Awesome Transit Overview

Community list of transit APIs, apps, datasets, research, and software :bus::star2::train::star2::steam_locomotive:

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Community list of data standards, APIs, apps, tools, datasets, and research around open source technology of public transit.

Open technology provides an opportunity for various stakeholders to collaborate efforts to improve public transit.

Elements of open technology include:

This list is focused around the open technology ecosystem for public transportation. Included technologies may be open source themselves and/or rely on open standards and/or open data.

Have something to add or change? Open a pull request (⭐1.4k) or issue (⭐1.4k) at MobilityData/awesome-transit (⭐1.4k).

Table of Contents

GTFS Reference resources


Consumer app guidance


Places to ask questions and find other community resources.

Local and regional groups


Places to access collections of GTFS and other transit and multimodal data

3rd party GTFS URL directories

Transit agency data archives

National government datasets

Proprietary (non-standard) vendor APIs

Crowdsourced transit data

Sample GTFS and GTFS Realtime datasets used for software testing

Software for Creating APIs

Software that you can set up to provide an API to transit and multimodal data.

Agency Tools

Tools for transit agencies. See also GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools for tools specific to GTFS.


Experimental and production transit hardware.


Apps people use when taking transit.

Web Apps (open source)

Web Apps (closed source)

Native Apps (open source)

Native Apps (closed source)



GTFS Based Visualizations

Transit Map Creation

General Drawing Applications for making transit visualizations
General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations

Transit Map Aggregation


GTFS Libraries

Software that makes it easy to consume GTFS data in a variety of languages.


GTFS Converters

Converters from various static schedule formats to and from GTFS.

GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools

GTFS Merge Tools

GTFS Analysis Tools

GTFS Timetable Publishing Tools

GTFS Validators

GTFS Realtime

GTFS Realtime Libraries & Demo Apps

GTFS Realtime Validators

GTFS Realtime (and Other Real-time API) Archival Tools

GTFS Realtime Convertors

GTFS Realtime Utilities


Other multimodal data formats

Widely adopted

Pilot or development stage

Research and Commentary

Blog posts, and reports related to open transit data.

Blog posts

Academic papers

Government reports

Community-maintained lists



To the extent possible under law, MobilityData,Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida, and Luqmaan Dawoodjee have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


This is a community resource for informational use only - listing of a project/product does not imply endorsement.

This list is built and maintained by open source community contributors like you! MobilityData stewards the project.

#Awesome-transit was originally created by Luqmaan Dawoodjee and was stewarded by the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida for several years before the project was transferred to MobilityData.