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Curated list of Creative Technology groups, companies, studios, collectives, etc.
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Mar 20, 2025
Creative Technology
Name: Hirsch & Mann
Locations: [London]
Keywords: digital and physical experiences for premium brands worldwide, experiential retail marketing, installation design
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Recursive
Locations: [Eastbourne, UK]
Keywords: AV, Lighting, Content and Software to transform spaces for brands, venues, and people
Name: Zebrar
Locations: [Sydney]
Keywords: immersive technology & interactive design, AR, VR, digital activations
Collectives & Practices
Name: Jen Lewin Studio
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: interactive light landscapes
Name: Riggs Ward Design
Locations: [Richmond, Virginia]
Keywords: exhibition and interactive design, strategic master planning, research, content analysis, and storyline development for museums, visitor centers, and cultural institutions
Name: TKNL
Locations: [Montreal]
Keywords: immersive shows, projection, visitor experience design
Oct 11, 2024
Creative Technology
Name: Brain
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: s very serious art studio
Name: Groove Jones
Locations: [Dallas]
Keywords: XR, AR, VR, volumetric scanning, popups
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Pneuhaus
Locations: [Island]
Keywords: using inflatables to investigate the fundamental properties of perceptual experience in order to incite curiosity and wonder
Apr 02, 2024
Creative Technology
Locations: [Milan]
Keywords: immersive experiences, multimedia, video mapping, digital artistry
Mar 22, 2024
Creative Technology
Name: Artists & Engineers
Locations: [London]
Keywords: production and technology studio, showrooms, concerts, art installations
Name: batwin + robin productions
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: environments, interactives, theaters, events
Name: BRC Imagination Arts
Locations: [Burbank, CA] [Edinburgh] [Amsterdam]
Keywords: brand and cultural stories, strategy, animation, digital and hybrid experiences
Name: Bright
Locations: [Paris]
Keywords: data visualization, digital installations, experiential sites, video games
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Cocolab
Locations: [Mexico City]
Keywords: multimedia experiences, immersive walk, exhibitions, installations, multimedia museography
Name: Cosm
Locations: [Dallas] [LA] [City] [Pittsburgh] [Gurgaon]
Keywords: immersive entertainment and media, planetariums, LED domes
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Digital Kitchen
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: iconic main titles, multimedia content, imaginative experiences, and immersive spaces
Locations: [Auckland] [NYC] [Brisbane]
Keywords: AR, music videos, interactive installations, games
Name: Eos Lightmedia
Locations: [Vancouver] [NYC] [Orlando]
Keywords: lighting and audiovisual design, themed attractions, museums, architecture, public spaces, building facades, presentation centers, and public art installations
Name: Midwest Immersive
Locations: [Chicago]
Keywords: immersive experiences for brands and agencies, projection mapping, LED lighting, games and app development
Name: Mousetrappe Media
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: media design and production, architecturally mapped projection, immersive films, exhibits, attractions, and live events
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Ouchhh Studio
Locations: [Istanbul]
Keywords: public art, poetic public experiences, data as a paint, algorithm as a brush
Name: Sparks
Locations: [Philadelphia] [Shanghai] [Paris] [Berlin] [Amsterdam]
Keywords: conferences, popups, event production, fabrication
Name: Squint/Opera
Locations: [London] [NYC] [Dubai]
Keywords: experience design for the built environment and musuems and attractions
Name: Studio TheGreenEyl
Locations: [Berlin] [NYC]
Keywords: exhibitions, installations, objects, images, interactions and algorithms
Name: tamschick
Locations: [Berlin]
Keywords: media and architectural narrative design, exhibitions, branded space, musuems
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Tinker
Locations: [Utrecht]
Keywords: narrative spaces, musuems, experience design, consultancy
Name: WHITEvoid
Locations: [Berlin] [Shanghai]
Keywords: public or brand spaces and events, trade fair stands, shows and exhibitions, museums and festivals
Name: y=f(x)
Locations: [Amsterdam]
Keywords: creative technology studio focused on the creation of overarching multimedia experiences, with specially crafted software and design
Collectives & Practices
Name: 3-Legged Dog
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: original works in theater, performance, dance, media and hybrid forms
Name: NightLight Labs
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: installations, activations, narrative experiences
Name: Ultravioletto
Locations: [Rome]
Keywords: exhibitions, fairs, museums, brand experiences and events
Name: 5 Ten
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: LED technology design, fabrication, and integration
Name: Bridgewater Studio
Locations: [Chicago]
Keywords: full service design and fabrication
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Grumpy Sailor
Locations: [Sydney] [Melbourne]
Keywords: digital experiences, exhibit design, brands
Name: RLMG
Locations: [Boston]
Keywords: story-driven, interactive, dynamic, immersive, and educational installations for public spaces.
Dec 01, 2023
Creative Technology
Name: 1024 Architecture
Locations: [Paris]
Keywords: architectural and digital works, orchestrated sound and light scores
Jobs: 📧
Name: Acrylicize
Locations: [London] [NYC] [Seattle]
Keywords: harness the power of art and creativity to help people fall in love with spaces
Jobs: 📧
Name: Ada
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: experience innovation and design agency that partners with the world's most ambitious visionaries and brands in the culture, arts and social impact space
Name: Adirondack Studios
Locations: [Glens Falls, NY] [Dubai] [Orlando] [Shanghai] [LA] [Singapore]
Keywords: concept, schematic, design, construction, fabrication, installation, support
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Alt Ethos
Locations: [Denver]
Keywords: experiential, metaverse, and event design agency
Name: Art + Com
Locations: [Berlin]
Keywords: media sculptures, data installations, new media
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Art Processors
Locations: [Melbourne] [NYC]
Keywords: partner with cultural and tourism organisations to invent new realities of human experience
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Augmented Magic
Locations: [Paris]
Keywords: augmented magic shows, digital installations
Jobs: 📧
Name: AV Controls
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: site-specific technology installations, digital landmarks
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Beaudry Interactive
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: themed entertainment, museum exhibitions, live shows, and branded experiences
Name: Blackbow
Locations: [Beijing]
Keywords: projection mapping, digital art and cultural experiences
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Blublu
Locations: [Hangzhou]
Keywords: projection mapping, immersive experiences for museums and workspace
Jobs: 📧
Name: Bluecadet
Locations: [Philadelphia] [NYC]
Keywords: experience design across digital and physical environments, visitor centers
Jobs: 🌐
Name: BRDG Studios
Locations: [Philadelphia]
Keywords: digital moments in physical spaces, retail environments, art galleries, events
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Breeze Creative
Locations: [NYC] [Miami]
Keywords: interactive experience design, family entertainment, museums, playgrounds, educational institutions
Name: C&G Partners
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: branding, digital installations, exhibits and environments, signage, wayfinding, websites
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Charcoalblue
Locations: [NYC] [Melbourne] [Chicago] [UK] [London]
Keywords: amazing spaces where stories are told and experiences are shared
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Cinimod Studio
Locations: [London]
Keywords: location based work where technology, environment, content and real life interaction meet
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Code and Theory
Locations: [NYC] [San Francisco] [London] [Manila]
Keywords: strategically driven, digital-first agency that lives at the intersection of creativity and technology
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Cognition
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: an interactive studio designed to enrich experiences by building creative technology with human empathy
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Comuzi
Locations: [London]
Keywords: explore and imagine and prototyp and creatr future-forward creative concepts
Name: DE-YAN
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: creative concepting, experiential, motion, graphic & interactive design within luxury, fashion, beauty, & lifestyle
Jobs: 📧
Name: Deeplocal
Locations: [Pittsburgh]
Keywords: creative engineers, inventors, interactive experiences, human stories
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Design I/O
Locations: [NYC] [San Francisco]
Keywords: immersive, interactive installations, storytelling, events, galleries, museums, exhibitions and public space
Name: Digifun
Locations: [Shanghai]
Keywords: projection mapping, new media art education
Name: Digital Ambiance
Locations: [Berkeley, CA]
Keywords: lighting design, projection mapping, interactive design
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Dimensional Innovations
Locations: [Kansas City] [Atlanta] [Minneapolis] [Denver] [LA] [Pittsburgh]
Keywords: experience design, interactive experiences, brand activation
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Dome
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: experience design studio that gathers designers, technologists, and strategists to solve unusual problems
Name: Domestic Data Streamers
Locations: [Barcelona]
Keywords: fighting indifference towards data
Name: dotdotdash
Locations: [Portland] [LA] [NYC]
Keywords: innovation agency that seamlessly blends the physical and digital
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Downstream
Locations: [Portland] [Amsterdam] [Melbourne]
Keywords: strategy + design + content + technology
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Dpt.
Locations: [Montreal]
Keywords: generating wonder with immersive platforms, AR, & VR
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Eness
Locations: [Melbourne]
Keywords: evocative interactive experiences for public, commercial and cultural entities
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Envoy
Locations: [Chicago] [LA] [San Diego]
Keywords: transform environments into exceptional experiences, formerly Leviathan
Jobs: 🌐
Name: ESI Design
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: transforms places into experiences, immersive deisgn, architectural scale
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Extrapolation Factory
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: research studio, futures studies, collaborative prototyping
Name: Fast Horse
Locations: [Minneapolis]
Keywords: a truly integrated creative agency
Jobs: 🌐
Locations: [London]
Keywords: future aesthetics for design, motion, experiential
Name: Float4
Locations: [Montreal] [NYC]
Keywords: integrates digital experiences into physical spaces to amplify their identity
Jobs: 🌐
Name: fuse
Locations: [Modena, Italy]
Keywords: live-media performances, experimentation, electronic music, digital arts
Name: Future Colossal
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: experiential technologies in advertising and entertainment and art
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Gallagher & Associates
Locations: [DC] [NYC] [Portland] [Singapore]
Keywords: harmony between technology, narrative, and physical design
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Game Seven
Locations: [NYC] [LA]
Keywords: intersection of sport and culture, brand stories
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Geeksart
Locations: [Guangzhou] [Shanghai]
Keywords: media sculptures, new media exhibition
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Giant Spoon
Locations: [NYC] [LA]
Keywords: translate cultural trends into big ideas, experiential, gaming
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Hotel Creative
Locations: [London]
Keywords: retail, branding, exhibitions, events
Jobs: 📧
Name: Hovercraft
Locations: [Denver] [Portland]
Keywords: interactive installations, site-specific content, retail, sports
Jobs: 🌐
Name: HUSH
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: marketing and advertising, retail and DTC, architecture
Jobs: 🌐
Name: iart
Locations: [Basel]
Keywords: studio for media architectures, enhancing physical spaces with digital technology
Jobs: 🌐
Locations: [Tokyo]
Keywords: full-service communication agency focusing on websites, installations, and R&D
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Immersive International
Locations: [London] [Shanghai] [Ottawa] [Hong Kong] [Cape Town]
Keywords: live experiences and art installations in public, private and commercial spaces
Name: Intergalactic
Locations: [Vancouver] [London]
Keywords: mobile apps, interactive screens, web development, application design and visualization
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Invisible North
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: culturally fluent, thoughtful experiences, bring brands to life
Jobs: 📧
Name: Jam3
Locations: [Toronto] [LA] [Montevideo] [Amsterdam]
Keywords: create modern experiences for tomorrow's brands
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Jason Sherwood Design
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: television and broadway and concert stage design
Name: Left Field Labs
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: products, platforms, and services that solve fundamental human challenges
Jobs: 📧
Name: Listen
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: sensory-driven brand assets, modern cultural landscape, sound, experiences
Name: Lorem Ipsum
Locations: [NYC] [Moscow] [London]
Keywords: experience design, narrative, physical and digital environments
Name: m ss ng p eces
Locations: [NYC] [LA]
Keywords: new wave production and entertainment partner for content and immersive experiences that inspire culture
Name: Magnopus
Locations: [LA] [London]
Keywords: unite the physical and digital worlds with extraordinary experiences
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Manifold
Locations: [San Francisco] [LA] [Portland]
Keywords: we hire smart people and get out of their way
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Map
Locations: [London]
Keywords: industrial designers who believe great design can solve problems
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Marshmallow Laser Feast
Locations: [London]
Keywords: leaving a slug trail of sensory nuggets as we journey through the cosmos
Jobs: 📧
Name: Master of Shapes
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: a space surfing, geometry taming, buffalo riding, Future House
Name: Midnight Commercial
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: unite the disparate digital and physical worlds
Name: MindBuffer
Locations: [Berlin]
Keywords: audiovisual research and digital design studio
Name: Moment Factory
Locations: [Montreal] [LA] [London] [Tokyo] [Paris] [NYC]
Keywords: shows, destinations, content, interactive, scenography
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Momentum Worldwide
Locations: [NYC] [Athens] [Atlanta] [Bogota] [Bucharest] [Cairo] [Chicago] [Dubai] [Frankfurt] [Gothenburg] [Lima] [London] [Madrid] [Manchester] [Mexico City] [Milan] [New Delhi] [Santiago] [Sao Paulo] [Seattle] [Seoul] [St. Louis] [Sydney] [Toronto] [Tokyo]
Keywords: disruptive, entertaining, shareable, unforgettable experiences for clients and their fans
Jobs: 🌐
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: viral stunts and products, trying to do stuff that the world can't even define
Name: mycotoo
Locations: [LA] [Barcelona]
Keywords: entertainment development company specializing in theme park design, immersive experiences, and best-in-class events worldwide
Name: NCompass
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: brand and marketing solutions creating experiences that integrate the latest technology and creative
Name: Neon Global
Locations: [Singapore]
Keywords: world class and epic experiences that are innovative, creative and exciting
Jobs: 🌐
Name: NeoPangea
Locations: [Reading, PA]
Keywords: microsites, games, VR/AR, digital, social
Locations: [Chicago]
Keywords: brand activations, immersive environments, emerging technologies
Jobs: 🌐
Name: NGX Interactive
Locations: [Vancouver]
Keywords: pushing new technologies to create experiences that are vivid and meaningful
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Night Kitchen
Locations: [Philadelphia]
Keywords: dynamic digital experiences, online exhibitions, digital strategy, storytelling
Jobs: 📧
Name: Nohlab
Locations: [Istanbul]
Keywords: producing interdisciplinary experiences around art, design and technology
Jobs: 📧
Name: Normal
Locations: [Montreal]
Keywords: public installations, entertainment, performing arts, stage design
Jobs: 📧
Name: Nowhere
Locations: [Shanghai]
Keywords: marketing events, interactive experiences
Name: Oat Foundry
Locations: [Philadelphia]
Keywords: split-flap displays, electromechanical stuff, think tank, products, experiences
Jobs: 🌐
Name: OIO
Locations: [London]
Keywords: creative company working on future products and tools for a less boring future
Name: Onformative
Locations: [Berlin]
Keywords: studio for digital art and design, challenge the boundaries between art and design and technology
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Optimist
Locations: [LA] [NYC] [London] [Amsterdam] [Hamburg] [Berlin] [Prague]
Keywords: architects of subculture, creative, design, strategy, production, content, brand experience
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Patten Studio
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: informed by research at the MIT Media Lab, experiences that connect people
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Potion Design
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: design and technology studio, interactive, musuems
Jobs: 🌐
Name: pretty bloody simple
Locations: [Munich]
Keywords: interactive experiences, analog and digital, musuems
Name: RadicalMedia
Locations: [NYC] [LA]
Keywords: commercials, documentaries, music videos, branded experiences, & immersive environments
Jobs: 📧
Name: Rare Volume
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: design and technology studio, interactive video walls
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Red Paper Heart
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: art from real world interaction
Jobs: 📧
Name: Relative Scale
Locations: [Raleigh]
Keywords: bespoke digital products and experiences for brands and institutions
Name: RGI Creative
Locations: [Cleveland]
Keywords: corporate experience design, museums exhibits and displays
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Rosie Lee Creative
Locations: [London] [Amsterdam] [NYC]
Keywords: design, creative, digital and consultancy
Jobs: 🌐
Name: S1T2
Locations: [Sydney] [Melbourne] [Shanghai]
Keywords: We create interactive experiences that immerse audiences in the future of storytelling through technology.
Name: Second Story
Locations: [Atlanta] [Portland] [NYC]
Keywords: exhibition, interactive, software, experience, hardware, VR, AR, projection
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Seeeklab
Locations: [Xiamen]
Keywords: marketing events, interactive installation
Name: Set Reset
Locations: [London]
Keywords: transforming data into compelling stories that fuel growth and create opportunity
Name: SOSO
Locations: [Boston] [San Diego]
Keywords: delivering real human impact across physical and virtual space, placemaking and storytelling
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Special Projects
Locations: [London]
Keywords: design and innovation agency that reveals user needs and transforms them into experiences and products
Jobs: 📧
Name: Spectacle
Locations: [Phoenix]
Keywords: expertise in fabricating experiences that drive engagement and wow participants
Name: Spectra Studio
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: installations, projection, sculpture, robotics, light and sound
Name: Staat
Locations: [Amsterdam]
Keywords: branding, editorial, event, film, graphic design, illustration, installation, interactive, interior design, production, retail
Jobs: 📧
Name: Stimulant
Locations: [San Francisco]
Keywords: experience design and interactive installation, human-scale, site-specific digital experiences and touchscreen applications
Name: StoreyStudio
Locations: [London]
Keywords: spatial design, set design, window displays, moving image
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Studio Black
Locations: [LA] [NYC]
Keywords: technical production, design advisory, content management, digital content
Name: Studio Elsewhere
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: bio-experiential design and technology to support brain health
Name: Super A-OK
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: A multi-modal service bureau for the 21st century, fabrication, electronics
Locations: [Paris] [NYC] [Dubai]
Keywords: Creative studio for visually extended experiences, merging digital & physical environments.
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Superfly
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: create shared experiences that shape how the world plays & connects
Jobs: 🌐
Name: TAD
Locations: [NYC] [London]
Keywords: digital experiences, technology and architecture, designed to inspire people.
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Team Epiphany
Locations: [NYC] [LA]
Keywords: influencer marketing, IRL, vertical integration
Jobs: 📧
Name: Tellart
Locations: [Providence] [Amsterdam] [San Francisco]
Keywords: transformative experiences, invention, physical & digital experiences, new technologies
Jobs: 📧
Name: The Gathery
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: editorially-born creative agency specializing in brand marketing and content creation
Jobs: 🌐
Name: The Lab at Rockwell Group
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: architecture and design, branded experiences, immersive environments, pop ups
Name: The Projects
Locations: [London] [LA] [NYC] [Sydney]
Keywords: brand consultancy, meaningful experiences, tell stories
Name: THG
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: experiential, exhibit, live shows, theme parks, retail, dining, museums
Name: Thinkwell
Locations: [LA] [Montreal] [Abu Dhabi] [Riyadh]
Keywords: strategy, experience design, production, master planning, entertainment destinations, branded attractions, interactive media installations, events, museums, expos
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Tool
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: help brands and agencies with ideation, content, and experience production that generate buzz
Name: Trivium Interactive
Locations: [Boston]
Keywords: experience design and production
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Two Goats
Locations: [NYC] [LA] [London]
Keywords: AR, interactive branded experiences
Name: Unified Field
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: content-rich, experiential and interactive media for digital branding, media environments, and exhibits in public spaces
Jobs: 📧
Name: UNIT9
Locations: [London] [LA] [NYC] [Berlin]
Keywords: innovation architects, product designers, software engineers, gaming experts, creatives, art directors, designers, producers and film directors
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Upswell
Locations: [Portland]
Keywords: digital and physical content first experiences
Jobs: 🌐
Name: VTProDesign
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: high tech robotics and projection mapping
Jobs: 📧
Name: We Are Royale
Locations: [LA] [Seattle]
Keywords: frontlines of design & technology to arm brands with the creative to turn audiences into advocates
Jobs: 📧
Name: Wonderlabs
Locations: [Shanghai]
Keywords: marketing events, interactive installation
Jobs: 🌐
Locations: [Budapest]
Keywords: collaboration between scientists, engineers, artists and robots, real-time visuals meet complex design
Jobs: 🌐
Name: Yellow Studio
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: artistically-minded design, tv/concert/event production design, set design
Name: Zebradog
Locations: [Madison]
Keywords: communication design and the built environment, higher education
Collectives & Practices
Name: Brooklyn Research
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: we build interactive systems for a range of clients including museums, artists, and leading technology firms
Name: Dave + Gabe
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: interactive installation studio, real-time animation, generative 3D sound
Name: Hypersonic
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: groundbreaking new media sculptures and physical installations
Name: Kimchi and Chips
Locations: [South Korea]
Keywords: intersection of art, science and philosophy through ambitious large-scale installations
Name: NONOTAK Studio
Locations: [Paris]
Keywords: light and sound installations, ethereal, immersive, dreamlike
Name: panGenerator
Locations: [Warsaw]
Keywords: new media art and design collective, mixing bits & atoms
Name: Random International
Locations: [London] [Berlin]
Keywords: experimental practice within contemporary art, human condition in an increasingly mechanised world
Name: Smooth Technology
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: cutting-edge technology and artistic sensibility, wireless wearables, create the impossible
Name: Taller Estampa
Locations: [Barcelona]
Keywords: group of filmmakers, programmers and researchers who work in the fields of experimental audiovisual and digital environments.
Name: teamLab
Locations: [Tokyo]
Keywords: full-room interactive projection mapping, interdisciplinary group of ultratechnologists
Name: The Cuttelfish
Locations: [USA]
Keywords: explore and imagine and prototyp and creatr future-forward creative concepts
Name: United Visual Artists
Locations: [London]
Keywords: new technologies with traditional media, site-specific, instruments that manipulate perception
Locations: [Taiwan]
Keywords: cross-disciplinary art installations, dance, architecture, music
Experiential Spaces & Experiences
Name: 29 Rooms (Vice Media Group)
Locations: [USA]
Keywords: multi-sensory installations, performances, and workshops
Name: Cascade
Locations: [LA]
Keywords: interactive art experience
Name: Color Factory
Locations: [NYC] [Houston]
Keywords: collaborative interactive exhibit
Name: Meow Wolf
Locations: [Santa Fe] [Las Vegas] [Denver]
Keywords: immersive and interactive experiences that transport audiences of all ages into fantastic realms of story and exploration
Name: Museum of Ice Cream
Locations: [San Francisco] [NYC]
Keywords: transforms concepts and dreams into spaces that provoke imagination and creativity
Name: PopUpMob
Locations: [NYC] [LA] [London] [Paris]
Keywords: one-stop shop for pop up experiences
Name: Studio Daguet
Locations: [Nantes] [Paris]
Keywords: staging stories, show, music, theme parks, museums, hotels
Name: Bednark
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: full-service fabrication, production, install
Name: Eventscape
Locations: [Toronto]
Keywords: building the extraordinary, full service
Name: Gamma
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: large scale robotic cnc, install, sculptures
Name: Pink Sparrow
Locations: [NYC] [LA]
Keywords: environmental design, project management
Name: Visionary Effects
Locations: [Pittsburgh]
Keywords: old-school manufacturing processes with digital design and fabrication
Event Production
Name: Dera Lee Productions
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: theatre arts, story-telling
Name: GPJ
Locations: [Austin] [Boston] [Dallas] [Detroit] [LA] [Nashville] [NYC] [San Francisco] [Silicon Valley]
Keywords: immersive events and experiences
Name: SAT
Locations: [Montreal]
Keywords: immersive experiences, concerts, workshops, conferences, exhibitions
Name: Sparks
Locations: [Philadelphia] [Detroit] [Connecticut] [Atlanta] [LA] [Las Vegas] [NYC] [San Francisco] [Shanghai]
Keywords: trade show, experiential, retail
Name: Carlo Ratti Associatti
Locations: [Torino, Italy] [NYC] [UK]
Keywords: design and innovation office, MIT Media Lab: Senseable City Lab
Name: Gensler DXD
Locations: [Worldwide]
Keywords: built environment with integrated capabilities in strategy, design, technology, data, and architecture
Name: Olson Kundig
Locations: [Seattle] [NYC]
Keywords: architecture, vessel that supports specific art installations, seamless spatial experience
Name: SOFTlab
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: mixes research and creativity and technology with a strong desire to make working fun
Name: Universal Design Studio
Locations: [London] [NYC]
Keywords: driven by a deeply held belief in the transformative power of well designed and finely crafted spaces
Creative Agencies
Name: &Walsh
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: brand strategy, art direction, design and production across all platforms
Name: AKQA
Locations: [London] [SF] [São Paulo] [Melbourne] [Aarhus] [Miami] [Amsterdam] [Atlanta] [Auckland] [Berlin] [Cairo] [Cape Town] [Copenhagen] [Dubai] [Gothenburg] [Gurgaon] [Johannesburg] [Milan] [NYC] [Paris] [Portland, OR] [Riyadh] [Shanghai] [Stockholm] [Sydney] [Tokyo] [Venice] [DC] [Wellington]
Keywords: the most powerful force in the universe isn’t technology, it’s imagination
Name: BUCK
Locations: [LA] [NYC] [Sydney] [Amsterdam]
Keywords: VR, AR, installation, real-time animation, 3D, experiential
Name: Framestore
Locations: [London] [NYC] [Montreal]
Keywords: virtual, augmented and mixed realities, location-based entertainment, and theme park rides
Name: ManvsMachine
Locations: [London] [LA]
Keywords: multidimensional creative studio
Name: Media Monks
Locations: [Amsterdam] [London] [Dubai] [Stockholm] [NYC] [LA] [San Francisco] [Mexico City] [São Paulo] [Buenos Aires] [Shanghai] [Singapore]
Keywords: creative production
Name: R/GA
Locations: [Austin] [Chicago] [LA] [NYC] [Portland] [San Francisco] [Berlin] [Bucharest] [London] [Buenos Aires] [Santiago] [São Paulo] [Melbourne] [Shanghai] [Singapore] [Sydney] [Tokyo]
Keywords: business, experience, and marketing transformation
Name: SuperUber
Locations: [Rio de Janeiro] [São Paulo]
Keywords: experiences that blend art, technology, architecture and design
Name: The Mill
Locations: [London] [NYC] [LA] [Chicago] [Bangalore] [Berlin]
Keywords: experience makers, media and brand activation, innovative design, and inventive technologies
Name: Weber Shandwick
Locations: [Atlanta] [Baltimore] [Bogotá] [Boston] [Brasilia] [Buenos Aires] [Buffalo] [Chicago] [Dallas] [Detroit] [Lima] [LA] [Mexico City] [Minneapolis] [Montreal] [Nashville, TN] [NYC] [Philadelphia] [Rio de Janeiro] [SF] [Santiago] [Seattle] [St. Louis] [São Paulo] [Toronto] [Vancouver] [DC]
Keywords: we work at the intersection of technology, society, policy and media, adding value to culture — to shape and re-shape it
Name: Art Processors
Locations: [Melbourne]
Keywords: specialist interactive media and exhibition design
Name: Cortina Productions
Locations: [McLean, VA]
Keywords: artistry, content, and technology, we render the word to the story, the story to the medium, and the medium to the space.
Name: Exploratorium
Locations: [San Francisco]
Keywords: exhibits made in-house, public-facing workshop
Name: Gagarin
Locations: [Reykjavík]
Keywords: weaving education, information and data into compelling stories
Name: GSM Project
Locations: [Montreal] [Singapore] [Dubai]
Keywords: content first, exhibitions
Name: Ideum
Locations: [Albuquerque]
Keywords: interactive exhibits and exhibitions, integrated hardware products
Name: Iglhaut + von Grote
Locations: [Berlin]
Keywords: scenography, spatial mise-en-scène
Name: Local Projects
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: experience Designers pushing the boundaries of human interaction
Name: Monadnock Media
Locations: [Massachusetts]
Keywords: multimedia experiences for museums, historic sites and public places
Name: Northern Light Productions
Locations: [Boston]
Keywords: immersive media environments, interactive experiences, or documentary films.
Name: Roto
Locations: [Columbus, OH]
Keywords: experience design, immersive media, interactive engineering, and custom fabrication for museums, brands, attractions and architectural placemaking.
Name: Thinc
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: provoke meaningful conversations about the world in which we live
Festivals & Conferences
Name: ISEA
Locations: [Barcelona] [Paris]
Keywords: the crossroads where art, design, science, technology and society meet
Locations: [Montreal]
Keywords: electronic music, audiovisual performance, digital art
Name: SXSW
Locations: [Austin]
Keywords: film, music, interactive arts
Name: Goldsmiths
Locations: [London]
Keywords: a degree which develops your arts practice through the expressive world of creative computation
Name: ITP
Locations: [NYC]
Keywords: ITP/IMA offers four programs focused on creative and meaningful application of interactive tools and media.
Name: MIT Medialab
Locations: [Boston]
Keywords: art, science, design, and technology build and play off one another in an environment designed for collaboration and inspiration
Name: Paris College of Art
Locations: [Paris]
Keywords: designed for those who are interested in exploring the wide-ranging creative field of New Media
Name: University of the Arts
Locations: [London]
Keywords: computational technologies in the context of creative computing research