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A list of CLI workshopper/adventure tutorials for various things. Inspired by awesome.
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Jan 24, 2016
Module Name: swirl (⭐1k)
Description: Learn the statistical computing and graphics programming language R, in R
Nov 14, 2015
Raw Builders
- Project Name: Workshopper rvagg/workshopper (⭐1.1k)
Module Name: goingnative (⭐402)
Description: Learn how to write native Node.js addons
Module Name: learnyounode (⭐7.1k)
Description: Learn You The Node.js For Much Win! An intro to Node.js
Module Name: levelmeup (⭐268)
Description: Level Me Up Scotty! An intro to Node.js databases
Sep 20, 2015
Module Name: learn-generators (⭐261)
Description: JavaScript ES(6|2015) generators workshopper. Learn in practice. 🤘
May 11, 2015
Module Name: tower-of-babel (⭐600)
Description: A tour of the features of Babel.js
Feb 27, 2015
Module Name: npm-tutor (⭐23)
Description: npm tutor for nodeconf 2014
Module Name: oobootcamp (⭐9)
Description: Object-Oriented JavaScript Bootcamp
Module Name: planetproto (⭐219)
Description: Understanding JavaScript Prototypes
Module Name: promise-it-wont-hurt (⭐718)
Description: A Workshopper module that teaches you to use promises in javascript
Module Name: secureyournode (⭐22)
Description: Security workshop
Module Name: security-adventure (⭐333)
Description: Go on an educational Web security adventure!
Module Name: stream-adventure (⭐2k)
Description: go on an educational stream adventure!
Module Name: stylist-workshop (⭐42)
Description: Introduction to CSS
Module Name: tapeshopper (⭐5)
Description: Learn how to test with tape! (tap-producing test harness for node)
Module Name: test-anything (⭐167)
Description: Introduction to testing
Module Name: thinking-in-react (⭐178)
Description: Introduction to React
Module Name: unix-adventure
Description: become a unix wizard
Workshoppers / Additional Tools
Module Name: adventure-time (⭐97)
Description: Web-based adventures
Module Name: browser-menu
Description: Browser Menu (web based)
Module Name: example-adventure
Description: Forkable starter example for writing nodeschool challenges with adventure
Module Name: generator-workshopper (⭐4)
Description: Yeoman generator for the marvelous workshopper from
Feb 25, 2015
Raw Builders
- Project Name: Adventure substack/adventure (⭐110)
Module Name: algorithms-101 (⭐74)
Description: Introduction to algorithms
Module Name: async-you (⭐108)
Description: Learn to use (⭐28k)
Module Name: bacon-love (⭐48)
Description: Functional Reactive Programming and Bacon.js
Module Name: biohacker (⭐3)
Description: Gives some usage examples of bionode for bioinformatics
Module Name: browserify-adventure (⭐143)
Description: Learn browserify
Module Name: bug-clinic (⭐167)
Description: Learn how to debug Node.js apps
Module Name: bytewiser (⭐207)
Description: Teaches the fundamentals of working with binary data in node.js and HTML5 browsers
Module Name: count-to-6 (⭐327)
Description: An intro to some ES6 features
Module Name: data-plumber (⭐33)
Description: Munging data on the command line
Module Name: es5-workshop (⭐3)
Description: Introduction to ES5 methods
Module Name: expressworks (⭐640)
Description: an automated Express.js workshop
Module Name: footballbot-workshop
Description: A step by step guide to building your own footballbot (robotics)
Module Name: functional-javascript-workshop (⭐2k)
Description: A functional javascript workshop. No libraries required (i.e. no underscore), just ES5.
Module Name: git-it (⭐1.9k)
Description: A workshopper for learning Git and GitHub.
Module Name: how-to-npm (⭐1k)
Description: A module to teach you how to module.
Module Name: http-adventure (⭐9)
Description: [wip] Learn node's http module.
Module Name: http-works (⭐32)
Description: http framework
Module Name: intro-to-node (⭐9)
Description: An intro to Node.js
Module Name: introtowebgl (⭐155)
Description: Intro to WebGL with three.js
Module Name: javascripting (⭐2.6k)
Description: Learn JavaScript by adventuring around in the terminal
Module Name: jsadventure
Description: Introduction to Javascript. No programming experience needed.
Module Name: kick-off-koa (⭐683)
Description: An intro to koa
Module Name: learnjs (⭐21)
Description: Introduction to Javascript
Module Name: learnyoucouchdb (⭐44)
Description: Learn you CouchDB for great good!
Module Name: learnyoumongodb (⭐20)
Description: Learn MongoDB using the terminal
Module Name: lololodash (⭐83)
Description: Lo-Dash Javascript Exercises
Module Name: makemehapi (⭐0)
Description: Introduction to Hapi
Module Name: mongodb-aggregate-adventure (⭐5)
Description: A series of MongoDB aggregation workshops
Module Name: mongoose-adventure (⭐5)
Description: Introduction to Mongoose
Module Name: node-debug-school (⭐49)
Description: nodeschool curriculum for debugging Node.js
Module Name: nodebot-workshop (⭐204)
Description: Arduino / Johnny-five (robotics)
Module Name: nodenext (⭐0)
Description: Learn about the next version of node
Workshoppers / Additional Tools
Module Name: adventure-map (⭐19)
Description: Simple exercise loader & generators for substack/adventure.