Rubber Ducky recognized as a USB HID by just about anything with a USB port, thus allowing you to run custom scripts as if it were a keyboard.
- docsis-cable-load-monitor (⭐66) - Tool to monitor downstream load on DOCSIS cable networks.
- FistBump BLE Edition (⭐44) - WPA Hash Grabbing Bluetooth Peripheral / Android App.
- Harry Potter and the real life Daily Prophet - Display mimicking the Daily Prophet from Harry Potter using a 7" Raspberry Pi display.
- Hearing aid prototoype (⭐116) - A Raspberry Pi powered prototype of a hearing aid.
- Kubernetes on ARM (⭐598) - Get your ARM device up and running Kubernetes in less than ten minutes.
- Looper/synth/drum thing (⭐1k) - Sequencer/Drumpad, like Native Instruments' Maschine for the Pi.
- Lumos - Smart Lamp for Better Sleep.
- Magic Mirror - The original open source modular smart mirror platform.
- Mini OONTZ - 3D printed mini MIDI controller.
- Multi-Datacenter Cassandra on 32 Raspberry Pi’s - Showcase for the always on, fault tolerant nature of Cassandra using a Raspberry Pi cluster board.
- NALIVATOR-9000 (⭐20) - Robot bartender for making cocktails with Telegram-bot interface and speech synthesis on Golang.
- NTP driven Nixie Clock - Nixie Tube Clock powered by a Raspberry Pi.
- Occu-Pi (⭐11) - Controller software for the Occu-pi, a totally awesome bathroom door sensor.
- Pi Image Capturer (⭐11) - Captures images, integrated with the Google IOT Cloud Platform ecosystem.
- pi_payments (⭐27) - Payment module based on RFID.
- pi-timolo (⭐566) - Remote Headless multi feature PiCamera Operation from Rclone Remote Storage Service and More.
- PiClock (⭐574) - Fancy Clock built around a monitor and a Raspberry Pi.
- PiFanTuner (⭐41) - CPU-fan-tuner daemon, just enables your fan as necessary.
- PiScan - Makeshift Amazon Dash orders using a Raspberry PI + EAN scanner.
- Planning lunch with a Slackbot on - Node.js Slackbot (lunchbot), hosted on Resin.
- Power Sniffing Strip - Enclosure in a power strip, sniffing network data.
- Raspberry Pi Erlang Cluster - Erlang cluster on a Raspberry Pi 2.
- Raspberry PI Hadoop Cluster - Big Data cluster running on the Raspberry Pi.
- RPi Motor Library (⭐325) - Python 3 library to connect various motors & servos to the Pi.
- RPI tempmon (⭐80) - CPU GPU temperature monitor with various functions such as LED GPIO, Graph output, email, alarm limit, notifications and logging.
- SecPi (⭐253) - Raspberry Pi based home alarm system.
- Skate-o-Meter - Skateboard odometer and speedometer with RFID user system.
- SkyJack - Take over and allow full control over any Parrot AR Drone within wireless distance.
- Smart Mirror (⭐2.8k) - Voice controlled smart mirror with IoT integration.
- Sonic Pi (⭐11k) - The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone.
- Sonus (⭐633) - Node.js voice control for your Pi (and everything else) with customizable offline hotword detection.
- speed-camera (⭐1k) - Object Motion Tracking uses python, openCV, USB Cam or picamera module to record speed data.
- Vinyl Shelf Finder - Uses a tilt & pan laser to find a record in a record collection.
- Voice Kit - AIY Voice Kit from Google, to build a standalone voice recognition system using the Google Assistant, or add voice recognition and natural language processing to your Raspberry Pi-based projects.
- Waves (⭐37) - Transforming the transience of the spoken word into something concrete and physical through a microphone, waveform and thermal printer.
- Whispering Mirror - Interactive soundart installation using the Hifiberry DAC.
- Wordpress using Docker (⭐46) - Run a Wordpress site in containers with dynamic DNS.
- Zelda Home Automation - Home automation based on sound recognition from notes played on an ocarina.
Useful Apps / Android
- AndFTP - Alternative FTP client app. Android
- Kore Remote - Official remote to control Kodi. Android
- VNC Viewer - To remotely control Raspberry Pi desktop. Android
Articles / iOS
- Raspberry Pi and why do I need one? - Intro into the Raspberry Pi and what can be done with it.
- The Ultimate Raspberry Pi Security Guide - Extensive guide on security best practices for the Pi ie. exposed to the internet.
Tutorials / iOS
- Auto Mount USB - Guide to setup Auto Mount USB on Raspberry Pi.
- Build a $35 Time Capsule - Time Machine Backup Server.
- DC++ Hub - Guide to setup an ADC (DC++) Hub on Raspberry Pi.
- DIY Neural Network - Uses image recognition and Google’s Inception to recognize specific objects.
- Docker Swarm with LetsEncrypt - Clear guidelines on how to set up a cluster with Docker, distributing services with Docker Compose and signing valid SSL certs with Letsencrypt.
- Moonlight (⭐1.5k) - Nvidia GameStream implementation to stream your full collection of Steam games from desktop to the Raspberry Pi.
- Raspbereum (⭐12) - Run your own Ethereum node on a Raspberry Pi.
- Raspberry Pi Media Server Guides - Media Server and NAS tutorials from HTPC Guides.
- Turn the Raspberry Pi Zero into a mini dongle computer - Setup a pi0 to be able to ssh & vnc over USB.
- Use a Raspberry Pi with multiple WiFi networks - Tutorial on using a Raspberry Pi with multiple networks.
Swift programming / iOS
- BuildSwiftOnARM (⭐490) - All you need to build Swift on a RaspberryPi or other ARM boards, updated to Swift 4.1.3.
- Swish (⭐273) - Build Swift Projects on a remote machine within Xcode.
Community / iOS
Dec 27, 2018
Swift programming / iOS
- SwiftyGPIO (⭐1.4k) - Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire.
Nov 19, 2018
- Raspberry Pi 3, Model A+ (November, 2018)
Oct 09, 2018
Community / iOS
Oct 06, 2018
- RaspiBlitz (⭐2.5k) - Fastest and cheapest way to get your own Lightning Node running.
Sep 16, 2018
- Raspberry Pi 1, Model A & Model B (2012, discontinued)
- Raspberry Pi 1, Model B+ (July, 2014)
- Raspberry Pi 1, Model A+ (November, 2014)
- Raspberry Pi 2, Model B (February, 2015)
- Raspberry Pi Zero (November, 2015)
- Raspberry Pi 3, Model B (March, 2016)
- Raspberry Pi Zero W (February, 2017)
- Raspberry Pi 3, Model B+ (March, 2018)
- Processing - Processing Development Environment running on Raspberry Pi.
Sep 12, 2018
Articles / iOS
- Raspberry Pi Beginners - Guide to setup the Raspberry Pi for beginners.
Sep 10, 2018
Useful Apps / Android
- Screen Stream Mirroring - To stream your phone screen directly to Pi. Android
- Tubio - Cast web videos directly to Pi. Android
- Turbo FTP - A good FTP client app for accessing files on raspberry. Android
Jun 19, 2018
OS Images
- SamplerBox - Drop'n'play sampler: drop .WAV samples on the SD card, and play!
Jun 18, 2018
- Project MyHouse - Smart Doll House with Gesture Recognition, using Raspberry Pi 3 or Pi Zero and PSMove motion controller.
Jun 06, 2018
- Pieman (⭐219) - Script for creating custom images based on Raspbian, Devuan, Ubuntu and Alpine Linux.
Mar 22, 2018
OS Images
- Rocket Show - Play synced backing tracks, videos and DMX light-sequences live on stage.
Dec 05, 2017
Articles / iOS
- Raspberry Pi A to Z List (⭐950) - Comprehensive list with links to common questions & pitfalls.
Oct 28, 2017
OS Images
- DietPi (⭐11) - Minimal image designed to fit on a 2GB SD card, with tons of configurable settings and scripts.
Oct 16, 2017
Tutorials / iOS
- Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Plex Media Server - Beginners guide to setting up a Plex media server to stream all of your media content.
Feb 07, 2017
- PiE-Ink - E-ink nametag display running on a Pi Zero.
Dec 17, 2016
OS Images
- Fedora - Linux Fedora distribution built for the Pi.
Dec 08, 2016
- Pi4j Project - Java I/O library the Raspberry Pi.
Oct 18, 2016
Tutorials / iOS
- Raspberry Pi Game Console - How to Build a Raspberry Pi Retro Game Console for $35.
Oct 07, 2016
OS Images
- Alpine Linux - Security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox.
- Arch Linux ARM - Lightweight and flexible Linux distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.
- chilipie-kiosk (⭐1.4k) - Image which boots directly into full-screen Chrome, perfect for dashboards and build monitors.
- 40-node Raspberry Pi Cluster - Cluster aimed to be under the size of full tower desktop.
- Building a Ceph Cluster on Raspberry Pi - Highly redundant and low power usage RADOS home storage solution.
- Chromebook Charger Kiosk - Timed charging station for students using Chromebooks at school.
- Jasper - Flexible open source personal assistant.
- Movel (⭐142) - Raspberry Pi car computer.
- Nerves Project - Craft and deploy bulletproof embedded software in Elixir.
- Pi-hole - Black hole for internet ads.
Tutorials / iOS
- Controlling Spotify with Slack and a Raspberry Pi - Node.js project to control Spotify & Slack with libspotify.
- How To Make a Raspberry Pi Turn on a Lamp with iBeacon™ Technology - Good beginners-guide to working with Beacon technology.
Community / iOS