Awesome Capacitorjs Overview
⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Capacitor.
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Awesome Capacitor 
A curated list of awesome things related to Capacitor.
Capacitor is a cross-platform native runtime that makes it easy to build modern web apps that run natively on iOS, Android, and the Web. (Source)
- Creating Plugins
- Creating Splash Screens and Icons
- App Deployment and Realtime Updates
- CI/CD for Capacitor Apps
- Data Storage in Capacitor
- Security Best Practices for Capacitor
- Using Push Notifications with Firebase in an Ionic + Angular App
- Saving Plugin Calls
- Mocking Capacitor Plugins
- The Push Notifications Guide for Capacitor
Official Plugins
- @capacitor/action-sheet - Provides access to native Action Sheets.
- @capacitor/app - The App API handles high level App state and events.
- @capacitor/app-launcher - The AppLauncher API allows your app to open other apps.
- @capacitor/browser - The Browser API provides the ability to open an in-app browser and subscribe to browser events.
- @capacitor/clipboard - The Clipboard API enables copy and pasting to/from the system clipboard.
- @capacitor/device - The Device API exposes internal information about the device.
- @capacitor/dialog - The Dialog API provides methods for triggering native dialog windows for alerts, confirmations, and input prompts.
- @capacitor/filesystem - The Filesystem API provides a NodeJS-like API for working with files on the device.
- @capacitor/geolocation - The Geolocation API provides simple methods for getting and tracking the current position of the device using GPS.
- @capacitor/haptics - The Haptics API provides physical feedback to the user through touch or vibration.
- @capacitor/keyboard - The Keyboard API provides keyboard display and visibility control, along with event tracking when the keyboard shows and hides.
- @capacitor/local-notifications - The Local Notifications API provides a way to schedule device notifications locally.
- @capacitor/motion - The Motion API tracks accelerometer and device orientation.
- @capacitor/network - The Network API provides network and connectivity information.
- @capacitor/push-notifications - The Push Notifications API provides access to native push notifications.
- @capacitor/screen-reader - The Screen Reader API provides access to TalkBack/VoiceOver/etc.
- @capacitor/share - The Share API provides methods for sharing content in any sharing-enabled apps the user may have installed.
- @capacitor/splash-screen - The Splash Screen API provides methods for showing or hiding a Splash image.
- @capacitor/status-bar - The StatusBar API Provides methods for configuring the style of the Status Bar, along with showing or hiding it.
- @capacitor/storage - The Storage API provides a simple key/value persistent store for lightweight data.
- @capacitor/text-zoom - The Text Zoom API provides the ability to change Web View text size for visual accessibility.
- @capacitor/toast - The Toast API provides a notification pop up for displaying important information to a user.
Community Plugins
- @aparajita/capacitor-biometric-auth (⭐120) - Easy access to native biometric auth APIs on iOS and Android.
- @aparajita/capacitor-dark-mode (⭐20) – Universal, reliable dark mode support for Capacitor apps on the web, iOS and Android.
- @aparajita/capacitor-ios-silent-notifications (⭐2) – Silent (AKA remote) notification support for Capacitor apps on iOS.
- @aparajita/capacitor-logger (⭐16) – Better logging for the web and native Ionic/Capacitor apps.
- @aparajita/capacitor-secure-storage (⭐94) - Secure, flexible storage for Capacitor apps using iOS Keychain and Android Keystore.
- @capacitor-community/vue-cli-plugin-capacitor (⭐131) - A Vue CLI 3/4 Plugin for Capacitor.
- @capacitor-community/twitter (⭐11) - Capacitor plugin to enable TwitterKit.
- @capacitor-community/fcm (⭐239) - Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging for Capacitor apps.
- @capacitor-community/intercom (⭐56) - Enable Intercom for Capacitor apps.
- @capacitor-community/media (⭐98) - Capacitor plugin to activate extra media features.
- @capacitor-community/firebase-analytics (⭐159) - Enable Firebase Analytics for Capacitor Apps.
- @capacitor-community/camera-preview (⭐182) - Capacitor plugin that allows camera interaction from HTML code.
- @capacitor-community/date-picker (⭐83) - Native DateTime Picker Plugin for Capacitor Apps.
- @capacitor-community/firebase-crashlytics (⭐70) - Capacitor plugin for Firebase Crashlytics.
- @capacitor-community/sqlite (⭐462) - Community plugin for native & electron SQLite databases.
- @capacitor-community/stripe (⭐188) - Stripe Mobile SDK wrapper for Capacitor.
- @capacitor-community/react-hooks (⭐244) - React hooks for Capacitor.
- @capacitor-community/keep-awake (⭐120) - Capacitor plugin to prevent devices from dimming or locking the screen.
- @capacitor-community/http (⭐209) - Community plugin for native HTTP.
- @capacitor-community/text-to-speech (⭐93) - Capacitor plugin for synthesizing speech from text.
- @capacitor-community/native-audio (⭐104) - Capacitor community plugin for playing sounds.
- @capacitor-community/firebase-remote-config (⭐23) - Capacitory community plugin for Firebase Remote Config.
- @capacitor-community/in-app-purchases - WIP: In App Purchases plugin for Capacitor.
- @capacitor-community/native-market (⭐26) - Capacitor community plugin for native market for Play Store/App Store.
- @capacitor-community/capacitor-googlemaps-native (⭐150) - Capacitor Plugin using native Google Maps SDK for Android and iOS.
- @capacitor-community/contacts (⭐114) - Contacts Plugin for Capacitor.
- @capacitor-community/apple-sign-in (⭐137) - Sign in with Apple Support.
- @capacitor-community/flipper (⭐10) - Capacitory community plugin for Flipper.
- @capacitor-community/facebook-login (⭐101) - Facebook Login support.
- @capacitor-community/admob (⭐209) - Community plugin for using Google AdMob.
- @capacitor-community/speech-recognition (⭐84) - Capacitor community plugin for speech recognition.
- @capacitor-community/realm (⭐25) - Capacitor community plugin for native Realm.
- @capacitor-community/auth0 (⭐9) - A native plugin for Auth0 authentication provider.
- @capacitor-community/barcode-scanner (⭐435) - A fast and efficient (QR) barcode scanner for Capacitor.
- @capacitor-community/background-geolocation (⭐181) - Capacitor plugin which lets you receive geolocation updates even while the app is backgrounded.
- @capacitor-community/bluetooth-le (⭐265) - Capacitor plugin for Bluetooth Low Energy.
- @capacitor-community/uxcam (⭐5) - UXCam and FullStory app analytics.
- @capacitor-community/privacy-screen (⭐77) - Capacitor plugin that protects your app from displaying a screenshot in Recents screen/App Switcher.
- @capacitor-community/screen-brightness (⭐21) - Capacitor community plugin for controlling screen brightness on iOS and Android devices.
- @capacitor-community/app-icon (⭐74) - Capacitor plugin for managing an iOS app's icon.
- @capacitor-community/card-scanner (⭐11) - Simple card scanner for Capacitor Applications.
- @capacitor-community/safe-area (⭐45) - A plugin to expose the safe area insets from the native iOS/Android device to your web project.
- @capacitor-community/appcenter-sdk-capacitor (⭐35) - Capacitor Plugin for Microsoft's Visual Studio App Center SDK.
- @capacitor-community/photoviewer (⭐49) - PhotoViewer table images with fullscreen and sharing capabilities.
- @capacitor-firebase/analytics - Capacitor plugin for Firebase Analytics.
- @capacitor-firebase/app - Capacitor plugin for Firebase App.
- @capacitor-firebase/app-check - Capacitor plugin for Firebase App Check.
- @capacitor-firebase/authentication - Capacitor plugin for Firebase Authentication.
- @capacitor-firebase/crashlytics - Capacitor plugin for Firebase Crashlytics.
- @capacitor-firebase/firestore - Capacitor plugin for Firebase Cloud Firestore.
- @capacitor-firebase/messaging - Capacitor plugin for Firebase Cloud Messaging.
- @capacitor-firebase/storage - Capacitor plugin for Firebase Cloud Storage.
- @capacitor-firebase/performance - Capacitor plugin for Firebase Performance Monitoring.
- @capacitor-firebase/remote-config - Capacitor plugin for Firebase Remote Storage.
- @capacitor-mlkit/barcode-scanning - Unofficial Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Barcode Scanning.
- @capacitor-mlkit/face-detection - Unofficial Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Face Detection.
- @capacitor-mlkit/face-mesh-detection - Unofficial Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Face Mesh Detection.
- @capacitor-mlkit/selfie-segmentation - Unofficial Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Selfie Segmentation.
- @capacitor-mlkit/translation - Unofficial Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Translation.
- @cartona/capacitor-google-play-availability (⭐2) - Capacitor plugin to verify that Google Play services is installed and enabled, and request enabling Google Play services on device.
- @codetrix-studio/capacitor-google-auth (⭐264) - Capacitor plugin for Google Auth.
- @capawesome/capacitor-android-battery-optimization - Capacitor plugin to access battery optimization settings on Android.
- @capawesome/capacitor-app-update - Capacitor plugin that assists with app updates.
- @capawesome/capacitor-background-task - Capacitor plugin for running background tasks.
- @capawesome/capacitor-badge - Capacitor plugin to access and update the badge number of the app icon.
- @capawesome/capacitor-cloudinary - Unofficial Capacitor plugin for Cloudinary SDK.
- @capawesome/capacitor-file-picker - Capacitor plugin that allows the user to select a file.
- @capawesome/capacitor-managed-configurations - Capacitor plugin to access managed configuration settings.
- @capawesome/capacitor-photo-editor - Capacitor plugin that allows the user to edit a photo.
- @capawesome/capacitor-screen-orientation - Capacitor plugin to lock/unlock the screen orientation.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-android-dark-mode-support - Capacitor plugin to support dark mode on Android.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-android-foreground-service - Capacitor plugin to run a foreground service on Android.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-datetime-picker - Capacitor plugin that let the user easily enter both a date and a time.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-file-compressor - Capacitor plugin for compressing files.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-file-opener - Capacitor plugin to open a file with the default application.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-nfc - Capacitor plugin for reading and writing NFC tags.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-printer - Capacitor plugin for printing.
- @capgo/camera-preview (⭐3) - Capacitor plugin that allows camera interaction from HTML code (fork).
- @capgo/capacitor-crisp (⭐8) - Crisp chat SDK for your app.
- @capgo/capacitor-flash (⭐11) - Switch the Flashlight / Torch of your device.
- @capgo/inappbrowser (⭐60) - Browser In app browser with urlChangeEvent.
- @capgo/capacitor-updater (⭐488) - Live update for capacitor app.
- @capgo/capacitor-mute (⭐3) - Detect silent mode and mute audio.
- @capgo/native-audio (⭐27) - Capacitor plugin for native audio engine (fork).
- @capgo/nativegeocoder (⭐21) - Native forward and reverse geocoding.
- @capgo/native-market (⭐6) - Capacitor community plugin for native market for Play Store/App Store.
- @capgo/capacitor-screen-recorder (⭐5) - Record screen and save to pelicule.
- @ebarooni/capacitor-calendar (⭐18) - Capacitor plugin for interacting with calendar and reminders.
- @revenuecat/purchases-capacitor (⭐130) - Capacitor in-app purchases and subscriptions made easy with RevenueCat.
- @teamhive/capacitor-video-recorder (⭐58) - Video recorder plugin for Capacitor.
- @wahr/capacitor-websocket-client (⭐50) - Capacitor WebSocket Client Plugin.
- capacitor-bing-translator (⭐2) - A simple and free API for using Bing Translator.
- capacitor-data-storage-sqlite (⭐75) - Capacitor Data Storage SQlite Plugin.
- capacitor-firebase-auth (⭐261) - Capacitor Firebase Authentication Plugin.
- capacitor-plugin-safe-area (⭐55) - Get SafeArea info on Android and IOS.
- capacitor-video-player (⭐111) - Capacitor Video Player Plugin.
- send-intent (⭐102) - This is a Capacitor plugin meant to be used in Ionic applications for checking if your App was targeted as a share goal.
Demo Apps
- capacitor-plugin-demo (⭐95) - Simple Ionic Angular app to demonstrate the use of certain Capacitor plugins.
- capacitor-firebase-plugin-demo (⭐13) - Simple Ionic Angular app to demonstrate the use of certain Capacitor Firebase plugins.
- capacitor-testapp (⭐34) - The Capacitor TestApp is used to develop new features and verify bug fixes in Capacitor and the official plugins.
- @capacitor/docgen (⭐12) - Docs Readme Markdown and JSON Generator for Capacitor Plugins.
- @capacitor/plugin (⭐73) - Create a new Capacitor plugin.
- cordova-res (⭐500) - Local Cordova icon/splash screen resource generation tool.