Awesome List Updates on Mar 17 - Mar 23, 2025
41 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Productivity
- TimeScribe - Simple and free working time recording.
2. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Portuguese
- Escovando Bits - Podcast com discussões semanais sobre os assuntos mais quentes do universo de desenvolvimento.
3. Awesome Job Boards
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- AI Jobster - Jobs from leading AI companies, across all group.
Programming / Aggregator
Remote / TypeScript
- Better Remote Jobs - Remote Jobs without any paywall or account signup
Tech / Africa
- Hired Jobs - Jobs in all available job categories. Both remote and onsite jobs.
Tech / Latin America
4. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Admin
- django-hijack (⭐1.6k) - Admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials.
Third-Party Packages / Admin Themes
- django-jet-reboot (⭐445) - Django Jet is modern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality.
Third-Party Packages / APIs
- dj-rest-auth (⭐1.7k) - Authentication for Django Rest Framework.
- django-rest-knox (⭐1.2k) - Authentication Module for django-rest-auth.
- django-rest-framework-simplejwt (⭐4.1k) - JSON web tokens for DRF.
- django-webpack-loader (⭐2.5k) - Transparently use webpack with Django.
Third-Party Packages / Commands
- django-click (⭐258) - Write Django management commands using the click CLI library.
- django-dbbackup (⭐1k) - Management commands to help backup and restore your project database and media files.
- django-typer (⭐136) - Write Django management commands using the Typer CLI library.
Third-Party Packages / Configuration
- django-split-settings (⭐1.1k) - Organize multiple settings files.
Third-Party Packages / Content Management Systems
- django-cms (⭐10k) - CMS for Django.
Third-Party Packages / ECommerce
- saleor (⭐21k) - GraphQL-based Django E-Commerce Platform.
Third-Party Packages / Editors
- django-markdownx (⭐881) - Comprehensive Markdown plugin built for Django.
- django-summernote (⭐1.1k) - Summernote is a simple WYSIWYG editor.
Third-Party Packages / General
- django-sql-explorer (⭐2.8k) - Share data via SQL queries.
Third-Party Packages / Logging
- django-guid (⭐461) - Inject a GUID (Correlation-ID) into every log message in a Django request.
Third-Party Packages / Models
- django-polymorphic (⭐1.7k) - Django-polymorphic simplifies using inherited models in Django projects.
- django-recurrence (⭐506) - Utility for working with recurring dates in Django.
Third-Party Packages / Security
- django-feature-policy (⭐101) - Set the draft security HTTP header
on a Django app.
Third-Party Packages / Task Queues
- django-redis (⭐2.9k) - Full-featured Redis cache backend for Django.
Third-Party Packages / Templates
- django-components (⭐1.3k) - A way to create simple reusable template components in Django.
Third-Party Packages / Testing
- django-debug-toolbar (⭐8.2k) - Configurable panels to debug requests/responses.
- django-waffle (⭐1.2k) - A feature flipper for Django.
Third-Party Packages / URLs
- dj-database-url (⭐1.5k) - Database URLs.
Third-Party Packages / Users
- django-improved-user (⭐150) - A custom Django user that authenticates via email. Follows identity and authentication best practices.
Third-Party Packages / Views
- django-vanilla-views (⭐986) - Simpler class-based views in Django.
Python Packages / Views
- python-decouple (⭐2.9k) - Strict separation of settings from code.
Projects / Boilerplate
- cookiecutter-django (⭐13k) - A full-bodied starter project, highly customizable.
- djangox (⭐2.3k) - Batteries included starter project for Pip, Pipenv, or Docker.
- Falco (⭐386) - Enhance your Django developer experience: CLI and Guides for the Modern Django Developer.
5. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Engine
- CocoIndex (⭐199) [Rust/Python] - ETL framework to build fresh index for AI, with realtime incremental updates.
6. Awesome Video
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Smart TV Players
- Samsung/HbbPlayer (⭐60) - HbbPlayer is HbbTV application which can playback media by using url of media as parameter. It conforms to W3C and HbbTV specification. - Samsung/HbbPlayer
- bbc/tal (⭐561) - TV Application Layer.
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Web Players
- Akamai Players - Akamai provides a suite of media players optimized for high-quality streaming across various devices.
Video Encoding, Transcoding & Packaging Tools / Cloud-Based Encoding Solutions
- video-dev/video-transcoding-api (⭐633) - Agnostic API to transcode media assets across different cloud services. - video-dev/video-transcoding-api
Video Encoding, Transcoding & Packaging Tools / Containerization & Packaging Tools
- GPAC MP4Box (⭐2.9k) - MP4Box is a multimedia packager from the GPAC framework, used for encoding and packaging media files.
- OpenVisualCloud/CDN-Transcode-Sample (⭐120) - Media transcoding is a key function for live video broadcasting, streaming, and video on demand use cases in a CDN network. The CDN Transcode sample (not a finished product) provides a reference pi...
- cpitkin/openfaas-transcode (⭐9) - OpenFaaS transcode pipeline.
- matvp91/mixwave (⭐1.2k) - Self hostable platform that aims to simplify the complexities of video delivery. Transcode and package your media for online streaming with simple API calls and sane defaults, or craft dynamic HLS playlists on the fly with bumpers, ads and filters.
- njh/ts2mpa (⭐5) - ts2mpa is a simple tool to extract MPEG Audio from a MPEG-2 Transport Stream. - njh/ts2mpa
Video Encoding, Transcoding & Packaging Tools / Multi-format Packaging Tools
- Eyevinn/hls-to-dash (⭐40) - Open source packager and tools to rewrap live HLS to live MPEG DASH - Eyevinn/hls-to-dash
- aminyazdanpanah/python-ffmpeg-video-streaming (⭐846) - 📼 Package media content for online streaming(DASH and HLS) using FFmpeg - aminyazdanpanah/python-ffmpeg-video-streaming
Video Encoding, Transcoding & Packaging Tools / Scripting & Automation Tools
- Scalable, Parallel Video Transcoding on Ubuntu - Transcoding video is a very resource intensive process. It can take many minutes to process a small, 30-second clip, or even hours to p...
Video Streaming & Distribution Solutions / CDN Integration & Distribution
- This is How I Reduced My CloudFront Bills by 80% - If you are using S3 and CloudFront to host your content and noticed that your bills are increasing, read this!
Video Streaming & Distribution Solutions / Live Streaming Servers
- jaskie/PlayoutAutomation (⭐188) - Television broadcast automation system.
Video Streaming & Distribution Solutions / RTMP/RTSP/HTTP Protocol Servers
- DVBlast - Open Source fast DVB/ASI network streamer! - VideoLAN - DVBlast - Open Source fast DVB/ASI network streamer!
- ebu/dtt2ip (⭐27) - Broadcast to IP conversion for Wifi indoor coverage - ebu/dtt2ip
- njh/dvbshout (⭐10) - dvbshout takes an MPEG transport stream from a DVB card, extracts audio channels from stream, and sends the audio to an Icecast / Shoutcast server and/or a RTP multicast packet stream. - njh/dvbshout
Video Streaming & Distribution Solutions / Streaming Analytics & Monitoring
- Akamai Stream Validator - Akamai's Stream Validator is a tool designed to verify the integrity and compliance of streaming media, ensuring optimal playback across devices.
- Eyevinn Stream Corruptor (⭐539) - Eyevinn's Stream Corruptor is a tool designed to intentionally corrupt streaming media, useful for testing error resilience in players.
- ThreeFive SCTE35 (⭐142) - An SCTE-35 parser and decoder for analyzing ad markers in MPEG-TS streams, designed for broadcast workflows.
Video Streaming & Distribution Solutions / VOD Streaming Servers
- Unified Streaming Demos - A showcase of Unified Streaming's capabilities, including adaptive streaming formats and DRM-protected playback.
- Unified Streaming Features Page - A demonstration of Unified Streaming's feature set, including on-the-fly packaging and multi-format support.
Adaptive Streaming & Manifest Tools / DASH Tools
- Dash Sequences GPAC Wiki (⭐2.9k) - The GPAC Wiki provides DASH sequences for conformance testing and validation.
- MPEG DASH Sample Content Bento4 - Bento4 offers MPEG-DASH sample content for developers to test and validate their DASH implementations.
- dash-mpd-cli (⭐370) - Commandline application for downloading media content from a DASH MPD manifest.
Adaptive Streaming & Manifest Tools / HLS Manifest Parsers & Generators
- Middleman SCTE35 104 Parser - A web-based tool to parse and decode SCTE-35 markers for ad insertion and broadcast signaling analysis.
Adaptive Streaming & Manifest Tools / HLS Tools
- Apple HLS Tools - Apple's HLS Tools assist developers in creating and validating HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) content for Apple devices.
- Mux HLS Streams - Mux offers a set of test HLS streams, primarily used by hls.js and hosted by Mux, for testing and development.
- gkozlenko/node-video-lib (⭐359) - Node.js Video Library / MP4 & FLV parser / MP4 builder / HLS muxer - gkozlenko/node-video-lib
- majamee/auto-dash-hls (⭐11) - Automated toolchain for generating DASH/ HLS compatible files from all videos inside a root folder - majamee/auto-dash-hls
Media Analysis, Quality Metrics & AI Tools / Metadata Extraction & Management
- M2amedia SCTE35 Dump for MPEGTS (⭐34) - M2A Media's tool for extracting SCTE-35 markers from MPEG-TS streams.
Media Analysis, Quality Metrics & AI Tools / Quality Analysis & Metrics
- Dolby Stream Validator - Dolby's Stream Validator assesses streaming content for Dolby audio and video standards, ensuring high-quality media delivery.
- Unified Streaming Validator - Unified Streaming's Validator checks the compliance and quality of streaming content, supporting various streaming protocols.
Media Analysis, Quality Metrics & AI Tools / Video Analytics & Benchmarking
- DVB Inspector - Download DVB Inspector for free. DVB transport stream analyzer written in java. DVB Inspector is a java program to analyze captured DVB-streams. It is not a real time tool that can interact with PC-TV DVB hardware directly.
Build Tools, Deployment & Utility Libraries / Logging & Debugging Tools
- Chrome Media Internals - A built-in Chrome tool that provides detailed logs and diagnostics for media playback and streaming issues.
- Man in the Middle Proxy (⭐38k) - An interactive HTTPS proxy that allows inspection, modification, and debugging of network traffic, useful for video streaming analysis.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Adaptive Streaming Standards
- Apple HLS - IETF RFC8216 - Defines both the metadata structure and some client/server requirements
- Dashif Conformance - The DASH Industry Forum provides a conformance tool to validate MPEG-DASH content against the DASH standard.
- ISO - ISO/IEC 23009-1:2019 - Information technology — Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) — Part 1: Media presentation description and segment formats - Information technology — Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) — Part 1: Media presentation description and segment formats
- ISO/IEC 23009-1:2019 - Information technology — Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) — Part 1: Media presentation description and segment formats
- MPEG Common media application format (CMAF) for segmented media - ISO/IEC 23000-19 - Defines the file format and structure
- MPEG DASH - ISO/IEC 23009-01 - Defines both the metadata structure and associated media format(s)
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Closed Captioning & Subtitling Standards
- TTML/WebVTT Coding of audio-visual objects - ISO/IEC 14496-30 - Defines formatting for text tracks webvtt or ttml
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / DRM & Content Protection Standards
- Common Encryption - ISO/IEC 23001-7 - Defines encryption of media supported for receiving devices
- Dashif Content Protection List - A list of content protection schemes recognized by the DASH Industry Forum for securing DASH streaming content.
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Industry Forums & Standards Bodies
- ebu/awesome-broadcasting (⭐1.5k) - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source resources related to broadcast technologies - ebu/awesome-broadcasting
Standards, Specifications & Industry Resources / Video Codec Specifications
- AAC Audio Coding Standard - ISO/IEC 14496-3 - Defines the compressed audio format AAC
- AVC/HEVC in ISOBMFF - ISO/IEC 14496-15 - Defines the carriage of AVC/HEVC in ISOBMFF
- AVC/h264 Video Coding Standard - ISO/IEC 14496-10 - Defines the compressed video format for AVC/h264
- HEVC/h265 Video Coding Standard - ISO/IEC 23008-2 - Defines the compressed video format HEVC/h265
- MPEG Event message track format for the ISO base media file format - ISO/IEC 23001-18 - Defines the file format and structure
- MPEG ISOBMFF 'MP4' - ISO/IEC 14496-12 - Defines the file format and structure
- MPEG-H Audio a Next Generation Audio (NGA) codec - ISO/IEC 23008-3 - Defines the compressed audio format MPEG-H Audio a Next Generation Audio (NGA) codec
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Encoding & Transcoding Guides
- Introduction to H.264: (1) NAL Unit | Yumi Chan's Blog - This article is to introduce H.264 and provide a overview of NAL Unit. It also explains NALU header byte which contains the basic information of a NALU.
- leandromoreira/ffmpeg-libav-tutorial (⭐10k) - FFmpeg libav tutorial - learn how media works from basic to transmuxing, transcoding and more - leandromoreira/ffmpeg-libav-tutorial
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Webinars & Conference Talks
- Advances in HTTP Live Streaming - WWDC 2017 - Videos - Apple Developer - HTTP Live Streaming allows you to stream live and on-demand content to global audiences. Learn about great new features and enhancements...
DRM, Security & Content Protection / DRM Solutions & Implementations
- Axinom DRM Decoders - Axinom offers DRM tools for encoding and decoding, ensuring secure streaming media delivery.
Miscellaneous, Experimental & Niche Tools / Test Content & Sample Streams
- Apple Reference Streams - Apple provides example streams demonstrating the features of HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) for testing and development purposes.
- BBC R&D Adaptive Bitrate Test Media - The BBC Research & Development department offers MPEG-DASH test media for developers and researchers.
- Bitmovin Test Stream - Bitmovin's Test Player allows users to experience their HTML5 video player demo, showcasing adaptive streaming capabilities.
- Dash IF Test Assets Database - A database of test assets provided by the DASH Industry Forum for validating DASH implementations.
- Eyevinn Streaming Samples (⭐13) - A collection of HTTP streaming samples curated by Eyevinn, available for testing and development.
7. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- Godot NDI (⭐23) - Integrates the NDI® SDK with Godot.
- GodotSx (⭐73) - Rx-like extensions for Godot's built-in signals.
- Questify (⭐164) - A graph-based quest editor and manager.
8. Awesome Data Engineering
Batch Processing
- Substation (⭐350) - Substation is a cloud native data pipeline and transformation toolkit written in Go.
Testing / Data Profiler
- RunSQL - Free online SQL playground for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. Create database structures, run queries, and share results instantly.
Community / Books
- Snowflake Data Engineering - A practical introduction to data engineering on the Snowflake cloud data platform.
9. Colorful
Color Palettes / Web App
- Magic Gradient - Generate gradients from any keyword with AI.
10. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Europe
- - Catalogue of more than 15'000 manuscripts (12th–20th century) in Icelandic, Old Norse, Danish and Latin (plus a few other languages) with more than 4'000 manuscripts digitally available.
- - Digitized maps of Iceland, Greenland and the Arctic region (1545–1949).
- ÍSMÚS - Icelandic musical heritage collection (including recordings and sheet music), legends and fairytales.
- tí - Digitized newspapers and magazines from Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
Archives and primary sources / Switzerland
- SKKG Digital Collection - The Foundation for Art, Culture, and History (SKKG) provides online access to its collection of approximately 100,000 objects, ranging from artworks to historical artifacts spanning from the Stone Age to the present.
11. Awesome Nextjs
12. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vue 3
- vite-vue3-tailwind4-daisyui5-starter-template (⭐10) - Starter template with Vue 3 + Vite + Tailwind CSS 4 + DaisyUI 5 + Sass.
Templates / React
- portfolio-vite-manifest (⭐2) - fullstack portfolio template with
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Loaders
- @goodforyou/vite-plugin-markdown-import (⭐0) - Directly import Markdown files as a string, with support for front-matter attributes as an object.
Vue / Helpers
vite-plugin-vue-style-in-template (⭐3) - Extract the style tags in template.
13. Awesome Sql Playground
Top SQL Playgrounds
- ****
Powerful, fast, and user-friendly online SQL compiler and playground supporting multiple databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server. Offers real-time results, collaborative features, and interactive query sharing.
- DB Fiddle
Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and SQL Server. Great for quick query tests and schema sharing.
- SQLize Online
Simple and effective online SQL compiler for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle databases. Ideal for quick syntax checking.
- SQL Fiddle
A versatile SQL playground supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and SQLite with intuitive schema setup.
- SQLite Online
Browser-based SQLite playground. Perfect for rapid prototyping and lightweight SQL queries.
Features to Consider
- Database Support (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, SQL Server)
- Collaborative Editing and Query Sharing
- Instant Compilation and Results
- User Interface and Ease-of-Use
14. Ai Collective Tools
- Wonder Dynamics - Specializes in AI-driven tools for creating 3D visual effects and character animation, enabling users to integrate 3D characters into live-action footage.
- Bubble - Bubble is a no-code platform that allows users to build web applications with ease, integrating AI functionalities like chatbots and content generation.
- Glide - no-code platform that allows users to create AI-powered applications quickly and easily using their business data, with customer support chatbots.
- Quizb - Generate engaging quiz questions effortlessly with Harness the power of AI to create customized quizzes for education, training, and fun.
Email Assistant
- Superhuman -Email client designed for Gmail, focusing on speed and productivity with features like AI email prioritization and instant actions
- Intelistyle - offers personalized styling and virtual try-on features for a better online shopping experience.
- Zyler - Enables customers to virtually try on clothes, offering a personalized shopping experience.
Gift Ideas
- myGiftAgent - Your AI-powered gift recommendation assistant, helping you find the perfect presents for your loved ones.
Image Generator
- ID Photo API AI - Passport Photo API to convert regular photo to passport photo.
- Multi Gen - Multi-Gen: All-in-one AI platform for content and productivity solutions.
- Airtable -A user-friendly platform that blends spreadsheet features with database functionality for organizing projects, managing content, and tracking inventories
- Excelmatic - Chat with Excel, effortlessly process(analyze) Excel data using natural language with Excelmatic
15. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI
Vibe Coding
- filipecalegario/awesome-vibe-coding (⭐4): A curated list of vibe coding references, colaborating with AI to write code.
- Andrej Karpathy on X: "There's a new kind of coding I call "vibe coding", where you fully give in to the vibes, embrace exponentials, and forget that the code even exists."
- Windsurf Editor by Codeium: agentic IDE, "where the work of developers and AI truly flow together, allowing for a coding experience that feels like literal magic"
- Prompt, run, edit, and deploy full-stack web and mobile apps.
- Replit: "Simply describe your idea above and let the Agent build it for you"
Everything to Markdown to LLMs
- microsoft/markitdown (⭐40k): Python tool for converting files and office documents to Markdown.
- docling-project/docling (⭐24k): get your documents ready for gen AI
- Firecrawl: Turn websites into LLM-ready data
- CatchTheTornado/text-extract-api (⭐2.5k): document (PDF, Word, PPTX ...) extraction and parse API using OCRs + Ollama supported models. Anonymize documents. Remove PII. Convert any document or picture to structured JSON or Markdown
- R Jina: convert websites into Markdown by placing the URL in the search bar
- Gitingest: turn any Git repository into a simple text digest of its codebase.
- uithub: convert GitHub repositories into Markdown by placing the URL in the search bar
16. Awesome Playcanvas
Games / Browser Games
- Fishing League - Climb the ranks and become the ultimate angler.
Product Configurators / YouTube Playables
- Watch Configurator - Technical demo from Visionaries777.
Generative AI / YouTube Playables
- Snap AI - Use AI to create Snapchat Lenses (3D visualization built on PlayCanvas).
- Ideate - AI-powered 3D art suite on the web.
17. Awesome Newsletters
General Section / Svelte
- The Coder Cafe. One concept for coders, every day.
18. Awesome Playwright
- Playwright Angular Schematic (⭐12) - Adds Playwright Test to your Angular project.
- @bgotink/playwright-coverage (⭐39) - Report coverage on playwright tests using v8 coverage, without requiring any instrumentation.
19. Awesome V
- v-vite starter (⭐0) - A starter kit for Veb applications, preconfigured with Vite.js.
- vite.v (⭐0) - Seamless Vite.js integration for Veb applications.
20. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - SIP
- Flexisip - A complete, modular and scalable SIP server, includes a push gateway, to deliver SIP incoming calls or text messages on mobile device platforms where push notifications are required to receive information when the app is not active in the foreground. (Source Code (⭐160))
Software / Money, Budgeting & Management
- SHKeeper - Cryptocurrency payment processor with the unique combination of gateway and merchant allowing you to accept payments in multiple cryptocurrencies without fees and intermediaries. (Demo (⭐329), Source Code (⭐329))
Software / Pastebins
- pacebin - A super-minimal pastebin and file upload service written in pure C, focusing on small executable size, portability, and ease of configuration. (Demo, Source Code)
Software / URL Shorteners
- Flink - Create QR Codes, embeddable link previews for your website and crawls/scrapes metadata. (Demo)
21. Awesome Fonts
Programming fonts / Programming fonts with ligatures
- JetBrains Maple Mono (⭐533) - The free and open-source font fused with JetBrains Mono & Maple Mono
22. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- capsule (⭐3) - A simple single file terminal prompt that is completely customizable. Display is divided into capsules (
- git-venv-prompt (⭐0) - Enhances your Zsh prompt with information about the current Python virtual environment and the Git status (asynchronously). It uses zsh-async to provide async updates for Git status and displays the virtual environment in the second line of the prompt.
23. Awesome Rust
Applications / Security tools
- 0xdea/augur (⭐9) [augur] - Reverse engineering assistant that extracts strings and related pseudo-code from a binary file
Applications / System tools
- nwiizo/tfmcp (⭐40) - Terraform MCP Tool - CLI for AI assistants to manage Terraform environments via Model Context Protocol.
Libraries / Cloud
- Azure
- Azure/azure-sdk-for-rust (⭐781) - Official Azure SDK for Rust
Libraries / Data processing
- cocoindex (⭐199) - ETL framework to build fresh index
Libraries / Template engine
- askama (⭐332) - template rendering engine based on Jinja
- kaj/ructe (⭐456) - HTML template system
- Keats/tera (⭐3.7k) - template engine based on Jinja2 and the Django template language.
- lambda-fairy/maud (⭐2.3k) - compile-time HTML templates
- Stebalien/horrorshow-rs (⭐327) - compile-time HTML templates
24. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- pinia-plugin-unstorage (⭐1) - The best persistence plugin with unjs/unstorage for pinia.
25. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-current-pane-hostname (⭐2) Show current user and hostname in ssh sessions
- tmux-kubectx (⭐4) Show kubernetes context in statusbar
26. Awesome Mysql
- wtx (⭐256) - Client for MySQL/MariaDB/Percona written in Rust
27. Awesome Billing
Pricing / Usage-based Pricing
- CGRateS (⭐448) - An open-source, fast (50k+ CPS) and scalable (load-balancer + replication included) real-time billing for ISPs and Telecom Operators, written in Go.
History / Cloud providers
- £sd computing - The IBM 1401 mainframe (1959) optionally supported pounds/shillings/pence (£sd) currency arithmetics in hardware.
28. Awesome Developer First
- Corsfix - CORS Proxy to fetch any web resource and bypass CORS errors.
29. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- tfmcp (⭐40) - A CLI tool that helps you interact with Terraform via the Model Context Protocol (MCP), allowing AI assistants like Claude to manage and operate Terraform environments.
30. Awesome Ai Tools
Editor's Choice
- Vizard AI - Create social-ready videos with AI instantly
31. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Concepts / Human Concept Representation
- Navigating cognition: Spatial codes for human thinking - Science, 2018. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. The hippocampal formation has long been suggested to underlie both memory formation and spatial navigation. This work discusses how neural mechanisms identified in spatial navigation research operate across information domains to support a wide spectrum of cognitive functions. In the proposed framework, place and grid cell population codes provide a representational format to map variable dimensions of cognitive spaces. This highly dynamic mapping system enables rapid reorganization of codes through remapping between orthogonal representations across behavioral contexts, yielding a multitude of stable cognitive spaces at different resolutions and hierarchical levels. Action sequences result in trajectories through cognitive space, which can be simulated via sequential coding in the hippocampus. In this way, the spatial representational format of the hippocampal formation has the capacity to support flexible cognition and behavior.
- Structuring Knowledge with Cognitive Maps and Cognitive Graphs - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2021. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. Humans and animals use mental representations of the spatial structure of the world to navigate. The classical view is that these representations take the form of Euclidean cognitive maps, but alternative theories suggest that they are cognitive graphs consisting of locations connected by paths. The authors review evidence suggesting that both map-like and graph-like representations exist in the mind/brain that rely on partially overlapping neural systems. Maps and graphs can operate simultaneously or separately, and they may be applied to both spatial and nonspatial knowledge. By providing structural frameworks for complex information, cognitive maps and cognitive graphs may provide fundamental organizing schemata that allow us to navigate in physical, social, and conceptual spaces.
- Natural speech reveals the semantic maps that tile human cerebral cortex - Nature, 2016. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. [Code & Tutorial (⭐32)]. The meaning of language is represented in regions of the cerebral cortex collectively known as the ‘semantic system’. However, little of the semantic system has been mapped comprehensively, and the semantic selectivity of most regions is unknown. This work systematically maps semantic selectivity across the cortex using voxel-wise modelling of functional MRI (fMRI) data collected while subjects listened to hours of narrative stories. This work shows that the semantic system is organized into intricate patterns that seem to be consistent across individuals. The authors then use a novel generative model to create a detailed semantic atlas. The results suggest that most areas within the semantic system represent information about specific semantic domains, or groups of related concepts, and the atlas shows which domains are represented in each area. This study demonstrates that data-driven methods---commonplace in studies of human neuroanatomy and functional connectivity---provide a powerful and efficient means for mapping functional representations in the brain.
- Idiosyncratic Tower of Babel: Individual differences in word-meaning representation increase as word abstractness increases - Psychological Science, 2021. [All Versions]. [All Versions]. Humans primarily rely on language to communicate, on the basis of a shared understanding of the basic building blocks of communication: words. Do we mean the same things when we use the same words? Although cognitive neural research on semantics has revealed the common principles of word-meaning representation, the factors underlying the potential individual variations in word meanings are unknown. This work empirically characterized the intersubject consistency of 90 words across 20 adult subjects (10 female) using both behavioral measures (rating-based semantic-relationship patterns) and neuroimaging measures (word-evoked brain activity patterns). Across both the behavioral and neuroimaging experiments, this work showed that the magnitude of individual disagreements on word meanings could be modeled on the basis of how much language or sensory experience is associated with a word and that this variation increases with word abstractness. Uncovering the cognitive and neural origins of word-meaning disagreements across individuals has implications for potential mechanisms to modulate such disagreements.
32. Awesome Construct
Made With Construct
- Games on Steam - List of Steam games made with the engine.
- Games shared on Twitter - Tweets using the #MadeWithConstruct hashtag.
- - Platform where to host, showcase, promote or sell your games - Free.
- GameJolt - Similar platform to, with a focus on social communities and gamification - Free.
- GitHub Pages - Platform where to host an exported game as a static website - Free.
Construct 3
- Pipelab - Fully automated export pipeline.
- piranha305's Addons - Plugins and Behaviors.
- Master Pose's Addons - Plugins, Behaviors and Themes.
- Construct Addon SDK (⭐14) - Scirra's official SDK to develop plugins.
- C3IDE2-cli (⭐0) - C3IDE succesor framework.
- Lost Framework (⭐6) - Easy making of addons.
- AJ Ordaz - Successful Construct developer shares his experiences.
- FoozleCC - In-depth showcases of addons and features.
- Game Design with Reilly - Explaining every detail of the engine.
- Marcos Game Dev - Tutorials & more.
- Master Pose - Spanish tutorials, top lists & news.
- Pens 'N' Pixels - Devlogs of indie developer.
- Lessis Games - Devlogs of an indie developer.
- Vimlark - Indie developer influencer who mainly uses Construct.
Construct 2
- Kyatric's Plugins - Plugins and Behaviors.
- Kyatric's Effects - WebGL Effects.
- skwp's Plugins - Ported Construct 3 Plugins to Construct 2.
- skwp's Behaviors - Ported Construct 3 Behaviors to Construct 2.
- C3IDE - IDE for addon development.
- Fábio Smuu (⭐4) - SDK Plugins.
- ArcadEdGames - YouTube channel about making all sort of stuff.
- Diego Lizarazo - Random Construct tutorials stuff.
- Jerementor - Extensive library of tutorials.
- GameDev - General tutorials.
- Gamer Z - General tutorials.
YouTube Channels
- ScirraVideos - Official Scirra's YouTube channel.
Series / Courses / Construct 3
- Marcos Game Dev: Plataforma Gostosinho - Técnicas de Polimento - It all started with one question: 'Can you polish a game without adding new art?' The 'Plataforma Gostosinho' series answers this by transforming a basic platformer into a game that is fun to play in Construct 3!
- Rafael Trigo's Tutorials - List of Construct 3 tutorials.
Series / Courses / Construct 2
- English Acorn: Editor - General tutorials about the editor interface.
- English Acorn: Plugins and Objects - Tutorials about plugins and how they work inside the Editor.
- John Maksym's Tutorials - General tutorials.
- Lee Stemkoski: Breakout Clone - Learn how to create a Brakeout game.
- Let's Make Games: PONG - Tutorials on how to create a Pong clone.
- Let's Make Games: ASTEROIDS - Tutorials on how to create an Asteroids clone.
- Let's Make Games: Flappy Bird - Tutorials on how to create a Flappy Bird clone.
- LividProductions: Platformer Series - This series will teach you how to make a platformer.
- Nicholas Dingle's Tutorials - Number of tutorials covering different games you can create and different tricks.
- Marcos Game Dev: Curso Metroidvania 1.0 - The version 1.0 of the Metroidvania Course, recorded in 2018, is now free! Follow the lessons to create your own metroidvania in Construct!
- Marcos Game Dev: Curso Beat'em Up - Create an amazing beat'em up with combos, local 4-player multiplayer, multiple enemies, and more in Construct! Not recommended for beginners.
- Marcos Game Dev: Criando Roguelike - Learn to create a roguelike with RANDOM LEVEL GENERATION, multiple enemies, and a complete platformer character! NOT recommended for beginners.
- Marcos Game Dev: Super Mario Bros. - Learn how to create Super Mario Bros. mechanics in Construct, faithfully recreated from the NES classic!
- Marcos Game Dev: Recriando Megaman X - Learn to create Megaman X mechanics like the iconic X-buster, intense boss battles, and special powers in Construct! Detailed, intermediate-level videos (with some advanced content).
- Marcos Game Dev: Criando Menu Principal - Learn to create a main menu that works for almost any game (focus on desktop). Includes fullscreen/window mode, control mapping, language switch, audio settings, and more.
- thenewboston: Game Development w/ Construct - The official playlist for thenewboston Game Development.
- thenewboston: Platform Game Development - Official playlist for thenewboston Platform Game Development.
- thenewboston: Physics Puzzle Game Development - The official playlist for thenewboston Physics Puzzle Game Development Tutorials.
- TodaysTuts: Behaviors - Tutorials about Behaviors.
- Udemy: Creating a Pixel Platformer in HTML5! - By the end, you will have gone from beginner to advanced in no time! (Free)
Construct 3 / Construct 2
- Level Up - The Educator's Edition - The ideal companion for anyone using Construct in the classroom.
- Construct 3 Starter Curriculum - Free starter curriculum for Construct aimed at teaching students the basics of Computer Science.
33. Awesome Ironsworn
Adventure starters and scenarios / Ironsworn
- Escape - Escape the dungeon
- Sea Beast - An adventure starter about a village plagued by a sea monster
- The Selkie Envoy - An adventure module for icy regions
Adventure starters and scenarios / Starforged
- Adventures in the Forge - A collection of quest starters
- The Ferrum Mysteries - Explore the mystery behind the iron pillars
- Rise & Shiningstar - Find out what happened to the settlement Shiningstar
34. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- ovk/endec.nvim (⭐18) - Encode, decode and re-encode text using Base64, Base64URL and URL (percent) encodings.
Version Manager / Diagnostics
- y3owk1n/nvs (⭐3) - Another Neovim version manager with config switcher.
35. Awesome Ai in Finance
Portfolio Management
- skfolio (⭐1.4k) - Python library for portfolio optimization built on top of scikit-learn.
36. Awesome European Tech
Index / Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Atomic CRM 🇫🇷 - Open-source CRM
Index / Marketing Tools
- Brevo 🇫🇷 - Email marketing software and CRM.
Index / Design and Creative Tools
- VectorStyler 🇫🇮 - vector graphics editor.
Index / Domain name registrars
- Mrdomain 🇪🇸
Index / E-commerce Platforms
- Shopware 🇩🇪 - Modern e-commerce solutions for businesses.
- Sylius 🇵🇱 - e-commerce framework for creating shopping experiences.
Index / Password manager services
- uniqkey 🇩🇰
Index / Productivity Tools
- Bunnyshell 🇷🇴 - Environments as a Service platform for Kubernetes.
Index / Translation services
- Loco 🇬🇧 - Loco helps you manage and integrate translations into your software.
- Weblate 🇬🇧 - Web-based continuous localization.
Index / VPS
- Cloudify 🇷🇴
- 🇪🇸
- 🇩🇰
- Veesp 🇱🇻
Index / Web Analytics
- Publytics 🇮🇹 - SEO and performance monitoring analytics.
- Vantevo 🇮🇹 - Analytics with real-time insights.
37. Awesome Integration
Projects / API Design
- OpenAPI Diff (⭐884) (⭐882) - Compare OpenAPI specs with version control and visualize the differences in HTML or Markdown format.
Projects / API Documentation
- Zudoku (⭐145) (⭐143) - A customizable framework built on OpenAPI, focused on delivering exceptional developer experiences through quality documentation.
Projects / API Gateway
- Apinto (⭐1.4k) (⭐1.5k) - A Golang-based gateway that offers dynamic routing, multi-tenancy, and robust API access control for modern architectures.
- Gloo Edge (⭐67) (⭐66) - An Envoy Proxy–based gateway offering advanced traffic control, enhanced security, and observability for microservices ecosystems.
Projects / Data Mapping Solution
- AtlasMap (⭐200) (⭐200) - Interactive web-based tool that simplifies mapping across Java, XML, CSV, and JSON data sources with an intuitive interface.
- JSLT (⭐652) (⭐651) - Powerful JSON query and transformation language inspired by jq and XPath, designed for rapid and flexible data manipulation.
Projects / Integration Frameworks
- Frank!Framework (⭐138) (⭐136) - Low-code Java messaging framework that simplifies system connectivity and data integration through configurable XML setups.
Projects / Self-Service Integration
- n8n (⭐66k) (⭐65k) - Open-source workflow automation tool with 400+ connectors, giving you full control over your data and integrations.
Resources / Data Formats
- NDJSON (⭐717) (⭐715) - A standard for delimiting JSON objects in stream protocols. It allows for efficient processing of large JSON datasets and is widely used in big data processing.
- YAML (⭐376) (⭐374) - A human-friendly and easy-to-read data serialization format that is widely used for configuration files and data exchange. It supports rich data types and is compatible with most programming languages.
38. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Financial Data - Stock market and financial data API. Free plan allows 300 requests per day.
- Amazon SageMaker — A cloud-based ML platform with JupyterLab and terminal access. The free tier includes 8 hours of CPU (max 4 hours per session) or 4 hours of GPU per day.
Security and PKI
- Project Gatekeeper - An All-in-One SSL Toolkit Offering various features like Private Key & CSR Generator, SSL Certificate Decoder, Certificate Matcher and Order SSL Certificate. We offer the users to generate Free SSL Certificates from Let's Encrypt, Google Trust and BuyPass using CNAME Records rather than TXT Records.
Authentication, Authorization, and User Management
- SSOJet - Add Enterprise SSO Without Rebuilding Your Auth. The free plan includes unlimited monthly active users, unlimited organizations, 2 SSO & 2 SCIM connections.
- — Search widget and API, with automated web-crawler based indexing. Unlimited searches for free, for up to 50 subpages.
- Vidhook - Collect feedback using delightful surveys with high response rates. Free plan includes 1 active survey, 25 responses per survey and customizable templates.
Generative AI
- LangWatch - A LLMOps platform helping AI teams measure, monitor, and optimize LLM applications for reliability, cost-efficiency, and performance. With a powerful DSPy component, we enable seamless collaboration between engineers and non-technical teams to fine-tune and productionize GenAI products. Free plan includes all platform features, 1k traces/month and 1 workflow DSPy optimizers. #opensource (⭐1.2k)
- OpenRouter - Provides various free AI models including DeepSeek R1, V3, Llama, and Moonshot AI. These models excel in natural language processing and are suitable for diverse development needs. Note that while these models are free to use, they are subject to rate limits. Additionally, OpenRouter offers paid models for more advanced requirements, for instance Claude, OpenAI, Grok, Gemini, and Nova.
Design and UI
- Tailcolors -- A beautiful Tailwind CSS v4 color palette. Instantly preview & copy the perfect Tailwind CSS color class.
39. Awesome Angular
Blogs / Google Developer Experts
Analytics / Google Developer Experts
- @luzmo/ngx-embed - A library for embedding Luzmo dashboards in your Angular application.
Spring Boot / Google Developer Experts
- jangular-cli (⭐2) - Comprehensive Full-Stack Starter Kit: Powered by Spring Boot and Angular, featuring JWT-based authentication, seamless Flyway migrations, robust route protection, and a command-line interface for quick project initialization.
HTTP / Google Developer Experts
- mbo-ez-angular-ez-http-client (⭐3) - An ez Angular HTTP client inspired by Java OpenFeign (⭐9.6k) Client.
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- ng-react-bridge (⭐2) - A lightweight Angular package that enables developers to seamlessly render React components inside Angular components using a directive.
- zag-angular (⭐1) - An Angular wrapper for zag (⭐4.3k).
- seatsio-angular (⭐6) - Angular wrapper for rendering seating charts.
- ngx-kel-agent (⭐1) - Client library for Angular applications to integrate with kel-agent (⭐9).
- foblex2D (⭐3) - An Angular library for 2D geometric computations, providing classes and utilities for manipulating points, lines, vectors, rectangles, arcs, and transformations. Used in Foblex Flow for 2D geometric operations.
- ngx-d3 (⭐1) - A D3 wrapper service for Angular applications inspired by d3-ng2-service (⭐206).
Internationalization / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-i18n-tools (⭐2) - A collection of tools to help with the translation of Angular applications, including an Excel and XLIFF converter, ngx-xlf-xlsx (⭐2).
- ngx-translate-db (⭐1) - A lightweight, efficient Angular translation library that uses IndexedDB for offline storage. Perfect for applications that need to handle translations without network dependency.
- ngx-glagolize (⭐0) - An Angular library for handling translations and localization.
Free / Google Developer Experts
- dataclouder-template-angular (⭐1) - A ready-to-use Angular/Ionic template with Firebase Authentication integration.
e2e / Google Developer Experts
- Cypress to Playwright - A curated collection of resources that can help you to migrate your test suite from Cypress to Playwright.
- Playwright Chrome Recorder - Export Chromium recorder tab data to Playwright tests. This gives you a nice starting point that you can refine to modern Playwright.
Guides / Google Developer Experts
- Angular-Storybook-Chromatic-CDD (⭐2) - Learn how to use Chromatic to test UI changes of Angular Storybook components.
Data Grids / Google Developer Experts
- activereportsjs/angular-reporting-tool - A set of Angular components used for data consolidation and visualization. ActiveReportsJS is a solution used by Angular developers to embed reporting within web applications.
DOM / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-responsive-if (⭐1) - An Angular structural directive for conditional rendering based on media queries.
JSON Forms / Google Developer Experts
- DynamicAngularForm (⭐1) - Create dynamic form by passing a JSON with associated values.
- dynamic-forms (⭐21) - Angular project for dynamic forms based on JSON.
Markdown / Google Developer Experts
- mdbook-angular (⭐2) - A renderer for mdbook that turns angular code samples into running Angular applications.
Media / Google Developer Experts
- @dytesdk/web-core - This quickstart shows how to add Dyte's Livestream SDK to your Angular applications.
- cometchat-uikit-angular (⭐27) - CometChat Angular UI Kit provides pre-built user interface kit that developers can use to quickly integrate a reliable & fully featured chat experience into an existing or a new app.
Notifications / Google Developer Experts
- notifyx (⭐1) - A simple, customizable toast library for JavaScript/TypeScript with zero dependencies.
Scroll / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-virtual-scroller (⭐53) - Displays a virtual, "infinite" list. Supports horizontal/vertical, variable heights, and multi-column.
- ng-inf-scroll (⭐2) - A lightweight library for adding infinite scrolling to Angular apps.
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- ng-simple-state-management (⭐3) - Simple state management implementation for Angular applications. This project provides several libraries for additional functionality.
Storage / Google Developer Experts
- angular-web-storage (⭐36) - Angular decorator to save and restore of HTML5 Local & Session Storage.
Unspecified / Google Developer Experts
- @ng-verse/ui (⭐37) - A collection of feature-rich Angular components, directives, and pipes. Unlike traditional UI libraries, it requires no installation—just copy and paste what you need into your project. Check the docs for more.
- @koobiq/angular-components (⭐24) - An open-source design system for designers and developers, focused on designing products related to information security. Gives you access to a broad range of UI patterns, UI components, design tools, resources, and content guidelines to accelerate collaboration.
Tailwind CSS Based / Google Developer Experts
- zapui (⭐5) - Build sleek, scalable, and cohesive Angular applications effortlessly with a Tailwind-powered design system from zap:ui.
Ionic / Google Developer Experts
- ionic-header-parallax (⭐38) - This directive enables a parallax effect on
elements to display a cover photo while on top of the page and transition to the normal toolbar when scrolling down.
Inspired by Angular / Google Developer Experts
- css-fx-layout (⭐49) - A responsive SCSS flexbox library inspired by Angular Flex-Layout (⭐5.9k).
- friendly-di (⭐4) - A lightweight and high-performance inversion of control (IoC) container inspired by NestJS and Angular.
- GameEngine (⭐2) - A Typescript game engine inspired by Angular.
- gapi (⭐27) - Inspired by Angular and intended to provide complex NodeJS GraphQL Backend applications with minimum effort.
- GTPL (⭐1) - A TypeScript library designed for creating reactive template systems with a unique approach that incorporates Direct DOM and Proxy. Inspired by technologies like Vue.js, Angular AOT or JSX, GTPL offers an efficient and powerful way to build reactive applications in a compact 9KB(gzip) JavaScript package.
- Lua-Generate (⭐1) - A CLI tool to generate boilerplate code inspired by ng tool from Angular.
- named-slots (⭐2) - Use declarative "holes" in your React components instead of an imperative prop-based approach. Inspired by slots in Vue/Svelte/Angular/WebComponents.
- npm-clang-format-node (⭐21) - Node wrapper for LLVM Clang's clang-format and git-clang-format native binaries inspired by angular/clang-format (⭐100).
- obfetch (⭐4) - A HttpClient base on RxJS and fetch API inspired by Angular
- prang (⭐2) - A framework that looks like Angular, smells like Angular, but is actually Vue.
- PrasthuthTS (⭐1) - A TypeScript framework, inspired by Angular, that features a modular, component-based architecture, two-way data binding, and a flexible routing system, all while leveraging TypeScript's strong typing to simplify development and enhance maintainability.
- ReactiveForms (⭐1) - Retrieve form input values using the DOM and implement form validation, drawing inspiration from Angular's Reactive Forms approach.
- reaktiv (⭐53) - Reactive Signals for Python with first-class async support, inspired by Angular's reactivity model.
- ts-react-directives (⭐1) - A small React/Typescript library designed to mimic Angular directives.
- vyuha (⭐5) - A Nodejs Template Engine Inspired by EJS, Angular, and Laravel Blade.
40. Awesome Tensorflow
- Txeo (⭐46) - A modern C++ wrapper for TensorFlow.
41. Awesome Rails
Gems / Other external resources
- kreds (⭐3) - A shorthand for Rails credentials access. 🔴
- Prev: Mar 24 - Mar 30, 2025
- Next: Mar 10 - Mar 16, 2025