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:sunglasses: Curated list of awesome software for numerical analysis and scientific computing
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Dec 11, 2024
Data formats / Mesh tools
- HDF5 - Data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. (C/Fortran, BSD, GitHub (⭐637))
Dec 04, 2024
Community / Mesh tools
- Gabriel Peyré on Bluesky - One post a day on computational mathematics.
Mar 11, 2024
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- trimesh - Loading and using triangular meshes with an emphasis on watertight surfaces. (Python, MIT, GitHub (⭐3k))
Apr 13, 2023
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- pygalmesh (⭐600) - Python interface for CGAL's 3D meshing capabilities. (Python, GPL 3, GitHub)
- dmsh (⭐210) - Simple generator for unstructured triangular meshes, inspired by distmesh. (Python, proprietary, GitHub)
Meshing / Mesh tools
- optimesh (⭐580) - Triangular mesh smoothing. (Python, proprietary, GitHub)
- meshplex (⭐104) - Fast tools for simplex meshes. (Python, proprietary, GitHub)
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- quadpy (⭐765) - Numerical integration (quadrature, cubature) in Python. (Python, proprietary, GitHub)
- accupy (⭐104) - Accurate sums and dot products for Python. (Python, GPL 3, GitHub)
- orthopy (⭐182) - Compute orthogonal polynomials efficiently. (Python, proprietary, GitHub)
Dec 14, 2022
Visualization / Mesh tools
- morphologica (⭐260) - Header-only, modern OpenGL code to visualize numerical simulations at runtime. (C++, Apache 2.0, GitHub)
Dec 11, 2022
Basic linear algebra
- BLAS - Standard building blocks for performing basic vector and matrix operations. (Fortran, public domain, GitHub (⭐1.5k))
- LAPACK - Routines for solving systems of linear equations, linear least-squares, eigenvalue problems, etc. (Fortran, BSD, GitHub (⭐1.5k))
Visualization / Mesh tools
- F3D - Cross-platform, fast, and minimalist 3D viewer with scientific visualization tools. (C++, BSD, GitHub (⭐2.9k))
Community / Mesh tools
- Jack Dongarra's software list - List of freely available software for the solution of linear algebra problems.
- NA Digest - Collection of articles on topics related to numerical analysis and those who practice it.
Mar 15, 2022
Finite Elements
- MFEM - Free, lightweight, scalable C++ library for finite element methods. (C++, BSD-3-Clause, GitHub (⭐1.7k))
Jan 14, 2022
Multi-purpose toolkits
- DifferentialEquations.jl - Toolbox for solving different types of differential equations numerically. (Julia, MIT, GitHub (⭐2.9k))
Jan 11, 2022
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- HPDDM (⭐140) - High-performance unified framework for domain decomposition methods. (C++, LGPL 3, GitHub)
Dec 15, 2021
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- Triangle - Two-dimensional quality mesh generator and Delaunay triangulator. (C, nonfree software)
- SeismicMesh (⭐129) - Parallel 2D/3D triangle/tetrahedral mesh generation with sliver removal. (Python and C++, GPL 3, GitHub)
Meshing / Quadrilateral and hexahedral meshing
- QuadriFlow - Scalable and robust quadrangulation from triangulation. (C++, BSD, GitHub (⭐677))
Meshing / Mesh tools
- meshio (⭐2k) - I/O for various mesh formats, file conversion. (Python, MIT, GitHub)
- pmp-library - Polygon mesh processing library. (C++, MIT with Employer Disclaimer, GitHub (⭐1.3k))
- Mmg - Robust, open-source & multidisciplinary software for remeshing. (C, LGPL 3, GitHub (⭐375))
Oct 28, 2021
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- PyDMD (⭐77) - Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) in Python. (Python, MIT, GitHub)
May 28, 2021
Finite Elements
- FEniCS - Computing platform for solving PDEs in Python and C++. (C++/Python, LGPL 3, GitHub/Bitbucket)
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- shenfun - High-performance Python library for the spectral Galerkin method. (Python, BSD-2, GitHub (⭐204))
May 27, 2021
Finite Elements
- scikit-fem (⭐513) - Simple finite element assemblers. (Python, BSD/GPL, GitHub)
Visualization / Mesh tools
- TTK - Topological data analysis and visualization. (C++/Python, BSD, GitHub (⭐423))
Apr 20, 2021
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- cvxpy - Modeling language for convex optimization problems. (Python, Apache 2.0, GitHub (⭐5.5k))
Apr 19, 2021
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- PyGMO - Massively parallel optimization. (Python/C++, MPL 2, GitHub (⭐453))
Mar 18, 2021
Community / Mesh tools
- Discord: Numerical Software - Discord messaging server on numerical software.
Mar 01, 2021
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- Dedalus - Solve partial differential equations with spectral methods. (Python, GPL 3, GitHub (⭐524))
Feb 04, 2021
Data formats / Mesh tools
- NetCDF - Software libraries and data formats for array-oriented scientific data. (C/C++/Fortran/Java/Python, custom open-source license, GitHub (⭐520))
- XDMF - eXtensible Data Model and Format for data from High Performance Computing codes. (C++, GitLab)
- Zarr - Format for the storage of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays. (Python, MIT, GitHub (⭐1.5k))
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- pyGAM - Generalized Additive Models in Python. (Python, Apache 2.0, GitHub (⭐877))
Oct 27, 2020
Visualization / Mesh tools
- yt - Toolkit for analysis and visualization of volumetric data. (Python, BSD, GitHub (⭐469))
Oct 17, 2020
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- preCICE - Coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations (FSI, CHT, and more). (C++, LGPL 3, GitHub)
Oct 16, 2020
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- pygmsh (⭐865) - Python interface for Gmsh. (Python, GPL 3, GitHub)
Visualization / Mesh tools
- vedo - Library for scientific analysis and visualization of 3D objects based on VTK. (Python, MIT, GitHub (⭐2.1k))
Sep 09, 2020
Basic linear algebra
- blaze - High-performance C++ math library for dense and sparse arithmetic. (C++, BSD, Bitbucket)
Mar 30, 2020
Finite Elements
- libceed - Code for Efficient Extensible Discretizations. (C, 2-clause BSD, GitHub (⭐205))
Feb 25, 2020
Basic linear algebra
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- TetWild - Generate tetrahedral meshes for triangular surface meshes. (C++, GPL 3, GitHub (⭐619))
- fTetWild - Same as TetWild, but faster. (C++, MPL 2, GitHub (⭐425))
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
Dec 23, 2019
Visualization / Mesh tools
- PyVista - 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for VTK. (Python, MIT, GitHub (⭐2.8k))
Dec 05, 2019
Finite Elements
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- TriWild - Robust triangulation with curve constraints. (C++, MPL 2, GitHub (⭐235))
Visualization / Mesh tools
- ParaView - Multi-platform data analysis and visualization application based on VTK. (C++, BSD, GitLab)
- Mayavi - 3D scientific data visualization and plotting in Python. (Python, BSD, GitHub (⭐1.3k))
- Polyscope - Viewer and user interface for 3D geometry processing. (C++, MIT, GitHub (⭐1.8k))
Nov 18, 2019
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- NFFT - Nonequispaced fast Fourier transform. (C/MATLAB, GPL 2, GitHub (⭐175))
Community / Mesh tools
- Nick Higham's blog - Mostly on MATLAB, general computing advice.
Oct 19, 2019
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- PyWavelets - Wavelet transforms in Python. (Python, MIT, GitHub (⭐2.1k))
Oct 08, 2019
Multi-purpose toolkits
Jul 30, 2019
Sparse linear solvers / Mesh tools
- hypre - Library of high-performance preconditioners and solvers. (C, Apache 2.0/MIT, GitHub (⭐713))
Jun 03, 2019
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- pyMOR - Model Order Reduction with Python. (Python, 2-clause BSD, GitHub (⭐310))
May 31, 2019
Basic linear algebra
- OpenBLAS - Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2. (C and Assembly, BSD, GitHub (⭐6.4k))
- BLIS (⭐2.3k) - High-performance BLAS-like dense linear algebra libraries. (C, BSD, GitHub)
Finite Elements
- MOOSE - Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment. (C++, LGPL 2.1, GitHub (⭐1.8k))
Apr 29, 2019
Basic linear algebra
- Ginkgo - High-performance manycore linear algebra library, focus on sparse systems. (C++, BSD, GitHub (⭐415))
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- Chebfun - Computing with functions to about 15-digit accuracy. (MATLAB, BSD, GitHub (⭐614))
Mar 21, 2019
Finite Elements
- SfePy - Simple Finite Elements in Python. (Python, BSD, GitHub (⭐751))
Community / Mesh tools
- Wolfgang Bangerth's video class - MATH 676: Finite element methods in scientific computing.
Aug 27, 2018
Community / Mesh tools
- John D. Cook's blog - Feats of scientific computing.
Aug 19, 2018
Community / Mesh tools
- Nick Trefethen's Video Lectures - 36 video lectures on approximation theory/practice and scientific computing.
Aug 18, 2018
Community / Mesh tools
- SciComp StackExchange - Computational Science on the StackExchange network.
Jul 29, 2018
Multi-purpose toolkits
- DUNE Numerics - Toolbox for solving PDEs with grid-based methods. (C++, GPL 2, GitLab)
- SciPy - Python modules for statistics, optimization, integration, linear algebra, etc. (Python, mostly BSD, GitHub (⭐13k))
- NumPy - Fundamental package needed for scientific computing with Python. (Python, BSD, GitHub (⭐28k))
Finite Elements
- libMesh - Framework for the numerical simulation of PDEs using unstructured discretizations. (C++, LGPL 2.1, GitHub (⭐660))
- deal.II - Software library supporting the creation of finite element codes. (C++, LGPL 2.1, GitHub (⭐1.4k))
- Netgen/NGSolve - High performance multiphysics finite element software. (C++, LGPL 2.1, GitHub (⭐302))
- Firedrake - Automated system for the solution of PDEs using the finite element method. (Python, LGPL 3, GitHub (⭐521))
Meshing / Triangular and tetrahedral meshing
- Gmsh - Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with pre- and post-processing facilities. (C++, GPL, GitLab)
- MeshPy - Quality triangular and tetrahedral mesh generation. (Python, MIT, GitHub (⭐522))
- CGAL - Algorithms for computational geometry. (C++, mixed LGPL/GPL, GitHub (⭐5k))
- TetGen - Quality tetrahedral mesh generator and 3D Delaunay triangulator. (C++, AGPLv3)
- distmesh - Simple generator for unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes. (MATLAB, GPL 3)
Sparse linear solvers / Mesh tools
- SuperLU - Direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations. (C, mostly BSD, GitHub (⭐281))
- PyAMG - Algebraic Multigrid Solvers in Python. (Python, MIT, GitHub (⭐575))
Other libraries and tools / Mesh tools
- FFTW - Discrete Fourier transforms in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, real and complex. (C, GPL2, GitHub (⭐2.8k))
- Qhull - Convex hull, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, halfspace intersection about a point, etc. (C/C++, custom open source license, GitHub (⭐738))
- GSL - Random number generators, special functions, and least-squares fitting etc. (C/C++, GPL 3, Savannah)
- OpenFOAM - Free, open source CFD (computational fluid dynamics) software. (C++, GPL 3, GitHub (⭐1.6k))
- FiPy - Finite-volume PDE solver. (Python, custom open-source license, GitHub (⭐517))