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A curated list of awesome resources related to the Ada and SPARK programming language
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Mar 24 - Mar 30, 2025
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- ironclad - A kernel for several architectures striving for POSIX compatibility, used on several distributions like Gloire (⭐151).
Feb 10 - Feb 16, 2025
Unit Test, Testing / Apache License
- bbt (⭐16) - Simple tool to black box check the behavior of an executable through the command line.
Logging / Apache License
- elogs (⭐0) - Logging framework for embedded systems absent of runtime errors.
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- ada-lisp-embedded (⭐4) - Embeddable Lisp interpreter.
Jan 27 - Feb 02, 2025
Games / Apache License
- retro-arcade (⭐1) - Space Invaders, Pacman, & Frogger games that run in a terminal on Windows, OS-X & Linux.
Database / Apache License
- apq-base (⭐1) - APQ is a database interface library written in Ada95.
Oct 07 - Oct 13, 2024
Generators and Translators / Apache License
- winforms2gtk (⭐1) - Helper conversor of Visual Basic Microsoft Windows Forms applications to Gtk and Ada.
Sep 09 - Sep 15, 2024
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- sal - SAL (Stephe's Ada Library).
Aug 19 - Aug 25, 2024
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- anuklear (⭐0) - Ada binding to the Nuklear GUI library and the Nuklear-SDL renderer.
Jul 29 - Aug 04, 2024
News and Resources
- adasearch - Custom search engines for finding anything related to the Ada and SPARK programming languages, without interference from other homonymous topics.
May 20 - May 26, 2024
- Ada 2022 Reference Card (⭐12) - Reference Card / Cheatsheet of Ada Attributes, Aspects, Pragmas and Standard Library.
Mar 25 - Mar 31, 2024
Games / Apache License
- eepers (⭐361) - A simple Turn-based Game in Ada (made with raylib (⭐25k)).
Mar 11 - Mar 17, 2024
Build and Package / Apache License
- alr2appimage (⭐13) - A tool for automatically creating an AppImage executable from an Alire crate.
Feb 26 - Mar 03, 2024
News and Resources
- ada-planet - News Aggregator from the Ada programming language world (v3) (Ada-Planet v2 feed via Matrix).
Games / Apache License
- steamsky (⭐95) - Roguelike in sky with a steampunk setting.
Jan 01 - Jan 07, 2024
- iso-standard - The 2022 revision to the Ada Standard, usually known as Ada 2022.
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- vtk-ada - Ada-2012 port to VTK 8.1 (Visualization Toolkit).
Dec 25 - Dec 31, 2023
Continuous Integration / Apache License
- porion - Continuous integration server and agent that helps automate the building, testing and deployment.
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- imgui-ada (⭐5) - Ada binding of the ImGui library.
DevOps / Apache License
- mat (⭐7) - MAT is a simple memory analysis tool intended to help understand where the memory is used in a program.
Generation / Apache License
- resource-embedder - Advanced Resource Embedder to embed files in binaries by producing C, Ada or Go source files.
Math / Apache License
- matrix-root - Compute the N-th root of a matrix.
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- ada-libmagic - Magic Number Recognition Library Ada binding (libmagic (3)).
Localization / Apache License
- ada-intl - NLS thin Ada binding (gettext (3), textdomain (3), bindtextdomain (3)).
Linux and POSIX / Apache License
- suid-helper - Small Ada library that helps in writing safer suid programs.
Communication / Apache License
- ada-enet (⭐22) - Embedded network stack (Ethernet driver, IPv4, UDP, DNS, DHCP, NTP) for STM32F746 or STM32F769.
Libraries / Apache License
- stm32-ui (⭐4) - STM32 UI library and tools (graphs, images, 12 hour clock).
Nov 20 - Nov 26, 2023
Frameworks / Apache License
- adamant (⭐35) - A component-based, model-driven framework for constructing reliable and reusable real-time software.
Nov 06 - Nov 12, 2023
News and Resources
- ada-europe - Ada-Europe is an international organization, set up to promote the use of Ada.
Misc / Apache License
- ada-chess (⭐8) - Chess engine written in Ada.
Oct 16 - Oct 22, 2023
Open source / Apache License
- augusta (⭐29) - Ada compiler written in Scala that targets LLVM.
Jul 17 - Jul 23, 2023
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- hirtos (⭐38) - A high-integrity RTOS written in SPARK Ada.
Science / Apache License
- units-of-measurement - Library to manage units of measurement with dimension checking.
- si_units (⭐8) - Utility library to pretty print physical values in proper metric units.
Sound / Apache License
- adaogg - Complete thin interface layer that brings the Ogg, Vorbis, and Theora libraries to the Ada 2012 programming language.
Frameworks / Apache License
- SweetAda (⭐39) - A lightweight development framework whose purpose is the implementation of Ada-based software systems. It supports a plethora or CPU architectures and development boards.
Jul 10 - Jul 16, 2023
Graphics and Multimedia / Apache License
- vulkada - A complete Vulkan 1.1 thick binding for Ada 2012.
Jun 26 - Jul 02, 2023
Unit Test, Testing / Apache License
- aunit (⭐10) - Ada unit testing framework.
Misc / Apache License
- adage (⭐8) - An Ada/SPARK alternative to sudo and doas.
Jun 19 - Jun 25, 2023
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- aflex-ayacc - Ada scanner and parser generators.
Jun 12 - Jun 18, 2023
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- xml-ez-out (⭐3) - Library for emitting XML from Ada programs.
Mar 06 - Mar 12, 2023
Open source / GPL (with linking exception)
- fsf-gnat - Free Software Foundation compiler for the Ada programming language which forms part of the GNU Compiler Collection. It supports all versions of the language, i.e. Ada 2012, Ada 2005, Ada 95 and Ada 83.
Commercial / Closed source / Apache License
- xgc - XGC provide GCC-based bare-metal toolchains with Ada95 support for aerospace-specific targets such as MIL1750, ERC32 and LEON. As well as a legacy M68000 toolchain.
Text Modes / Apache License
- gnu-emacs-ada-mode - Gnu Emacs major-mode for editing Ada sources.
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- adawebui (⭐1) - GUI based on adawebpack (⭐59).
Terminal User Interface / Apache License
- ncurses-ada95 - Ada95 bindings for ncurses.
Web / Apache License
- matreshka (⭐6) - Matreshka is an Ada framework to develop information systems consisting of five major components: League, XML processor, Web framework, SQL access, and the Modeling framework.
- ironsides - Authoritative DNS server verified by SPARK/Ada.
Verification / Apache License
- adacontrol - Ada constructs lint tool.
UML / Apache License
- umbrello - Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram program based on KDE Technology. Outputs Ada.
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- wisitoken - WisiToken is an LALR, LR1, and Packrat parser generator and run-time.
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- pcsc-ada - PCSC/Ada provides a thick Ada binding to PC/SC-middleware. The library allows programs written in Ada to communicate with smart cards using the SCard API.
Sound / Apache License
- scala - Scala is a powerful software tool for experimentation with musical tunings, such as just intonation scales, equal and historical temperaments, microtonal and macrotonal scales, and non-Western scales.
Shells, Interpreters and Emulators / Apache License
- sparforte - SPARforte programming language is an Ada-like scripting language, previously known as business user shell (bush). Can be used as interactive UNIX shell replacement.
Feb 20 - Feb 26, 2023
Entry Point
- ada-logo-editor - The “Ada horizon” logo maker website.
Online Books
- ada-distilled - Ada Distilled for Ada 2005.
- ada-ic-learning - For additional learning resources, see the AdaIC learning section.
News and Resources
- ada-resource-association - Since 1990 the Ada Resource Association's principal mission has been “To ensure continued success of Ada users and promote Ada use in the software industry”.
- ada-information-clearinghouse - News and resources for the Ada programming language.
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- fltk-ada - Ada-2012 binding to FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit).
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- charles - Charles is an Ada 95 container library, precursor to Ada 2005+ standard containers.
Sound / Apache License
- portable-openal-sound (⭐1) - A linux-sound-playing package for Ada apps that can asynchronously start and stop music loops, as well as initiate transient sounds.
Utilities / Apache License
- simple-logging (⭐3) - Easy to use logging facilities for output to console in Ada programs.
Bindings to Other Languages / Apache License
- tashy (⭐8) - Tashy is short from Tcl Ada SHell Younger. It is derivate of Tash, focused mostly on Tk binding.
- tashy2 (⭐2) - Tashy2 is short from Tcl Ada SHell Younger. It is derivate of Tashy, and aims to be more idiomatic and uses a more permisive license.
Automation / Apache License
- ada4automation - A framework for designing industrial automation applications using the Ada language.
Feb 13 - Feb 19, 2023
Entry Point
- ada-lang-io - A community site for Ada.
DevOps / Apache License
- powerjoular (⭐78) - PowerJoular allows monitoring power consumption of multiple platforms and processes.
Dec 26 - Jan 01, 2022
Sound / Apache License
- coreland-openal-ada (⭐3) - Ada binding to OpenAL.
Simulation / Apache License
- mars-mpl (⭐4) - Mars Polar Lander (Crash) Simulator (gtkada (⭐94), aicwl).
- doppler-effect-sample2 (⭐2) - Moving airplane causes Stereo Sound Doppler effect (gtkada (⭐94)).
Dec 19 - Dec 25, 2022
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- kafka-ada (⭐14) - Binding for the C librdkafka library, allows sending and receiving from a Kafka bus.
- adare-net - This is a small, portable and easy to use Ada network lib. It supports ipv4 ipv6 udp and tcp, and can 'listen' with ipv6, too.
Oct 03 - Oct 09, 2022
Build and Package / Apache License
- aura (⭐22) - An integrated build and source/package management tool with a more hands-on versioning approach. Alternative to alire and gprbuild. Optimized for CI/CD pipelines.
Components / Apache License
- asap (⭐7) - A set of general libraries and thick bindings for use with the AURA package management/build tool. Includes TCP, TLS, HTTP, a high-performance JSON parser/generator, and a formally verified (SPARK) UTF-8 stream decoder.
Jul 25 - Jul 31, 2022
Math / Apache License
- geo-energy-math (⭐8) - Software libraries for solving models described in Mathematical GeoEnergy (Wiley, 2018).
May 16 - May 22, 2022
Entry Point
- celebrating-ada - Ada history key moments.
Terminal User Interface / Apache License
- linenoise-ada - Bindings to the Linenoise line-editing library (patched to support UTF-8).
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- uri-ada - URI and MIME parser & manipulation library.
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- tlsada - Bindings to the libtls TLS/SSL library.
Utilities / Apache License
- getopt-ada - Portable implementation of getopt(3) in Ada.
Apr 25 - May 01, 2022
Questions and Answers
- gitter-ada - Ada channel at Gitter.
- libera-chat-ada - Ada channel at IRC.
- matrix-ada - Ada room at Gitter via Matrix.
Apr 11 - Apr 17, 2022
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- chests (⭐4) - Chests are bounded containers.
Apr 04 - Apr 10, 2022
Build and Package / Apache License
- cmake-ada-cho3 (⭐0) - CMake language support for Ada, fork of plplot's cross-platform support code.
Games / Apache License
- civ-klon (⭐20) - Civilization-style turn-based strategy game. Requires asfml (⭐35).
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- qt-ada - Ada-2012 port to Qt 6 framework.
- ada-gui (⭐38) - GUI implemented on its own task, so it doesn't require that its client give up a thread of control. Derived from gnoga.
Graphics and Multimedia / Apache License
- plplot - Cross-platform, scientific graphics plotting library, including an Ada binding.
Automation / Apache License
- max-home-automation - gtkada (⭐94) application to manage ELV/eQ-3 MAX! cubes for home automation.
Shells, Interpreters and Emulators / Apache License
- dashera (⭐38) - Data General DASHER terminal emulator using gtkada (⭐94).
- yotroc (⭐4) - Assembler/Emulator for a fictional CPU architecture. IDE implemented in gtkada (⭐94).
Misc / Apache License
- whitakers-words (⭐287) - William Whitaker's WORDS, a Latin dictionary.
Mar 28 - Apr 03, 2022
Multimedia / Apache License
- canta - A tool to help to sing in tune.
Mar 21 - Mar 27, 2022
Text Modes / Apache License
- ob-ada-spark (⭐8) - Ada/SPARK support for org-babel : Evaluate source code blocks with Gnu Emacs and org files.
Web / Apache License
- ews (⭐15) - Embedded Web Server is a web server construction kit, designed for embedded applications using the GNAT Ada compiler.
Mar 07 - Mar 13, 2022
Runtimes / Apache License
- ada-runtime (⭐33) - A downsized Ada runtime which can be adapted to different platforms.
Games / Apache License
- buttons (⭐4) - A simple gtkada (⭐94) Button Mania game.
- play-2048 (⭐4) - Play 2048! is a clone of the popular 2048 game, implemented in Ada using asfml (⭐35) for graphics and ada-toml (⭐32) for saving state.
- bingada (⭐8) - Bingo application in gtkada (⭐94).
Components / Apache License
- gneiss (⭐23) - Gneiss is an interface collection to be used with applications for component based systems. It aims to be easily portable/platform independent and is compatible with the ada-runtime (⭐33).
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- gnoga - The GNU Omnificent GUI for Ada.
- gtkada (⭐94) - Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk3 components.
Compression / Apache License
- zip-ada (⭐28) - Zip-Ada is a programming library for dealing with the Zip compressed archive file format.
- dcf-ada (⭐6) - An Ada 2012 library for document container files (Based on zip-ada (⭐28)).
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- protobuf-ada (⭐18) - Experimental Ada code generation support for Google Protocol Buffers.
- protobuf (⭐38) - A Google Protocol Buffers implementation in Ada, using matreshka (⭐6).
- ada-toml (⭐32) - TOML parser for Ada.
Web / Apache License
- template-parser (⭐8) - AWS templates engine.
Graphics and Multimedia / Apache License
- asfml (⭐35) - Ada binding to the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library.
Utilities / Apache License
- ssprep - An extensible template engine akin to jinja but using template-parser (⭐8) and intended for command line usage.
Office / Apache License
- hunter (⭐21) - Graphical (gtkada (⭐94)) file manager for Linux.
Simulation / Apache License
- eagle-lander (⭐32) - Apollo 11 lunar lander simulator (gtkada (⭐94)/Cairo).
Jan 17 - Jan 23, 2022
General Purpose Computing / Apache License
- cuda (⭐20) - CUDA support from AdaCore.
Dec 06 - Dec 12, 2021
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- tomi-4-ada - Wrappers for various client/server and pub/sub messaging protocols (AMQP, STOMP and ZeroMQ), focusing exclusively on text message communications.
- mosquitto-ada (⭐6) - Binding for the MQTT broker Mosquitto.
Oct 25 - Oct 31, 2021
Bindings to Other Languages / Apache License
- ada-lua (⭐43) - Ada binding for Lua.
- coreland-lua-ada (⭐6) - Ada bindings to the Lua language.
Sep 27 - Oct 03, 2021
Open source / MIT
- hac (⭐136) - HAC Ada Compiler - a small, quick Ada compiler fully in Ada.
Editors / Apache License
- lea (⭐25) - LEA, a Lightweight Editor for Ada, aims to provide an easy, script-world-like, "look & feel" for developing Ada projects of any size and level, while enabling access to full-scale development tools like GNAT. LEA includes HAC, the HAC Ada Compiler.
Cryptography / Apache License
- blake2s (⭐1) - SPARK83 implementation of the BLAKE2s hash function.
May 31 - Jun 06, 2021
DevOps / Apache License
- septum (⭐383) - An interactive context-based text search tool for searching large codebases.
May 24 - May 30, 2021
Continuous Integration / Apache License
- ada-actions (⭐20) - Ada Toolchains for GitHub Actions.
Apr 12 - Apr 18, 2021
Build and Package / Apache License
- cmake-ada-offa (⭐12) - Ada language support for CMake.
Mar 08 - Mar 14, 2021
Utilities / Apache License
- macos-sdks-vs-gcc (⭐1) - Provides GCC 'specs' files to cope with SDK policy changes.
- ux-strings (⭐11) - Unicode extended strings.
Feb 15 - Feb 21, 2021
Components / Apache License
- lace (⭐9) - A set of Ada components to allow 3D simulations, games and GUI's in Ada.
Automation / Apache License
- aicwl - Collection of packages provided for design of high-quality industrial control widgets for Ada applications.
- ada-for-automation - A4A is a framework for designing industrial automation applications using the Ada language.
Science / Apache License
- si - SI units checked and unchecked.
Shells, Interpreters and Emulators / Apache License
- a-shell (⭐14) - A component to aid in writing shell-like applications in Ada.
Jan 18 - Jan 24, 2021
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- az3 (⭐6) - Ada binding for Z3.
Nov 16 - Nov 22, 2020
Unit Test, Testing / Apache License
- ahven - Ahven is a simple unit test library and framework for the Ada programming. language. It is loosely modelled after JUnit and some ideas from AUnit.
Nov 02 - Nov 08, 2020
System Modeling / Apache License
- radalib (⭐11) - Ada library and tools for the analysis of Complex Networks and more.
Oct 26 - Nov 01, 2020
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- smart-pointers (⭐1) - A package providing a reference-counted access type Smart_Pointer.
Oct 12 - Oct 18, 2020
Online Books
- ada-95-tutorial - A book going from beginner to advanced concepts in Ada 95, complete with source files.
- ada-at-rosetta-code - A collection of programming tasks and their sample solutions in Ada.
Text Modes / Apache License
- vim-ada-bundle (⭐8) - Maintained Ada Bundle : Complete Ada-Mode for Vim/NeoVim.
VSCode Extensions / Apache License
- ada-vscode (⭐1) - Basic syntax highlighting for Ada and GPR.
Runtimes / Apache License
- adawebpack (⭐59) - GNAT RTL for WASM and bindings for Web API.
Terminal User Interface / Apache License
- curses (⭐16) - Advanced UNIX Terminal UI Ada Binding Package.
3D / Apache License
- engine-3d (⭐2) - A 3D engine for DOS-talgics.
Generation / Apache License
- record-flux (⭐112) - RecordFlux: Toolset for the formal specification of messages and the generation of verifiable binary parsers and message generators in SPARK.
Math / Apache License
- lalg (⭐4) - Interface to dense linear algebra packages.
Cryptography / Apache License
- threefish (⭐5) - Ada Implementation of the Threefish-256 Encryption Algorithm.
- ada-crypto-library (⭐84) - This is a crypto library for Ada with a nice API and is written for the i386 and x86_64 hardware architecture.
- spark-nacl (⭐118) - SPARK 2014 re-implementation of the TweetNaCl crypto library.
- libsodium-ada (⭐8) - A secure cryptographic library (libsodium for Ada).
- ada-libsecret (⭐2) - Ada Binding for the libsecret library.
Compression / Apache License
- ada-lzma (⭐6) - Ada binding for liblzma compression library.
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- libadalang (⭐151) - Libadalang is a library for parsing and semantic analysis of Ada code. It is meant as a building block for integration into other tools (IDE, static analyzers, etc).
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- adasockets (⭐14) - IPv4 socket library (TCP, UDP, and multicast).
- dbus-ada - The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus system.
- zeromq-ada - Binding to the ZeroMQ comunications-library.
Chatting and Communication / Apache License
- axmpp (⭐8) - With the AXMPP library you can connect to a Jabber server to send and receive messages.
- weechat-ada (⭐4) - Ada 2012 library for WeeChat plug-ins.
- weechat-canberra (⭐1) - A WeeChat plug-in written in Ada 2012 that plays sounds using Canberra.
- weechat-emoji (⭐2) - A WeeChat plug-in written in Ada 2012 that displays emoji.
Graphics and Multimedia / Apache License
- adagl (⭐11) - Multiplatform Ada/OpenGL bindings (ported to native/OpenGL, A2JS/WebGL and WASM/WebGL).
- sdlada (⭐119) - Ada 2012 bindings to SDL 2.
- ada-nanovg (⭐1) - Ada bindings to NanoVG.
- free-type-ada (⭐1) - FreeType binding for Ada 2005.
General Purpose Computing / Apache License
- cuda-ada - CUDA/Ada is an Ada binding to NVIDIA's CUDA parallel computing platform and programming model.
- opencl-ada (⭐15) - An Ada binding for the OpenCL host API.
Sound / Apache License
- opus-ada (⭐2) - Ada 2012 bindings for the Opus audio codec.
- canberra-ada (⭐4) - Ada 2012 bindings for libcanberra, an implementation of the XDG Sound Theme and Name Specifications.
- ada-soundio (⭐5) - Ada bindings for libsoundio.
- oto (⭐3) - Ada binding to OpenAL which tries to mimic original API while using Ada types.
Localization / Apache License
- zanyblue - An Ada package allowing the externalization of application messages into a properties file.
Utilities / Apache License
- a-stream-tools - Stream utilities for Ada2005 and 2012.
Robotics / Apache License
- rclada (⭐11) - Ada client library for ROS2/RCL.
- player-ada (⭐4) - Ada bindings for the player robotic platform.
Linux and POSIX / Apache License
- florist - POSIX Ada binding, IEEE Standards 1003.5(b,c).
- wposix (⭐4) - Ada Windows POSIX binding.
- ada-v4l2 (⭐0) - Ada Posix Binding to Video 4 Linux, used for RPI.
- inotify-ada (⭐9) - An Ada 2012 library for monitoring filesystem events using Linux' inotify API.
- dl-ada (⭐1) - Minimal binding to libdl.
Windows and .NET / Apache License
- win32ada (⭐18) - Ada API to the Windows library.
- ada-net-framework (⭐5) - Ada bindings to the Microsoft NetFramework Api.
- ada-winrt (⭐11) - Ada bindings for the Microsft WinRT Api.
- ada-win32 (⭐3) - Ada bindings for the Microsoft Win32 Api.
Drivers / Apache License
- em-brick (⭐0) - emBRICK driver and support for emBRICK in Ada.
Applications / Apache License
- micro-tem-pi (⭐2) - Raspberry Pi using a BBC Micro:Bit as temperature sensor.
Simulation / Apache License
- covid-19-simulator (⭐11) - Multi engine/algorithms COVID-19 simulator. Ada, Qt code under the hood.
Generators and Translators / Apache License
- ada-magic - SofCheck AdaMagic is ACATS validated and certified Ada compiler targeting C and/or C++ (4 command line switches for fine tuning). ObjectAda and several other commercial compilers share engine with AdaMagic. MapuSoft distributes AdaMagic as integral component of AppCOE.
Oct 05 - Oct 11, 2020
Build and Package / Apache License
- ada4cmake (⭐5) - CMake macros for simple gnat project inclusion.
Aug 24 - Aug 30, 2020
Components / Apache License
- simple-components - ASN.1, MQTT client and server/broker implementation, B-trees, Multiple connection TCP servers, Chebyshev series, Mutexes, Cryptography, Objects and handles to, Doubly-linked webs and lists, ODBC bindings, Blackboards (lock-free), OpenSSL bindings, ELV/eQ-3 MAX! client implementation, Parsers, Events (plain, pulse, array of), Persistent objects and handles to, GNUTLS bindings, Persistent storage and handles to, Graphs (directed, weighted, acyclic, trees), Pools, HTTP implementation, Sets and maps, FIFO (lock-free), SMTP client implementation, IEEE 754, SQLite bindings, Inter-process communication, Stacks, Interfacing Julia language, Streams, JSON, Strings editing, LDAP, Tables (maps of strings), MODBUS client implementation, Unbounded arrays.
Aug 10 - Aug 16, 2020
Online / Apache License
- compiler-explorer - Run GNAT FSF compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly.
Aug 03 - Aug 09, 2020
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- m2os - RTOS with simple tasking support for small microcontrollers.
Jul 06 - Jul 12, 2020
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- cubit (⭐79) - CuBitOS is a multi-processor, 64-bit, (partially) formally-verified, general-purpose operating system, currently for the x86-64 architecture.
Jun 01 - Jun 07, 2020
VSCode Extensions / Apache License
- adacore-ada - Language Support for Ada. It includes Language Server for Ada (⭐253).
May 04 - May 10, 2020
VSCode Extensions / Apache License
- ada-utilities (⭐0) - VSCode extension Ada programmers which provides a few utility functions.
Apr 06 - Apr 12, 2020
Encryption / Apache License
- ada-keystore (⭐34) - Ada Keystore - protect your sensitive data with secure storage.
Math / Apache License
- hungarian (⭐2) - Ada binding to the fast Stachniss' Hungarian solver.
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- ada-language-server (⭐253) - Adacore server implemention of the the Microsoft Language Protocol for Ada and SPARK.
- ada-lsp (⭐11) - Language Server Protocol for Ada.
- ada-lsp-client (⭐1) - Prototype implementation of LSP client - Visual Studio 2017.
Cryptography / Apache License
- fletcher (⭐0) - Trivial implementation of fletcher_16 checksum computation algorithm.
- base58-ada (⭐3) - Base58 encoding and decoding in Ada.
- libsparkcrypto (⭐28) - A cryptographic library implemented in SPARK.
- sip-hash (⭐1) - A pure Ada implementation of the SipHash PRF.
- libkeccak (⭐34) - A SPARK implementation of the Keccak family of sponge functions and related constructions.
- ascon-spark (⭐3) - Ada/SPARK implementation of the Ascon Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data Algorithm.
- spark-sip-hash (⭐5) - Ada/SPARK implementation of the SipHash keyed hash function.
- spark-norx (⭐8) - Ada/SPARK implementation of the NORX Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data Algorithm.
- stotp (⭐9) - Timed One-Time-Pad (RFC 6238) implementation in SPARK.
- xxhash-ada (⭐1) - Extremely fast non-cryptographic Hash algorithm, xxhash is working at speeds close to RAM limits.
Simulation / Apache License
- ghdl (⭐2.5k) - VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator.
Mar 30 - Apr 05, 2020
Online Books
- ada-cpp-java - Ada for the C++ or Java Developer.
Mar 16 - Mar 22, 2020
- ada-crash-course - Ada 2012 crash course under 50 pages from Vermont Technical College.
Mar 09 - Mar 15, 2020
Bindings to Other Languages / Apache License
- tcl-ada-shell (⭐9) - Tcl Ada SHell (Tash) is an Ada binding to Tcl/Tk.
Feb 24 - Mar 01, 2020
UML / Apache License
- ada-ml (⭐11) - Ada-tailored UML Modeling Language.
Jan 20 - Jan 26, 2020
Open source / GPL (no linking exception)
- gnat-ce - GNAT Community edition. A release of AdaCore GNAT for free software developers, hobbyists, and students. The run-time libraries provided with GNAT Community are licensed under GPLv3 without linking exception. It supports Ada 2012 only.
Commercial / Open source / Apache License
- gnat-pro - The GNAT Pro product line offers a comprehensive toolset (IDEs, debugger, librairies, dynamic and static analysis tools) for Ada, C and C++.
Commercial / Closed source / Apache License
- janus-ada - Compiler supporting all the major features of the Ada 83, Ada 95, Ada 2005 and Ada 2012 versions of the language.
- object-ada - PTC ObjectAda is an extensive family of native and cross development tools and runtime environments.
- apex-ada - PTC ApexAda is one of the industry's most popular development environments for Ada and mixed Ada/C/C++ applications.
- greenhills-ada - Green Hills Software offers the industry's first, fully validated family of Ada Cross Compilers for real-time targets.
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- havk (⭐26) - x86-64 security-focused OS being created with SPARK.
Dec 23 - Dec 29, 2019
Runtimes / Apache License
- cortex-gnat-rts (⭐69) - This package includes GNAT Ada Run Time Systems (RTSs) based on FreeRTOS and targeted at boards with Cortex-M0, M3, -M4, -M4F MCUs.
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- gwindows (⭐22) - GNU Ada Visual Interface.
3D / Apache License
- globe-3d (⭐16) - GL Object Based Engine for 3D.
Unit Test, Testing / Apache License
- scripted-testing (⭐2) - Supports functional testing using Tcl scripts.
Verification / Apache License
- acats (⭐12) - The Ada Conformity Assessment Test Suite, customised for GCC.
- acats-grading (⭐3) - Tools for grading ACATS results, modified for Unix-like systems.
UML / Apache License
- coldframe (⭐9) - ColdFrame generates Ada framework code and documentation from UML models.
Math / Apache License
- mathpaqs (⭐12) - Mathpaqs is a collection of mathematical, 100% portable, packages in the Ada programming language.
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- xia (⭐4) - An Ada implementation of XPath 1.0.
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- ini-files (⭐8) - The Ini file manager consists of a package, Config, which can read and modify informations from various configuration files known as "ini" files.
- excel-writer (⭐7) - Create Excel files with basic formats.
- generic-image-decoder (⭐25) - Multi-format image decoder library for Ada.
- ada-pdf-writer (⭐21) - Ada package for producing easily and automatically PDF files, from an Ada program, with text, vector graphics, images (JPEG).
- ada-bar-codes (⭐15) - Ada Bar Codes provides a package for generating various types of bar codes (1D, or 2D like QR codes) on different output formats, such as PDF or SVG.
Drivers / Apache License
- multiplexed-io (⭐0) - This contains explorations, for AdaPilot, of implementing drivers for the AdaRacer MCU, using the Ravenscar profile of Ada 2012 from AdaCore and device bindings generated using SVD2Ada.
Office / Apache License
- azip (⭐12) - A free, portable Zip Archive Manager.
- texcad (⭐5) - TeXCAD is a program for drawing or retouching {picture}s in LaTeX.
- cbsg (⭐14) - The Corporate Bullshit Generator.
Web / Apache License
- wasabee (⭐11) - A Web browser with safety focus.
Generators and Translators / Apache License
- pascal-to-ada (⭐16) - A Pascal to Ada translator.
- tp7-ada-gtkada (⭐3) - Implementation of Turbo Pascal 7.0 units with gtkada (⭐94).
- tp7-ada-gnoga (⭐5) - Implementation of Turbo Pascal 7.0 units with gnoga.
- cappulada (⭐15) - Ada binding generator for C++.
- asis2xml (⭐2) - Converts Ada sources' ASIS representation to XML, so as to make it easier to develop reporting and transformational tools using (for example) XSLT.
Shells, Interpreters and Emulators / Apache License
- analytical-engine (⭐13) - An Ada 2012 emulation of Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine.
Misc / Apache License
- dhondt (⭐4) - Ada implementation of D'Hondt electoral result calculator.
Dec 16 - Dec 22, 2019
Math / Apache License
- mandelbrot-ascii (⭐2) - Mandelbrot renderer in "ASCII" (unicode actually, but text nonetheless).
Nov 25 - Dec 01, 2019
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- lovelace-os - Lovelace is an effort to write a Unix like operating system using the Ada 2012 language.
- ada-kalinda-os - Ada KALINDA is a sort of Mac Plus like OS written in Ada95.
- cxos (⭐36) - Ada Operating System development example.
Nov 18 - Nov 24, 2019
Questions and Answers
- subreddit-ada - Ada at Reddit.
- subreddit-spark - Spark at Reddit.
- telegram-ada - Ada group at Telegram.
Oct 21 - Oct 27, 2019
Text Modes / Apache License
- bbedit-ada-module - BBEdit support for Ada.
Sep 16 - Sep 22, 2019
Web / Apache License
- yass (⭐24) - Yet Another Static Site Generator (like Jekyll or Hugo).
Aug 19 - Aug 25, 2019
Games / Apache License
- mine-detector (⭐3) - Mine Detector: a mine-finding game that never requires guessing.
Jul 22 - Jul 28, 2019
- adalib (⭐22) - Standard Ada library specification as defined in Reference Manual.
Database / Apache License
- ada-base (⭐33) - Thick database bindings to MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite for Ada.
Generation / Apache License
- ajunitgen (⭐1) - Generator of JUnit-compatible XML reports in Ada.
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- adagio (⭐4) - Gnutella2 (G2) network server leaf.
- agpl (⭐4) - Ada General Purpose Library (Miscellaneous utilities, with a robotic flavor).
Patterns / Apache License
- rxada (⭐22) - An Ada 2012 implementation of the Rx methodology.
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- parser-tools (⭐6) - Tools for writing lexers / parsers in Ada.
Utilities / Apache License
- licensing (⭐0) - Open Source Licenses library for Ada.
- rsfile (⭐0) - Command-line utility that picks a file from a folder hierarchy with probability proportional to its size.
- cstrings (⭐1) - Convenience subprograms to interact with C strings.
- ada-bundler (⭐5) - Library and tool for transparently handling data and configuration file access in an Ada application. Supports macOS, Linux and Windows.
Libraries / Apache License
- sancta (⭐1) - SANCTA multi-robot task allocation library.
Apr 29 - May 05, 2019
Integrated Development Editors / Apache License
- ada-visual - Ada language integration for Visual Studio 2017.
Apr 01 - Apr 07, 2019
Build and Package / Apache License
- alire (⭐313) - A catalog of ready-to-use Ada libraries plus a command-line tool (alr) to obtain, compile, and incorporate them into your own projects. It aims to fulfill a similar role to Rust's cargo or OCaml's opam.
Mar 18 - Mar 24, 2019
General Purpose Computing / Apache License
- boehmgc-ada (⭐6) - Ada binding to the Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector.
Feb 25 - Mar 03, 2019
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- simple-blockchain (⭐22) - Simple blockchain in Ada.
Shells, Interpreters and Emulators / Apache License
- gsh (⭐110) - GSH is non interactive POSIX shell for Windows, aimed at GNU software builds. 2-3 times faster than Cygwin.
Programming Languages / Apache License
- para-sail - ParaSail is a highly parallel experimental language, similar to Go and Erlang. Originaly owned by SofCheck (now AdaCore), it is a test project to try new ideas. Expandable pointers is a sample feature that is about to be introduced to SPARK and Ada. There are in fact 4 experimental languages: ParaSail, Sparkel, Javallel, Parython, all sharing bytecode interpreter and LLVM engine.
Feb 18 - Feb 24, 2019
Online Books
- ada-wikibook - Ada Programming book at Wikibooks.
- ada-craft - Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming.
- spark-guidance - Implementation Guidance for the Adoption of SPARK.
- ada-safe-secure - Safe and Secure Software. An invitation to Ada 2012.
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- dequesterity - Deque/buffer generics that consist of building blocks that may be combined in various ways to create higher abstraction buffers.
- paraffin - A suite of Ada 2012 generics to facilitate iterative and recursive parallelism for multicore systems.
- deepend - Deepend is a storage pool with subpool capabilities for Ada 2012, Ada 2005, and Ada 95.
Communication / Apache License
- sensortile (⭐19) - This project shows how to initialize a SensorTile and how to send sensor data over BLE from a SensorTile to a suitable host.
Feb 11 - Feb 17, 2019
Components / Apache License
- ada-util (⭐70) - A logging framework close to Java log4j framework, support for properties, serialization/deserialization framework for XML/JSON/CSV, Ada beans framework, encoding/decoding framework (Base16, Base64, SHA, HMAC-SHA), a composing stream framework (raw, files, buffers, pipes, sockets), several concurrency tools (reference counters, counters, pools, fifos, arrays), process creation and pipes, support for loading shared libraries (on Windows or Unix), HTTP client library on top of CURL or AWS.
Database / Apache License
- ada-ado (⭐25) - Ada Database Objects is an Ada05 library that provides object relational mapping to access a database in Ada05. The library supports Postgresql, MySQL, SQLite as databases. Most of the concepts developped for ADO come from the Java Hibernate ORM.
Web / Apache License
- awa (⭐96) - Ada Web Application is a framework to build a Web Application in Ada 2012. The framework provides several ready to use and extendable modules that are common to many web application. This includes the login, authentication, users, permissions, managing comments, tags, votes, documents, images.
- dynamo (⭐17) - Code generator used to generate an Ada Web Application or database mappings from hibernate-like XML description, YAML doctrine model or UML models.
- ada-wiki (⭐19) - Ada Wiki is a small library that provides a Wiki engine.
- ada-security (⭐22) - OAuth 2.0 client and server framework to secure web applications.
- ada-el (⭐7) - This library provides the support for a simple Expression Language close to the Java Unified Expression Language (EL).
- ada-asf (⭐14) - Ada Server Faces allows to create web applications using the same pattern as the Java Server Faces (See JSR 252, JSR 314 and JSR 344).
- ada-servlet (⭐7) - Ada Servlet allows to create web applications using the same pattern as the Java Servlet (See JSR 154, JSR 315).
- swagger-ada (⭐27) - Ada support for Swagger codegen: OpenAPI Generator is a code generator that supports generation of API client libraries, server stubs and documentation automatically given an OpenAPI Spec.
General Purpose Computing / Apache License
- ada-bfd (⭐8) - An Ada binding for the GNU Binutils BFD library. It allows to read binary ELF, COFF files by using the GNU BFD.
Applications / Apache License
- etherscope (⭐18) - Ethernet traffic monitor on a STM32F746 board.
Feb 04 - Feb 10, 2019
- ada-composition (⭐10) - A collections of small nifty demos/sample code that may help better layout data or structure project.
Generation / Apache License
- automate (⭐7) - Finite-state machine generator.
Generators and Translators / Apache License
- j2ada (⭐4) - Translator for a Java valid source code in Ada source code.
Jan 21 - Jan 27, 2019
News and Resources
- adacore-blog - An insight into the AdaCore ecosystem.
Jan 07 - Jan 13, 2019
Terminal User Interface / Apache License
- areadline (⭐9) - Ada binding to the readline library.
3D / Apache License
- ada-doom-3 (⭐268) - Id Software's Id-tech-4-BFG in the Ada programming language.
Machine Learning / Apache License
- fuzzyml - Fuzzy machine learning framework.
Patterns / Apache License
- ada-promises (⭐9) - Implementing promises in Ada. Type-safe, efficient, thread-safe.
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- aforth (⭐25) - Embeddable Forth interpreter written in Ada.
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- abf-io (⭐0) - A library of access routines to Axon's ABF file format (electrophysiology, most common) in Ada.
Multimedia / Apache License
- ada-3ds (⭐4) - A simple 3DS Max model renderer.
Dec 24 - Dec 30, 2018
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- claw - CLAW, a High Level, Portable, Ada 95 Binding for Microsoft Windows.
Unit Test, Testing / Apache License
- gnatbdd (⭐7) - Behavior Driven Development in Ada.
System Modeling / Apache License
- ada-fuzzy (⭐3) - A fuzzy inference system library for Ada.
Dec 17 - Dec 23, 2018
Entry Point
- learn - Interactive learning platform designed to teach the Ada and SPARK programming languages.
- adacore-video-tutorials - AdaCore University Video Tutorials.
- simple-games - Learning Ada 2012 by writing simple games.
- spark-by-example (⭐158) - Collection of verified functions and data types in SPARK.
- gems - Ada Gem Archive.
Questions and Answers
- comp-lang-ada - Ada Usenet newsgroup/forum.
- stack-overflow-ada-tag - Ada at Stack Overflow.
News and Resources
- acm-sig-ada - The Special Interest Group on Ada.
Open source / MIT
- byron (⭐62) - Byron is a community project to build an Ada compiler, toolchain, and IDE-system.
Online / Apache License
- tutorials-point-ada-compiler - Online compiler built on the CodingGround engine.
Text Modes / Apache License
- ada-tmbundle (⭐6) - TextMate support for Ada.
Build and Package / Apache License
- gprbuild (⭐69) - Adacore multi-language software build tool.
- ravenadm (⭐19) - Administration tool for Ravenports
- synth (⭐260) - Next D/Ports build tool for live systems (Alternative for Portmaster and Portupgrade tools).
Continuous Integration / Apache License
- continuous-verification (⭐9) - SPARK formal verification automated with Travis CI.
Runtimes / Apache License
- bb-runtimes (⭐68) - GNAT bare metal board support package (BSP).
- avr-ada - GNAT for 8-bit AVR microcontrollers.
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- muen - An x86/64 Separation Kernel for High Assurance.
- ewok (⭐74) - EwoK is a microkernel targeting micro-controllers and embedded systems.
Games / Apache License
- unity-ada-tetris - Tetris, in Ada, for the Unity game engine.
- tictactoe (⭐3) - A tictactoe game written and proven in SPARK/Ada.
- ada-gate (⭐20) - AdaGate is a first-person 3D sokoban puzzle game within a Stargate / Portal fantasy setting for Windows, OS-X and Linux.
- rufas-cube (⭐4) - RufasCube is a puzzle game for Windows, OS-X and GNU Linux (it looks like a rubic cube but it's a slider, not a twister).
- ada-venture (⭐15) - AdaVenture is a kid-friendly retro point&click game with mazes, dragons, bats & snakes.
- world-cup-sokerban (⭐3) - This is a soccer-themed, 3D sokoban puzzle game that runs on Windows, Mac OS-X and GNU Linux.
Components / Apache License
- gnatcoll-core (⭐48) - This is the core module of the GNAT Components Collection.
- gnatcoll-bindings (⭐14) - This is the bindings module of the GNAT Components Collection.
- gnatcoll-db (⭐12) - This is the DB module of the GNAT Components Collection.
Distributed / Apache License
- poly-orb (⭐21) - PolyORB provides a uniform solution to build distributed applications relying either on middleware standards.
3D / Apache License
- ada-ogl (⭐4) - Ada OpenGL Framework.
Logging / Apache License
- alog - Alog is a stackable logging framework for Ada.
Verification / Apache License
- gnat-coverage (⭐41) - GNATcoverage is a tool to analyze and report program coverage.
- spark-2014 (⭐265) - SPARK formal verification toolset.
Generation / Apache License
- asn1scc (⭐0) - ASN1SCC: An open source ASN.1 generator to Ada type declarations and encoders/decoders.
- ocarina (⭐68) - AADL model processor: mappings to Ada code; Petri Nets; scheduling tools (MAST, Cheddar); WCET; REAL.
- fmt - Formal Methods Toolkit is a set of extension packages for Mathematica, supporting software. engineering activities related to modeling, verification and Ada code generation.
Math / Apache License
- math-packages (⭐25) - Collection of basic math routines in Ada.
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- ada-traits-containers (⭐31) - Generic Ada Library for Algorithms and Containers.
- pragmarc (⭐29) - PragmAda Reusable Components (PragmARCs) from PragmAda S/W Engineering.
- ada-id (⭐15) - Simple Ada library for generating UUIDs.
- ada-ga (⭐2) - Genetic Algorithm Implementation for Ada.
- ada-sodoku (⭐5) - Small Library for Sodoku grid solving / finding.
- sl3p (⭐1) - Simple Layer 3 Protocol.
- hungarian-algorithm (⭐2) - Hungarian Algorithm implementation in Ada.
- nb-ada (⭐12) - NBAda : An Ada library of lock-free data structures and algorithms.
Patterns / Apache License
- reqrep-task-pools (⭐1) - Task pool system for jobs.
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- gela (⭐0) - Ada code analyzer.
- anagram (⭐5) - Grammar handling and parser generation Ada library.
- ada-pretty (⭐4) - Pretty printing library for Ada.
- increment (⭐4) - Incremental analysis in Ada.
- parse-args (⭐12) - Simple command-line argument parsing.
Format Readers, Writers and Checkers / Apache License
- ada-yaml (⭐38) - Experimental YAML 1.3 implementation in Ada.
- json-ada (⭐42) - An Ada 2012 library for parsing JSON.
- jwx (⭐18) - A formally verified JSON library in SPARK.
- xmlada (⭐24) - The XML/Ada toolkit.
- spark-xml (⭐23) - A formally verified XML library in SPARK.
- ada-midi (⭐6) - Implementation of Midi / MidiFile reading and writing.
- ada-bin2asc (⭐0) - Various binary-to-ASCII codecs such as Base64.
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- adhcp - ADHCP is an implementation of the DHCP protocol in Ada.
Graphics and Multimedia / Apache License
- opengl-ada (⭐97) - Thick Ada binding for OpenGL and GLFW.
Sound / Apache License
- ada-synthetizer (⭐17) - Sound Synthetizer Library implemented in Ada.
Utilities / Apache License
- auto-counters (⭐9) - Reference counting approaches to resource management.
- cvsweb2git (⭐0) - Tool to imports CVS repository shared on Ada Conformity Assessment Authority into the Git repository.
Frameworks / Apache License
- robotics-with-ada (⭐17) - Robotics with Ada, ARM, and Lego.
Firmwares / Apache License
- certiflie (⭐34) - Source code for the full Ada + SPARK Crazyflie 2.0 firmware.
Drivers / Apache License
- ada-drivers-library (⭐257) - Ada drivers for various MCU and sensors.
- dw1000 (⭐13) - Ada/SPARK driver for the DecaWave DW1000 ultra-wideband (UWB) radio chip.
- evb1000 (⭐0) - Ada/SPARK drivers to control the on-board peripherals of the DecaWave EVB1000 evaluation board.
Controllers / Apache License
- solenoid-engine-controller (⭐5) - Software controller for solenoid engines (Ada/STM32F4).
Libraries / Apache License
- giza (⭐7) - Giza is trying to be a simple widget tool kit for embedded platforms.
- ada-synth-lib (⭐34) - Simple audio synthesis library that can run on bareboard devices.
- geste (⭐19) - GESTE is a sprite and tile 2D render engine designed to run on micro-controllers.
- ada-time (⭐18) - Ada binding for the Pebble Time smartwatch.
- wiring-pi-ada (⭐0) - Ada bindings for wiringPi.
Applications / Apache License
- coffee-clock (⭐7) - Waking up with a fresh cup of coffee.
- noise-nugget (⭐16) - Square Inch Synthesizer.
- spark-railway-demo (⭐7) - Simulated railway network in SPARK/Ada.
- wee-noise-maker (⭐35) - Wee Noise Maker is an open source pocket synthesizer.
- lunar-lander-rotation (⭐2) - Program that interacts with the AdaFruit BNO055 breakout board in order to send orientation data to a host computer.
Mail / Apache License
- trash-finder - Trash Finder is a mail filter that operates as a plugin for your mail server, providing filtering on dozens of criteria along with management of known good mail.
Automation / Apache License
- acnc (⭐65) - A G-code parser and CNC controller (in Ada).
Simulation / Apache License
- parallel-sim (⭐1) - Distributed Simulation of Transport Networks.
Generators and Translators / Apache License
- adabrowse - HTML generator for Ada95 library unit specs.
- tiled-code-gen (⭐3) - Code generator for Tiled the map editor.
Dec 10 - Dec 16, 2018
Online / Apache License
- jdoodle-ada-compiler - Online compiler that provides multiple versions of GNAT to test with.
OS and Kernels / Apache License
- marte-os - MaRTE OS is a Hard Real-Time Operating System for embedded applications that follows the Minimal Real-Time POSIX.13 subset. It provides an easy to use and controlled environment to develop Multi-Thread Real-Time applications.
- bare-bones (⭐87) - An Ada port of the minimal 32-bit x86 kernel.
Components / Apache License
- gnatcoll-json (⭐7) - This is a set of helpers for writing JSON-intefaces it contains JSON parses for most of the Ada runtime components.
Dec 03 - Dec 09, 2018
Applications / Apache License
- railway-simulation (⭐5) - Program simulating a railway network with trains, switches and signaling. The signaling system is proven with SPARK/Ada to ensure that trains cannot collide.
Generators / Apache License
- svd2ada (⭐66) - An Ada binding generator from SVD descriptions for bare board ARM devices.
Oct 22 - Oct 28, 2018
Web / Apache License
- aws (⭐138) - AWS is a complete framework to develop Web based applications in Ada.
Algorithms, Containers and Protocols / Apache License
- booch95 - The Ada 95 Booch components are a port of Grady Booch's C++ components.
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- anet - Anet is a networking library for the Ada programming language.