Awesome List Updates on Mar 24, 2025
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Rust
Applications / Finance
- tackler (⭐72) [tackler] - Fast, reliable bookkeeping engine with native GIT SCM support for plain text accounting
2. Awesome Neovim
Marks / Diagnostics
- mohseenrm/marko.nvim (⭐4) - Behind the scenes, global marks management for different projects.
3. Awesome European Tech
Index / Human Resources
- Bordful 🇱🇹 - Open source job board software built with Next.js and Airtable.
4. Awesome Go
Go Compilers
- bunster (⭐2.2k) - Compile shell scripts to Go.
5. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Productivity
- Focus Firewall - A minimalist focus app to block social media and other distractions during work.
6. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- ast-grep — ast-grep is a powerful tool designed for managing code at scale using Abstract Syntax Trees (AST). Think of it as a hybrid of grep, eslint, and codemod, with the ability to search, lint, and rewrite code based on its structure rather than plain text. It supports multiple languages and is designed to be extensible, allowing you to register custom languages.
7. Awesome Terraform
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Beginner Guides
- Complete Terraform Course in French (Free) – A comprehensive and free course in French to master Terraform, from beginner to advanced usage, with hands-on examples and best practices.
- Next: Mar 23, 2025