Learn to Program Overview
Educational resources to learn to program (Foundation in Web Development)
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Learn to Program 
Foundation in Web Development
The Internet is filled with an ever-expanding number of courses, books and guides for programmers of all skill levels to improve their skills. Unfortunately, these resources are either hard to find or of low quality.
This list aims to be a curated set of high quality educational resources. The availability of free content on the platform is highlighted along with the primary topics covered.
Freemium platform for learning to code in many different programming languages
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, Rails, PHP, C++, Java)
Khan Academy's Hour of Code
Free interactive 1-hour courses to learn the very basics of web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL)
UpLeveled Bootcamp Prep Course
Freemium platform for learning the basics of web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Git, GitHub)
Paid platform for courses how to build websites & apps
(Web Design, Front End Web Development, Rails, iOS, Android, PHP)
Learn CSS Layout
Free tutorial for how to do layout with CSS
Udemy Programming, Development
Freemium marketplace of courses from third party providers - quality may vary
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, Python, iOS, Android)
Code Avengers
Freemium platform for basic web and app development courses
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Shay Howe's Learn to Code HTML & CSS
Free beginner to intermediate guides on web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Free beginner and intermediate guides on web development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Free learn to code and help nonprofits at the same time
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Databases, Git & GitHub, Node.js, React.js, D3.js, Python)
Vertabelo Academy
Free SQL courses with interactive exercises and quizzes
(SQL, database concepts)
The Odin Project
Free beginner to intermediate full-stack courses with Ruby and JS learning paths
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails)
MDN Learning Area
Free guides on fundamental web development concepts
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, performance, React, Ember, Vue, Svelte, Angular, Git, GitHub)
GitHub Skills
Free self paced, interactive projects to learn Git and GitHub, created and maintained by GitHub's training team
(Git, GitHub)
Grid Garden
Free game that teaches the CSS grid system created by @thomaspark
Flexbox Froggy
Free game that teaches the CSS Flexbox
Mixed self paced, interactive projects to learn JavaScript, C, Regular Expressions and computer science in general
(JavaScript, Regular Expressions, Bash, computer science, Ansible)
Programming Historian
Free peer reviewed introductory courses for digital humanists
(Python, R, Unity, QGIS, HTML, Regular Expressions)
Software Carpentry
Free foundational coding and data science skills for researchers
(Python, R, OpenRefine, Unix Shell, Git)
Hyperskill by JetBrains Academy
Freemium wide range of tracks in popular programming languages and development frameworks
(Python, Java, Kotlin, SQL)
Free online platform that teaches programming through interactive lessons
(JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, p5.js, Backend Web Development)
Freemium interactive platform for learning data science
(Python, R, SQL, Power BI, ChatGPT)
Developer Roadmaps
Free learning roadmap guides with links to educational content
(Fullstack, UX Design, Cyber Security, Computer Science, Blockchain, DevOps, PostgreSQL)
Khan Academy Computer Programming, Computer Science
Free intermediate to advanced courses on how to program drawings, animations, games and webpages and more advanced computer science topics
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, algorithms, cryptography)
Free platform for computer science and web development courses
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, data science, Python, computer science topics)
Learn Python the Hard Way
Paid book and course for beginner through intermediate Python programming
(Python, object-oriented programming, web development)
Michael Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Free online book covering all stages of creating a Ruby on Rails application
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails)
LinkedIn Learning: Web Development, Web Design
Paid platform for video courses on web development and design
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web development, web design)
Paid platform for mentored web and mobile development courses from industry experts
(web development, frontend web development, AngularJS, Android, iOS)
Free crowdsourced mentorship platform of programming exercises and code reviews
(Clojure, CoffeeScript, C++, C#, Elixir, Erlang, F#, Go, Haskell, JavaScript, Common Lisp, Lua, Objective-C, OCaml, Perl 5, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Scala, Swift)
Freemium hands-on tech skills labs in virtual environments, supported by an AI study assistant
(Linux, Docker, DevOps, Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Go, Java, C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React)
Paid platform for courses in web development, software development, security and more
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, AngularJS, Java, SQL)
CodeChef Courses
Freemium platform with courses in web development and software development
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Java, C++)
CodeChef Problems
Freemium intermediate to advanced programming problems
Free practice problems in Python and Java
(Python, Java)
Free code challenges - compare your solution with those of others
(JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Ruby, Python, Clojure, Haskell, Java)
Free Learn to code and game at the same time
(C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, Bash, C, Clojure, Dart, F#, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Lua, ObjectiveC, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Swift, VB.NET)
1 Million Women To Tech Summer of Code (⭐622)
Free programming course material for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels
(Python, JavaScript, Data Science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, AR & VR)
Wes Bos
Mixed guided video courses to build products using new technologies
(JavaScript, CSS, React, Node.js, GraphQL, Redux)
Level Up Tutorials
Free video tutorials for web developers and designers
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Svelte, Vue, Node.js, GraphQL, TypeScript, Deno, GitHub, Figma, Ruby, Drupal, Magento, Wordpress)
MIT OpenCourseWare
Free courses from MIT on advanced computer science topics
(varied and extensive computer science topics, C, C++)
Free courses from Harvard, MIT, and other universities
(varied computer science subjects including theory and programming, data science, algorithms, ...)
Mixed platform for courses from universities and organizations worldwide
(varied computer science subjects including theory and programming, data science, algorithms, ...)
Awesome CS Courses (⭐57k)
Free university-level courses scoured from around the internet
(varied and extensive computer science topics, ...)
Metacademy Roadmaps, Course Guides
Free graphs of interconnected topics required to master concepts
(programming, machine learning)
Free programming challenges and contests
(artificial intelligence, algorithms, functional programming, machine learning)
Free programming challenges, hackathons and contests
(dynamic programming, artificial intelligence, algorithms, functional programming, machine learning)
Project Euler
Free mathematical/computer programming problems
(programming, mathematics)
Free programming challenges
(Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, C#, PHP and Perl)
Freemium recreate programming tools from scratch in any language
(Go, Rust, Python, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, Haskell, C#, C, Java, PHP, Elixir, Crystal, Clojure, Zig, Nim)
To the extent possible under law, Karl Horky has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing style of this list.