Awesome Refinerycms Overview
A collection of awesome Refinery CMS extensions, resources and shiny things.
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Awesome Refinery CMS 
A collection of awesome Refinery CMS extensions, resources and shiny things.
Frontoffice extensions
- refinerycms-copywriting (⭐51) - Write once, display at the infinite
- refinerycms-elasticsearch (⭐6) - Fulltext search with Elasticsearch (⭐1.9k)
- refinerycms-image-slideshows (⭐8) - Display slideshows
- refinerycms-jobs (⭐5) - Job Posting and Job Applications
- refinerycms-products (⭐7) - Display products
- refinerycms-retailers (⭐3) - Display retailers
- refinerycms-teams (⭐4) - Display teams
- refinerycms-testimonials (⭐2) - Manage and display testimonials
- refinerycms-videos (⭐5) - Basic display of Youtube videos
Backoffice extensions
- refinerycms-dynamicfields (⭐16) - Create models dynamically and attach them to pages
- refinerycms-page-resources (⭐6) - Attach resources (files) to a Page
- refinerycms-redactor (⭐2) - WYSIWYG editor with Redactor
- refinerycms-resource-categories (⭐1) - Categorize resources
- refinerycms-snoods (⭐1) - Creating download pages and sending leads to Salesforce
- refinerycms-tinymce (⭐7) - TinyMCE Visual Editing
Solidus e-commerce (⭐4.5k) + Refinery extensions
- solidus-refinery-authentication (⭐7) - Shared auth between Solidus and Refinery
Spree e-commerce (⭐12k) + Refinery extensions
- spree_refinery_resources (⭐1) - Attach resources (files) to a Spree::Product
- spree-refinery-authentication (⭐11) - Shared auth between Spree and Refinery
Refinery team extensions
Main project
Frontoffice extensions
- refinerycms-authentication-devise (⭐14) - Devise based authentication
- refinerycms-blog (⭐301) - Blog (more features than refinerycms-news (⭐122))
- refinerycms-inquiries (⭐104) - Send contact forms
- refinerycms-news (⭐122) - Basic display of news
- refinerycms-porfolio (⭐129) - Display portfolio images
- refinerycms-search (⭐65) - Fulltext search with ActAsIndexed (⭐214)
Backoffice extensions
- refinerycms-page-images (⭐107) - Attach images to a Page
- refinerycms-settings (⭐25) - Change settings in the backoffice
Developer tools
To the extent possible under law, Brice Sanchez has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.