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Apr 25, 2021
Libraries / Navigation Demos
- react-native-easy-app ★220 (⭐230) - React Native one-stop solution.
Apr 23, 2021
- react-native-flash-message ★810 (⭐1.1k) - React Native flashbar and top notification alert utility
Mar 17, 2021
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Artsy (⭐3.1k) - The mobile app for Discover fine Art. The Art world in your Pocket.
Mar 14, 2021
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Post Card App ★1 (⭐2) - Create old style post card and share on whatsapp as image. Built with Expo and available for android.
Feb 19, 2021
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- SimpleLocalize CLI (⭐34) - An open source Localization CLI tool for finding i18n keys in project files.
Feb 11, 2021
Build & Development / Navigation Demos
- react-native-react-bridge (⭐109) - A toolset to run React web app in React Native and handle communication between them.
Jan 19, 2021
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-test-runner ★1 (⭐4) - Run unit and integration tests in React Native's environment.
Backend / Navigation Demos
- fetch ★10 (⭐28) - A fetch API polyfill for React Native with text streaming support.
Jan 15, 2021
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- ZudVPN ★32 (⭐115) - Deploy private VPN on major Cloud Providers with ZudVPN
Jan 09, 2021
- react-icomoon (⭐138) - With React-Icomoon you can easily use the icons you have selected or created in icomoon. 📦 Zero Dependencies and Lightweight.
Dec 11, 2020
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- React Native Elements Playground 🚀 - Tinker with
components in the web.
Dec 02, 2020
- react-native-telegraph ★1 (⭐11) - In-app message orchestration supporting Snackbars, Banners and Dialogs
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- eslint-config-kingstinct-react-native ★23 (⭐23) - Opinionated ESLint configurarition for React Native and TypeScript
Nov 30, 2020
Backend / Navigation Demos
- react-native-blob-courier ★8 (⭐106) - Efficiently download and upload blobs on native thread
Nov 20, 2020
Frameworks / Navigation Demos
- OsmiCSX ★48 (⭐208) - An utility React Native style framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
Nov 05, 2020
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-system-setting (⭐386)- Provides some system setting APIs iOS and Android.
Oct 24, 2020
Extension / Navigation Demos
- React Native WidgetKit (⭐114) - React Native Library for the iOS WidgetKit Framework
Oct 23, 2020
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-bugfender *7 (⭐24) - A React Native wrapper for Bugfender log and error reporting.
Oct 22, 2020
Libraries / Navigation Demos
- Statek ★3 - Simple & Reactive state management library for React & React Native
Oct 02, 2020
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-native-log ★0 (⭐4) - A React Native log function that under the hood calls native logs.
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-intercom-native ★7 (⭐25) - native based Intercom implementation for React Native
- react-native-onfido ★2 (⭐4) - A React Native wrapper for the Onfido Library.
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- react-native-typescript-boilerplate ★129 (⭐260) - An opinionated boilerplate built with React Native Navigation v3 + Redux + Thunk, in TypeScript. Follows industry best practices.
Libraries / Navigation Demos
- react-native-colibri ★5 (⭐10) - React Native Generic UI Components.
Oct 01, 2020
System / Navigation Demos
- rn-in-app-review (⭐73) - Help you to integrate in-app review for android and iOS
Storage / Navigation Demos
- typed-async-storage (⭐8) - A wrapper for creating a schema for AsyncStorage and validation using React prop-types.
Sep 22, 2020
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- Pepperoni ★4383 (⭐4.6k) - (deprecated) Starter kit for Android & iOS, Redux, Immutable.js, disk-persisted app state
Aug 31, 2020
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Nyxo ★12 (⭐232) - Sleep tracker and sleep coaching app. Available for Android and iOS.
Aug 17, 2020
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-audio ★798 (⭐1.1k) - Record and play back audio in your iOS or Android React Native apps. (no longer maintained)
- react-native-audio-toolkit ★764 (⭐978) - Audio playback and recording for react-native. In addition to basic functionality, many useful features are implemented such as seeking, looping and streaming audio files over the network.
Aug 16, 2020
- react-native-responsive-linechart ★41 (⭐190) - Draw Line and Area charts easily. Works responsively.
Jul 22, 2020
- react-native-rating-element ★8 (⭐20) - A react native rating system supporting: decimal point's rating, direction aware icons like bottom to top or right to left etc, custom icons from Ionicons, custom images and record rating given by users.
Jul 15, 2020
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- RNStarter (⭐30) - ✨ A React Native Starter with 10+ commonly used libraries ✨
Jul 06, 2020
- Flutter vs React Native - Choosing your approach - Comparison article to help you choose the best approach depending on your project and experience.
Jul 02, 2020
- React Native Twitter Clone - React Native Twitter Clone powered by the Cosmic Headless CMS. Read about how it was built.
Jun 29, 2020
- react-native-360-image-viewer ★100 (⭐41) - The component helps to simulate 360 degrees image from multiple images.
Jun 26, 2020
Continuous Integration
- react-native-blurhash ★105 (⭐1.3k) - Give your users the loading experience they want.
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-google-nearby-messages ★14 (⭐142) - Communicate with nearby devices using Bluetooth, BLE, WiFi and near-ultrasonic audio by using the Google Nearby Messages API
Storage / Navigation Demos
- react-native-leveldown (⭐22) - Native LevelDB bindings for React Native
Jun 22, 2020
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-network-logger ★20 (⭐310) - An HTTP network request monitor for React Native including an in-app interface.
Jun 09, 2020
- react-native-anchor-point ★14 (⭐173) - Make the fancy 3D transform easier in react native
May 25, 2020
- react-native-hole-view ★6 (⭐210) - Component for cutting out click-through holes in any view. Perfect for making tutorial-like overlay
May 16, 2020
- React Native: Native Modules made for React developers - on the developer experience with 3rd-party libraries for RN 0.60+
- stacks ★156 (⭐776) - Stacks: a set of layout components for building RN views blazingly fast ⚡, and with debug mode and design system grid you can investigate non-trivial visual issues.
- react-native-wheel-picker-android ★186 (⭐335) - Simple and flexible React native wheel picker for Android, including DatePicker and TimePicker.
- react-native-actions-sheet ★94 (⭐945) - A Cross Platform(Android & iOS) ActionSheet with a flexible api, native performance and zero dependency code
- react-native-draggable-grid ★79 (⭐208) - A React Native draggable and sortable grid component write by typescript.
- react-native-easy-dnd ★39 (⭐125) - Drag and drop component for react-native
- react-native-notifier ★16 (⭐813) - Fast and simple in-app notifications for React Native
- react-native-email-chip ★8 (⭐17) - A simple yet customizable component to display a chip list of emails
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- react-native-markdown-display ★57 (⭐366) - Highly customizable Markdown renderer using native components for all its elements without any web-view.
- react-native-markdown-editor ★47 (⭐75) - Markdown editor like github comment editor (contains preview, markdown buttons)
- react-native-showdown ★43 (⭐48) - React-native component which renders markdown into a webview!
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-mov-to-mp4 ★44 (⭐59) - utils for Converting mov file to mp4 for cross-platform playback compatibility.
Forms / Navigation Demos
- react-hook-form ★9346 (⭐31k) - React hooks for forms validation without the hassle.
- redux-hook-form ★2700 (⭐31k) - React hooks for form validation without the hassle. (Web and Native)
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-ultimate-config (⭐200) - Configure all levels of your react-native app with a single file
- react-native-media-clipboard (⭐46) - React Native module for getting images, URLs, and strings from the clipboard
- react-native-background-downloader ★93 (⭐270) - Help you download large files on iOS and Android both in the foreground and most importantly in the background.
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-photoeditorsdk ★24 (⭐82) - React Native module for PhotoEditor SDK (Android & iOS)
- react-native-videoeditorsdk ★18 (⭐107) - React Native module for VideoEditor SDK (Android & iOS)
Storage / Navigation Demos
- RxDB ★12797 (⭐18k) - A realtime Database for JavaScript Applications.
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-intercom *323 (⭐409) - A React Native Intercom Wrapper.
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- ★14 (⭐342) - Calculate, understand and reduce your carbon footprint. Available for Android and iOS, using Expo, Redux Toolkit and Typescript.
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Newsletters / Navigation Demos
May 14, 2020
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-twitter-signin ★140 (⭐164) - Login for your react native applications with client Twitter account
May 11, 2020
- react-native-loader-kit ★1 (⭐19) - Purely native loading animations for React Native.
- react-native-new-feature ★1 (⭐13) - A simple and lightweight What's New component to show your latest React native Features.
May 10, 2020
- react-native-pointer-interactions ★2 (⭐26) - Expose iPad mouse & trackpads interactions to React Native.
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- React Native Boilerplate Typescript (⭐14) - React Native Boilerplate - Redux + Saga + Reselect + redux-persist + react-navigation + TypeScript
May 09, 2020
- react-native-navigation-hooks ★109 (⭐247) - A set of React hooks for React Native Navigation.
Apr 30, 2020
- react-native-modal-selector ★249 (⭐350) - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), selector/picker component for React Native that is highly customizable and supports sections.
Apr 28, 2020
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Sh**t! I Smoke ★209 (⭐388) - Know how many cigarettes you smoke based on the pollution of your location.
Apr 26, 2020
- react-native-root-siblings ★452 (⭐588) - Add sibling elements after your app root element.
Feb 08, 2020
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- react-native-responsive-fontsize ★83 (⭐534) - Provide responsive fontsize based on device height in React-Native
Feb 06, 2020
- react-native-image-modal ★16 (⭐315) - simple full size modal image for iOS and Android. supports zoom-in/out, double-tap zoom-in/out, move and swipe-to-dismiss
Jan 29, 2020
- react-native-largelist ★1054 (⭐2.3k) - The best performance large list component for React Native (iOS & Android)
- react-native-picker-module ★1 (⭐81) - A different approach for React Native Picker.
- react-native-material-drawer - React Native Material Drawer for iOS, Android, Web, and Electron
Backend / Navigation Demos
- react-native-background-upload ★270 (⭐638) - Upload files in your React Native app even while it's backgrounded. Supports Android and iOS, including iOS Camera Roll assets.
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- Awesome React Native Boilerplates (⭐14) - Effective start for your development with the most popular react-native navigation and UI libraries
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Blogs / Navigation Demos
- Ideamotive's Blog - Blog about React Native
Jan 28, 2020
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Art Museum (⭐47) - Browse through the endless Harvard's Art Museum collection.
Jan 25, 2020
Animation / Navigation Demos
- react-native-animated-math ★54 (⭐73) - An Animated API math extension - implements sin, cos, tan and pow as Animated Nodes with full Native Driver support
Jan 24, 2020
Talks / Navigation Demos
- Chain React 2019: React Native Only Playlist
Dec 19, 2019
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-use-persist-storage ★3 (⭐37) - Persist and rehydrate your context(state) using React Hooks
Dec 18, 2019
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- react-native-community-maps ★3 (⭐14) - Boilerplate app for browsing user-generated photos on a map
Dec 17, 2019
- monalisa-ui ★22 (⭐36) - MonalisaUI is UI component library for React Native to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms
- react-native-timetable (⭐63) - 📆 timetable library for React Native
Nov 13, 2019
- react-native-styled-toast ★9 (⭐278) - A themeable toast component for React Native.
Nov 12, 2019
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-video-processing ★712 (⭐1.1k) - Native Video editing/trimming/filtering library for React-Native
Oct 25, 2019
- react-native-wizard (⭐70) - Easily navigate your user for next step. Quick-forming Wizard component.
Oct 11, 2019
- radio-buttons-react-native ★11 (⭐76) - Animated radio buttons component for react native
Oct 09, 2019
- react-native-modern-datepicker ★12 (⭐400) - React Native Modern Datepicker
Oct 05, 2019
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- TensorFlow.js Starter (⭐9) - TensorFlow.js starter app using MobileNet to predict image class. Blog post for additional context.
Oct 04, 2019
Oct 03, 2019
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-music-control (⭐698) - React Native module to display Now playing Info on lockscreen and handle control events
- react-native-airplay-button (⭐1) - Native iOS Airplay button component
Oct 02, 2019
- react-native-easy-content-loader ★57 (⭐192) - React-Native light weight skeleton content loading.
- react-native-scrollview-header ★5 (⭐13) - An animated ScrollView header that transitions from transparent background to opaque upon scrolling.
Oct 01, 2019
- react-native-pure-navigation-bar ★71 (⭐95) - A fully customizable navigation bar in React Native.
- react-native-full-image-picker ★44 (⭐78) - Support taking photo, video recording or selecting from photo library.
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- @typeskill/typer ★4 (⭐25) - The Operational-Transform Based (React) Native Rich Text Library
Extension / Navigation Demos
- React Native Floating Bubble ★14 (⭐150) - A simple Facebook Chat Head like bubble for react native
Talks / Navigation Demos
- Chain React 2019: Playlist
Sep 24, 2019
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- 🐙 React Native Boilerplate ★551 (⭐3.3k) - React Native boilerplate that promotes a solid architecture via separation of concerns.
Sep 23, 2019
- react-native-store-view ★19 (⭐29) - Wraps SKStoreProductViewController for use in react-native projects
Sep 18, 2019
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- react-native-easy-starter ★50 (⭐254) - A React-native starter kit using latest react and react-native 0.60.5 (⭐1.5k), easy-peasy state management, hooks workflow, hermes, codepush ready-to-use custom hooks, react-native-paper, contextapis, theming support and much more (android + ios)
Sep 16, 2019
- react-native-gesture-detector (⭐76) - Easily create and detect custom, complex gestures on React Native.
Sep 04, 2019
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-android-video ★8 (⭐19) - Android ExoPlayer Video component for react-native.
Aug 28, 2019
- react-native-sortable-gridview ★4 - A React Native sortable and draggable Grid View Component.
Aug 13, 2019
Aug 11, 2019
Internationalization / Navigation Demos
- fbt ★3202 (⭐3.8k) - A JavaScript Internationalization Framework
Aug 05, 2019
- react-native-dots-pagination ★3 (⭐89) - A simple dot paging for React Native.
Aug 04, 2019
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- upgrade-helper ★398 (⭐2.8k) - ⚛️ A web interface to support React Native developers in upgrading their apps. Link to tool
- rn-diff-purge ★64 (⭐1.1k) - The easiest way to upgrade React Native versions. You can find diffs for every React Native version, that are created by diffing the previous version with a newly created app in the new version.
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- react-native-template-airbnb (⭐13) - Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with Airbnb (Flow, Prettier).
Jul 29, 2019
- react-native-eva-icons (⭐183) - Eva Icons (⭐8.4k) implementation for React Native based on react-native-svg elements.
Jul 28, 2019
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- agora-react-native-rtm +5 (⭐53) - A React Native Agora RealTime-Message Cloud Service Wrapper.
Jul 26, 2019
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- react-hook-hooker (⭐11) - A nifty little HOC to add hooks to your React components.
Jul 18, 2019
- rn-placeholder ★1139 (⭐2k) - Display some placeholder stuff before rendering your text or media content in React Native (+ React Native Web!)
- action-sheet-rn ★1 (⭐32) - Probably the most declarative API for ActionSheets in React Native
Jul 17, 2019
- rn-material-textinput (⭐2) - A simple TextInput wrapper for material styling in iOS and Android with Customizable styles & Animated label.
- rn-action-picker (⭐1) - A simple action picker for iOS and Android. Renders Native ActionSheetIOS Component in iOS and custom ActionSheet lookalike component in Android.
- rn-collapsible-section (⭐1) - A collapsible section / section list with customizable section body and child body. Supports both iOS and Android.
Jul 11, 2019
Continuous Integration
Jun 27, 2019
- view-on-steroids (⭐1) - React-Native View component with inline styles
Jun 25, 2019
- react-native-toastboard (⭐22) - The simplest way to show notification.
Forms / Navigation Demos
- react-native-formawesome (⭐7) - Complex and simple forms builder.
Monetization / Navigation Demos
- react-native-square-in-app-payments ★18 (⭐105) - Square React Native plugin for In-App Payments SDK.
Jun 24, 2019
- react-native-material-ui ★2536 (⭐3.8k) - Highly customizable material design components for React Native
- react-native-app-intro ★2433 (⭐3.2k) - A React Native parallax effect app intro
- react-native-drawer ★2276 (⭐2.5k) - React Native Drawer
- react-native-fast-image ★2240 (⭐7.2k) - FastImage, performant React Native image component.
- react-native-paper ★2218 (⭐9.9k) - Material design for React Native
- react-native-blur ★2172 (⭐3.4k) - React Native Blur component
- react-native-progress ★2069 (⭐3.4k) - Progress indicators and spinners for React Native using ReactART.
- gl-react-native ★1750 (⭐1.9k) - Use OpenGL for performant effects on images and videos
- react-native-foldview ★1616 (⭐2k) - Animated FoldingCell implementation in React Native
- react-native-recyclerlist ★1515 (⭐4.6k) - High performance listview for React Native and Web with support for complex layouts.
- react-native-parallax-scroll-view ★1486 (⭐2.2k) - A ScrollView-like component with parallax and sticky header support.
- react-native-datepicker ★1365 (⭐2.1k) - React Native date, datetime and time picker for both Android and IOS
- react-native-easy-grid ★1304 (⭐2.1k) - Easy Responsive Grid Layout for React Native.
- victory-native ★1264 (⭐2k) - Victory-native is a collection of components to help you create charts, bar graphs etc.
- react-native-picker ★1238 (⭐1.7k) - react-native-picker
- react-native-collapsible ★1174 (⭐2.3k) - Animated collapsible component for React Native using the new Animated API with fallback. Good for accordions, toggles etc
- react-native-orientation ★1162 (⭐1.7k) - Listen to device orientation changes in react-native and set preferred orientation on screen to screen basis
- react-native-looped-carousel ★1094 (⭐1.5k) - Create looped carousel of views or images
- react-native-offline ★977 (⭐2.1k) - Handy toolbelt to deal nicely with offline/online connectivity in a React Native app. Smooth redux integration.
- react-native-dropdownalert ★894 (⭐1.7k) - A simple drop down alert with 4 pre-defined types.
- react-native-tinder-swipe-cards ★881 (⭐1.1k) - Tinder card style swiping.
- react-native-pathjs-charts ★842 (⭐885) - Android and iOS charts based on react-native-svg and paths-js
- react-native-svg-charts ★764 (⭐2.2k) - One library to rule all charts for React Native
- react-native-masonry ★758 (⭐1.2k) - A masonry~ish layout for rendering images.
- react-native-credit-card-input ★742 (⭐1.4k) - 💳 💳 Easy (and good looking) credit-card input for your React Native Project
- react-native-modal-dropdown ★708 (⭐1.2k) - A react-native dropdown/picker/selector component for both Android & iOS.
- react-native-bottom-sheet-behavior ★701 (⭐1.1k) - A react native wrapper for android BottomSheetBehavior.
- react-native-timeline-listview ★665 (⭐1.1k) - Timeline component for React Native App
- react-native-easy-toast ★616 (⭐1.1k) - A react native module to show toast like android, it works on iOS and Android.
- react-router-native ★612 (⭐635) - A routing library for React Native that strives for sensible API parity with React Router (⭐49k)
- react-native-copilot ★595 (⭐1.9k) - Step-by-step walkthrough for your react native app
- react-native-photo-browser ★565 (⭐718) - Local and remote photo browser with captions, selections and grid view support.
- react-native-calendar ★559 (⭐543) - Calendar Component for React Native
- react-native-step-indicator ★538 (⭐1.3k) - A simple react-native implementation of step indicator widget compatible with the ViewPager and ListView.
- react-native-popover-haobtc ★514 (⭐654) - A component for react-native
- react-native-star-rating ★489 (⭐768) - A React Native component for generating and displaying interactive star ratings
- react-native-dialogs ★463 (⭐592) - React Native wrappers for (⭐19k)
- galio ★458 (⭐2.9k) - A fresh react native UI framework.
- react-native-size-matters ★436 (⭐1.9k) - A React-Native utility belt for scaling the size your apps UI across different sized devices.
- react-native-super-grid ★434 (⭐1.2k) - Responsive Grid View for React Native.
- react-native-activity-view ★427 (⭐478) - iOS share and action sheets for React Native
- react-native-canvas ★421 (⭐884) - A Canvas element for React Native
- react-native-sortable-list ★412 (⭐749) A sortable list for react native with both vertical and horizontal direction support.
- react-native-gesture-password ★410 (⭐543) - A gesture password component for React Native
- react-native-country-picker-modal ★403 (⭐951) - Country picker provides a modal allowing a user to select a country from a list. It display a flag next to each country name.
- react-native-masked-text ★392 (⭐1.6k) - A simple masked text and input text component for React Native.
- react-native-invertible-scroll-view ★388 (⭐457) - An invertible ScrollView for React Native
- react-native-text-input-mask ★383 (⭐1.1k) - Text input mask for Android and iOS, native implementation RedMadRobot libraries
- react-native-check-box ★372 (⭐499) - Checkbox component for react native, it works on iOS and Android.
- react-native-really-awesome-button ★370 (⭐1.1k) - RNRAB is a 3D at 60fps, progress enabled, extendable, production ready component that renders an awesome animated set of UI buttons.
- react-native-autocomplete-input ★366 (⭐732) - Pure javascript autocomplete input for react-native
- react-native-splashscreen ★358 (⭐370) - A splash screen for react-native
- react-native-image-header-scroll-view ★338 (⭐922) - ScrollView with an image in header which become a navbar
- react-native-off-canvas-menu ★327 (⭐411) - Beautifully crafted off canvas menu components for React native applications.
- rn-sliding-up-panel ★321 (⭐879) - React Native draggable sliding up panel purly implemented in Javascript. Works nicely on both iOS and Android.
- react-native-search-box ★319 (⭐462) - A simple search box with animation, inspired from ios search bar.
- react-native-parallax-swiper ★315 (⭐615) - Configurable parallax swiper based on an iOS pattern. Uses Native Driver for super smooth parallax.
- react-native-searchbar ★313 (⭐422) - An animated search bar for react native with inbuilt search (iOS and Android)
- react-native-app-auth ★310 (⭐1.6k) - React Native bridge for AppAuth - a PKCE-compliant SDK for communicating with OAuth2 providers
- react-native-circular-action-menu ★305 (⭐457) - An animated and customizable circular floating menu.
- react-native-timeago ★278 (⭐344) - Auto-updating timeago component for React Native
- react-native-tableview-simple ★267 (⭐453) - React Native component for TableView made with pure CSS
- react-native-keyboard-manager ★267 (⭐704) - Library that allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover on React-Native iOS projects.
- react-native-simple-router ★255 (⭐265) - A community maintained router component for React Native
- react-native-segmented-control-tab ★252 (⭐543) react-native-segmented-control-tab (for Android/iOS)
- react-native-keyboardevents ★247 (⭐247) - Monitors keyboard show/hide notifications
- react-native-multiselect ★246 (⭐505) - Simple multi-select component for react-native.
- react-native-cardview ★239 (⭐490) - CardView for react-native (All Android version and iOS)
- react-native-shimmer-placeholder ★231 (⭐895) - Placeholder of React Native
- react-native-progress-hud ★228 (⭐257) - A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your React Native app
- react-native-qrcode-svg ★228 (⭐888) - A QR Code generator for React Native based on react-native-svg and node-qrcode.
- react-native-bottom-action-sheet ★226 (⭐612) - React Native: Native Bottom Action Sheet
- react-native-egg ★220 (⭐258) - An easter egg component implementation simple gestures detection achieve trigger can make your react native app infinitely more fun.
- react-native-parallax-scroll ★209 (⭐485) - Parallax Scroll component with sticky header, foreground, native-driver and all scrollable components (FlatList, ListView, SectionList, ScrollView) support.
- react-native-shine-button ★205 (⭐354) - React Native for Effects like shining
- react-native-carousel-control ★199 (⭐248) - React Native Carousel control with support for iOS and Android.
- react-native-picker-select ★199 (⭐1.6k) - A Picker component for React Native which emulates the native
interfaces for iOS and Android
- react-native-calendar-select ★195 (⭐299) - A component to select a date period from calendar modal, like Airbnb.
- react-native-wheel-picker ★190 (⭐303) - React native cross platform picker.
- react-native-popover-menu ★188 (⭐464) - React Native: Native Popover Menu
- react-native-collapsing-toolbar ★185 (⭐294) - wrapper for android CollapsingToolbarLayout
- react-native-pagination ★182 (⭐396) - A Beautiful Pagination Plugin For Lists.
- react-native-hero ★180 (⭐249) - A hero/banner component with support for dynamic or static images, dynamic sizing, color overlays, and more.
- react-native-selectme ★178 (⭐190) - A better Select dropdown menu for react-native
- react-native-swiper-animated ★176 (⭐222) - Tinder-like swiper for react-native
- react-native-webbrowser ★167 (⭐197) - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), full-featured, highly customizable web browser module for React Native apps.
- react-native-cache-image ★158 (⭐160) - A cache-image for react-native
- react-native-pulse-loader ★158 (⭐264) - Tinder like loader for your React Native app
- react-native-display ★155 (⭐207) - This module brings "Display: none" (css style) to turn on/off components from render. Using this module will improve your app performance and appearance with the enter/exit animations.
- RNParallax ★155 (⭐519) - A react native scroll view component with Parallax header
- react-native-phone-input ★154 (⭐379) - Phone input box for React Native
- react-native-switch-pro ★153 (⭐277) - A pretty nice switch for Android and iOS that have same performance on two platforms and clean code in the library.
- react-native-iconic ★149 (⭐222) - React Native - Animated Icons with different states
- react-native-orientation-listener ★141 (⭐149) - A react-native library for obtaining current device orientation
- react-native-multi-slider ★137 (⭐149) - Pure JS slider component with multiple markers for React Native
- react-native-color-picker ★137 (⭐255) - React Native implementation of color picker for both Android and iOS.
- react-native-android-statusbar ★135 (⭐145) - A react native android package to control the status bar.
- react-native-privacy-snapshot ★133 (⭐177) - Obscure passwords and other sensitive personal information when a react-native app transitions to the background
- react-native-map-link ★131 (⭐531) - Open a location in the maps app of the user's choice.
- react-native-sketch-canvas ★129 (⭐619) - A React Native component for drawing by touching on iOS and Android. (support drawing on image, text)
- react-native-material-menu ★119 (⭐455) - Pure JavaScript material menu component for React Native.
- react-native-taptargetview ★114 - React Native Bridge for Android KeepSafe/TapTargetView. An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery.
- photo-viewer ★114 (⭐251) - A photo viewer for react native build on top of NYTPhotoViewer and FrescoImageViewer
- react-native-switch-selector ★112 (⭐498) - A custom Switch Selector component for Android and iOS.
- react-native-flexi-radio-button ★111 (⭐156) - Simple and flexible Radio button for React Native
- react-native-triangle ★108 (⭐137) - Draw triangle views in react native
- react-native-device-display ★105 (⭐107) - A simple way to create dynamic views through device and display detection, allowing the creation of adaptable and universal apps.
- react-native-android-kit ★104 (⭐111) - A set of native Android UI components and modules for React Native framework (Android Design Support Library, TabLayout, Floating Action Button and more...).
- react-native-scl-alert ★102 (⭐213) - React Native implementation of the package SCLAlertView-Swift
- react-native-card-view ★101 (⭐104) - A react native card component
- react-native-marquee-label ★100 (⭐114) - A marquee label for react-native
- react-native-drawer-menu ★97 (⭐176) - React Native Drawer Menu
- react-native-simple-dialogs ★97 (⭐258) - Cross-platform simple dialogs for React Native based on the Modal component.
- react-native-swipe-a-lot ★96 (⭐101) - A swipe component for React Native that works on iOS and Android.
- react-native-dialog ★92 (⭐559) - Pure JavaScript React-Native dialog
- react-native-scrollable-mixin ★91 (⭐93) - A standard interface for your scrollable React Native components, making it easier to compose components
- react-native-open-maps ★90 (⭐280) - A simple lib to open up the corresponding map application (Google or Apple Maps) from a set of coordinates (latitude & longitude) within react-native
- react-native-swiper2 ★86 (⭐84) - Swiper component for React Native. Supersede react-native-swiper
- react-native-progressive-input ★86 (⭐115) - TextInput with clear button and activity indicator, used as part of autocomplete list.
- react-native-in-app-notification ★86 (⭐271) - Customisable in-app notification component for React Native
- react-native-scalable-image ★85 (⭐294) - React Native Image component which scales width or height automatically to keep the original aspect ratio.
- react-native-page-swiper ★83 (⭐90) - Page Swiper component for React Native.
- react-native-label-select ★81 (⭐129) - A modal selector for React Native with selected items displayed as labels.
- react-native-3dcube-navigation ★80 (⭐275) - Page Swiper component with 3D cube transition (horizontal and vertical)
- react-native-keyboard-accessory ★80 (⭐462) - Keyboard Accessory (View, Navigation) Component. Sticky views on keyboard.
- react-native-charts ★76 (⭐85) - Delightfully-animated data visualization.
- react-native-android-blurryoverlay ★75 (⭐74) - A react native android package to show a blurry overlay.
- react-native-calendar-datepicker ★75 (⭐84) - A cross-platform calendar datepicker
- react-native-scrollview-smart ★75 (⭐81) - A Smart ScrollView component for IOS and Android.
- react-native-picker-xg ★74 (⭐78) - A picker for both Android and iOS
- react-native-status-bar-height ★73 (⭐402) - A small library that helps you to get status bar height easily. It also support iPhone X.
- react-native-color-wheel ★72 (⭐165) - A react native reusable color picker wheel
- react-native-scrollview-lazyload ★71 (⭐74) - react-native scrollview with image lazy load
- react-native-material-cards ★70 (⭐127) - A material design card component, customizable and versatile.
- react-native-item-cell ★69 (⭐69) - React Native default style iOS item cell
- react-native-calendario ★69 (⭐347) - React Native Calendar DatePicker
- react-native-picker-android ★67 (⭐72) - react-native-picker-android
- react-native-nested-stylesheet ★67 (⭐76) - Nestable stylesheets for react-native.
- react-native-dropdown-android ★65 (⭐61) - Simple wrapper for Android's Spinner to use with react-native
- react-native-slot-machine ★65 (⭐127) - A text slot machine component for react-native
- react-native-swipeview ★65 (⭐86) - SwipeView component used to perform actions like swipe to delete, works on iOS and Android
- react-native-download-button ★64 (⭐121) - React Native Download Button: with pretty cool animation
- react-native-siri-wave-view ★64 (⭐137) - React Native: Native Siri Wave View
- react-native-card-media ★63 (⭐68) - Card media component & Support multiple image layout
- react-native-touchable-bounce ★62 (⭐81) - React Native Touchable Bounce
- react-native-streetview ★61 (⭐87) - Google's Panorama/StreetView component for iOS and Android.
- react-native-thumbnail ★60 (⭐128) - Get thumbnail from local media.
- react-native-simple-stepper ★60 (⭐111) - A super simple react-native implementation of the UIStepper iOS control.
- react-native-select-multiple ★58 (⭐157) -A simple and easy to use component for multiple selection of item from List.
- k-react-native-swipe-unlocker ★55 (⭐61) - A simple swipe unlock for React Native
- react-native-walkthrough-tooltip ★55 (⭐474) - Highlight a component via tooltip/popover
- react-native-fs-modal ★51 (⭐49) - React native full screen modal component.
- react-native-toast-native ★51 (⭐99) React Native Toast component for both Android and iOS.
- react-native-masked-view ★50 (⭐56) - A element for react-native
- react-native-md-motion-buttons ★50 (⭐89) - Material design motion button inspired by inVision app.
- react-native-drop-refresh ★49 (⭐66) - A pull down to refresh control for react native.
- react-native-pin-view ★48 (⭐164) - Easy, convenient, quick-forming PinView component. It runs smoothly for both IOS and Android.
- react-native-dial ★47 (⭐65) - A react native reusable and efficient dial knob element.
- react-native-draggable-drawer ★46 (⭐56) - DraggableDrawer component for React Native.
- react-native-date-picker ★46 (⭐1.5k) - A date picker component for Android and iOS
- react-native-layout ★45 (⭐56) - Semantic JSX layout components for react-native
- react-native-touch-visualizer ★45 (⭐78) - Visualize touches and drags on React Native apps for iOS.
- react-native-air-progress-bar ★44 (⭐55) - React Native progress-bar component, customizable and animated
- react-native-full-screen ★44 (⭐76) - React Native FullScreen api and element
- react-native-auto-typing-text ★43 (⭐62) - An auto typing text component for react-native
- react-native-simpledialog-android ★41 (⭐42) - React Native Android module to use Android's AlertDialog - same idea of AlertIOS
- react-native-toolkit ★41 (⭐44) - A collection of common UI components for react native mobile apps.
- react-native-draggable-grid ★41 (⭐208) - A React Native draggable and sortable grid component write by typescript.
- react-native-elastic-stack ★41 (⭐77) - ReactNative component that implements elastic stack effect
- react-native-big-slider ★41 (⭐87) - Yet another, big one, pure JS easily customisable and hackable react-native slider component.
- react-native-custom-actsheet ★40 - A custom ActionSheet for react-native
- rn-render-perfs ★40 (⭐41) - Measure React rendering lifecycles using UI controls
- react-native-animated-check-mark ★40 (⭐61) - A small react component for animated cross-mark transformation.
- react-native-fab ★39 (⭐74) - A FAB button component for Android and iOS, customizable, simple and as per material design specs.
- react-native-popupwindow ★38 (⭐40) - Android PopupWindow for react-native module
- react-native-awesome-alert ★35 (⭐50) - Customizable modal components with ✔️check options in React Native
- react-native-view ★34 (⭐39) - Lightweight View component for quick styling.
- react-native-draggable-calendar ★34 (⭐98) - A calendar component supporting dragging.
- react-native-countdown ★33 (⭐40) - react native countdown button
- react-native-ibeacon-simulator ★32 (⭐49) - React Native Library to simulate device act as an iBeacon
- react-native-suggester ★32 (⭐52) - React-Native package to decorate TextInput and get suggestions with good UX.
- react-native-photo-grid ★31 (⭐35) - React Native component that handles the complexities of building a grid of photos with a flexible number of photos per row.
- react-native-android-iconify ★30 (⭐32) - icons for react native android using android-iconify
- react-native-touchable-set-active ★30 (⭐30) - Touchable component for React Native that enables more advanced styling by setting an active state. Most useful for building your own touchable/button components on top of.
- react-native-fade-in-view ★29 (⭐44) - A simple and lightweight RN component that fades in its children
- react-native-gl-image-filters ★27 (⭐179) - React Native GL Filters for Image implementation.
- react-native-focus-scroll ★26 (⭐37) - react-native-focus-scroll can detect which children are focused when scrolling.
- react-native-about-libraries ★26 (⭐30) - React Native: It offers information about install packages
- react-native-comparison-slider ★25 (⭐45) - A simple component to display two image in comparison with a slide-over feature.
- react-native-selectmultiple-button ★25 (⭐78) - A button (or a grouped buttons) supporting multiple or radio selection
- react-native-timeline-theme ★25 (⭐43) - Collection of TimeLine theme. This package only use flexbox(without absolute) & FlatList
- react-native-date-range-picker ★25 (⭐92) - Simple date range picker extended from react-native-calendars 📆
- react-native-orientation-controller ★23 (⭐24) - A react-native library for obtaining and controlling the current device and application orientation
- react-native-match-media ★23 (⭐29) - window.matchMedia mock for React Native
- react-native-square-view ★22 (⭐23) - A square view component for react native.
- react-native-ichart ★22 (⭐21) - ichart for react-native
- react-native-dropbox-chooser ★21 (⭐22) - React Native dropbox chooser module
- react-native-compress ★21 (⭐33) - Compress video for react native. Only for iOS, Android will be coming.
- react-native-custom-actionsheet ★21 (⭐47) - Fully customizable ActionSheet for React Native.
- react-native-drawpad ★20 (⭐30) - A pad for users to draw by touching
- react-native-modal-loader ★19 (⭐36) - Customizable animated modal progress hud for react apps.
- react-native-images-collage ★19 (⭐101) - Robust interactive image collage component for React Native.
- react-native-avatar-gravatar ★18 (⭐24) - React Native Gravatar component
- rn-displayable ★15 (⭐16) - Display your components based on props or a set of rules
- react-native-custom-picker ★15 (⭐43) - React native customizable picker component.
- react-native-confirmation-code-field ★15 (⭐782) - A React Native component to input confirmation code for both Android and IOS
- react-native-android-circles ★14 (⭐16) - A react native android package to show a circle progress view.
- react-native-code-verification ★13 (⭐114) - An UI module for user-side pincode verification.
- react-native-rebound-scrollview ★12 (⭐13) - React Native Android ReboundScrollView implementation.
- react-native-calculator ★12 (⭐23) - React Native Calculator and Calculator Input Component.
- react-native-navbar-color ★12 (⭐51) - Change Navigationbar Color in Android
- react-native-coachmasks ★10 (⭐30) - react-native-coachmark! It helps you easily create Coach Marks to enhance user experience!
- react-native-progress-button ★10 (⭐17) - A react native button component that can show progress.
- react-native-frame-loading ★9 (⭐11) - The Loading indicator with frame by frame view animation
- react-native-rheostat ★9 (⭐105) - Inspired by Airbnb's rheostat (⭐1.7k), a powerful slider with assorted data visualized charts.
- react-native-censored ★8 (⭐11) - React Native component to censor content.
- react-native-bouncing-ball ★8 (⭐38) - React Native component bouncing ball for both iOS and Android.
- react-native-hide-modal ★6 (⭐8) - Modal component that can be hidden
- react-native-masonry-brick-list ★5 (⭐24) - Staggered Or Masonary List View For React Native Written in pure js
- react-native-blur-overlay ★5 (⭐94) - React Native Blur Overlay Library For Ios And Android
- react-native-rate-modal ★5 (⭐11) - Hackable "rate us" component for React Native.
- react-native-fancy-carousel-viewpager ★4 (⭐12) - React Native Designed View Pager Library (pure js)
- pinar ★4 (⭐223) - Customizable, lightweight React Native carousel component with accessibility support.
- react-native-svg-transformer ★4 (⭐1k) - Import SVG files inside React Native components. Uses the react-native-svg library to render SVG images.
- react-native-progress-steps ★4 (⭐289) - A simple and fully customizable React Native component that implements a progress stepper UI.
- react-native-units ★2 (⭐26) - A collection of useful units and a simple grid implementation for responsive layouts in React Native.
- react-native-create-new-file-ios ★1 (⭐1) - A react-native interface for creating a blank new file on ios. File must not already exist.
- react-native-countries ★1 (⭐12) - This package is provide you directly native countries name & code list from device.
- react-native-scrubber ★1 (⭐56) - A simple audio/video Scrubber for both iOS and Android.
- react-native-sdr (⭐78) - Server Driven Rendering (SDR) component for React Native
- react-native-image-container ★0 (⭐0) - Image container for React Native
- react-native-swiper-flatlist ★★ ★81 (⭐390) - 👆 React Native Swiper component implemented with FlatList
- react-native-easy-router ★78 (⭐158) - React Native router with easy-to-use API
- react-navigation-magic-move ★62 (⭐137) - Bindings for using react-navigation with react-native-magic-move 🐰🎩✨ (shared element transitions)
- react-native-route-navigator ★27 (⭐27) - React-Native page navigation using URIs.
- sajjad-brick-list ★5 (⭐24) - Staggered Or Masonary List View For React Native Written in pure js
- react-native-router-sinux ★ ★4 (⭐4) - React Native Router based on new NavigationExperimental that use Sinux as Flux implementation.
- react-native-simple-slider ★3 (⭐14) - This is a simple javascript slider component for react native
- react-native-navigation-buttons ★2 (⭐2) - iOS navigation buttons for the React Native Navigator
- react-native-yynavigator ★1 (⭐1) - custom navigation bar for react-native
Navigation / Navigation Demos
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- react-native-file-viewer ★33 (⭐360) - Preview any type of file supported by the mobile device
- react-native-responsive-fontsize ★22 (⭐534) - Provide responsive fontsize based on device height in React-Native
- react-native-text-size ★21 (⭐323) - Measure text accurately before laying it out and get font information from your App.
Analytics / Navigation Demos
- react-native-google-analytics-bridge ★1071 (⭐1.2k) - A native Google Analytics bridge for React Native. Uses the official libraries on both iOS and Android.
- react-native-td ★26 (⭐28) - An unofficial React Native SDK for Treasure Data.
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-call-detection ★73 (⭐174) - Helps to detect different call states like Incoming, Disconnected, Dialing and Connected
- react-native-user-defaults ★48 (⭐57) - ios UserDefaults used by react-native
- react-native-aws-signature ★42 (⭐44) - help generate signature required for using AWS API. Necessary to use S3, ec2, or other services.
- react-native-html-parser ★38 (⭐77) - parse html in react-native
- pixels-catcher ★26 (⭐111) - Library for testing React Native UI components and screens
- react-native-hour-format ★20 (⭐29) - Get hour format from OS settings.
- react-native-crypto ★6 (⭐20) - implementation of crypto for React Native
Forms / Navigation Demos
- react-native-forms ★86 (⭐87) - A declarative API for creating, validating, and serializing native-looking forms.
Internationalization / Navigation Demos
- react-native-i18n ★1778 (⭐2.2k) - React Native + i18n.js Deprecated for react-native-localize
- react-native-languages ★246 (⭐1.9k) - React Native properties and methods related to the language of the device Now called react-native-localize
Styling / Navigation Demos
- styled-react-native (⭐17) - Advanced react native styling with simple method (style overwrites, component composition, enhanced style property). Full intro in this Medium article.
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-push-notification ★3431 (⭐6.5k) - React Native Local and Remote Notifications
- react-native-arkit ★1290 (⭐1.7k) - React Native binding for iOS ARKit
- react-native-communications ★871 (⭐1k) - Easily call, email, text or iMessage someone in React Native
- react-native-quick-actions ★593 (⭐1k) - A react-native interface for 3D Touch home screen quick actions
- react-native-barcodescanner ★491 (⭐539) - A barcode scanner component for react native - not maintained anymore - use react-native-camera.
- react-native-location ★425 (⭐836) - Native GPS location support for React Native.
- react-native-background-fetch ★373 (⭐1.2k) - iOS BackgroundFetch API implementation. Awakens a suspended iOS app in the background to execute a
about every 15 min.
- react-native-queue ★359 (⭐736) - Your swiss army knife for task management in React Native - easily manage background tasks that run periodically when app is closed and dedicated worker threads.
- react-native-sensors ★355 (⭐788) - Platform independent wrapper for sensors like Gyroscope, Accelerometer and Magnetometer with RxJS interface
- react-native-android-sms-listener ★194 (⭐332) - Allows you to listen for incoming SMS messages
- react-native-ble ★157 (⭐166) - React Native BLE using noble api surface
- react-native-pinch ★130 (⭐196) - SSL pinning for react native
- react-native-unified-contacts ★120 (⭐155) - React Native iOS 9+ Contacts (ios)
- react-native-callkit ★94 (⭐121) - iOS 10 CallKit framework for React Native
- react-native-addressbook ★81 (⭐82) - AddressBook module for react-native
- react-native-phone-call ★76 (⭐155) - A simple way to initiate a phone call in React Native
- react-native-barcode-scanner ★60 (⭐61) - Barcode scanner for React Native
- react-native-haptic-feedback ★60 (⭐615) - Trigger Haptic Native Feedback on iOS and Android
- react-native-nfc-ios ★52 (⭐59) - Easy to use CoreNFC for React Native
- react-native-voip-push-notification ★48 (⭐173) - iOS prioritized VoIP Push Notification
- react-native-sms-android ★40 (⭐52) - A react-native module for sending a sms message to a phone number.
- react-native-device-motion ★29 (⭐33) - iOS device motion wrapper for React Native.
- react-native-wifi-manager ★29 (⭐32) - Wifi Connection Manager for React Native on Android
- react-native-android-sqlite ★28 (⭐30) - A react native android wrapper for SQLite
- react-native-search-api ★27 (⭐35) - The SearchApi module gives you a general React Native interface to interact with the iOS Search API, Core Spotlight.
- react-native-ssl-pinning ★20 (⭐251) - React Native SSL pinning using OkHttp 3 on Android, and AFNetworking on iOS
- rn-secure-storage ★17 (⭐154) - Secure Storage for React Native (Android & iOS)
- react-native-detect-device ★11 (⭐11) - Detect a device on iOS or android in react-native.
- react-native-battery-status ★11 (⭐14) - A battery-status for react-native
- react-native-home-pressed ★8 (⭐22) - Listen to home and recent app events for Android
Web / Navigation Demos
- react-native-webintent ★53 (⭐53) - React native android module to open links in the default browser
- react-native-browser-polyfill ★29 (⭐32) - A collection of polyfills for the react-native Javascript environment.
- react-native-bridgeable-webview ★16 (⭐17) - A react-native webview with bridge to react-native code
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-audio-streaming ★679 (⭐768) - iOS & Android module to play an audio stream, with background support and media controls 🔈
- react-native-camera-roll-picker ★312 (⭐413) - A React Native component providing images selection from camera roll
- react-native-color-grabber ★57 (⭐74) - React native component for finding dominant colors in an image
- react-native-media-meta ★41 (⭐73) - Get media file metadata in your React Native app
- react-native-sound-recorder ★41 (⭐114) - No-hassle Sound Recorder for React Native.
- react-native-true-sight ★18 (⭐81) - A cross-platform video player with customizable controls for React Native.
- react-native-safe-image ★13 (⭐27) - Really light React-Native package to handle fallback when image is on error
- react-native-media-capture ★6 (⭐6) - A media-capture for react-native
Storage / Navigation Demos
- realm ★3184 (⭐5k) - An alternative mobile database to SQLite & key-value stores.
- react-native-couchbase-lite ★105 (⭐112) - couchbase lite binding for react-native
- react-native-pouchdb ★38 (⭐39) - Run pouchdb in React Native!
Backend / Navigation Demos
- react-native-xmpp ★256 (⭐303) - XMPP Library for React Native
- react-native-sync ★28 (⭐55) - Two way, incremental sync between React Native realmjs database and MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-wechat-ios ★199 (⭐192) - Wechat SDK for React Native(iOS).
- instabug-reactnative ★122 (⭐252) - A React Native wrapper for Bug reporting Instabug SDK.
- react-native-dialogflow ★104 (⭐193) - A React-Native bridge for Google's Dialogflow (
- react-native-twilio-programmable-voice ★86 (⭐173) - A React Native wrapper for the Twilio Programmable Voice SDK.
- react-native-android-vitamio ★72 (⭐78) - React-native component for android Vitamio video player
- react-native-digits ★60 (⭐61) - Digits wrapper to use in React Native
- react-native-onepassword ★52 (⭐62) - React Native integration with the OnePassword extension.
- react-native-fitness ★17 (⭐313) - A React Native module to interact with Apple Healthkit and Google Fit
- react-native-instagram ★5 (⭐4) - react-native instagram wrapper api (iOS)
Animation / Navigation Demos
- react-native-magic-move ★402 (⭐980) - Create magical move transitions between scenes in react-native 🐰🎩✨ (shared element transitions)
Extension / Navigation Demos
- React Native Android Widget Proof of Concept ★127 (⭐201) - Android Widget Proof of Concept in React Native
Other Platforms / Navigation Demos
- react-native-macos ★10453 (⭐11k) - React Native for OS X
- @areslabs/alita ★392 (⭐1.8k) - react native for mini-program(微信小程序)
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- Electrode Native ★439 (⭐696) - A platform to ease the integration of React Native components in existing mobile applications.
- Ruby React Native (via Opal) ★391 (⭐397) - Use Ruby for building React Native apps
- AsyncStorage Dev Menu Item ★67 (⭐86) - Adds an option to your dev menu to log the content of your AsyncStorage.
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- ReactNativeTS ★353 (⭐363) - Boilerplate of a React Native project in Typescript.
- react-native-template-typescript ★183 (⭐1.7k) - Clean and minimalist React Native template for a quick start with TypeScript.
- 🍞 Baker ★46 - An opinionated MVP toolkit that helps you build mobile apps crazy fast using React Native and Parse Server
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- GitHub Popular ★2452 (⭐2.9k) - This is a GitHub most popular repositories viewer with React Native.
- react-native-sudoku ★540 (⭐625) - a sudoku game written in React Native
- react-native-basketball ★425 (⭐543) - a clone of the Facebook Basketball game
- React Native Embedded App ★218 (⭐229) -A collection of examples for using React Native in an existing iOS application
- BBC News (Unofficial) ★187 (⭐205) - a BBC news app
- HackerBuzz ★179 (⭐221) - a Hacker News reader.
- Vecihi App ★170 (⭐208) – Build your own photo sharing app.
- Rocket.Chat ★161 (⭐1.5k) - Open Source Team Communication
- Look Lock ★126 (⭐129) - An app for showing photos without worries.
- Buttercup Mobile ★103 (⭐351) - Mobile password manager
- Finance MacOS React Native ★88 (⭐98) - iOS's Stocks App clone written for MacOS with Touch Bar support. Data is pulled from Yahoo Finance.
- Urban Dictionary ★83 (⭐113) - Mobile implementation of the popular Urban Dictionary website.
- react-native-redux-facebook ★79 (⭐80) - A simple React Redux Facebook authentication demo app.
- Hekla for Hacker News ★77 (⭐359) - Hackernews client with TypeScript, mobx-state-tree, native navigation and css modules.
- Nearby Live ★72 (⭐91) - An unofficial NearbyLive app for Android and iOS
- MoeFM ★54 (⭐65) - A light MusicPlayer build with React Native & Redux for both Android and iOS.
- AudienceNetworkReactNative ★50 (⭐54) - Facebook Audience Network Performance Tool.
- rndrawer-implemented-rnrouter ★50 (⭐50) - A react-native-drawer implemented example and scaffolding for react-native-router-flux
- Magento 2 Mobile App ★47 (⭐288) - Magento 2.x mobile app built with React Native
- Paramap ★30 (⭐36) - Accessability map. React-native with Redux and Firebase. iOS and Android.
- Vocab React Native ★27 (⭐36) - Thai Vocabulary Learning App
- Roverz ★21 (⭐44) - A native mobile chat client library for Rocket.Chat on both iOS and Android.
- iGap Plus ★13 (⭐21) - iGap+ is a cross-platform messaging application (Currently Android , iOS and Windows UWP) and has been created using all latest modern technologies. iGap+ is designed to easily support additional platforms like web, macOS and linux.
- Posters_Galore_Android ★11 (⭐12) - An experimental Android application using Redux and a REST API
- react-native-medium-clap-animation ★11 - Medium Clap Animation in React Native
- HupuApp ★9 (⭐27) - A Third-party Hupu App ( client implemented using React Native (Android and iOS).
- react-native-uber-clone ★9 - Uber UI Clone with animations in react native
- GitHub Jobs Search App (Unofficial) ★6 (⭐12) - A GitHub Jobs Search App built in React Native.
- Minimal Quotes ★6 (⭐41) - Mobile app that throws you random quotes in a super clean minimal version.
- Manyverse (⭐875) – Social network off the grid (a Scuttlebutt Android client)
Frameworks / Navigation Demos
- React Native Diagnose ★13 (⭐24) - A framework to test a React Native app during runtime and production
Talks / Navigation Demos
- Chain React 2018: Playlist
- Chain React 2017: Playlist
- React Conf 2015: Introducing React Native
- React Conf 2015: A Deep Dive into React Native
- F8 2015: React Native and Relay
Training & tutorials / Navigation Demos
- React Native Fundamentals
- Build iOS Apps with React Native
- Build apps with React Native
- Create Your First React Native App - Introduction to building a React Native app and learning the foundational pieces.
- Learn React Native + Meteor - Comprehensive course & community on building an application with React Native and Meteor.
- Automate Your React Native Releases with Fastlane & Bitrise - Learn step-by-step how to release your React Native applications into Stores automatically by using Fastlane & Bitrise.
Jun 20, 2019
- react-native-echarts-wrapper ★24 (⭐172) - Powerful ECharts wrapper build for React Native
Jun 17, 2019
Monetization / Navigation Demos
- react-native-google-pay ★2 (⭐84) - Accept Payments with Google Pay for React Native apps.
- react-native-apay ★2 (⭐50) - React Native bridge for Apple Pay
Jun 12, 2019
- lottie-react-native ★10415 (⭐15k) - A mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile!
- react-native-splash-screen ★2663 (⭐5.3k) - A splash screen for react-native, hide when application loaded, it works on iOS and Android.
- react-native-textinput-effects ★2062 (⭐2.9k) - Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and Android. Built by react native and inspired by Codrops.
- react-native-lightbox ★1917 (⭐2.8k) - A very Slick and modern mobile lightbox implementation
- react-native-chart ★1464 (⭐1.6k) - React-native-chart is a simple module for adding line charts, area charts, or bar charts to your React Native app.
- react-native-tableview ★1105 (⭐1.4k) - Native iOS TableView wrapper for React Native
- react-native-pdf-view ★338 (⭐400) - View pdf file using react-native
- react-native-toast ★336 (⭐346) - An android like toast for react-native support for iOS and Android
- react-native-effects-view ★304 (⭐383) - React Native Component that makes easy to use iOS8 UIVisualEffect
- react-native-root-modal ★304 (⭐360) - React native modal component
- react-native-popup ★153 (⭐170) - Popup for react-native
- react-native-gestures ★152 (⭐174) - Composable gesture system in react native
- react-native-submit-button ★96 (⭐124) - Animated Submit button. Works on both android and ios
- react-native-grading ★43 (⭐54) - React Native Component for grading scores using ReactART.
- react-native-slack-webhook ★42 (⭐52) - Follow some activities (new user, payment,...) from your app via Slack and this webhook lib.
Jun 10, 2019
Internationalization / Navigation Demos
- react-native-localize ★603 (⭐1.9k) - React Native Localize
Jun 06, 2019
- rn-actionsheet-module ★0 (⭐26) - BottomsheetDialog & ActionSheetIOS with same props and usage.
Jun 03, 2019
May 29, 2019
Analytics / Navigation Demos
- react-native-flurry-sdk ★15 (⭐40) - Official React Native wrapper for Flurry SDK. Supports Android, iOS and tvOS.
May 20, 2019
Styling / Navigation Demos
- react-native-tailwindcss (⭐543) - A react native styling system based on TailwindCSS.
May 13, 2019
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- react-int (⭐3) - A simple way to use react/react-native with redux and redux-saga.
Apr 25, 2019
- react-native-picker-modal-view (⭐193) - React Native Module to select item picker modal.
Apr 18, 2019
Frameworks / Navigation Demos
- first-born ★106 (⭐273) - A UI framework with pre-built components that render separately according to the underlying mobile platform.
Apr 17, 2019
Navigation / Navigation Demos
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Quirk 🐙 ★965 (⭐2.1k) - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for iOS and Android.
Apr 12, 2019
- react-native-circle-progress ★24 - A custom Circle Progress Indicator for React Native
- react-native-app-intro-v2 ★24 (⭐62) - Latest App intro
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-referrer ★11 (⭐16) - React Native android only library to retrieve campaign referrer.
Apr 02, 2019
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- react-native-vanilla ★185 (⭐1.5k) - 🚀🚀🚀 Build universal cross-platform apps with React Native. Includes latest
,Android TV
,Android Wear
,Tizen TV
,Tizen Watch
,LG webOS
Apr 01, 2019
- rn-verifcode (⭐23) - React-Native component to input confirmation code for both Android and IOS
Mar 27, 2019
Continuous Integration
Mar 07, 2019
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-iphone-se-helper ★0 (⭐8) - utils for developing iphone SE size.
Mar 06, 2019
Mar 01, 2019
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-agora +190 (⭐560) - A React Native Agora WebRTC Wrapper.
Feb 22, 2019
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Feb 20, 2019
Extension / Navigation Demos
- React Native Today Widget ★190 (⭐368) - iOS Today Widget Extension in React Native
Feb 16, 2019
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-spring-scrollview ★64 (⭐309) - React Native Spring ScrollView V2 is a high performance cross-platform native bounces ScrollView for React Native.(iOS & Android)
Feb 11, 2019
- react-native-animated-loader (⭐154) - A React Native Loader Component which uses Airbnb's Lottie for beautiful loader animations.
Jan 30, 2019
Blogs / Navigation Demos
- Red Shift - Infinite Red - Lots of React Native content
Jan 24, 2019
Styling / Navigation Demos
- binstorm ★5 (⭐11) - BinStorm is a React Native styling utility for rapidly building custom user interfaces. Read about it here.
Jan 22, 2019
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- React Native Starter Kit (⭐376) - React Native starter kit with user onboarding elements, including Firebase Auth and Facebook Login integration.
Jan 15, 2019
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Lyrics King (⭐292) - Minimalist and stylish lyrics search app.
Jan 09, 2019
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- react-native-ruler ★3 (⭐31) - A devtool for measuring pixel dimensions on your React Native screens
Jan 06, 2019
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-sms-retriever (⭐234) - SMS Retriever API (Android).
Dec 23, 2018
- react-native-vector-icons ★9985 (⭐16k) - Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar, image source and full styling. Choose from 3000+ bundled icons or use your own.
- react-native-gifted-chat ★6546 (⭐12k) - The most complete chat UI for React Native (formerly known as Gifted Messenger)
- react-native-image-picker ★4709 (⭐7.8k) - A React Native module that allows you to use the native UIImagePickerController UI to select a photo from the device library or directly from the camera.
- react-native-swipeout ★2194 (⭐2.6k) - iOS-style swipeout buttons behind component
- react-navigation ★14233 (⭐22k) - Easy to use Navigation for React Native
- react-native-navigation ★9325 (⭐13k) - App-wide support for 100% native navigation with an easy cross-platform interface.
Forms / Navigation Demos
- react-native-form-validator ★0 (⭐14) - A simple validation library for react native
Dec 16, 2018
Geolocation / Navigation Demos
- react-native-boundary ★12 (⭐109) - React Native module to use geofences. Native implementation for iOS and Android.
Dec 13, 2018
- react-native-countdown-text (⭐5) - A React Native component that converts a timestamp of a future date to a readable countdown clock, based on a format.
- react-native-header-scroll-view ★3 (⭐121) - iOS-style large header scroll view.
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Github-Gist (⭐9) - React native mobile application for github gist
Dec 09, 2018
- react-native-hotspot ★2 (⭐30) - A React Native component that displays hotspots over desired components to help lead your users through an onboarding flow or direct them towards new UI elements
Nov 29, 2018
- swipeable-modal-react-native (⭐3) - A 'pop-up' modal that can be swiped away left or right to run different functions.
Nov 26, 2018
Deep Linking / Navigation Demos
- react-native-deep-link ★36 (⭐146) - React Native library to handle deep links
Nov 18, 2018
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Hydropuzzle (⭐13) - Stylish puzzle adventure game.
Nov 13, 2018
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- FastBuy (⭐183) - App to manage the products from a dummy Store (built with React Native and Redux).
Nov 03, 2018
- react-native-maps ★8388 (⭐14k) - React Native Map components for iOS + Android
- react-native-swiper ★6955 (⭐10k) - The best Swiper component for React Native.
- react-native-scrollable-tab-view ★5664 (⭐6.8k) - A scrollable tab-view for React Native
- react-native-material-kit ★4124 (⭐4.8k) - Bringing Material Design to React Native
- react-native-snap-carousel ★3959 (⭐9.7k) - Swiper component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support
- react-native-calendars ★3402 (⭐8.1k) - React Native Calendar Components 📆
- react-native-ui-kitten ★3140 (⭐9.3k) - Customizable and reusable react-native component kit
- react-native-svg ★2982 (⭐6.4k) - SVG library that works on both iOS & Android
- react-native-image-crop-picker ★2736 (⭐5.6k) - iOS/Android image picker with support for multiple images and cropping
- react-native-typography ★2260 (⭐3.3k) Pixel–perfect, native–looking typographic styles for React Native
- react-native-modalbox ★2043 (⭐2.8k) - A component for react-native
- react-native-action-button ★1762 (⭐2.4k) - A customizable Float Button Component for React Native
- react-native-modal ★1728 (⭐5k) - An enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal
- nachos-ui ★1684 (⭐2k) - NACHOS UI kit for React Native. Pick from a bunch of pre-coded UI components ready for your next kick-ass app in JavaScript or React.
- react-native-mapbox-gl ★1663 (⭐2.1k) - A Mapbox GL react native module for creating custom maps
- react-native-spinkit ★1585 (⭐2.3k) - A collection of animated loading indicators for React Native
- react-native-gifted-listview ★1443 (⭐1.6k) - A ListView that embed some recurrent features like pull-to-refresh, infinite scrolling and more for Android and iOS React-Native apps
- react-native-viewpager ★1350 (⭐1.4k) - ViewPager component for React Native
- react-virgin ★1319 (⭐1.5k) The react-native UI Kit you've been looking for.
- react-native-icons ★1168 (⭐1.2k) - Quick and easy icons in React Native video
- react-native-keyboard-spacer ★1103 (⭐1.5k) - Plug and play react-Native keyboard spacer view.
- react-native-circular-progress ★1088 (⭐2k) - React Native component for creating animated, circular progress with ReactART
- react-native-popup-dialog ★1088 (⭐2.1k) - A React Native Popup Dialog Easy Use & Support Use Custom Animation. For IOS & Android
- react-native-root-toast ★971 (⭐1.8k) - React native toast like component, pure javascript solution
- react-native-loading-spinner-overlay ★885 (⭐1.5k) - The only pure React Native, Native iOS and Android loading spinner (progress bar indicator) overlay
- react-native-slider ★845 (⭐1.2k) - A pure JavaScript component for react-native
- react-native-sglistview ★731 (⭐741) - A memory minded implementation of React Native's ListView
- react-native-tabs ★687 (⭐717) - React Native platform-independent tabs. Could be used for bottom tab bars as well as sectioned views (with tab buttons)
- react-native-search-bar ★671 (⭐834) - The native search bar for react native.
- apsl-react-native-button ★653 (⭐750) - React Native button component with rounded corners.
- react-native-popup-menu ★653 (⭐1.3k) - Extensible popup menu component for React Native.
- react-native-qrcode ★644 (⭐853) - react-native qrcode generator
- react-native-parsed-text ★552 (⭐1.1k) - Parse text and make them into multiple React Native Text elements
- react-native-dropdown ★507 (⭐647) - A better Select dropdown menu for react-native
- react-native-parallax ★479 (⭐580) - Parallax effects for React Native using Animated API
- react-native-sketch ★467 (⭐646) - A react-native <Sketch /> component to draw with touch events.
- react-native-button-component ★434 (⭐533) - A Beautiful, Customizable React Native Button component for iOS & Android
- react-native-refresher ★419 (⭐454) - A React Native pull to refresh ListView completely written in js. Also supports custom animations.
- react-native-carousel ★406 (⭐418) - Simple carousel component for react-native
- react-native-radio-buttons ★399 (⭐417) - A react component to implement custom radio buttons-like behaviors: multiple options, only on can be selected at once.
- react-native-accordion ★390 (⭐438) - An Accordion Component for React Native
- react-native-message-bar ★384 (⭐441) - A module for presenting notifications via an animated message bar at the top/bottom of the screen, highly customizable, for React Native (Android and iOS) projects.
- react-native-fit-image ★383 (⭐578) - Responsive image component to fit perfectly itself.
- react-native-alphabetlistview ★372 (⭐457) - A ListView with a sidebar to jump to sections directly, based on johanneslumpe's react-native-selectablesectionlistview
- react-native-responsive-image ★344 (⭐401) - Most elegant Responsive Image component
- react-native-modal-picker ★333 (⭐399) - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), selector/picker component for React Native that is highly customizable and supports sections.
- react-native-gesture-recognizers ★313 (⭐360) - Gesture recognizer decorators for react-native
- react-native-grid-view ★276 (⭐281) - React Native Grid/Collection View component
- react-native-md-textinput ★275 (⭐316) - React Native TextInput styled with Material Design.
- react-native-timer-mixin ★274 (⭐311) - TimerMixin provides timer functions for executing code in the future that are safely cleaned up when the component unmounts. This is a fork that includes react-native InteractionManager support.
- react-native-tabbar ★261 (⭐264) - Tab bar with more freedom
- react-native-cacheable-image ★255 (⭐305) - A filesystem cacheable image component for react-native
- react-native-awesome-button ★222 (⭐235) - A React Native component rendering a button supporting showing different appearances and functionality given the passed props
- react-native-mobx ★220 (⭐223) - Make your app reactive with MobX and react-native-router-flux
- react-native-progress-bar ★218 (⭐239) - An animated progress bar component for React Native
- react-native-tooltip ★217 (⭐284) - A react-native wrapper for showing tooltips
- react-native-emoji ★216 (⭐322) - Emoji component for React Native
- react-native-image-cache-hoc ★211 (⭐285) - Higher Order Component that adds advanced caching and persistence functionality to standard Image component.
- autoresponsive-react-native ★201 (⭐260) - A Magical Layout Library For React
- react-native-autolink ★201 (⭐526) - Autolinking component for React Native
- react-native-grid-component ★188 (⭐268) - Easy to use grid component for your react-native project. Supports iOS and Android.
- react-native-tab ★171 (⭐178) - react-native-tab is a simple module for add a "Tab Menu" to your React Native app.
- react-native-autocomplete ★163 (⭐170) - React Native Component for MLPAutoCompleteTextField
- react-native-segmented-view ★159 (⭐185) - Segmented View for React Native (with animation)
- react-native-checkbox ★154 (⭐169) - Checkbox component for React native
- react-native-radial-menu ★153 (⭐177) - A Radial Menu optimized for touch interfaces
- react-native-page-control ★151 (⭐169) - React native page control, like ios UIPageControl
- react-native-google-place-picker ★148 (⭐184) - React Native Wrapper of Google Place Picker for both Android and iOS.
- react-native-scaling-drawer ★148 (⭐238) - React native scaling drawer.
- react-native-image-carousel ★148 (⭐214) - Image carousel with support for fullscreen mode, image swiping and pinch-to-zoom in fullscreen mode.
- react-native-offline-mode ★144 (⭐185) - Swap your app with an offline version while there's no connectivity
- react-native-custom-segmented-control ★132 (⭐164) - Native UI iOS component for Segmented Control with custom style
- react-native-floating-labels ★126 (⭐159) - Reusabe floating lable component for react native
- react-native-beautiful-video-recorder ★125 (⭐233) - The video recorder component that extends from react-native-camera. It works for both iOS & Android.
- react-native-cell-components ★125 (⭐174) - Awesome react-native cell components! From a Cell to more complex & awesome components.
- react-native-bouncy-drawer ★116 (⭐149) - Highly customizable Bouncy Drawer
- react-native-viewport-units ★107 (⭐158) - Incredibly simple utility for (sort of) using viewport units with React Native.
- react-native-fading-slides ★103 (⭐126) - Simple looped fading slides carousel for React Native
- react-native-listitem ★86 (⭐90) - iOS-style listitem component for React Native
- react-native-shared-preferences ★85 (⭐120) - Android's Native key value storage system in React Native
- react-native-emoji-picker ★85 (⭐107) - Simple Emoji picker for react-native with optional modal-like component
- react-native-material-showcase-ios ★81 - React Native Bridge for iOS aromajoin/material-showcase-ios. An elegant and beautiful showcase for iOS apps.
- react-native-textinput-utils ★79 (⭐85) - A react native extension which allows you to control TextInput better.
- react-native-idle-timer ★79 (⭐156) - An Objective-C bridge that allows you to enable and disable the screen idle timer in your React Native app
- react-native-snackbar-component ★77 (⭐173) - A snackbar component for Android and iOS, customizable and simple.
- react-native-zoom-image ★75 (⭐108) - An image viewer component for react-native, like twitter's image viewer.
- react-native-simple-picker ★62 (⭐89) - A simple react-native select picker
- react-native-view-pdf ★62 (⭐262) - PDF viewer for React Native
- react-native-phone-picker ★58 (⭐65) - a quick phone picker control
- react-native-infinite-scrollview ★58 (⭐75) - ScrollView with infinite paged scrolling (no looping)
- react-native-multiple-choice ★57 (⭐67) - A cross-platform (iOS / Android) single and multiple-choice React Native component.
- react-native-adbannerview ★52 (⭐56) - React Native Bridge for ADBannerView
- react-native-fxblurview ★52 (⭐61) - React Native wrapper for popular FXBlurView library for realtime, fine-tuned blur effects
- react-native-beautiful-image ★52 (⭐60) - The Beautiful Image component that supports fadeIn animation and shows placeholderSource if the main source can't be loaded.
- react-native-radio-button-classic ★47 (⭐48) - Bring Classic Radio to React-Native
- react-native-image-intent ★47 (⭐53) - Image intent receiver for React Native android
- react-native-date ★46 (⭐45) - React Native date and time pickers for Android
- react-native-message-composer ★45 (⭐48) - React Native module bridge to iOS MFMessageComposeViewController
- react-native-progress-circular ★43 (⭐44) - A pure React Native Component for circular progress bars for both iOS and Android.
- react-native-tween-animation ★43 (⭐47) - A simple react native state tween animation module.
- react-native-flanimatedimage ★43 (⭐51) - FLAnimatedImage for React Native.
- react-native-wheel ★38 (⭐40) - android wheel view for react-native
- react-native-bar-collapsible ★38 - A Bar component that can be collapsible (toggle/accordion), clickable or text-only.
- react-native-circle-view ★37 (⭐37) - circle progress for react native android using CircleView
- react-native-slidable-tab-bar ★37 (⭐41) - Slidable tab bar for instant view rendering(react-native)
- react-native-scrollable-decorator ★37 (⭐38) - A standard interface for your scrollable React Native components, making it easier to compose components
- react-native-circle-checkbox ★37 (⭐43) - Circle checkbox component for React Native
- react-native-newsticker ★35 (⭐43) - The News Ticker component for React Native
- react-native-dashed-border ★33 (⭐38) - A element for react-native
- react-native-writebox ★33 (⭐51) - (iOS / Android) Facebook/Twitter textarea that autogrow and count characters.
- react-native-telephone-input ★30 (⭐39) - React Native Telephone Input, discover country and mask telephone Input
- react-native-nmrangeslider-ios ★29 (⭐34) - The NMRangeSlider component for React Native
- react-native-starrating ★24 (⭐26) - a react-native component for display interactive star ratings
- react-native-simple-card-view ★23 (⭐27) - Easiest way to adding a card view on your screen.
- react-native-timepicker ★20 (⭐24) - React Native timepicker for iOS
- react-native-custom-checkbox ★20 - React Native checkbox that can be customize. Works for both Android and iOS.
- react-native-tilt ★20 - Tilt effect with accelerometer for React Native components.
- rn-ab-hoc ★19 (⭐24) - Poor intrusive way to make A/B Testing by using an HoC instead of components.
- react-native-expand ★19 (⭐23) - A react-native expandable component for both Android and iOS
- react-native-imagewand ★13 (⭐14) - image wand for react native
- react-native-gravatar ★13 (⭐16) - react-native wrapper for gravatar-api
- react-native-stylesheet-xg ★8 (⭐8) - extension stylesheet for cross platforms and responsive
- react-native-animated-styles ★7 (⭐20) - Easily animate/transition react components between two style states.
- react-native-rounded-navigation-drawer ★2 (⭐14) - React Native Designed Navigation Drawer Library (Pure Js)
- react-native-expandable-fab-menu ★2 (⭐8) - React Native Expandable Fab Menu Component (pure js)
- react-native-animated-bottom-tabbar ★2 (⭐19) - Animated bottom Tab bar for react native
- react-native-router-flux ★7720 (⭐9k) - React Native Router based on new React Native Navigation API
- kittenTricks ★4227 (⭐6.9k) - A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support
- native-navigation ★3060 (⭐3.1k) - Native navigation library for React Native applications
- react-native-navbar ★1824 (⭐1.9k) - Simple customizable navbar component for react-native
- react-native-router ★1203 (⭐1.2k) - Awesome navigation for your native app.
- ex-navigation ★1019 (⭐1k) - A route-centric, batteries-included navigation library for Exponent and React Native that works seamlessly on Android and iOS.
- react-native-controllers ★580 (⭐610) - Truly native no-compromise iOS navigation for React Native.
- ex-navigator ★531 (⭐523) - Route-centric navigation built on top of React Native's Navigator
- react-native-nav ★262 (⭐267) - A cross-platform (iOS / Android), fully customizable, React Native Navigation Bar component
- react-native-ya-navigator ★88 (⭐86) - Yet another react native navigator component
- navbar-native ★86 (⭐88) - A new, fully customizable Navbar component for React-Native
- react-native-navigation-bar ★59 (⭐61) - react-native-navigation-bar
- react-native-grid-list ★ ★28 (⭐102) - React Native Grid List component
- react-native-invoke-app ★8 (⭐53) - Bring React Native App to foreground from Headless JS
- react-native-keyboard-sticky-view ★7 (⭐23) - Keyboar Sticky View with animation and renderProps
Navigation / Navigation Demos
- movieapp ★1441 (⭐1.8k) – Discover Movies and TV shows - it uses redux and wix/react-native-navigation
- ExNavRelay ★23 (⭐25) - React Native + Ex-navigation + Relay integration template
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- react-native-hyperlink ★354 (⭐685) - A
<Hyperlink />
component for react-native that makes urls, fuzzy links, emails etc clickable and stylable
- react-native-draftjs-render ★253 (⭐386) - A React Native render for Draft.js model
- react-native-html-to-pdf ★171 (⭐382) - Convert html strings to PDF documents using React Native
- react-native-htmltext ★132 (⭐139) - Use HTML like markup to create stylized text in react-native.
- react-native-html-webview ★102 (⭐105) - Display (possibly untrusted) HTML using a UIWebView in React Native.
- react-native-html-render ★98 (⭐101) - A html render for react-native
- react-native-measure-text ★48 (⭐108) - Measure text height without laying it out.
- react-native-asciimage ★17 (⭐21) - An ASCIImage component for React Native
Analytics / Navigation Demos
- react-native-fabric ★1097 (⭐1.3k) - A React Native library for Fabric, Crashlytics and Answers
- react-native-google-analytics ★325 (⭐384) - Google Analytics for React Native!
- react-native-mixpanel ★307 (⭐457) - A React Native wrapper for Mixpanel tracking
- react-native-ab ★160 (⭐181) - A component for rendering A/B tests in React Native
- react-native-segment-io-analytics ★68 (⭐67) - A React Native Segment wrapper!
- react-native-ux-cam ★32 (⭐53) - React Native wrapper for
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- detox ★3566 (⭐10k) - Graybox End-to-End (functional) Tests and Automation Library for Mobile with first class support for React Native
- react-native-workers ★616 (⭐806) - Background services and web workers for react-native
- react-native-mock ★504 (⭐570) - A fully mocked and test-friendly version of react native
- loki ★395 (⭐1.5k) - Visual Regression Testing for Storybook
- react-native-slowlog ★271 (⭐372) - A high-performance timer based profiler for React Native that helps you track big performance problems
- react-native-zip-archive ★173 (⭐345) - Zip / Unzip archive utility
- react-native-tips ★160 - This module is used to create easily some tips to help your new users to understand how works your app.
- codemod-RN24-to-RN25 ★104 (⭐103) - a simple codemod to handle the new import style on >=RN25
- react-native-linkedin ★101 React-Native LinkedIn, a simple LinkedIn login library for React-Native or Expo with WebView and Modal
- react-native-eval ★75 (⭐81) - Call any JS functions from your native code
- react-native-device-log ★73 (⭐99) - A UI and service for displaying dev-logs on devices.
- react-native-userdefaults-ios ★66 (⭐71) - React Native Module for NSUserDefaults
- react-native-webp ★56 (⭐69) - react-native-webp adds support for WebP images for react-native components.
- react-native-global-event-emitter ★50 (⭐57) - Shared event emitter between native and JS for React Native.
- react-native-console-time-polyfill ★45 (⭐91) - console.time and console.timeEnd polyfill for react-native
- react-native-rsa ★41 (⭐66) - RSA crypto lib for react native
- react-native-aes ★24 (⭐28) - AES in react-native
- react-native-des ★20 (⭐22) - A des crypto for react-native
- react-native-simple-encryption ★14 (⭐24) - Simple XOR and base_64 encryption decryption for react-native
- react-native-util ★12 (⭐12) - A fork of io.js's util module that works with React Native
- react-native-webpackager-server ★6 (⭐6) - react native webpackager server
- react-native-cross-settings ★5 (⭐16) - React Native Settings module for both Android & iOS.
Forms / Navigation Demos
- formik ★10633 (⭐31k) - Forms in React, without tears.
- tcomb-form-native ★2831 (⭐3.2k) - Generate React Native forms
- react-native-gifted-form ★1317 (⭐1.4k) - Form component for react-native
- react-native-clean-form ★414 (⭐474) - Good looking form elements with redux-form integration. Stylable with styled-components.
- react-native-form-generator ★354 (⭐374) - Generate amazing React Native forms in a breeze
- react-native-form ★138 (⭐146) - A simple react-native component to wrap your form fields!
- react-reactive-forms ★106 (⭐287) - Angular like reactive forms in React.
- react-native-from-builder ★69 (⭐117) - Handle your forms in a smart way.
- foect ★37 (⭐39) - Simple form validation library for React Native
Geolocation / Navigation Demos
- react-native-background-geolocation ★1316 (⭐2.3k) - Sophisticated cross-platform background location-tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence (Android requires paid license).
- react-native-mauron85-background-geolocation ★657 (⭐1.3k) - React Native Android and iOS module for background and foreground geolocation with battery-saving "circular region monitoring" and "stop detection"
- react-native-geocoder ★344 (⭐426) - react native geocoding and reverse geocoding
- react-native-geo-fencing ★100 (⭐134) - Native modules to determine if a location is within defined geographical boundaries using Google Geometry library
- react-native-fused-location ★82 (⭐128) - Finest location for react-native on Android using the new Fused API.
- react-native-android-geolocation ★19 (⭐18) - React Native Module to use Android Geolocation via Google Play API
- react-native-reverse-geo ★18 (⭐18) - React Native module bridge to convert address to geo coordinates.
Internationalization / Navigation Demos
- react-native-globalize ★192 (⭐249) - Globalization helper for React Native
- redux-react-native-i18n ★40 (⭐46) - An i18n solution for React Native apps on Redux
- react-native-intl ★37 (⭐49) - React Native module shipped native Intl implementation and Translation extension
- rn-translate-template ★18 (⭐22) - I18n template for all iOS and Android supported languages
Build & Development / Navigation Demos
- reactotron ★9198 (⭐14k) - Control, monitor, and instrument your React Native apps from the comfort of your terminal.
- react-native-code-push ★5184 (⭐8.2k) - React Native plugin for the CodePush service
- react-native-webpack-server ★935 (⭐940) - Build React Native apps with Webpack
- generator-rn-toolbox ★800 (⭐1.2k) - Yeoman generators to kickstart your project and setup continuous deployment.
- babel-preset-react-native-stage-0 ★97 (⭐101) - a Babel preset with latest Javascript goodies
- react-native-debug-stylesheet ★75 (⭐89) - Add coloured borders or backgrounds to all views to make it easier to debug layout issues
- react-native-console-panel ★73 (⭐84) - react native component for display console messages.
- react-native-css-loader ★39 (⭐41) - You can use react-native-css-loader with react-native-webpack-server, which can use webpack to built react-native app better.
- react-native-cosmos ★18 (⭐20) - DX tool to test react-native components with defined props/state fixtures.
Styling / Navigation Demos
- styled-components ★20064 (⭐38k) - Style React and React Native with utilising tagged template literals.
- emotion ★5627 (⭐16k) - Style as a function of state.
- react-native-extended-stylesheet ★1689 (⭐2.8k) - Extend React Native stylesheet with variables, relative units, percents, math operations, scaling and other stuff.
- react-native-css ★755 (⭐776) - Style React-Native components with css and built in support for SASS.
- react-native-style-tachyons ★525 (⭐662) - functional, maintainable design for everyone based on tachyons.css.
- glamorous-native ★454 (⭐578) - A React Native version of glamorous - a component styling library.
- react-native-responsive ★295 (⭐344) - The power of Media Queries now in your React Native project (ios and android) ! Responsive Design can now be easily managed !
- cairn ★110 (⭐116) - Simple, string-based style selector engine with support for basic inheritance.
- react-native-theme ★104 (⭐125) - Theme manager for react native project!
- react-native-css-modules ★44 (⭐283) - Style React-Native components using CSS, Sass, Less or Stylus.
- rn-less ★15 (⭐19) - Style react-native with less (with VS Code extension support)
- react-native-paint ★5 (⭐10) - A themeable abstraction over React Native StyleSheet. Read about it here.
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-firebase ★4192 (⭐10k) - A well tested feature rich Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 10+ Firebase modules (including Cloud Firestore).
- react-native-device-info ★3145 (⭐5.9k) - Get device information using react-native
- react-native-fs ★2465 (⭐4.5k) - Native filesystem access for react-native
- react-native-config ★1894 (⭐4.3k) - Config variables for React Native apps
- react-native-fcm ★1564 (⭐1.7k) - react native module for firebase cloud messaging and local notification
- react-native-notifications ★1396 (⭐2.9k) - React native notifications
- react-native-permissions ★1118 (⭐3.3k) - Check and request all permissions with a single api
- react-native-keychain ★992 (⭐2.7k) - Keychain Access for React Native
- react-native-touch-id ★902 (⭐1.4k) - React Native authentication with the native Touch ID popup.
- react-native-contacts ★882 (⭐1.5k) - React Native Contacts (android & ios)
- react-native-onesignal ★871 (⭐1.4k) - React Native Library for OneSignal Push Notifications Service (iOS + Android)
- react-native-in-app-utils ★743 (⭐891) - A react-native wrapper for handling in-app payments.
- react-native-image-resizer ★636 (⭐1.4k) - Rescale local image files with React Native.
- react-native-billing ★534 (⭐634) - In-app purchase implementation for React Native on Android.
- react-native-iap ★450 (⭐2.2k) - React-native native module for In-App Purchase.
- react-native-dotenv ★450 (⭐913) - A Babel preset let you import application configs from .env file (zero runtime dependency)
- react-native-social-share ★347 (⭐415) - Use the iOS native Twitter and Facebook share view from react native
- react-native-ibeacon ★334 (⭐367) - iBeacon support for React Native. The API is very similar to the CoreLocation Objective-C one with the only major difference that regions are plain JavaScript objects. Beacons don't work in the iOS simulator.
- react-native-motion-manager ★223 (⭐243) - A react-native interface for using the Gyroscope, Accelerometer and Magnetometer
- react-native-device ★185 (⭐180) - UIDevice wrapper for React Native
- react-native-sensor-manager ★172 (⭐229) - Wrapper for react-native providing native sensors access. (Gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, thermometer...)
- react-native-haptic ★137 (⭐202) - iOS 10 + haptic feedback for React Native applications
- react-native-discovery ★89 (⭐109) - Discover nearby devics using BLE. Turn iOS and Android devices into beacons
- react-native-passcode-auth ★87 (⭐103) - React Native authentication with iOS Passcode.
- react-native-fingerprint-identify ★79 (⭐86) - React Native authentication with the Fingerprint on Android, fingerprint API compatible lib, which also combines Samsung, Xiaomi and MeiZu's official Fingerprint API.
- react-native-calendar-reminders ★69 (⭐87) - React Native module for IOS EventKit Reminders
- react-native-bluetooth-state ★61 (⭐72) - Answering the question of "Is my bluetooth on?" in React Native
- react-native-clipboard ★58 (⭐64) - React Native component for getting or setting clipboard content
- react-native-android-sms ★48 (⭐58) - A react native android module to list/send sms.
- react-native-android-speech ★47 (⭐47) - A text-to-speech library for Android React Native.
- react-native-app-info ★42 (⭐43) - React Native app info and version
- react-native-icloud-sync ★41 (⭐54) - A react-native wrapper for syncing with icloud
- react-native-carrier-info ★41 (⭐79) - React Native module bridge to obtain information about the user’s home cellular service provider.
- react-native-touch-id-android ★32 (⭐31) - React Native authentication with the Fingerprint on Android.
- react-native-heading ★31 (⭐37) - Get device heading (compass) information on iOS or Android
- react-native-battery ★30 (⭐47) - A React Native module that returns the battery level/status of a device
- react-native-device-battery ★30 (⭐41) - Observe battery state changes in your react native application
- react-native-localsearch ★17 (⭐19) - React Native Module for MapKit Local Search
- react-native-contacts-rx ★14 (⭐15) - react-native-contacts counterpart that include the support of RxJS.
- react-native-device-angles ★12 (⭐14) - Get rotation information in degrees (pitch, yaw, roll) - ios
- react-native-system-notification ★10 (⭐15) - Notification for React Native
- react-native-push-with-gcm ★6 (⭐6) - Register device for GCM push notifications services (supported only for iOS)
- react-native-device-info-pod ★3 (⭐3) - Get device information using react-native
Web / Navigation Demos
- react-native-webrtc ★1805 (⭐11) - A WebRTC module for React Native.
- react-native-webview-bridge ★1112 (⭐1.3k) - React Native WebView Javascript Bridge
- react-native-safari-view ★387 (⭐484) - A React Native wrapper for Safari View Controller
- react-native-webview-android ★305 (⭐359) - Simple React Native Android module to use Android's WebView inside your app
- react-native-for-web ★247 (⭐255) - A set of classes and react components to make work your react-native app in a browser. (with some limitations obviously)
- react-native-browser ★107 (⭐132) - Full-featured web browser module for React Native apps, based on TOWebViewController
- react-native-webview-crosswalk ★88 (⭐95) - Crosswalk's WebView for React Native on Android
- react-native-turbolinks ★72 (⭐189) - React Native adapter for building hybrid apps with Turbolinks 5
- react-native-web-container ★36 (⭐45) - A wrapper around the react native WebView to add autoHeight, scrub html, etc
- react-native-inappbrowser-reborn ★30 (⭐1k) - InAppBrowser for React Native (Android & iOS)
- react-native-cookiemanager ★19 (⭐22) - react-native cookie manager library.
Media / Navigation Demos
- react-native-camera ★6227 (⭐9.6k) - Camera component
- react-native-video ★3470 (⭐6.3k) - A Video component for react-native
- react-native-sound ★1556 (⭐2.6k) - React Native module for playing sound clips
- react-native-camera-kit ★701 (⭐1.8k) - Advanced native camera and gallery components and device photos API.
- react-native-track-player ★441 (⭐2.5k) - A fully fledged audio module created for music apps. Provides audio playback, external media controls, chromecast support and background mode for Android, iOS and Windows.
- react-native-incall-manager ★272 (⭐28) - Handling media-routes/sensors/events during a audio/video chat like webrtc
- react-native-speech ★246 (⭐299) - A text-to-speech library for React Native.
- react-native-screcorder ★214 (⭐230) - Capture pictures and record Video with Vine-like tap to record
- react-native-photos-framework ★154 (⭐203) - A modern and comprehensive CameraRoll/iCloud-library for React Native
- react-native-audioplayer ★99 (⭐104) - Small audio player library for react native
- react-native-player ★81 (⭐84) - Media player for react-native
- react-native-vlc-player ★80 (⭐142) - VLC Player for react-native
- react-native-volume-slider ★69 (⭐72) - React Native VolumeView component
- react-native-sound-demo ★63 (⭐91) - react-native-sound demo project
- react-native-interactive-image-gallery ★60 (⭐114) - A React Native component to display a gallery of images.
- react-native-hue-player ★43 - Audio Player to offline/local and online/streaming audio.
- react-native-fullscreen-video ★39 (⭐63) - A full-screen video component on top of react-native-video
- react-native-android-audio-streaming-aac ★25 (⭐25) - A react native streaming player
- react-native-audio-manager ★15 - Audio player library for react native Android
- react-native-audio-player ★12 (⭐13) - A React Native module to play audio on Android
- react-native-mediaplayer ★12 (⭐13) - Simple full screen media player for React Native.
- react-native-simple-sound ★11 (⭐11) - Start, stop, and pause a sound. iOS only. Derived from
- react-native-tone ★7 (⭐17) - Generates simple sine wave, specify a frequency and amplitude. Play sound indefinitely or for a specified time interval (iOS only).
Storage / Navigation Demos
- WatermelonDB ★4649 (⭐8.6k) - 🍉 Next-gen database for powerful React and React Native apps that scales to 10,000s of records and remains fast.
- react-native-storage ★2115 (⭐2.9k) - This is a local storage wrapper for both react-native(AsyncStorage) and browser(localStorage). ES6/babel is needed.
- react-native-sqlite-storage ★1508 (⭐2.5k) - SQLite3 bindings for React Native (Android & iOS)
- react-native-simple-store ★731 (⭐874) - A minimalistic wrapper around React Native's AsyncStorage.
- react-native-store ★561 (⭐572) - A simple database base on react-native AsyncStorage.
- react-native-db-models ★168 (⭐173) - Local DB Models for React Native Apps
- react-native-sqlite-2 ★106 (⭐326) - SQLite3 Native Plugin for React Native for both Android and iOS
- react-native-persistent-job ★72 (⭐80) - Run async tasks that retry after a crash, connection loss or exception
- pouchdb-adapter-react-native-sqlite ★49 (⭐110) - PouchDB adapter using ReactNative SQLite as its backing store
- react-native-level-fs ★20 (⭐26) - fs for react-native using level-filesystem and asyncstorage-down
- react-native-mongoose ★17 (⭐23) - A AsyncStorage based mongoose like storage for react-native
Backend / Navigation Demos
- react-native-fetch-blob ★2299 (⭐2.6k) - A module integrates network and file system. Supports file stream.
- react-native-meteor ★673 (⭐701) - Full Meteor Client
- aws-sdk-react-native ★650 (⭐636) - AWS SDK for React Native (Official developer preview)
- react-native-simple-auth ★592 (⭐666) - Native social authentication for React Native on iOS
- react-native-uploader ★455 (⭐513) - A React Native module to upload files and camera roll assets. Supports progress notification.
- react-native-lazyload ★342 (⭐411) - lazyload for react native
- react-native-aws3 ★293 (⭐394) - Pure JavaScript React Native library for uploading to AWS S3
- react-native-tcp ★199 (⭐270) - node's net API for react-native
- react-native-udp ★147 (⭐287) - node's dgram API for react-native
- react-native-aws-cognito-js ★131 (⭐134) - An adaptation of Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for JavaScript in combination with AWS SDK for JavaScript for React Native.
- feathers-client ★121 (⭐115) - Feathers client that works with React Native, NodeJS and any client framework.
- react-native-multipeer ★117 (⭐196) - Communicate over ad hoc wifi using Multipeer Connectivity
- react-native-file-upload ★103 (⭐113) - A file upload plugin for react-native
- react-native-networking ★99 (⭐105) - react-native module to download and upload files with AFNetworking
- react-native-s3 ★80 (⭐92) - A React Native wrapper for AWS iOS/Android S3 SDK (TransferUtility)
- react-native-rest-kit ★65 (⭐66) - A React Native RESTful API kit that use the fetch method
- react-native-cognito ★63 (⭐63) - AWS Cognito-based authentication module for React Native.
- react-native-file-download ★45 (⭐47) - A simple file download module for react-native
- react-native-jwt ★37 (⭐41) - React native compatible JSON web token utility
- react-native-ssdp ★26 (⭐39) - A React Native fork of the SSDP protocol to discover plug and play devices.
- react-native-http ★13 (⭐14) - React native http
- react-native-async-http ★5 (⭐6) - React Native component for async-http
- react-native-nchan ★3 (⭐6) - Nchan (pub/sub server) module for React Native
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-wechat ★2016 (⭐2.9k) - react-native library for wechat app
- react-native-facebook-login ★1141 (⭐1.2k) - React Native wrapper for native iOS Facebook SDK login button and manager
- react-native-google-signin ★1123 (⭐2.6k) - Google Signin for your react native applications
- react-native-google-places-autocomplete ★846 (⭐1.8k) - Customizable Google Places autocomplete component for iOS and Android React-Native apps
- react-instantsearch ★644 (⭐1.9k) - Lightning-fast search for React and React Native apps, by Algolia
- react-native-awesome-card-io ★331 (⭐454) - A complete and cross-platform component for React Native (iOS and Android)
- react-native-qq ★278 (⭐306) - QQ Login&Share support in React Native.
- react-native-facebook-account-kit ★227 (⭐320) - A Facebook Account Kit SDK wrapper for React Native.
- react-native-card-io ★171 (⭐173) - React Native component for
- react-native-voximplant ★126 (⭐191) - VoxImplant Mobile SDK for embedding voice and video communication into React Native apps.
- react-native-fabric-digits ★112 (⭐109) Fabric Digits wrapper for React-Native
- react-native-braintree ★104 (⭐113) - A react native interface for integrating payments using Braintree's SDK (currently iOS only)
- react-native-signalr ★100 (⭐152) - SignalR-client for react-native
- react-native-twilio ★87 (⭐92) - A React Native wrapper for the Twilio Client SDK.
- react-native-qqsdk ★83 (⭐100) - A React Native wrapper around the Tencent QQ SDK for Android and iOS. Provides access to QQ ssoLogin, QQ Sharing, QQ Zone Sharing etc.
- react-native-braintree-xplat ★81 (⭐81) - Cross-platform Braintree module.
- react-native-linkedin-login ★69 (⭐70) - Linkedin Login for your react native applications
- react-native-instagram-oauth ★63 (⭐69) - react-native instagram login
- react-native-realtimemessaging-android ★53 (⭐52) - The Realtime Framework Cloud Messaging Pub/Sub client for React-Native Android
- react-native-new-relic ★53 (⭐78) - New Relic event reporting for react-native.
- react-native-level ★38 (⭐40) - levelup API for react-native AsyncStorage.
- react-native-instagram-share ★28 (⭐31) - A react-native interface to share images and videos within instagram (iOS)
- react-native-braintree-android ★24 (⭐24) - Braintree's native Drop-in Payment UI for Android
- react-native-amap ★21 (⭐21) - A React Native component for building maps with the AMap Android SDK
- react-native-realtime-pusher ★19 (⭐20) - React Native module implementing the Pusher Realtime API
- react-native-conekta ★17 (⭐28) - Conekta SDK for React Native
- react-native-woopra ★14 (⭐15) - Promise based Woopra library for react-native
- react-native-sinch-verification ★14 (⭐16) - Sinch verification for react native
- react-native-testfairy ★13 (⭐32) - TestFairy for React Native
- react-native-leancloud ★10 (⭐10) - a react native LeanCloud component
- react-native-flurry ★9 (⭐9) - React Native wrapper for Flurry
- react-native-realtimemessaging-ios ★8 (⭐9) - The Realtime Framework Cloud Messaging Pub/Sub client for React-Native
- react-native-realtimestorage-ios ★8 (⭐8) - The Realtime Framework Cloud Storage client for React-Native
- react-native-axmall-alipay ★7 (⭐8) - react-native alipay
- react-native-youtube-oauth ★7 (⭐11) - react-native interface to login to youtube (iOS)
- react-native-hawk ★5 (⭐6) - Hawk wrapper for react-native
- react-native-sumup ★5 (⭐9) - A React Native implementation of SumupSDK.
- react-native-realtimestorage-android ★4 (⭐3) - The Realtime Cloud Storage client for React-Native Android
- react-native-fbintent ★4 (⭐3) - A React Native intent for Android Facebook App
Monetization / Navigation Demos
- react-native-admob ★713 (⭐1.1k) - A react-native component for Google AdMob banners.
- react-native-stripe-api ★155 - A small React Native library for Stripe Rest API
- react-native-revmob ★15 (⭐13) - RevMob wrapper for React Native.
Animation / Navigation Demos
- react-native-animatable ★5787 (⭐9.4k) - Standard set of easy to use animations and declarative transitions for React Native
- react-native-interactable ★4148 (⭐5.2k) - experimental implementation of high performance interactable views in React Native
- react-native-reanimated ★680 (⭐6.6k) - React Native's Animated library reimplemented
- react-native-spruce ★412 (⭐536) - React Native Bridge for Spruce Animation Library
- react-native-gl-model-view ★210 (⭐375) - Display and animate textured Wavefront .OBJ 3D models with 60fps (iOS)
- react-native-animated-sprite ★104 (⭐129) - A feature rich declarative component for animation, tweening, and dragging sprites.
Other Platforms / Navigation Demos
- react-native-web ★10904 (⭐20k) - React Native for Web
- reactxp ★7268 (⭐8.3k) - Library for cross-platform app development
- react-native-windows ★5547 (⭐15k) - React Native for Universal Windows Platform
- react-native-tvos-controller ★15 - TvOS remote controller module for react native.
- react-native-watchkit ★1 - react native for WatchKit
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- react-native-debugger ★4017 (⭐9.6k) - The standalone app for React Native Debugger, with React DevTools / Redux DevTools
- haul ★2711 (⭐3.6k) - command line tool for developing React Native apps
- rnpm ★2408 (⭐2.5k) - react native package manager
- generact ★1125 (⭐1.5k) - CLI that generates components based on existing ones no matter how you structure your app
- react-native-rename ★901 (⭐2.2k) - Rename react-native app with just one command
- react-native-exception-handler ★504 (⭐1.4k) – Avoid silent crash and errors on the production build of your app
- rn-snoopy ★329 (⭐527) - Profiling, monitoring and alerting over the React Native bridge. More here.
- react-native-snippets ★249 (⭐256) - A collection of Sublime Text Snippets for react-native
- react-native-bundle-visualizer ★141 (⭐1k) - See what's inside your RN bundle; useful for optimizing the bundle size
- Makeicon ★70 (⭐117) - Generates mobile app icons in all resolutions for both iOS and Android
- React Native Actions ★55 (⭐69) - Run React Native actions from within VSCode.
- ADB Auto Restarter ★8 (⭐14) - Restart ADB service Automatically in case of crashing while debugging app with device .
- rn-nodeify ★6 (⭐21) - hack to allow react-native projects to use node core modules
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- 🔥 Ignite ★8832 (⭐14k) - An unfair start for React Native - Generator CLI for redux/sagas and more.
- Snowflake ★4321 (⭐4.6k) - Android & iOS, Redux, Jest (88% coverage), Immutable,
- native-starter-kit ★1506 (⭐1.6k) - A Starter Kit for React Native + NativeBase + React Navigation + Redux + CodePush Apps (iOS & Android)
- React Native Hackathon Starter ★732 (⭐1.3k) - React Native Starter Project, great for hackathons or rapid prototyping. Includes tabs, navigation, Redux, React Native Vector Icons, & React Native Elements
- React Native Seed ★504 (⭐653) - A set of React Native Boilerplates to choose from. MobX or Redux for state-management, TypeScript or Flow for static type checking and CRNA or plain React Native for the stack - By the creators of Native Base.
- 🚀 React Native Starter ★388 (⭐1.9k) - A powerful starter template that bootstraps development of your mobile application.
- react-native-starter by Ueno ★311 (⭐576) - Professional react-native starter kit with everything you'll ever need to deploy rock solid apps
- react-native-redux ★160 (⭐176) - React Native + Redux + Redux Saga
- Rhinos-app ★81 (⭐82) - Cross-platform React Native boilerplate (iOS, Android, Web) built on react-native-web.
- react-native-web-boilerplate ★72 (⭐72) - A react-native-web stateless hmr boilerplate
- react-native-boilerplate ★61 (⭐73) - Simple boilerplate for mobile development using React Native and Redux
- react-native-web-workspace ★58 (⭐77) - A cross platform app with react in a monorepo
- React-Native-Starter-Pack ★40 (⭐40) - React Native 0.34 + React-Redux (w/ Redux-Storage) + Native Base + Code Push
- react-native-relay-example ★38 (⭐42) - React Native working with Relay
- MeteorNative Boilerplate ★23 (⭐24) - a React Native and Meteor boilerplate with Redux.
- rn-mobx-template ★17 (⭐17) - React Native with MobX template
- react-native-boilerplate-chucknorris ★15 (⭐17) - A boilerplate for React Native + React Navigation + React Native Elements (iOS & Android)
- react-native-template-super ★7 (⭐10) - A turbo starter template for react-native + React Navigation + Redux + Redux Persist
Libraries / Navigation Demos
- React Native Elements ★13599 (⭐23k) - a collection of React Native UI Elements and components.
- Shoutem UI ★3802 (⭐4.8k) - a complete UI toolkit for React Native from Shoutem.
- Panza ★243 (⭐259) - a collection of stateless, functional, cross-platform ui components for react-native.
- BlankApp UI ★78 (⭐107) - Highly customizable and theming components for React Native.
- React Native Common ★49 (⭐63) - UI & API Components Library for React Native.
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- f8app ★13070 (⭐14k) - Official F8 (Facebook Developer Conference) app of 2017. See blog post.
- 30-days-of-react-native ★5192 (⭐6.6k) - 30 days of React Native examples (inspired by 30DaysofSwift)
- react-native-nw-react-calculator ★4624 (⭐5.2k) - A mobile, desktop and website App with the same code
- GitPoint ★3833 (⭐4.6k) - A mobile GitHub client for both iOS and Android.
- reading ★2947 (⭐3.4k) - Reading App Write In React-Native.
- ★2470 (⭐3.5k) - Ethereum client.
- react-native-gitfeed ★1709 (⭐1.7k) - Yet another Github client written with react-native(iOS & android)
- Finance React Native ★1680 (⭐2k) - iOS's stocks app clone written in React Native for demo purpose.
- TaskRabbit's Sample App ★802 (⭐920) - a testing ground for Task Rabbit's app making
- React Weather ★702 (⭐890) - A simple weather app built with React Native
- Boostnote ★630 (⭐833) - Boostnote: open source note taking.
- react-native-hiapp ★513 (⭐642) - A simple and Twitter like demo app written in react-native
- React Native Netflix ★489 (⭐810) - A Netflix-like app.
- what the thing? ★430 (⭐534) - Point camera at things to learn how to say them in a different language.
- ★406 (⭐601) A react-native applaction for
- GitterMobile ★387 (⭐603) - Gitter (chat for github) client for iOS and Android
- Assemblies ★322 (⭐360) - a Meetup clone
- Ziliun React Native ★266 (⭐288) - Wordpress based article reader built with react native
- Luno ★266 (⭐283) - A ClojureScript React Native app demonstration
- Redux Demo ★226 (⭐239) - Minimal implement of redux counter example on ReactNative iOS and Android
- uestc-bbs-react-native ★216 (⭐246) - An iOS client for written in React Native with Redux
- PxView ★198 (⭐633) - An unofficial Pixiv app client for Android and iOS
- HackerWeb ★158 (⭐179) - A simply readable Hacker News web app for iOS & Android.
- YouTrack Mobile ★136 (⭐226) – a client for YouTrack – issue tracker from JetBrains.
- ndash ★129 (⭐161) - npm dashboard.
- Appointments ★116 (⭐182) - Full-fledged ReactNative App for Booking Appointments
- Insta Snap ★102 (⭐109) - Image Sharing App
- live translator ★94 (⭐144) - An app that translates in real time what you see from your mobile.
- ASOS ★83 (⭐127) - E-commerce app for ASOS (clone)
- QRCode App ★74 (⭐110) - application for scanning and generating QR codes.
- SoundcloudMboX ★67 (⭐87) SoundcloudMobX is the Soundcloud for iOS, Build with React-Native and MobX.
- iTunesConnect ★53 (⭐59) - Unofficial iTunes Connect App
- Sequent ★52 (⭐81) - short-term memory training game (W/ Redux).
- Splitcloud ★35 (⭐60) - Share listening to two songs at the same time from Soundcloud (by splitting right/left channels).
- Todo List ★31 (⭐74) - Todo-List app using SwipeView with ES6 standards for iOS and Android.
- Roxie ★23 (⭐35) - Sound processing and bluetooth hardware control.
- Quick-Sample ★14 (⭐31) - A small and simple example app with navigation, data persistence, redux, listview and animation.
- Commit Strip (Unofficial) ★8 (⭐11) - A reader built in React Native.
- RNV2ex ★5 (⭐7) - react-native for v2ex
- Renote ★4 (⭐13) - A simple react-native example app for make notes.
Frameworks / Navigation Demos
- NativeBase ★10520 (⭐18k) - builds a layer on top of React Native that provides you with basic set of components for mobile application development
- Teaset ★1575 (⭐2.9k) - A UI library for react native, provides 20+ pure JS(ES6) components, focusing on content display and action control.
- Awesome React Native Meteor ★152 (⭐154) - An awesome list of resources for using Meteor and React Native together
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Talks / Navigation Demos
- awesome-react-native-talks ★312 (⭐358) - A curated list of talks about React Native or topics related to React Native.
Training & tutorials / Navigation Demos
Oct 17, 2018
- react-native-segment-control ★7 (⭐21) - A swipeable SegmentedControl component for React Native apps.
Oct 11, 2018
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Audio Book App (⭐272) – Completed Audiobook app with some cool animations.
Oct 08, 2018
Oct 07, 2018
- react-native-gradient-buttons (⭐183) - A lightweight, customizable and haptic Gradient Button component for React Native.
- react-native-auth-screens (⭐101) - A series of Authentication Views for React Native: Sign In, Social Sign In Sign Up, and Forgot Password. Uses
- react-native-animated-flatlist (⭐56) - Animated Flatlist for React Native.
Oct 05, 2018
Books / Navigation Demos
- Fullstack React Native - The up-to-date, in-depth, complete guide to React Native.
Oct 04, 2018
Styling / Navigation Demos
- react-native-prism ★10 (⭐19) - Minimal, idiomatic style management for React Native
Sep 28, 2018
- react-native-counters ★0 (⭐29) - Minus Plus Counter for React Native
Sep 16, 2018
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Smog Alert App (⭐9) – provides real-time air pollution data all around the world and shows nearby polluters.
Sep 12, 2018
Releases / Navigation Demos
Sep 08, 2018
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Forex Rates (⭐45) - Foreign exchange rates. currency rate converter. Historical exchange rates. Android and iOS.
Sep 03, 2018
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Cat-or-dog (⭐31) - Simple game with drag'n'drops and animations.
Aug 27, 2018
Aug 12, 2018
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Aug 02, 2018
Jul 31, 2018
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Books / Navigation Demos
- React Native Animation Book - (Free) React Native Animation.
- React Native In Action - Learn how to build applications using React Native from the ground up.
- React Native - Building Mobile Apps with JavaScript - Your go-to guide to creating truly native iOS and Android mobile applications using React and JavaScript.
Jul 21, 2018
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-launch-navigator (⭐114) - React Native module to launch popular navigation/ride apps from a single API (Android & iOS)
Jul 17, 2018
Jul 03, 2018
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-call-observer (⭐6) - Helps to observe call status like incoming, ended, and connected (iOS).
Jun 01, 2018
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- rn-pdf-reader-js ★6 (⭐337) - A PDF reader, in JavaScript only, for Expo, Android capable, PDF.JS
May 30, 2018
Training & tutorials / Navigation Demos
May 17, 2018
- react-native-viewport ★43 (⭐44) - Viewport dimensions for react-native
- react-native-actionsheet-native ★25 (⭐25) - Android ActionSheet support for React Native
- react-native-grid ★15 (⭐15) - The 24-column grid component for react-native
- react-native-hijri-date-picker ★13 (⭐13) - Date Picker Dialog for Hijri calendar for android.
- react-native-quiltview ★9 (⭐12) - Native iOS UICollectionView wrapper with RFQuiltLayout for React Native
- react-native-relative-units ★9 (⭐9) - Relative units for React Native
- react-native-simple-button ★9 (⭐10) - A simple react-native button
- react-native-country-picker ★8 (⭐9) - React Native Country Picker
- react-native-flex-label ★8 (⭐8) - A text label for React Native that handles multiple lines of text with ellipses truncation as well as vertical alignment within it's view container.
- react-native-link ★8 (⭐8) - A link component
- react-native-loading ★7 (⭐8) - A lightweight loading for your React Native app.
- react-native-fontbase ★3 (⭐5) - Defining font sizes in React Native
- react-native-navigation-drawer ★98 (⭐98) - A slide menu inspired from Android for React-Native
- react-native-navigator ★74 (⭐75) - A simple router for react native
- react-native-url-handler ★37 (⭐37) - Navigate to external URLs, handle in-app URLs, and access system URLs
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- react-native-hypertext ★20 (⭐22) - React Native module to render hypertext (text with links)
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-babel-jest ★15 (⭐18) - Simple testing configuration for React Native with Jest
- react-native-HsvToRgb ★3 (⭐4) - a helper to convert HSV(HSB) color to RGB.
Build & Development / Navigation Demos
- react-native-assets ★31 (⭐32) - Module to manage assets. It allows you download assets from a network and store into a specific local folder on iOS
- react-native-kill-packager ★15 (⭐21) - kill running react native packager.
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-lock-ios ★291 (⭐278) - Auth0 Lock for React Native (iOS)
- react-native-gcm-android ★174 (⭐173) - GCM for Android
- react-native-mipush ★13 (⭐13) - MiPush for React Native
Web / Navigation Demos
- react-native-webview ★3 (⭐4) - android webview for react-native
Backend / Navigation Demos
- react-native-swift-socketio ★105 (⭐109) - A react native wrapper for
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Text Blast ★18 - iOS client for MMS text blasting app with analogous ionic version for comparison
- NewYorkTimesTopStories ★14 (⭐16) - Read Topstories of NewYorkTimes using its api written for android in react-native.
- react-native-otello ★6 (⭐11) - a reversi game written in React Native
May 07, 2018
Apr 17, 2018
Apr 06, 2018
Mar 26, 2018
- React Native in Production - notes from Clay Allsop
- Building a Native SoundCloud Android app with Redux - discussing redux, code reuse and performance on Android.
- React Native Twitter exploding heart - hardcore animations with Animation and ReactART
- Using AI to discover UI components - fun image processing / AI assisted process to discover and generate React Native UI
Continuous Integration
- Dirty-up and execute top-down - @vjeux on React's optimizations for background color, layout, and more
- react-native-calendar-android ★44 (⭐41) - A simple material-themed calendar for react native android
- react-native-search ★15 (⭐18) - Native Search component for react native.
- react-native-piechart ★10 (⭐11) - A component for React Native
- react-native-seekbar-android ★10 (⭐10) - A React Native wrapper Android's SeekBar
- react-native-loader-hud ★3 (⭐5) - Loader animation library for React Native
- react-native-double-buffer ★3 (⭐4) - Simple React Native Double Buffer View
- react-native-scene-manager ★2 (⭐2) - Simple Scene Manager for React-Native
- react-native-transparent-bar ★16 (⭐17) - react native navigator transparent bar
Navigation / Navigation/Routing Articles
Text & Rich Content / Navigation Demos
- react-native-universal-modal ★16 (⭐14) - Universal simple modal component for React Native
- react-native-html ★11 (⭐11) - render html as react native custom elements
Utils & Infra / Navigation Demos
- react-native-immutable ★12 (⭐12) - using immutable.js library with react-native
- react-native-fluxbone ★5 (⭐5) - A group of libraries that help with the FluxBone pattern in React Native
- react-native-tools ★0 (⭐0) - Tools for react native project development
Forms / Navigation Demos
- redux-form ★4829 - Redux form state management (Web and Native)
- react-native-fm-form ★13 (⭐13) - Generate list view form of React Native in few line of codes
- react-native-form-flux ★2 (⭐2) - React Native Form management using Flux architecture
Geolocation / Navigation Demos
- react-native-geolocation-android ★3 (⭐3) - Geolocation module for react native android
Build & Development / Navigation Demos
- react-native-build-cli ★3 (⭐5) - a cli tool for react-native build
System / Navigation Demos
- react-native-lock-android ★7 (⭐7) - Auth0 Lock for React Native (Android)
Web / Navigation Demos
- react-native-html2native ★3 (⭐5) - A html render for react-native
Integrations / Navigation Demos
- react-native-heyzap (⭐5)- Heyzap plugin for React Native
Utilities / Navigation Demos
- rsx ★29 (⭐30) - An alternative to the
CLI tool
- BuilderX - A design tool which writes React Native code for you , Desktop Mac app to replace your traditional UX design tools.
- CodePush - Push code updates to your apps, instantly
- Storybook - UI development environment for your React components
- BugSnag - A tool that logs native & JS errors. Has a free tier. Includes useful data about the user, environment, session, release, etc.
- React Native Playground - Run React Native apps in your browser via real time simulator
- exponent - Use React Native without XCode (a previewer app + local server infrastructure)
- Deco IDE - React Native IDE with components manager
Seeds / Navigation Demos
- rn-relay-drawer-template ★4 (⭐5) - React Native working with RNRF, drawer and relay
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Hello Bemans ★5 (⭐7) - Health Trainer Connection App (Android Version)
- Bristol Pound - An app for the Bristol Pound, a UK-based local currency.
- Instagram clone (⭐182) - an Instagram clone
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Books / Navigation Demos
- Programming React Native - (Free) An in-depth React Native book that you should read after you've done a couple tutorials of the many out there.
Talks / Navigation Demos
Training & tutorials / Navigation Demos
- Mario Díez Channel - Youtube channel in spanish about with a series of videos talking about react native
- Generate React Native Forms with
Blogs / Navigation Demos
- The Bakery - JavaScript, React, React Native posts.
- Kyle Corbitt - Cofounder at Emberall.
- Made with React - Showcase of apps using React or React Native.
Releases / Navigation Demos
Mar 23, 2018
Tutorials / Navigation Demos
Mar 13, 2018
- react-native-easy-checkbox ★2 (⭐2) - Simple CheckBox for react-native
Feb 27, 2018
Backend / Navigation Demos
- reactivesearch-native ★1218 (⭐4.7k) - and Elasticsearch UI components for React Native.
Feb 18, 2018
Newsletters / Navigation Demos
Feb 07, 2018
Open Source Apps / Navigation Demos
- Joplin (⭐33k) - A note taking app for desktop, CLI, and mobile (linked here is the mobile app).
Training & tutorials / Navigation Demos
- Adding Authentication to a React Native Project - This tutorial shows how to easily add authentication to a React Native application using AWS Mobile Hub
Feb 06, 2018
Blogs / Navigation Demos
- - Show and tell for React Native developers
Jan 09, 2018
Continuous Integration
Talks / Navigation Demos
Training & tutorials / Navigation Demos
- React Native Basics: Build a Currency Converter - (Free) A multi-hour in-depth video course showing you how to build apps with React Native.
- React Native in Arabic: Build a newspaper app - (Free) A simple to follow video series in Arabic showing you how to build a newspaper app with React Native.
- Building Youtube UI in 30 Minutes - A quick tutorial showing how to build Youtube Mobile app's UI using React Native. This tutorial helps in getting started with coding designs from scratch.