Awesome Distraction Blocker Overview
A curated list of top productivity distraction blocker apps
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Awesome Distraction Blocker 
A curated list of awesome distraction blocker apps, tools, and resources to help improve productivity and focus.
Inspired by the awesome (⭐293k) list thing. Feel free to contribute!
This list is a collection of applications, tools, and resources for blocking distractions, enhancing productivity, and improving focus. Whether you're a student, professional, or anyone looking to minimize distractions, this list aims to provide valuable resources to help you maintain or improve your focus during tasks.
Apps and Tools
- FocusWriter - A distraction-free writing environment.
- Cold Turkey - Review - Block distracting websites and applications.
- SelfControl - Review - A free and open-source application for Mac OS X that lets you block your own access to distracting websites.
- HeyFocus - Review - Block websites and applications to improve productivity.
- LeechBlock NG (⭐547) - A simple productivity tool designed to block distracting websites.
Browser Extensions
- StayFocusd - Review - Increase your productivity by limiting the amount of time spent on time-wasting websites.
- Freedom - Review - Block distractions on all of your devices.
Mobile Apps
- Forest - Review - Stay focused, be present, and turn your focused moments into a lovely forest.
- Offtime - Disconnect from smartphone overuse.
Articles and Guides
Research Papers
- Productivity Directory - A directory for productivity tools and apps
- Productivity Blog - Top blog on Productivity
- r/productivity - The subreddit dedicated to productivity hacks and tips.
- Focusmate Community - A virtual co-working community to increase accountability and focus.
Contribution Guidelines
Contributions are welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines before submitting new resources.
Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Suggested resources should be of high quality and well-documented.
- Comments on why the resource is worthwhile are encouraged.
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
Thank you for your contributions!