Awesome List Updates on Feb 03 - Feb 09, 2025

46 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Windows


2. Awesome for Beginners


3. Awesome Newsletters

Leadership / Svelte

Marketing / Svelte

4. Awesome Java

JVM and JDK / Text-Based User Interfaces

5. Awesome Graphql

Posts / React

6. Awesome Fastapi

Utils / Other Tools

Tutorials / Other Tools

PaaS / Other Tools

IaaS / Other Tools

Serverless / Other Tools

7. Awesome European Tech

Index / AI

Index / Browsers

Index / CDN

Index / Cloud

Index / Communication Tools

Index / DNS

Index / Domain name registrars

Index / E-commerce Platforms

Index / FinTech

Index / IDEs

Index / Mail Providers

Index / Navigation apps

Index / Operating Systems (OS)

Index / Password manager services

Index / Productivity Tools

Index / Search engine

Index / Translation services

Index / VPS

Index / VPN

Index / Web Analytics

8. Awesome Polars

Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Polars plugins

Resources / Blog posts

9. Awesome Langchain

Tools / Services

10. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Bayesian Modeling / Generative Model

Science Logology / AI Assisted Research

11. Awesome Osint

DNS / Steam

12. Awesome Talks

Software Development


13. Awesome Privacy

Pastebin and Secret Sharing

14. Awesome Embedded Rust

Peripheral Access Crates / Raspberry Pi Silicon

HAL implementation crates / Raspberry Pi Silicon

Board support crates / Adafruit

Board support crates / Pimoroni

Board support crates / Raspberry Pi

Board support crates / Sparkfun

15. Awesome Cl

LispWorks / Third-party APIs

Plotting / Third-party APIs

16. Awesome Cpp


17. Awesome Elixir


18. Awesome Go


Resource Embedding

Tutorials / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

19. Awesome Django

Resources / Podcasts

20. Awesome Python Typing

Tools / Mypy plugins

21. Awesome Integration

Projects / API Management

Projects / API Design

22. Awesome Dotnet

Artificial Intelligence




23. Awesome Ipfs

Debugging Tools & Learning

24. Awesome Mac

Utilities / Productivity

25. Awesome Ios


26. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Productivity

27. Awesome Ansible


28. Awesome Web Archiving

Tools & Software / Search & Discovery

Tools & Software / Utilities

29. Awesome Transit

GTFS Libraries / Rust

GTFS Realtime Libraries & Demo Apps / Rust

30. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Automation

Software / Feed Readers

Software / Pastebins

Software / Task Management & To-do Lists

Software / Time Tracking

31. Free for Dev

Authentication, Authorization, and User Management

32. Awesome Roadmaps

Mobile Development

AI / Machine Learning / Data Science


33. Awesome Plotters

Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Manuals

34. Awesome Love2d


35. Awesome Godot

Templates / Godot 4

Plugins and scripts / Godot 4

36. Awesome Svelte

YouTube Channels

State Libraries

UI Libraries



HTTP Requests / Form Components

37. Awesome Vue

Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source

Components & Libraries / UI Components

Components & Libraries / UI Utilities

Components & Libraries / Utilities

38. Awesome Angular

AI / Google Developer Experts

Authentication / Google Developer Experts

Developer tools / Google Developer Experts

Integrations / Google Developer Experts

Charts / Google Developer Experts

Layout Components / Google Developer Experts

Misc Components / Google Developer Experts

RxJS / Google Developer Experts

39. Awesome Vite

Templates / React

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling

40. Awesome Neovim

Completion / Diagnostics

AI / Diagnostics

Color / Diagnostics

Note Taking / Diagnostics

Utility / Diagnostics

Debugging / Diagnostics

41. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

42. Awesome Db Tools

Schema / Diagrams

43. Awesome Wagtail

Resources / Podcasts

44. Awesome Developer First

Feature Flags

45. Awesome Rails

DevTools / Other external resources

46. Awesome Docker

Terminal / Terminal UI