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Oct 12 - Oct 18, 2020
Portuguese / Swift
- Telegram - Waves Portugal - Chat da Comunidade Portuguesa da Waves.
Sep 21 - Sep 27, 2020
Client libraries / Rust
- waves-lib-rust (⭐1) - Library to work with Waves blockchain.
Jul 27 - Aug 02, 2020
- How to add crypto payments to your online store? - How to add crypto payment options to your online store with the help of Pay Crypto Widget developed in the Waves ecosystem.
Jun 29 - Jul 05, 2020
- GRPC Server - Public GRPC interface for Mainnet.
- IDE - Online IDE to create Ride smart contracts on Stagenet.
The Ride programming language
- Waves IDE - Online IDE to create smart contracts on Ride.
Jun 15 - Jun 21, 2020
- How to build a dApp for team motivation - Billy is DApp in the form of a bot that allows for an incentive and reward system aiming to motivate employees through Slack, a business communication platform (ru).
Jun 08 - Jun 14, 2020
- How to use Waves Signer - How to authorize and sign transactions on your website.
- Understanding Waves Signer — Nuxt.js integration step-by-step - How to create demo app for authenticating with Waves Signer and Nuxt.js for SSR (server-side rendering).
- Certificado, Part 1. How to build your first blockchain-based app in 15 minutes - Tutorial on how to create blockchain-based certificate storage (ru).
- Certificado, Part 2. What are Smart Contracts and how to use them in your app - Tutorial on how to create blockchain-based certificate storage (ru).
- How to: offer a free trial for your dApp - Detailed guide to lowering the barrier for users of a dApp (ru).
- Blockchain Trigger: a tool for automatic smart contract invocation - Calling a smart contract, users experience some issues, which hampers mass adoption of blockchain. An instrument called Blockchain Trigger could help resolve these issues (ru).
- How to avoid common mistakes in dApp development - How can we avoid the most common mistakes when developing dApps for Web 3.0 (ru).
- How to write decentralized oracles in Ride - How can we resolve the issue of supplying real-world data to the blockchain? Introducing Oraculus - a smart contract for creating decentralized oracles (ru).
- Billy — motivation bot for Slack and Microsoft Teams - A tool built on the Waves blockchain to reward team members in a non-financial way (ru).
Docker images
- K8s by loxal - The container was built in order to run as a fire-and-forget
in a Kubernetes cluster.
Client libraries / JavaScript/TypeScript
- Waves Signer (⭐23) - library to interact with the Waves blockchain from your web app (example provider (⭐6)).
- vue-waves-signer (⭐2) - Waves Signer implementation for Vue.js.
- pay-crypto-widget (⭐9) - JS widget for accepting crypto payments on your website.
- crypto-donate (⭐3) - HTML widget allowing to donate Waves tokens to content authors.
Client libraries / Python
- ERC20 Gateway Framework (⭐7) - Allows to easily establish a gateway between any ERC-20 token and the Waves blockchain (example (⭐0)).
- Waves-Gateway-Framework (⭐23) - A framework to connect other cryptocurrencies to the Waves blockchain (LTC example (⭐7)).
Projects / Swift
- Billy - A motivation tool for teams. Billy offers a product to create an atmosphere of cooperation, focus the company on the core values, and incentivize sharing by creating an in-team economy.
- WaveFlow - Allows you to create new or use existing exchangers that provide a constant supply and demand for certain traded pairs. Algorithmic pricing is used to ensure consistency of supply and demand - the more popular the token is, the higher its price is set. Each exchanger is a dApp written in Ride (example of trading bot (⭐11)).
French / Swift
- Dev France on Youtube - Une chaîne dédiée à l'apprentissage du développement d'applications décentralisées (dApp) sur la Blockchain Waves.
May 18 - May 24, 2020
- How to Build, Deploy and Test a Waves Ride dApp - How to write simple decentralized appication(dApp) and run it on Waves node. (ru)
- Simple voting on the Waves blockchain - The head of the HOA (homeowners association) asks the tenants of the building: "Dear residents, do you agree with the construction of the kids' playground in the yard of your building?". Objective: implement such voting among tenants on the Waves blockchain.
- Waves Keeper - Official browser extension allows to manage private keys and interact securely and seamlessly with Waves-enabled web services and dApps.
- ItemMarket - Decentralised platform where everyone can tokenize, sell and buy somebody's in-game items in the form of tokens. (read more)
Apr 20 - Apr 26, 2020
- Node API - Swagger REST API of Waves Node.
Apr 13 - Apr 19, 2020
- Ride introduction (⭐18) - Shortest and simplest explanation of Ride.
Available in other languages: French.
- Mastering Web3 with Waves - The dApps programming online course on Stepik.
Available in other languages: Deutsch, Dutch, French, Greek, Hindi, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish.
- Mastering Web3 with Waves (on Medium) - All materials of the Stepik course as articles on Medium.
Available in other languages: Deutcsh, Dutch, French, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish.
- Ride Cheat Sheet PNG - Quick overview of important Ride key points.
Available in other format: PDF - PSD (Font).
Available in other languages: PNG French - PDF French.
- How to: Waves dApps — DAO. Example using Ride-language for smart contracts - How to create the simple DAO dApp for voting and collective investing in projects. (ru)
- How to: Waves dApps — Prediction Markets example with Ride-language. Part 1 - How to create the simple Prediction Market dApp (like Augur or Gnosis) to create new markets, trade shares and win if the prediction will come true.
- Node (⭐1.2k) - Waves Node repository on GitHub.
The Ride programming language
- ride-examples (⭐30) - Examples of scripts for accounts and assets using Ride.
- waves-ride - Visual Studio Code extension to support Ride.
- vim-ride (⭐4) - Vim plugin for Ride syntax highlighting.
Projects / Swift
- Signature Chain - Signature Chain's primary goal is to develop a platform allowing the certification of files and documents.
International / Swift
- Waves Dev Jedi. Ride for dApps - Telegram chat for dApps developers.
- Stack Overflow - The best place to ask your tech questions. Use tags
Japanese / Swift
- Telegram - DApps開発者のためのTelegramチャット.
Jan 06 - Jan 12, 2020
- Waves.Exchange Wallet - Web & desktop client by Waves.Exchange enables you to join the ecosystem and enjoy the full range of digital asset management features.
- iOS wallet - Wallet for iPhone by Waves.Exchange.
- Android wallet - Wallet for Android devices by Waves.Exchange.
- Dev PyWaves - Blockchain explorer by PyWaves.
Projects / Swift
- Neutrino (⭐10) - An algorithmic price-stable cryptocurrency protocol collateralized by WAVES token.
Dec 30 - Jan 05, 2019
Docker images
- WavesNode - Docker Image for Waves Platform node. Supports any official or custom networks.
Dec 09 - Dec 15, 2019
Client libraries / C/C++
- nanos-app-waves (⭐17) - Waves wallet application for Ledger Nano S.
Other tools / Swift
- sh-Ride-brush (⭐1) - SyntaxHighlighter brush for the Ride language.
- Ride for Pygments (⭐1.1k) - The Pygments (⭐1.1k) highlighter oficially supports the Ride out of the box.
Projects / Swift
- LIGA - A platform with tokenized sport events, enabling you to deal with real-time rates and to trade your personal predictions with others.
Dec 02 - Dec 08, 2019
Blockchain utils / Swift
- Nodes on map - All nodes of the Waves Mainnet on the world map.
Catalogs / Swift
- Waves on DappRadar - Waves dApps published on the DappRadar.
Games / Swift
- NyanCat: The Crypto Race - Build your own Nyan Cat collection, race against other players and get your reward in weekly Leaderboards with the prize fund up to $2000!
Projects / Swift
- Lombardini - Borrow WBTC for WAVES instantly.
Nov 25 - Dec 01, 2019
Philippine / Swift
- Telegram - Telegram Waves Developers Philippines.
Nov 18 - Nov 24, 2019
- WavesFX (⭐22) - A community-driven native desktop wallet for Windows, macOS and Linux, which offers users multi-network and multi-address functionality.
Docker images
- waves-private-node - Private local Waves Node. The easiest way to run your own isolated node to develop smart contracts and any experiments.
Nov 11 - Nov 17, 2019
- WavesLabs - An initiative to support talented developers and promising startups focused on building the decentralised technologies that will form the backbone to Web 3.0.
The Ride programming language
- surfboard (⭐12) - CLI to work with the Ride language and testing.
Client libraries / C/C++
- waves-c (⭐10) - C library to work with Waves.
- wavespp (⭐2) - C++ wrapper for the waves-c (⭐10) library.
Client libraries / C#
- WavesCS (⭐29) - C# library to interact with the Waves blockchain.
Client libraries / Java/Kotlin
- WavesSDK-android (⭐16) - Kotlin SDK for Mobile Apps on Android.
- WavesJ (⭐41) - Java library to interact with the Waves blockchain and DEX.
- waves-crypto-java (⭐0) - Library to work with cryptographic primitives used in the Waves blockchain.
Client libraries / Python
- PyWaves (⭐114) - Object-oriented library for the Waves blockchain platform.
Client libraries / Swift
- WavesSDK-iOS (⭐18) - SDK for Mobile Apps on iOS.
Blockchain utils / Swift
- Node Tools extension (⭐7) - Waves Node extension to allow miner to automate payouts for its lessors and to receive notifications about mining progress.
Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2019
Projects / Swift
- Auctionlance Platform - Freelancer marketplace where clients hire and pay freelancers with Waves, Waves tokens and other cryptocurrencies.
Africa / Swift
- Telegram - Waves community of passionate developers and web 3.0 enthusiasts across Africa.
Portuguese / Swift
- Telegram - WavesBrasil - Chat de Telegram para a Comunidade da Waves.
- Telegram - Waves Dev Jedi 🇧🇷 🇵🇹 - Chat de Telegram para desenvolvedores dApps.
Aug 19 - Aug 25, 2019
Client libraries / Rust
- WavesRS (⭐0) - A Rust interface for the Waves blockchain.
Aug 05 - Aug 11, 2019
The Ride programming language
- Paddle (⭐11) - Java library to write tests for your dApps and other smart contracts.
Projects / Swift
- Ventuary-DAO - Sandbox dedicated to filtering dApp ideas and stimulating the Waves community to take part in Web 3.0 adoption.
Dutch / Swift
- Telegram - Telegram-chat voor ontwikkelaars dApps.
French / Swift
- Telegram - Chat Telegram pour les développeurs dApps.
Greek / Swift
- Telegram - Telegram κοινότητα για προγραμματιστές dApps.
Hindi / Swift
- Telegram - सॉफ्टवेयर डेवलपर्स के लिए टेलीग्राम चैट.
Russian / Swift
- Telegram - Telegram чат для разработчиков dApps.
Spanish / Swift
- Telegram - Telegram chat para desarrolladores de dApps.
Turkish / Swift
- Telegram - Yazılım geliştiriciler için Telegram sohbet.
Jul 29 - Aug 04, 2019
- Waves Oracles - Catalog of Oracles.
- WavesCap - CoinMarketCap for Waves assets.
- Data Service - Official data service for testnet.
Catalogs / Swift
- dAppOcean - Ecosystem of decentralized applications based on the Waves blockchain.
Projects / Swift
- One Million Pixel Waves - Smart Contract powered website entirely running on the Waves blockchain where anyone can own a piece of the blockchain and immortalize it with an image and a link.
Jul 22 - Jul 28, 2019
- Go Node (⭐72) - Go libraries and tools for Waves blockchain, alternative implementation of Node (work in progress).
- Node API - API of testnet nodes.
Client libraries / PHP
- WavesKit (⭐25) - All-in-one Waves Platform development kit for the PHP language.
Blockchain utils / Swift
- chaincmp (⭐72) - Utility to compare blockchains on a different nodes.
Games / Swift
- Shadow Era - Shadow Era is a free to play online collectible trading card game for iOS, Android, PC and Mac.
Projects / Swift
- WavesAffi (⭐1) - Decentralized affiliate program on Waves blockchain.
International / Swift
- Waves Community Portal - Official portal features some of the tools and projects that make up Waves ecosystem.
Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2019
- Waves Explorer - Official Waves Explorer.
- Waves Data Service - Official data service. Simple and convenient way to get data from Waves blockchain.
- Token Rating - Provides a means to rate and aggregate the opinions of the entire Waves community about tokens (projects) issued on the Waves platform.
Docker images
- explorer - Waves Explorer for your node.
Client libraries / JavaScript/TypeScript
- waves-transactions (⭐29) - JS library to build and sign transactions.
- ts-lib-crypto (⭐10) - Typescript implementations like signature verification and protocol entries used in Waves protocol.
Client libraries / Go
- go-lib-crypto (⭐5) - GoLang implementation of the unified crypto primitives for Waves.
Games / Swift
- Coin Flip - Choose the coin side, make a bet and see if you are lucky.
- Dice Roller - Choose the dice sides, make a bet and see if you are lucky.
- Ride On Waves - You can choose how many WAVES you want to bet. This is the game with a floating bet from 0.5 and up to 6 WAVES.
Projects / Swift
- Tokenomica - Security Tokens Issuance Platform. Create and trade digital assets with ease and confidence.
- Blockchain Cars - Transport as a Service.
International / Swift
- Discord - Official Discord.
- Waves Community Forum - Official forum.