Track Es6 Tools Updates Weekly
An aggregation of tooling for using ES6 today
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Aug 29 - Sep 04, 2016
Parsers / Brunch Plugins
- Esprima - JavaScript parser supporting ES6, parses to ESTree AST format (⭐4.3k)
Feb 22 - Feb 28, 2016
Editors / Brunch Plugins
- Learn ES6 transpilation options in Webstorm Read Blog Post
Jan 25 - Jan 31, 2016
Boilerplates / Brunch Plugins
- es6-jspm-gulp-boilerplate (⭐137) - Tooling to allow the community to use es6 now via babel in conjunction jspm, with source maps, concatenation, minification, compression, and unit testing in real browsers using es6.
Jan 18 - Jan 24, 2016
- Facebook's jstransform (⭐481) - A simple utility for pluggable JS syntax transforms. Comes with a small set of ES6 -> ES5 transforms
Build-time transpilation / Broccoli Plugins
- TypeScript: broccoli-tsc (⭐1)
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
- es6-promise (⭐7.3k) - polyfill for Promises matching the ES6 API
Jan 11 - Jan 17, 2016
- Lebab (⭐5.5k) - Transformations for ES5 code to ES6 (approximates)
Build-time transpilation / Gulp Plugins
- TypeScript: gulp-typescript (⭐773)
Build-time transpilation / Grunt Tasks
- Babel: grunt-babel (⭐436) - Turn ES6+ code into vanilla ES5 with no runtime
- Traceur: grunt-traceur (⭐206) ES6 > ES5 transpilation, grunt-traceur-build (⭐8)
- ES6 Module Transpiler: grunt-es6-module-transpiler (⭐85)
- Regenerator: grunt-regenerator (⭐20) - ES6 generator functions to ES5
- grunt-microlib (⭐29) - tools for libs using ES6 module transpiler (sample Gruntfile (⭐7.3k))
- grunt-defs (⭐5) - ES6 block scoped const and let variables, to ES3
- es6-transpiler: grunt-es6-transpiler (⭐11) - ES6 → ES5
- TypeScript: grunt-ts (⭐323) - ES6+ > ES5/ES3 transpilation
Build-time transpilation / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: typescript-brunch
Webpack plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: awesome-typescript-loader (⭐2.4k)
Duo plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: duo-typescript (⭐0)
Connect plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: typescript-middleware (⭐9)
Karma plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: karma-typescript-preprocessor (⭐50)
Sprockets plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: typescript-rails (⭐256)
Browser plugins / Brunch Plugins
- generator-typescript (⭐19) - Yeoman generator for TypeScript apps
Jan 04 - Jan 10, 2016
Other / Brunch Plugins
- Rollup - Rollup is a next-generation JavaScript module bundler. Author your app or library using ES2015 modules, then efficiently bundle them up into a single file for use in browsers and Node.js
Dec 14 - Dec 20, 2015
Code generation / Brunch Plugins
- generator-gulp-babelify (⭐3) - Yeoman generator for Babel, Browserify and Gulp
Nov 16 - Nov 22, 2015
- Square's es6-module-transpiler (⭐1.2k) - ES6 modules to AMD or CJS
- es6_module_transpiler-rails (⭐87) - ES6 Modules in the Rails Asset Pipeline
- Bitovi's transpile (⭐25) - Converts ES6 to AMD, CJS, and StealJS.
Jade plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur: jade-traceur
Code generation / Brunch Plugins
- grunt-init-es6 - scaffold node modules with unit tests, authored in ES6
- Brunch plugin for ES6 module transpilation
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
- es6-shim (⭐3.1k) - almost all new ES6 methods — from Map, Set, String, Array, Object, and more.
Parsers / Brunch Plugins
- Acorn (⭐8.8k) - A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser with ES6 support, parses to SpiderMonkey AST format.
Other / Brunch Plugins
- Recast (⭐4.3k) - Esprima-based JavaScript syntax tree transformer, conservative pretty-printer, and automatic source map generator. Used by several of the transpilers listed above, including regenerator (⭐3.7k) and es6-arrow-function (⭐52).
Oct 19 - Oct 25, 2015
Module Loaders / Brunch Plugins
Oct 05 - Oct 11, 2015
Editors / Brunch Plugins
- Grammar and transpilation package (⭐474) for Atom
Jun 22 - Jun 28, 2015
Other / Brunch Plugins
- ES6 Lab setup (⭐28) - A simple setup for transpiling ES6 to ES5 using
Jun 15 - Jun 21, 2015
Other / Brunch Plugins
- babel-node - Run node cli with ES6 transpiling using Babel.
May 11 - May 17, 2015
Editors / Brunch Plugins
- ES6 syntax support in WebStorm and PhpStorm, compilation to ES5 with file watchers or task runners
May 04 - May 10, 2015
Mocha plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Mocha Traceur (⭐15) - A simple plugin for Mocha to pass JS files through the Traceur compiler
Apr 13 - Apr 19, 2015
Code generation / Brunch Plugins
- generator-es6-babel (⭐9) - Yeoman generator for Babel apps
Mar 16 - Mar 22, 2015
Webpack plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur: traceur-compiler-loader (⭐4)
Mar 09 - Mar 15, 2015
Browser plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Scratch JS (⭐349) - A Chrome/Opera DevTools extension to run ES6 on a page with either Babel or Traceur
Feb 23 - Mar 01, 2015
- Babel (⭐42k) - Turn ES6+ code into vanilla ES5 with no runtime
- babelify (⭐1.7k) - Babel transpiler wrapped as a Browserify transform
Build-time transpilation / Gulp Plugins
- Babel: gulp-babel (⭐1.3k)
Build-time transpilation / Broccoli Plugins
Build-time transpilation / Brunch Plugins
- Babel: babel-brunch (⭐68)
Webpack plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Babel: babel-loader (⭐4.7k)
Duo plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Babel: duo-babel (⭐13)
Connect plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Babel: babel-connect (⭐26)
Gobble plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Babel: gobble-babel (⭐8)
Jade plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Babel: jade-babel (⭐39)
Jest plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Babel: babel-jest (⭐139)
Karma plugins / Brunch Plugins
Sprockets plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Babel: sprockets-es6
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
- core-js (⭐18k) - Modular and compact polyfills for ES6 including Symbols, Map, Set, Iterators, Promises, setImmediate, Array generics, etc. The standard library used by Babel (⭐42k).
Feb 09 - Feb 15, 2015
Other / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript - A superset of ECMAScript with strict typing that aims to align with ES6
Dec 22 - Dec 28, 2014
Build-time transpilation / Brunch Plugins
- ES6 Module Transpiler: es6-module-transpiler-brunch (⭐9)
Dec 15 - Dec 21, 2014
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
Dec 08 - Dec 14, 2014
Gobble plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur: gobble-es6-transpiler (⭐1)
Karma plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur: karma-traceur-preprocessor (⭐13)
Sprockets plugins / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur: sprockets-traceur (⭐25)
Other / Brunch Plugins
Nov 24 - Nov 30, 2014
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
Oct 13 - Oct 19, 2014
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
Sep 01 - Sep 07, 2014
- regexpu (⭐218) — Transform Unicode-aware ES6 regular expressions to ES5
Build-time transpilation / Gulp Plugins
- regexpu: gulp-regexpu (⭐4)
Boilerplates / Brunch Plugins
- es6-boilerplate (⭐88) - Tooling to allow the community to use es6 now via traceur in conjunction with amd and browser global modules, with source maps, concatenation, minification, compression, and unit testing in real browsers.
Other / Brunch Plugins
- es6-translate (⭐5) - Uses the ES6 loader hooks to load (node flavored) commonjs packages in ES6.
Aug 18 - Aug 24, 2014
- es6ify (⭐600) - Traceur compiler wrapped as a Browserify v2 transform
Aug 11 - Aug 17, 2014
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
Aug 04 - Aug 10, 2014
Parsers / Brunch Plugins
- Traceur compiler (⭐8.2k) also has built-in parser available under
- esparse (⭐115) - ES6 parser written in ES6.
Jul 07 - Jul 13, 2014
Code generation / Brunch Plugins
- generator-node-esnext (⭐4) - Yeoman generator for Traceur apps
Other / Brunch Plugins
- es-dependency-graph (⭐30) and grunt-es-dependency-graph (⭐3) - Generate a list of imports and exports from ES6 module files, useful for preloading, bundling, etc.
Jun 16 - Jun 22, 2014
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
Jun 09 - Jun 15, 2014
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
May 19 - May 25, 2014
Build-time transpilation / Broccoli Plugins
- ES6 fat arrow transpiler: broccoli-es6-arrow
May 12 - May 18, 2014
Build-time transpilation / Broccoli Plugins
- Traceur: broccoli-traceur (⭐29)
- Regenerator: broccoli-regenerator (⭐6)
- ES6 Transpiler: broccoli-transpiler (⭐11)
- ES6 Module Transpiler: broccoli-es6-module-transpiler (⭐5)
Other / Brunch Plugins
- Paws on ES6 (⭐332) - Minimalist examples of ES6 functionalities.
- ES6 on node - How to use ES6 features in node.js.
May 05 - May 11, 2014
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
- ES5 based shims in pure CJS style - Array, Object, Number, Math and String functions/methods, plus Map, Set, Symbol and WeakMap objects
Apr 28 - May 04, 2014
Build-time transpilation / Gulp Plugins
- es6-jstransform: gulp-jstransform (⭐16) - ES6 → ES5 using FB's jstransform (⭐481)
Mar 17 - Mar 23, 2014
- defs (⭐118) - ES6 block-scoped const and let variables to ES3 vars
Other / Brunch Plugins
- let-er (⭐186) - transpiles let-block block-scoping (not accepted into ES6) into either ES3 or ES6
Mar 10 - Mar 16, 2014
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
Mar 03 - Mar 09, 2014
Other / Brunch Plugins
- es6-import-validate (⭐6) and grunt-es6-import-validate (⭐3) - validate matching named/default import statements in ES6 modules.
Jan 06 - Jan 12, 2014
- Some Sweet.js macros (⭐235) that compile from ES6 to ES5
Build-time transpilation / Gulp Plugins
- Traceur: gulp-traceur (⭐169)
- Regenerator: gulp-regenerator (⭐18)
- ES6 Module Transpiler: gulp-es6-module-transpiler (⭐61)
- es6-transpiler: gulp-es6-transpiler (⭐47) - ES6 → ES5
Dec 30 - Jan 05, 2013
Other / Brunch Plugins
- showcase (⭐300) - real-world usage examples of ES6 features
Dec 23 - Dec 29, 2013
- es6-transpiler (⭐217) - ES6 > ES5. Includes classes, destructuring, default parameters, spread
- Facebook's regenerator (⭐3.7k) - transform ES6 yield/generator functions to ES5
Module Loaders / Brunch Plugins
- ES6 Module Loader polyfill (⭐2.2k) (compat with latest spec and Traceur)
- js-loaders (⭐54) - Mozilla's spec-compliant loader prototype
- JSPM - ES6, AMD, CJS module loading/package management
- beck.js (⭐5) - toolkit for ES6 Module Loader pipelines, shim for legacy environments
Polyfills / Brunch Plugins
- Polymer's WeakMap shim (⭐45)
- ES6 Map Shim (⭐24) - destructive shim that follows the latest specification as closely as possible.
- harmony-reflect (⭐445) - ES6 reflection module (contains the Proxy API)
Editors / Brunch Plugins
- ES6 syntax highlighting for Sublime Text and TextMate (⭐32)
- DocPad plugin for Traceur
Other / Brunch Plugins
- looper (⭐16) - static analysis tools for ES6