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Add-ons and resources for the CMS Plone
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Dec 23 - Dec 29, 2024
- collective.behavior.relatedmedia (⭐4) - A behavior to create/upload/manage media relations (Image, File) for content types.
Apr 29 - May 05, 2024
- collective.contactformprotection (⭐0) - Disables the default
form or protect it withplone.formwidget.[h|re]captcha
Apr 24 - Apr 30, 2023
- collective.splitsitemap (⭐0) - Provides a cached split sitemap on big public sites.
Mar 06 - Mar 12, 2023
- collective.regenv (⭐4) - Override registry settings using environment variables.
Dec 05 - Dec 11, 2022
- (⭐8) - A toolbar that shows a wealth of debug information about a running Plone site and the content you are inspecting. Also includes a interactive python-shell, a TALES-expression evaluator and and code-reload.
Oct 10 - Oct 16, 2022
Searching and Categorizing
- collective.elasticsearch (⭐18) - Use ElasticSearch as the search backend for Plone.
- zopyx.typesense (⭐3) - Plone integration with the external Typesense search server (open-source). This is an alternative to collective.solr or Elasticsearch.
- collective.patchwatcher (⭐1) - A great companion for keeping track of patched or overridden files.
Aug 01 - Aug 07, 2022
Content and utilities for content
- collective.documentgenerator (⭐16) - Generate Documents (.odt, .pdf, .doc) from content based on appy framework ( and OpenOffice/LibreOffice.
- collective.embeddedpage (⭐0) - A content type to embed remote HTML pages in Plone Classic and Volto.
- collective.purgebyid (⭐5) - Use tag-based cache invalidation in Plone (e.g. with Varnish's xkey module).
Finding more add-ons
- Make a list of required features.
- Look in this list first.
- Search pypi:
- Search the collective organization on github:
- Search the plone organization on github:
- Google for your requirements
- Test all required features. Read but do not trust the documentation
- Check if the add-on runs on your required version
- Check if it is maintained
- Does it have i18n-support, i.e. is the user-interface translated to your language?
- Does it uninstall cleanly?
- Check for unwanted dependencies
- Message Board:
- Adapt your requirements to what is available.
- Invest the time & money to customize an existing add-ons to better fit your needs.
- Create a new add-on that does exactly what you need.
May 23 - May 29, 2022
Content and utilities for content
- dexterity.membrane (⭐3) - Enables content to be used as users and groups in Plone sites.
May 16 - May 22, 2022
Content and utilities for content
- collective.a11ycheck (⭐0) - Reports accessibility issues to your site editors when a page is saved.
- collective.bbcodesnippets (⭐1) - Provides generic and extensible BBCode markup integration for Plone.
- collective.consent (⭐1) - Ask users for consent to different topics, before they can continue.
- collective.dexteritytextindexer (⭐9) - Dynamic SearchableText index for dexterity content types. For Plone 6 this was merged into Plone core.
- collective.documentviewer (⭐21) - Very nice document viewer that integrates DocumentCloud viewer and PDF processing into Plone.
- collective.easyformplugin.createdx (⭐5) - Creates Plone content objects from EasyForm submissions.
- collective.folderishtraverse (⭐3) - Traverse to first item in folder.
- collective.folderishtypes (⭐2) - Provides the types "Folderish Event", "Folderish News Item" and "Folderish Document" as replacements for default types. Those types are able to hold any other content, like a Folder.
- collective.geolocationbehavior (⭐2) - Geotagging for Plone content using LeafletJS.
- collective.glossary (⭐4) - Content type to define a glossary and its terms.
- collective.immediatecreate (⭐0) - Create content immediatly and skip the add form.
- collective.lineage (⭐12) - Subsites: Turns subfolders of a Plone site to appear as autonomous Plone sites. There is also a whole ecosystem off addons specific to subsites.
- collective.mailchimp (⭐5) - MailChimp newsletter integration for Plone.
- collective.mirror (⭐1) - A content type that mirrors the content of any other container.
- collective.mustread (⭐0) - Tracking user views on content that are marked as must-read.
- collective.remoteproxy (⭐1) - Proxy for remote content. All remote URLs for which a local proxy was created are replaced in the resulting content.
- collective.restrictportlets (⭐0) - Allows you to restrict the available portlets that non-Managers can add.
- collective.richdescription (⭐1) - Formatable description field for Plone.
- collective.workspace (⭐7) - Easily manage 'membership' in specific areas of a Plone Site. It allows to grant people access to areas of content using a membership group rather than local roles for each user, and to delegate control over that group to people who don't have access to the site-wide user/group control panel.
- plone.pdfexport (⭐3) - Generic PDF export functionality for Plone content.
- Products.EasyNewsletter (⭐28) - Powerful newsletter/mailing product for Plone.
- zopyx.ipsumplone (⭐1) - Creates demo content and demo images for Plone.
Searching and Categorizing
- cioppino.twothumbs (⭐14) - Rate content using up- and down-thumbs.
- collective.bookmarks (⭐2) - Bookmarks/ favorites/ wish-list for Plone.
- collective.collectionfilter (⭐9) - Faceted navigation filter for collection or contentlisting tiles.
- collective.elastic.plone (⭐3) - ElasticSearch Integration for Plone content.
- collective.searchandreplace (⭐6) - Find and replace text in Plone content objects.
- collective.solr (⭐22) - Solr search engine integration for Plone.
- collective.taxonomy (⭐19) - Create, edit and use hierarchical taxonomies to categorize content.
- eea.facetednavigation (⭐4) - Very powerful interface to improve search without programming skills. Configuration is done through-the-web and lets you gradually select and explore different facets (metadata/properties) of the content and narrow down you search quickly and dynamically.
- Products.PloneKeywordManager (⭐4) - Change, merge and delete keywords/tags/subjects).
- (⭐36) - Powerful and extendable editor that allows users to compose the content of a page with different tiles.
- collective.cover (⭐49) - Cover allows the creation of elaborate covers built around a drag-and-drop interface. Uses the same blocks/tiles ecosystem as but a different approach to editing.
- collective.contentsections (⭐9) - Offers a block approach for Plone 6 Classic based entirely on Dexterity content types.
- (⭐7) - A set of standard tiles used by Mosaic, but can be used from any other tile manager.
- collective.tiles.carousel (⭐0) - A slider tile for based on the carousel component of Bootstrap 5.
- collective.tiles.advancedstatic (⭐0) - A tile that shows html text (similar to the static text portlet), with some additional configuration like the possibility to add custom css classes.
- collective.tiles.collection (⭐1) - A tile that shows a set of collection results with possibility to choose (and develop) custom layouts.
- collective.easyformplugin.registration (⭐3) - Add a behavior to collective.easyform to manage registration forms for events.
- collective.fullcalendar (⭐2) - Display events in a nice calendar UI using
- collective.venue (⭐3) - Venue type with geolocation support for use with events or any other location specific content.
- collective.easyform (⭐13) - EasyForm provides a Plone form builder through-the-web using fields, widgets, actions and validators. Form input can be saved or emailed. A simple and user-friendly interface allows non-programmers to create custom forms.
- collective.fieldedit (⭐3) - A flexible form to edit selected fields of a content type.
- collective.honeypot (⭐5) - Honeypot protection for forms.
- collective.z3cform.datagridfield (⭐8) - A field with a datagrid (table), where each row is a sub form.
- collective.z3cform.norobots (⭐5) - A "human" captcha widget based on a list of questions/answers.
- plone.formwidgets.hcaptcha (⭐1) - HCaptcha widget to protect Plone from bots, spam, and other forms of automated abuse.
- yafowil.plone (⭐3) - Yafowil is a form library for Python. This is its Plone Integration package.
- collective.linguatags (⭐0) - Multilingual Tags for Plone.
- (⭐2) - Indexes optimized to query multilingual content made with
- collective.autoscaling (⭐1) - Automatic scaling of large images. Useful to reduce your database size when editors upload too large images.
- collective.behavior.banner (⭐3) - A behavior to create banners and sliders from banners.
- collective.lazysizes (⭐6) - Integration of lazysizes, a lightweight lazy loader, into Plone.
- collective.wavesurfer (⭐0) - Implementation of audio player for Plone.
- (⭐9) - Crops Images in Plone manually using cropper JS library.
- (⭐5) - Photo gallery view for Plone.
- (⭐2) - Adds a gallery view with a carousel made with slick.
- collective.explicitacquisition (⭐1) - Disallow access to acquired content outside the current path.
- collective.geotransform (⭐2) - Graceful E-mail Obfuscation for Plone.
- bda.plone.gtm (⭐2) - Google Tag Manager Integration.
- collective.behavior.seo (⭐3) - Adds extra fields used for SEO optimisation.
- pas.plugins.ldap (⭐13) - Provides users and groups from a LDAP directory.
- iw.rejectanonymous (⭐4) - Reject unconditionnally anonymous users from a Plone site, without any change in your security policy matrix or workflows. The basic use case is an extranet, where all visitors must be authenticated.
- pas.plugins.headers (⭐2) - Reads request headers and uses them for authentication. Think SAML headers that are set by a front web server like Apache or nginx.
- dm.zope.saml2 - Supports SAML2 based Single Sign-On.
- collective.impersonate (⭐6) - Allow administrators to impersonate another user. Useful for verifying workflow/permission set up on real content.
- collective.pwexpiry (⭐1) - Provideds methods for stronger user passwords in Plone and password attack protection.
- bda.plone.productshop (⭐7) - Flexible and modular e-commerce solution for Plone.
Export, Import and Migrations
- collective.exportimport (⭐15) - Export and import content and a lot of other data from and to Plone. The main solution for all kinds of migrations based on plone.restapi.
- collective.migrationhelpers (⭐14) - Helpers and examples to use during migrations.
- collective.jsonify (⭐12) - Export Plone content to JSON.
- collective.transmogrifier (⭐5) - A configurable pipeline, aimed at transforming content for import and export.
- (⭐6) - Tokyo Theme for Plone implements Bootstrap 4 into Plone, with an emphasis on keeping things as close to "default" as possible.
- plonetheme.grueezibuesi (⭐1) - A kitten inspired theme for Plone 6.
- collective.sidebar (⭐6) - A sidebar that consolidates toolbar and navigation.
- collective.editablemenu (⭐3) - A customizable navigation menu for Plone.
- Products.PDBDebugMode (⭐2) - Post-mortem debugging: open a pdb session whenever an exception occurs so you you can find out what is going wrong. Plus: By adding /pdb to a url you end up you in a pdb session on the current context. A killer tool for developers.
- plone.reload (⭐10) - Code and configuration reload without server restarts.
- Products.PrintingMailHost (⭐2) - Log mail messages instead of sending mail.
- experimental.gracefulblobmissing (⭐2) - Gracefully handle missing binary files in Plone.
- collective.relationhelpers (⭐7) - Helpers to manage, create, export and rebuild relations in Plone 5.x. For Plone 6 this was merged into Plone core.
- collective.catalogcleanup (⭐4) - Removes data from the catalog that no longer belong to an actual object.
- collective.fingerpointing (⭐5) - Keeps track of different events and write them down to an audit log.
- collective.ifttt (⭐2) - Enables any Plone site to play in the IFTTT ecosystem. For example when a news item is published, then tweet about it or post it on Facebook.
- collective.recipe.backup (⭐5) - Powerful and flexible backup/restore solution for Plone.
- collective.revisionmanager (⭐6) - Manage Products.CMFEditions histories that can bloat your database.
- collective.sentry (⭐7) - Sentry integration to aggregate errors and help finding their causes.
- dm.historical - Access any historical state of your database. Can be useful to find out what happened to objects in the past and to restore accidentally deleted or modified objects.
- haufe.requestmonitoring (⭐5) - Detailed request logging functionality on top of the publication events. Useful to find out what takes longer than it should.
Official resources
- Discord chat - Discord is the best way to chat with members of the Plone community.
- Plone support - Where to find help.
- Plone 6 Documentation - Official documentation for the upcoming Plone 6 (work on progress).
- plone.api - Documentation for plone.api.
Oct 15 - Oct 21, 2018
Official resources
- - Official website for developers and community.
- - Official community forum, the best place to get help.
- - Training classes for developers/integrators/users/designers.
Feb 26 - Mar 04, 2018
- (⭐13) - Provides audio and video content types and behaviors.
- pas.plugins.authomatic (⭐9) - Authomatic OAuth1/OAuth2/OpenID Login Integration with Plone.
Official resources
- - Official documentation for developers/integrators.