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A curated list to learning and practicing about algorithm.
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Oct 12 - Oct 18, 2020
Competitions / Advanced
- Google Code Jam - Google’s largest coding competition, calls on programmers around the world to put their skills to the test by solving multiple rounds of algorithmic puzzles.
- Google Kick Start - University students looking to develop their coding skills and potentially pursue a Google career.
- Google Hash Code - Students in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East looking to work as a team on real Google problems.
Mar 11 - Mar 17, 2019
Courses / Introductory
- Algorithms - Khan Academy.
- Fundamentals of Algorithms - Geeks for Geeks.
Courses / Intermediate
- Algorithms and Data Structures - Class Central.
- Algorithms - edX(IITBombay).
- Intro to Algorithms - Udacity.
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 2015 - MIT OCW.
- Introduction to Algorithms, 2011 - MIT OCW.
- Classes and Teaching by Erik Demaine - MIT(Lecture notes).
- Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems, 2001 - UC Berkeley(Lecture notes).
- Data Structures, 2014 - UC Berkeley(Lecture notes).
- Algorithms, Etc., 2015 - Illinois University(Lecture notes).
- Algorithms, Part I - Coursera(Princeton University).
- Algorithms, Part II - Coursera(Princeton University).
Courses / Advanced
- Data Structures and Algorithms - Paid Content. / Harvard University.
- Algorithms Specialization - Paid Content. / Coursera(Stanford University).
Competitive programming / Advanced
Visualizations / Advanced
- Tangle (⭐1.5k) - JavaScript Programming Language.
- Vamonos - JavaScript Programming Language.
- The Sound of Sorting - C ++ Programming Language.
- GeneaQuilts - Java Programming Language.
Books / Advanced
Articles / Advanced
Miscellaneous / Advanced
- Rosetta Code - The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another.
- - Anybody can learn.
- CheckiO - Online game for Python and JavaScript coders.
- HUST Online Judge System (⭐59) - Online Judge is a web application.
Mar 04 - Mar 10, 2019
Courses / Introductory
- Algorithm course for smart programming - Korean / Inflearn.
Competitive programming / Advanced
- Codeforces - English, Romanian, Russian.
- CS Academy - English, Russian, Arabic.
- Infoarena - Romanian.
- LeetCode - English, Chinese.
- URI - English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese.
- PKU JudgeOnline - English, Chinese.
- AIZU ONLINE JUDGE - English, Japanese.
- Project Euler @kr - Korean.
- Baekjoon - Korean.
- Algospot - Korean.
- Dovelet - Korean.
- JUNGOL - Korean.
- Koistudy - Korean.
- CodeUp - Korean.
- Codingdojang - Korean.
- Programmers - Korean.
- Codeground - English, Korean.
- SW Expert Academy - Korean.
Visualizations / Advanced
- VisuAlgo - English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese.
Interviews / Advanced
Videos / Advanced
- How algorithms shape our world - Kevin Slavin.
- Algorithms - Oresoft LWC.
- Computer Sc - Programming and Data Structure - Nptelhrd.
- AlgoRythmics - Sapientia University.
Books / Advanced
- Algorithmic Problem Solving Strategies - Korean.
Articles / Advanced
- Study data for algorithm - Korean.
Aug 13 - Aug 19, 2018
Competitions / Advanced
- Google Summer of Code - A global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university.
May 14 - May 20, 2018
Miscellaneous / Advanced
- Tech stack for Baekjoon online judge - Korean / How to choose a technology stack for judge?
Feb 19 - Feb 25, 2018
Interviews / Advanced
Books / Advanced
Miscellaneous / Advanced