Awesome List Updates on Jan 20 - Jan 26, 2025
10 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Db Tools
Application platforms / Samples
- SQLPage (⭐1.8k) - Fast SQL-only data application builder. Automatically build a UI on top of SQL queries.
2. Awesome Developer First
- Encore - Open-source TypeScript backend framework for robust type-safe applications.
Deployment Hosting
- Reflex - Python framework to build and deploy
web apps (including frontend).
- Locize - The translation management system created by the creators of i18next. Work with writers in dev/stage env before hitting prod.
- Propexo - Unified API to integrate with property management systems.
3. Awesome Open Source Games
Browser-Based / MMORPG
- Reia - RPG game action-adventure MMO focusing heavily on story, combat, and an open-world sandox adventure. Built with Godot, Rust, and Zig.
Native / MMORPG
- Reia (⭐224) - RPG game action-adventure MMO focusing heavily on story, combat, and an open-world sandox adventure. Built with Godot, Rust, and Zig.
4. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 @diy0r/nestjs-rabbitmq (⭐14) - Library for building NestJS microservices with RabbitMQ.
5. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vanilla
- template-vite (⭐90) - An official quickstart template with Phaser.
- template-vite-ts (⭐128) - An official quickstart template with Phaser and TypeScript.
- vite-ts-bulma-sass-template (⭐3) - Starter template
Tauri / F# and Fable
- vite-plugin-fable (⭐33) - Template with
files and the F# compiler.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- module-federation/vite (⭐407) - Official Module Federation integration, enabling dynamic remote module loading.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Loaders
- @responsive-image/vite-plugin (⭐148) - Transform and generate optimized responsive images (WebP, AVIF) and LQIP placeholders for use with image components.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-dynamic-prefetch (⭐2) - Inject
<link rel="prefetch" />
tags into the HTML file for dynamic modules at runtime.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Security
- vite-plugin-csp (⭐4) - Content Security Policy (CSP) for SPA. Automatically calculates asset hashes (SRI), detects Google Fonts. Support
6. Awesome Datascience
Other Awesome Lists / Book Deals (Affiliated)
7. Awesome Electronics
Part Search Engines / Altium
- JLCSearch - Find the most popular in-stock JLC components for different categories
8. Awesome Neovim
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- nvim-telescope/telescope-bibtex.nvim (⭐123) - Telescope extension to search and paste BibTeX entries into your TeX files.
Search / Diagnostics
- wurli/visimatch.nvim (⭐48) - Adds highlights to any text matching the current selection in visual mode.
Project / Diagnostics
- zongben/proot.nvim (⭐3) - Lightweight project navigator with telescope.
Bars and Lines / Diagnostics
- mawkler/hml.nvim (⭐21) - Adds
indicators to your line numbers.
Cursorline / Diagnostics
- ya2s/nvim-cursorline (⭐429) - A plugin that highlights cursor words and lines.
Icon / Diagnostics
- ya2s/nvim-nonicons (⭐335) - Collection of configurations for nvim-web-devicons.
Utility / Diagnostics
- philosofonusus/ecolog.nvim (⭐116) - Sophisticated all-in-one toolkit to work with
files and environment variables.
Terminal Integration / Diagnostics
- laktak/tome (⭐90) - Interactive Script playbooks for your terminal (optionally with Tmux).
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- wurli/split.nvim (⭐26) - Provides a mapping to split text by delimiter, giving an inverse of the native J command.
9. Awesome Angular
Analytics / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-segment-analytics (⭐21) - Provides an API for Segment (⭐425).
Authentication / Google Developer Experts
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-viz (⭐2) - Simple Angular viz.js wrapper to render DOT graphs.
Free / Google Developer Experts
- @rainerhahnekamp/angular-starter (⭐47) - A starter project for a modern Angular 19 application.
- BoilerPlate-FirebaseAngular (⭐1) - Starting point for apps built using .NET, Angular, and Firebase.
Captcha / Google Developer Experts
- @semantic-components/re-captcha (⭐1) - Angular 19+ integration of Google's reCAPTCHA using signal inputs and standalone components.
Cookies / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-cookie-ssr (⭐3) - A straightforward cookie service for Angular 19 applications, inspired by ngx-cookie-service.
General / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-form-object (⭐6) - ngx-form-object is an abstraction on top of Angular's reactive forms. It generates a form from a given model and automatically handles creation of nested forms (HasOne and HasMany model relationships).
- reactive-form-extensions - This project improves Angular's ReactiveForms with useful features like trimming inputs, showing error messages, and changing CSS classes based on validation rules, all without extra dependencies and with less code.
Layout Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-flexbox (⭐1) - Designed as an alternative to @angular/flexlayout (⭐5.9k), ngx-flexbox provides Angular developers with component layout features using a custom layout API, media query observables, and injected DOM flexbox-2016 CSS stylings.
Loaders / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-loading-overlay (⭐1) - An Angular directive adding a loading overlay to your HTML.
Media / Google Developer Experts
- velt - Add AI powered collaboration features ridiculously fast.
10. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- brew-install (⭐0) - Installs and loads brew on WSL.
- scad (⭐2) - Shell Colorized Aliases for Docker/Podman (SCAD). Defines docker / podman aliases and functions. These aliases adhere to the newer style of organizing and invoking
with management commands rather than the notoriously confusing “random solo commands”. Requires GRC (⭐1.9k) and jq (⭐31k).
- uv-env (⭐0) - Automatically uses uv (⭐42k) to activate a virtual environment based on the current directory.
- xxh (ninagrosse) (⭐0) - Plugin for xxh (⭐5.5k) that requires xxh-plugin-prerun-cli-tools (⭐0).
- xxh (roman-geraskin) (⭐5) - plugin for xxh-shell-zsh (⭐37) that copies your
to a remote host and sources it with xxh-shell-zsh (⭐37).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- golden-prompt (⭐1) - A simple prompt that incorporates fish-like functionality and decorators for
status, current directory.
ZSH Tools / superconsole - Windows-only
- completion-generators (⭐1) - Has a table of tool names and the commands for outputting completion scripts for those tools. On every load, will check that table and run the completion command for every tool found in your
and save its output to a file _. If the path of this repo is in$fpath
, completions will work immediately.
- Prev: Jan 27 - Feb 02, 2025
- Next: Jan 13 - Jan 19, 2025