Awesome Stock Resources Overview
:city_sunrise: A collection of links for free stock photography, video and Illustration websites
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Awesome Stock Resources

A curated list of awesome stock photography, video and illustration websites.
I try my best to maintain this repository and keep it up-to-date but if you spot a broken link or a resource which isn't listed, please, feel free to make a pull request.
Table of Contents
- Photography
- Illustration
- Vector Graphics
- Videos
- Patterns
- Textures
- Fonts
- Icons
- Colors
- Aggregated Content
- HTML Templates
- Sounds & Music
- Paid Resources
- How to Contribute
- How to Share
- Donate
- License
All the resources below have specifically specified that their content is ©️ CC0-licensed.
- Altphotos - Handpicked free high-resolution photos added daily.
- Barn Images - Barn Images offers you a collection of free high-resolution non-stock photography.
- CC0.Photo - is a project initiated by Raffael Herrmann, which serves you with free photos.
- Crow the Stone - Free photos to use any way you want.
- Cupcake - Free do what ever you want photos by Jonas Nilsson Lee.
- FindA.Photo - search through thousands of CC0 photos by keyword and color.
- Free Nature Stock - Royalty-free, use them however you want, Nature Stock Photos.
- Freely Photos - Totally free high quality Christian stock photography.
- Gratisography - Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. New pictures added weekly.
- Jay Mantri - Free pics. Do anything. Make magic.
- Jéshoots - Photos for business or personal use in high resolution for free.
- LibreShot - A collection of hundreds of high quality free stock images for personal or commercial use.
- Life of Pix - Free high-resolution photos, no copyright restrictions. Photographs added weekly.
- Little Visuals - Hi-res images zipped up in your inbox. Use them anyway you want.
- Magdeleine - A selection of free photos curated by Magdeleine.
- MMT - New photos by Jeffrey Betts added every week.
- Moveast - This is a journey of a Portuguese guy moving.
- Negative Space - Stock photos added every week.
- Openverse - A meta search across several libraries to find adaptable / editable images and audio files.
- Pexels - 20 new high-quality photos daily.
- Photo Crops - Five high resolution photos added every week, sometimes more.
- Pickle Jar - High-resolution images of everyday india. One new image every day.
- Pickupimage - Free download high quality premium free stock images, public domain photos.
- Pixabay - Stock photos, illustrations, vectors and videos.
- Realgraphy - Authentic Non-Stock Photos for Free. Forever.
- Realistic Shots - 7 new photos added every week.
- Skitter Photo - Public domain pictures and stock photos for commercial use.
- Skuawk - Skuawk public domain photos, free, beautiful and artistically loud.
- Snappy Goat - Over 12 million public domain & CC0 licensed images.
- Snapwire Snaps - Commissioned photos from 170,000 of the world's most talented photographers.
- SpaceX Photos - Promotional SpaceX stock photography.
- Splashbase - Search & discover free, hi-resolution photos & videos.
- Stockified - Free pictures taken in India by Kiran BV and Aditya G Bharadwaj.
- Stocksnap - Hundreds of high resolution images added weekly.
- Stokpic - Free Stock Photos For Commercial Use.
- Streetwill - Free hi-resolution vintage photos to use any way you want.
- The Pic Pac - New pacs on Monday, free pics Tuesday - Sunday.
- Travel Coffee Book - Travel photography.
- Wesaturate - A collection of completely free CC0 images in RAW and JPG formats.
Custom License / Usage
These following photography resources are those who have declared their own usage and restriction terms. These can be found by clicking the (license) link next to the resource.
- Bara Art - ©️ The world always needs high quality photography! Here they are for you, so make something awesome out of them.
- - ©️ An image search engine tailored to efficiently locate images for blogs, comps, inspiration, and research.
- Death to the Stock Photo - ©️ Free monthly photos for all your creative needs.
- Designer Pics - ©️ Free photographs for personal and commercial by Jeshu John.
- Foodies Feed - Free food based images. ©️.
- Freerange - ©️ Quality stock photos for commercial and non-commercial use. For free.
- Good Stock Photos - ©️ One free to use photo added everyday.
- ISO Republic - ©️ ISO Republic provides exclusive free stock photos for creatives.
- Kaboom Pics - ©️ Great place to get breathtaking Free Pictures for business or personal projects.
- morgueFile - ©️ Free photo archive by creatives, for creatives.
- Photober - ©️ Free of charge photo downloading site for personal or commercial use.
- PhotoStockEditor - ©️ High-resolution weekly images for Personal & Commercial use.
- Pic Jumbo - ©️ Totally free photos for your commercial & personal works.
- Picography - ©️ Free hi-resolution photos. Use them however you like.
- Reshot - ©️ Handpicked, non-stocky images. Yours to use as you wish.
- Shutteroo - ©️ Free high-resolution travel images.
- Split Shire - ©️ Real photos for commercial use with no copyright restrictions and a real look.
- Startup Stock Photos - ©️ Startup based photography.
- Unsplash - ©️ User submitted, free high-resolution photos.
Public Domain
A collection of links to public domain photography resources.
- Good Free Photos - ©️ A large free stock photo site with thousands of public domain photos including landscapes, objects, animals, plants, textures, and many other free photos. All photos taken by the website owner.
- Flickr Commons - ©️ Flickr's catalogue of the worlds public photo archives.
- New Old Stock - ©️ Vintage photos from the public archive. of known copyright restrictions.
- NYPL Digital Collections - ©️ 180.000 items are Public Domain since January 6th 2016 Public Domain Collections: Free to Share & Reuse
- Project Apollo Archive - ©️ High-resolution Apollo imagery scanned by NASA's Johnson Space Center.
- Public Domain Archive - ©️ New stock photos every single week.
Attribution Required licenses
The photographs on the following resources require Attribution unless otherwise stated on the website itself. These use a mixture of license, all of which have been linked to next to them.
- Albumarium - ©️ The "best" place to find & share beautiful images.
- BucketListly - A free creative common collection of travel photos anyone can use.
- IM Creator - Also includes Website templates and icons. Some (CC0-licensed) works, check the license before use.
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - ©️ Graphics and photos of space and spaceflight.
- PhotoEverywhere - ©️ Globe-trot our collection of high resolution Travel Stock Images More than 3600 photos that are Free to use and ready for instant download.
- Superfamous - ©️ Superfamous CC BY 3.0 licensed images by Folkert Gorter.
- UKBlackTech - ©️ Photographers of British based BAME (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic) people in tech.
- Women of Color in Tech - ©️ Licensed picture from Women of Color in Tech.
Unspecified License
These resources haven't specified any formal terms of use or licenses.
- Freejpg - Free image bank for commercial and editorial use.
- Function - High-resolution photos by Liam McKay.
- Refe Real Life Photos - Free real life photos from REFE.
- titania foto - The free image database
- Trunklog - A collection of photos from photographer Magnus Jälthammar.
- Mockup World - A mixture of free and premium mockup in-situation templates.
- Wunderstock - 670 (and counting) free HD images for your web and design projects.
A collection of illustration resources which contain a mixture of historical archive, contemporary and public domain assets.
- Biodiversity Heritage Library ©️ ©️ A mix of Public Domain and Attribution (CC BY 2.0) licenses. Nearly 150,000 exquisite, historical illustrations of life on Earth.
- British Library Illustration Archive - ©️ The British Library’s collections on Flickr Commons offer access to millions of public domain images.
- Old Book Illustrations - ©️ A massive collection of illustrations from old books.
- unDraw - ©️ Open-source illustrations for every project you can imagine and create.
- - ©️ CC-BY licensed vector image illustrations with sources.
Vector Graphics
A collection of resources which contain stock graphical elements which don't fit in the other sections.
- AMCharts - Free SVG Maps - ©️ A directory of free non-commercial, attribution licensed SVG maps in two level of details: High and low.
- Bioicons - ©️ High quality science illustrations.
- Facebook Design Resource - ©️ A collection for design resources from Facebook including iOS9 GUI and various popular device templates.
- Freepik - ©️ Find free vectors, PSD, icons and photos.
- - ©️ A fun little community of vector lovers who share free vector graphics.
- Humaans - ©️ CC0 licensed clipart images of humans.
- Logo Dust - ©️ Free CC Attribution 4.0 logo designs for your projects.
- Mega Doodles Pack (⭐496) - ©️ Free and big CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 vector pack with hand-drawn doodles for presentations, social media, blog posts and so on.
- Open Doodles - ©️ CC-0-licensed vector sketches/cliparts with generator and compositions.
- Sketch Repo - ©️ Sketch Repo is a great place to discover Sketch App resources for your next design project.
- Vecteezy - ©️ Discover & download free vector art from a community of Illustrators.
A selection of websites offering high quality video stock.
- Coverr - ©️ Beautiful, free, CC0 licensed videos for your homepage. 7 new videos every Monday.
- FreeStockVideo - ©️ Free Beautiful Video & Footage Clips.
- Life of Vids - ©️ Free royalty-free videos, clips & loops.
- Mazwai - Great collection of free creative commons HD video clips & footages. Check each video for licensing terms.
- Mixkit - ©️ High-quality stock videos that are completely free.
- Pexels Videos - ©️ Completely free, CC0 licensed stock videos.
- Pixabay - ©️ Thousands of free stock video clips & footage from community contributors.
- Videezy - ©️ Free stock videos, 4k footage, and free HD video clips.
- Vidsplay - ©️ Free HD stock footage (Attribution required).
- VYOO - ©️ Beautiful, Free Vertical Videos.
A mixture of CSS and image based pattern resources.
- CSS3 Patterns Gallery - CSS3 based repeatable patterns.
- Gradienta - ©️ Multicolor CSS Gradients, JPG Downloads, 100% Free!
- Hero Patterns - A collection of free CC Attribution 4.0 repeatable SVG background patterns.
- Low Poly Images - Collection of low poly image generators.
- Subtle Patterns - Image based background textures and patterns.
- The Pattern Library - A collection of bold, bright and funky repeatable patterns.
- UI Gradients - Nice, subtle linear gradients to use in your designs.
Websites offering images suitable for texturing objects for 3D graphics.
- TextureHaven - ©️ CC0-licensed High quality set of textures with CC0 license.
A mixture of free and open source font resources.
- Beautiful Web Type - A showcase of the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory.
- Brick (⭐2.9k) - Webfonts that actually look good.
- Font Fabric - Font Fabric's free fonts.
- Font Squirrel - Handpicked fonts free for commercial use.
- Google Fonts - Interactive directory of free hosted application programming interfaces for web fonts.
- Open Type Foundry - ©️ A new platform for open-source fonts in a noise-free environment.
- The League of Movable Type - Open-source type foundry.
Icon Fonts
A collection for icon font resources, most of which also include SVGs, which can be used in your interface and website designs.
- Appa Sariicon ©️ 147 8-bit retro style webfont icons for web and mobile
- Batch Icons - ©️ Icon set of 300+ icons, which is part of inuit.css (⭐3.8k).
- Devicons - ©️ Meet Devicons, an iconic font made for developers, code jedis, ninjas, HTTPsters, evangelists and nerds(sic). 100+ icons ready to use in your next project.
- Iconfinder - Iconfinder provides beautiful icons to millions of designers and developers. Most icons are available under attribution. See individual licenses for more details.
- Font Awesome - ©️ MIT licensed icon font.
- Fontello - ©️ (⭐7k) - Fontello is a tool to quickly pack vector images into webfonts. Also includes a section of stock icons.
- Foundation Icon Fonts 3 - ©️ An icon font from Zurb, the people behind the Foundation framework.
- IcoMoon - ©️ Custom built and crisp icon fonts, done right.
- Iconstore - ©️ Free Icons by First-Class Designers.
- Ionicons - ©️ The premium icon font for Ionic Framework. 100% free and open source.
- Ligature Symbols - ©️ Really clean icon set including all major topics.
- Material Design Icons - ©️ Google's Material Icons.
- Octicons - ©️ GitHub's Icons.
- Open Iconic - ©️ (font) ©️ (icons) Icon set with 223 marks in SVG.
- Pathlove Icons - ©️ 100+ cute and vibrant icons. Free for personal and commercial use; attribution required.
- Simple Icons -©️ (⭐22k) Free SVG icons for popular brands.
- Social Stackicons - ©️ Icon set with over 60 social brands.
- Standart - Standart: free SVG icons for use in your project.
- To icon - ©️ Collection of SVG icons for your project.
- Topcoat Icons (⭐257) - ©️ Icons by Topcoat.
- Typicons - ©️ (font) ©️ (icons) Rounded icon set with 336 icons.
- Weather Icons - Weather Icons is the only icon font and CSS with 222 weather themed icons.
- WeLoveIconFonts – A free & open source icon fonts hosting service (like Google Web Fonts, but icon fonts only).
Icons Packages and Collections
A collection for SVG icon resources which can be used in your interface and website designs.
- Atlas Icons - ©️ 2,701 free consistent icons.
- BlendIcons - ©️ Free, world top icons.
- Bootstrap Icons - ©️ (⭐7.5k) Free, high quality, open source icon library with over 1,800 icons.
- Doodle Icons - ©️ 400+ handcrafted icons free for your next project.
- Entypo - ©️ Carefully crafted iconset by Daniel Bruce.
- Flowbite - ©️ Free and open-source SVG icons.
- Fluent UI System Icons (⭐6.2k) - ©️ Fluent System Icons are a collection of familiar, friendly and modern icons from Microsoft.
- Free Icons - A collection from all the open source icon collections available.
- Free Icons - ©️ Open-source vector icons in 16 styles for any project.
- Game Icons - ©️ A growing collection of SVG icons aimed mostly at video games.
- Heroicons - ©️ Beautiful, free SVG icons from the makers of Tailwind CSS.
- Humbleicons - ©️ A pack of 227 simple, neutral, carefully crafted icons that you can use in your personal and commercial projects for free.
- Iconhunt - A search engine with 150.000+ free, open sources icons.
- Iconmonstr - ©️ A huge selection of icons in SVG and PNG format.
- Iconoir - ©️ A Simple and Definitive Open-Source Icons Library.
- Lucide - ©️ Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community.
- Maps Icon (⭐2.2k) - ©️ (⭐2.2k) Mapsicon is a free collection of maps for nearly every country in the world, available in 11 different sizes, ranging from 16x16 pixels to 1024x1024 pixels, as well as .svg format.
- Material Design Icons - A collections of free, material design style icons.
- Simple Icons (⭐22k) - ©️ SVG icons for popular brands.
- The Noun Project - ©️ Over 150,000 icons designed by creators from around the world. Free users must give credit to the creator.
- Unicorn icons - ©️ 100+ playful animated and customizable icons, available in JSON and SVG format.
A selection of websites offering color schemes.
- Bootflat - Bootflat Flat UI color picker is a project digging the Flat Color Picker which gives you the perfect colors for flat designs.
- Brand Colors - Official color codes for the world's biggest brands.
- Branition Colors - Hand-curated collection of color pallets best fitted for branding.
- Color Hunt - A place to discover, create, and share color palettes.
- Colorful Gradients - Gradients automatically created by a computer. 48 times daily.
- Colour Lovers - A creative community where people from around the world create and share colors, palettes and patterns.
- Coolhue 2.0 - Coolest handpicked Gradient Palette and Swatch for your next super amazing stuff.
- Coolors - The super fast color schemes generator for cool designers.
- Flat UI Colors - Flat color picker which gives you the perfect colors for flat designs.
- Material Design Colors - Material ui color palette for Android, Web & iOS.
- Material Palette - Generate & export your Material Design color palette.
Aggregated Content
A liberal mixture of content aggregated from other free resources and made available at one central point.
- All The Free Stock - One stop resource for free stock images, videos, sounds and more.
- Avopix - More than 15 000 absolutely free stock photos and vectors.
- Libre Stock - Search engine for stock photo websites.
- Stock Up - Searching 9,301 (and counting) free stock photos across 25 websites.
- The Stocks - The best royalty free stock photos in one place.
HTML Templates
Various different websites offering free HTML templates and themes.
- Bootswatch - ©️ Free themes for Bootstrap.
- HTML5 Rocket - ©️ Free HTML5 site templates.
- HTML5 Up - ©️ HTML5 UP makes spiffy HTML5 site templates.
- Start Bootstrap - ©️ Free Bootstrap templates and themes.
- Templated - ©️ A collection of 850 free CSS and HTML5 site templates, designed & built by Cherry + AJ and released under the Creative Commons.
- Themezy - ©️ Free WordPress themes and website templates.
Sounds & Music
Free resources for stock sound and music to be used on creative projects
- Bensound - ©️ Royalty free music by Bensound.
- ccMixter - ©️ offers over 30,000 original tracks that can be used freely in YouTube videos, remixes, mobile apps, games, and more.
- Free Loops - ©️ Free loops and audio clip.
- Free Music Archive - ©️ An interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America.
- Freesound - ©️ Collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings and bleeps.
- FreeSoundEffects - ©️ For YouTube, filmmakers, games, podcasts and to use in your next video project, for free!
- Internet Archive’s Netlabels Collection - ©️ Netlabels collection hosts complete, freely downloadable/streamable.
- Jamendo - ©️ Independent music community with a large collect of creative commons licensed music.
- Jukedeck - ©️ Machine learning powered royalty-free original music.
- Sound Image - ©️ Over 1000 tracks of free music and sound effects for your projects by Eric Matyas.
- SoundBible - ©️ Thousands of free sound effects, sound clips, and straight up sounds.
- Tunetank - ©️ Exclusive royalty free music for YouTube videos without copyright claims.
- Unminus - ©️ Download Royalty Free Music for YouTube Videos, Podcasts and Apps. No Copyright CC0 Music inspired by Unsplash.
Paid Resources
And last, but not least, a selection of the best paid resources.
- Adobe Stock - Photos, Illustrations, Vectors.
- Fotolia - Photos, Illustrations, Vectors, Videos.
- Inky Deals - Premium resources at insane discounts.
- Shutterstock - Photos, Vectors, Editorial, Footages, Music.
- Stocksy - "Cliché-free" Photos.
- Graphic River - Hand-reviewed graphic assets from a community of designers. .
How to Contribute
How to Share
Donate ❤️
And finally, if you appreciate this list and find it useful, please consider helping to support the ongoing maintenance by donating:
To the extent possible under law, Tony Phipps has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.