Awesome Frege Overview
:star: Useful resources for the Frege programming language
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Awesome Frege 
Useful resources for the Frege (⭐3.6k) programming language
You might also like awesome-haskell (⭐2.8k).
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- Frege (⭐3.6k) - Official website.
First Steps
- Getting Started (⭐3.6k) - First steps with Frege on the command line.
- Examples (⭐3.6k) - Some code examples.
- Template (⭐3) - Template for Frege projects.
- Trending - Trending projects on GitHub.
- Frege vs. Haskell (⭐3.6k) - Differences between Frege and Haskell.
- Frege vs. Scala - Differences between Scala and Frege.
Official Resources
- Language Reference - Description of the language and its implementation.
- Standard Library API - Frege API documentation.
- Java Runtime API - Java API documentation.
- FAQ (⭐3.6k) - Frequently asked questions.
- Wiki (⭐3.6k) - Official wiki.
- Changelog (⭐3.6k) - Official changelog.
- Google Group - Frege Google Group.
- Stack Overflow - Frege tag on Stack Overflow.
Social Media
- Twitter - Official Twitter account.
- reddit - Frege subreddit.
- Dierk König - Core contributor and Groovy expert.
Articles & Blogs
- InfoQ - InfoQ article on Frege.
- Frege Wiki (⭐3.6k) - List of more articles on the Frege wiki.
- Frege Programming Language - Blog of Ingo Wechsung.
- JAXenter - Interview with Ingo Wechsung (German).
- Frege Goodness - Book by Dierk König.
- Frege Quick Reference - Book by Ingo Wechsung.
- Learn You a Frege for Great Good! (⭐50) - Frege adaptation of Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!.
- Frege Wiki (⭐3.6k) - List of more books on the Frege wiki.
- ICFP - International Conference on Functional Programming.
- FP101x - Introduction to Functional Programming on edX.
- Overview - Frege, a Haskell for the JVM by Dierk König.
- Frege vs. Haskell - FregeDay: Roadmap for resolving differences between Haskell and Frege (Ingo Wechsung).
- ICFP Videos - Videos about functional programming.
- Frege Wiki (⭐3.6k) - List of more talks on the Frege wiki.
- Frege Wiki (⭐3.6k) - List of libraries on the Frege wiki.
- FregeAndroid (⭐14) - Frege interface to the Android API.
- frege-on-android (⭐1) - How to use Frege on Android.
- FregeAndroid (⭐6) - Proof of concept Android application in Frege.
- GeoQuiz-Frege (⭐11) - Port of the BigNerd Ranch GeoQuiz application in Frege.
- froid (⭐101) - Library for using Frege in Android development.
Big Data
- Spark (⭐5) - Apache Spark with Frege.
- Sirocco (⭐15) - Frege library for relational databases.
- frege-dbc (⭐3) - JDBC with Frege.
- Frege Email (⭐1) - SMTP library for Frege.
- Frege-RayTracer (⭐4) - Ray tracer in Frege.
- FregeFX (⭐31) - Frege bindings for JavaFX.
Web Frameworks
- Chinook (⭐27) - Frege web framework based on SparkJava.
- Fregelet (⭐6) - Frege web framework based on servlet.
- Play (⭐19) - Play framework with Frege.
Sample Applications
- 2048 (⭐4) - Frege clone of 2048.
- frech (⭐0) - Fully functional chess engine.
- Zwana (⭐4) - Piano using Java Midi.
- RESTful Todo Manager (⭐5) - Task list manager written in Frege.
- Play Framework (⭐19) - Play application written in Frege.
- Fervor (⭐0) - Server for local directories.
Build Tools
- Leiningen - Project automation for Frege and Clojure.
- Leiningen Template (⭐8) - Template for frege-lein projects.
- gottlob (⭐0) - Build tool for Frege.
- fregIDE (⭐29) - Eclipse plugin for Frege.
- intellij-frege (⭐14) - Frege support for IntelliJ IDEA.
- frege-idea-plugin (⭐21) - Language support for Frege in IntelliJ IDEA.
- Console REPL (⭐77) - REPL on the console.
- GUI REPL (⭐23) - GUI based REPL.
Unit Testing
- FrUnit (⭐1) - JUnit for Frege.