Awesome Symfony Education Overview
Useful sources around Symfony - articles, series and books (not Bundles)
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Awesome Symfony Education
A curated list of amazingly awesome Symfony articles, series and books.
For bundles selection, check sitepoint-editors/awesome-symfony (⭐1.5k).
Single Action Controller
Tutorials and Video Courses
- SymfonyCasts - Learn Symfony 4
- Videos + articles. Straightforward, simple & with examples.
- Working with Symfony 2
- Short video series for starters
- Symfony 2 - under 5 minutes
- Short video series for starters
Series for begginers
- Joyful Development with Symfony 3 [2016] by SymfonyCasts
- Symfony po krůčkách na Zdrojá [2015/2016] [česky]
- Symfony 4.1 Jobeet Tutorial [2018]
Dependency Injection
- How to refactor to new Dependency Injection features in Symfony 3.3 by Tomas Votruba [2017]
- Decouple your application with (Domain-)Events by Benjamin Eberlei [2013]
- Re-thinking Event Listeners [2015]
- Journey to the Center of Symfony: HttpKernel Request-Response by SymfonyCasts [2015]
- Symfony Security, Roles vs. Voters [2015]
- Do not use FOSUserBundle [2015]
- The new Voter Class [2016] by SymfonyCasts
- Don't Use Entities in Symfony Forms. Use Custom Data Objects Instead [2017]
- Avoiding Entities in Forms [2016]
- Rethinking Form Development [2016]
- How to use Repository with Doctrine as Service in Symfony [2017]
- Mastering Symfony2 Performance – Doctrine [2014]
- Rich domain model with Symfony 2.5 and Doctrine 2.5 [2014]
- How Happyr work with Symfony translations [2015]
- Translation workflow with Symfony2 [2015]
- How to organize your translations in Symfony [2013]
- High Quality Symfony Bundles [2014]
- The Framework as an implementation by Marcello Duarte & Konstantin Kudryashov [2013], Github repository (⭐213)
- Symfony2: How to create framework independent controllers [2014]
- Bringing Symfony Components into Your Legacy Code [2016]
- Eating spaghetti with Symfony [2016]
- Migrating your project to Symfony [2016]
- Mastering Symfony2 Performance – Internals [2014]
- 5 Ways to optimize Symfony Baseline Performance [2015]
- Lessons Learned from My First Symfony Project [2016]
- Symfony best practices [2014]
- Symfony tips and tricks [2014]
- Some Symfony 2 practices
- Výhody a nevýhody Symfony v bodech [2014] [česky] - by @spicimedved
- Symfony Framework Deepdive - Console [2015]
- Detailed guide to Console Component by Joshua Thijssen
- Symfony Framework Deepdive - Security [2015]
- Detailed guide to Security Component by Joshua Thijssen
- Symfony Certification - Unofficial self-study guide [2015]
- Short Q-A based section about Symfony foundations
- A Year with Symfony [updated 2014]
- Great book for beginners to understand basic Symfony lifecycle and how to use it to your advantages.
To the extent possible under law, Tomas Votruba has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.