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🕶️A curated list of awesome tools for dealing with CSV.
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Feb 25, 2025
- QSV (⭐2.6k) - A fast CSV command-line toolkit written in Rust, (an update to xsv).
- Data Wrangler (⭐476) - Data Wrangler is a code-centric data cleaning tool that is integrated into VS Code and VS Code Jupyter Notebooks.
Generate Data / CSV <-> JSON
- Mockium - Test data generator for CSV / JSON / SQL / XML.
Standards / CSV <-> JSON
- CSVY (⭐62) - A standard for adding a YAML header to CSV files to describe their format
Mar 04, 2024
- CSVKit - CSV utilities that includes csvsql / csvgrep / csvstat and more.
- Ron's Data Edit (new modern version of Ron's CSV Editor) - Handles big files, does miraculous things. A timeless editor for a timeless format.
Aug 23, 2023
- ExtendsClass - A simple CSV comparator.
Jun 01, 2022
- Modern CSV - A tool for editing CSV files and viewing large files.
Mar 10, 2021
Generate Data / CSV <-> JSON
- Fake Name Generator - Generate fake names with other identity data in bulk for testing.
Jan 27, 2021
Data / CSV <-> JSON
- United Nations data - Data from the UN
Dec 16, 2019
- Mighty Merge - join/union csv files.
Oct 11, 2019
Tools / Repair or Validate CSV
- reconcile-csv - Find relationships between a set of related CSVs
Standards / CSV <-> JSON
- Tabular Data Resource - A Data Resource specialized for describing tabular data like CSV files or spreadsheets
Oct 04, 2019
Generate Table Schema / Treat CSV as SQL
- PSKit Query (⭐39) — Powershell module lets you run simple queries over objects, including imported with csv
Oct 03, 2019
Tools / Repair or Validate CSV
- scrubcsv (⭐56) - Remove bad records from a CSV file and normalize (requires rust)
Generate Table Schema / Repair or Validate CSV
- CSV Schema — Analyzes a CSV file and generates database table schema, all within the browser
- Wanted: More tools in this category.
Generate Table Schema / Treat CSV as SQL
- q - Run SQL Directly on CSV Files
May 28, 2019
- NimbleText/Live - Use patterns to manipulate CSV; the world's simplest code generator *.
Tools / Repair or Validate CSV
- csvstudio - A smart app to repair syntax errors in very large CSV files.
Generate Table Schema / Treat CSV as SQL
- RBQL - Rainbow Query Language, a SQL-like language with JavaScript or Python backend.
Generate Table Schema / CSV <-> JSON
- Agnes - Two way Csv to Json **.
Essays / CSV <-> JSON
- Stop Rolling Your Own CSV Parser! - Leon Bambrick ***.
Mar 03, 2019
- Rainbow CSV plugins (⭐644) - Collection of text editor plugins for CSV/TSV syntax highlighting. Available for Vim (⭐644), VS Code, Atom, Sublime Text and other editors.
Feb 27, 2019
- ParaText (⭐1.1k) - CSV parsing at 2.5 GB per second.
Nov 22, 2018
- Powershell: Import-CSV - Powerful in-built facility for dealing with CSV (example).
Nov 18, 2018
Essays / CSV <-> JSON
- ASCII Delimited Text - Not CSV or TAB delimited text - Ronald Duncan.
Nov 17, 2018
- PapaParse - A powerful in-browser CSV parser.
- d3-dsv (⭐440) - d3.js parser and formatter module for delimiter-separated values.
- sed (gnu tool) - Stream editor.
- gawk (gnu tool) - Text processing and data extraction using awk.
- awk by example (⭐10k) - Comprehensive examples of using awk.
- Miller - Like sed / awk / cut / join / sort etc for name-indexed data such as CSV.
- CSVGet (⭐47) - Get structured data from sites as CSV.
- CSVfix - A tool for manipulating CSV data.
- Tad - A fast free cross-platform CSV viewer.
- Nvd3-tags - A tiny library for making charts from csv data.
- CSV Tools - A collection of useful CSV utilities.
- graph-cli (⭐791) - Flexible command line tool to create graphs from CSV data.
- CSV to SQL - Online tool to create insert/update/delete etc from CSV data.
- C#: kbCSV (⭐78) - An efficient, easy to use .NET parsing and writing library for CSV.
- csvprintf (⭐42) - UNIX command line utility for parsing and formatting output based on CSV files.
Tools / Repair or Validate CSV
- Csvlint.go (⭐193) - Command line tool for validating CSV files against RFC 4180.
Generate Table Schema / Treat CSV as SQL
- TextQL - Execute SQL against CSV or TSV.
- Datasette Facets - Faceted browse and a JSON API for any CSV File or SQLite DB.
Generate Table Schema / Convert to or from CSV
- CSV to Table (⭐1.1k) - Convert CSV files to searchable and sortable HTML table.
Generate Table Schema / CSV <-> JSON
- csv2json - online tool to convert your CSV or TSV formatted data to JSON and vice versa.
- csv-to-json - Easy, privacy-friendly and offline-first online csv to json converter.
Essays / CSV <-> JSON
- Thinking about CSV - Martin Fenner.
- In Praise of CSV - Waldo Jaquith.
- So You Want To Write Your Own CSV code? - Thomas Burette.
- Falsehoods Programmers Believe About CSVs - Jesse Donat.
Generate Data / CSV <-> JSON
- Mockaroo - Random data generator for CSV / JSON / SQL / Excel.
Data / CSV <-> JSON
- US - 18789+ CSV datasets.
- Australian Government Open Data - 2715+ CSV datasets.
- Reference data in csv - Easy-to-use reference data in CSV and JSON formats.
- awesome-public-datasets (⭐62k) - A topic-centric list of high-quality open datasets in public domains.
Conferences / CSV <-> JSON
- csv,conf - A community conference for data makers everywhere.
Standards / CSV <-> JSON
- RFC 4180 (html version) - "Common format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files".
- CSV Schema Language - A language for defining and validating CSV data.
- csv,specs - Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Format Specifications (and Tests) incl. CSV v1.0, CSV v1.1, CSV Strict, CSV <3 Numerics, CSV<3 JSON, CSV <3 YAML.
META: Other similar lists / CSV <-> JSON
- structured-text-tools (⭐7k) - List of command line tools for manipulating CSV / XML / HTML / JSON / INI etc.
- META-META - This list as CSV.
- META-META-META - A NimbleText pattern that produces this markdown page from this list as a CSV.