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A tiny list limited to the best CSS Learning Resources
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Aug 08 - Aug 14, 2022
Fundamental concepts
- Responsive Design - Extensive information about all aspects of responsive design to make sites that look great and work well for everyone.
May 30 - Jun 05, 2022
Layout / Grid
- CSS Grid - Learn CSS grid with Wes Bos - Free 4 hours video course, 25 Videos.
Mar 21 - Mar 27, 2022
CSS in a nutshell
- Introduction to CSS - This screencast series will teach you the basics of CSS in about one hour.
- Basic CSS Selectors - An introduction to the very basic CSS selectors you need to know.
- CSS Diner - Learn how to use CSS selectors with this fun little game.
Layout / Grid
- Grid by Example - Besides examples of how to use Grid, this site also has additional useful learning resources.
Animation / Grid
- CSS Transitions and Transforms for Beginners - An introduction to CSS transitions and CSS (2D) transforms.
Apr 05 - Apr 11, 2021
Animation / Grid
- All you need to know about CSS Transitions - Also addressing advanced topics from chaining and events to hardware acceleration and animation functions.
Dec 16 - Dec 22, 2019
Layout / Flexbox
- What the Flexbox? - A simple, free 20 video course that will help you master CSS Flexbox!
Layout / Grid
- Designing with Grid - Talk about the new layout possibilities CSS Grid is offering.
Oct 01 - Oct 07, 2018
Layout / Grid
- Grid Critters - Learn CSS grid layout by mastering an adventure game.
May 28 - Jun 03, 2018
Layout / Grid
- GridBugs (⭐1.2k) - Community-curated list of Grid interop issues and workarounds for them.
May 07 - May 13, 2018
CSS References
- Can I use - Interactive browser support tables for CSS (and HTML5).
Fundamental concepts
- The cascade - This article explains what the cascade is and how this affects you.
- Specificity and inheritance - Understanding specificity and inheritance is important to master CSS. This article will help.
- CSS Box Model - An article explaining the foundation of layout on the web.
- Also have a look at the detailed information about the box-sizing property.
- Advanced CSS Selectors - Level up your knowledge. From attribute selectors to CSS3 pseudo classes.
Custom properties (aka CSS variables)
- CSS Variables: Why Should You Care? - A short introduction to CSS variables.
- Locally Scoped CSS Variables: What, How, and Why - Describes the advantages of locally scoped CSS variables.
- Using CSS variables correctly - Patterns and anti-patterns for using CSS variables.
- Everything you need to know about CSS Variables - In depth article going beyond the basics of CSS Variables using real-world examples.
- Getting Reactive with CSS - Mindblowing talk about the possibilities of the combination of CSS variables and functional reactive programming in JavaScript.
- Learn CSS Layout - Learn about CSS layout techniques in 5 chapters.
- Laying Out The Future With Grid And Flexbox - Introduction of a new layout system encompassing Flexbox, CSS Grid and the Box Alignment Module.
Layout / Classic layouting
- Floats - In depth information about how to use (and clear) floats.
- Positioning Types - A closer look at a few little-known things related to the CSS positioning layout method.
- inline-block - Shows in which cases it makes sense to use the display property
for layouting.
Layout / Flexbox
- Flexbugs (⭐13k) - Community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them.
- Flexbox Zombies - A training course driven by a storyline where you use Flexbox and a crossbow to hunt zombies.
Layout / Grid
- Grid Garden - Lovely game where you write CSS code to grow your carrot garden.
Animation / Grid
- CSS 3D transforms - Multi page tutorial with examples like card flip and carousel effects.
- CSS Animation for Beginners - Imparts the concepts of CSS animations with keyframes.
- animatable - Nice little page demonstrating which CSS properties are animatable.
Apr 30 - May 06, 2018
CSS References
CSS units
- The Lengths of CSS - Overview covering absolute and relative units.
- Fun with Viewport Units - Imparts the basics and shows some nifty use-cases.
- Layout Land - Jen Simmons video series about the new CSS Layout possibilities.
Layout / Flexbox
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox - All you need to know about Flexbox on one page.
- Flexbox playground - Play with Flexbox examples on CodePen.
- Flexbox Defense - A tower defense game in the browser to learn about Flexbox with fun.
- Flexbox Froggy - Learn all the basics of Flexbox with a fun game involving frogs and lily pads.
Layout / Grid
- A Complete Guide to Grid - All you need to know about CSS Grid Layout on one page.