Awesome List Updates on Mar 10, 2025
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ai Tools
Editor's Choice
- Vizard AI - Create social-ready videos with AI instantly
2. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Concepts / Human Concept Representation
- Navigating cognition: Spatial codes for human thinking - Science, 2018. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. The hippocampal formation has long been suggested to underlie both memory formation and spatial navigation. This work discusses how neural mechanisms identified in spatial navigation research operate across information domains to support a wide spectrum of cognitive functions. In the proposed framework, place and grid cell population codes provide a representational format to map variable dimensions of cognitive spaces. This highly dynamic mapping system enables rapid reorganization of codes through remapping between orthogonal representations across behavioral contexts, yielding a multitude of stable cognitive spaces at different resolutions and hierarchical levels. Action sequences result in trajectories through cognitive space, which can be simulated via sequential coding in the hippocampus. In this way, the spatial representational format of the hippocampal formation has the capacity to support flexible cognition and behavior.
3. Awesome Construct
Made With Construct
- Games on Steam - List of Steam games made with the engine.
- Games shared on Twitter - Tweets using the #MadeWithConstruct hashtag.
- - Platform where to host, showcase, promote or sell your games - Free.
- GameJolt - Similar platform to, with a focus on social communities and gamification - Free.
- GitHub Pages - Platform where to host an exported game as a static website - Free.
Construct 3
- Pipelab - Fully automated export pipeline.
- piranha305's Addons - Plugins and Behaviors.
- Master Pose's Addons - Plugins, Behaviors and Themes.
- Construct Addon SDK (⭐14) - Scirra's official SDK to develop plugins.
- C3IDE2-cli (⭐0) - C3IDE succesor framework.
- Lost Framework (⭐6) - Easy making of addons.
- AJ Ordaz - Successful Construct developer shares his experiences.
- FoozleCC - In-depth showcases of addons and features.
- Game Design with Reilly - Explaining every detail of the engine.
- Marcos Game Dev - Tutorials & more.
- Master Pose - Spanish tutorials, top lists & news.
- Pens 'N' Pixels - Devlogs of indie developer.
- Lessis Games - Devlogs of an indie developer.
- Vimlark - Indie developer influencer who mainly uses Construct.
Construct 2
- Kyatric's Plugins - Plugins and Behaviors.
- Kyatric's Effects - WebGL Effects.
- skwp's Plugins - Ported Construct 3 Plugins to Construct 2.
- skwp's Behaviors - Ported Construct 3 Behaviors to Construct 2.
- C3IDE - IDE for addon development.
- Fábio Smuu (⭐4) - SDK Plugins.
- ArcadEdGames - YouTube channel about making all sort of stuff.
- Diego Lizarazo - Random Construct tutorials stuff.
- Jerementor - Extensive library of tutorials.
- GameDev - General tutorials.
- Gamer Z - General tutorials.
YouTube Channels
- ScirraVideos - Official Scirra's YouTube channel.
Series / Courses / Construct 3
- Marcos Game Dev: Plataforma Gostosinho - Técnicas de Polimento - It all started with one question: 'Can you polish a game without adding new art?' The 'Plataforma Gostosinho' series answers this by transforming a basic platformer into a game that is fun to play in Construct 3!
- Rafael Trigo's Tutorials - List of Construct 3 tutorials.
Series / Courses / Construct 2
- English Acorn: Editor - General tutorials about the editor interface.
- English Acorn: Plugins and Objects - Tutorials about plugins and how they work inside the Editor.
- John Maksym's Tutorials - General tutorials.
- Lee Stemkoski: Breakout Clone - Learn how to create a Brakeout game.
- Let's Make Games: PONG - Tutorials on how to create a Pong clone.
- Let's Make Games: ASTEROIDS - Tutorials on how to create an Asteroids clone.
- Let's Make Games: Flappy Bird - Tutorials on how to create a Flappy Bird clone.
- LividProductions: Platformer Series - This series will teach you how to make a platformer.
- Nicholas Dingle's Tutorials - Number of tutorials covering different games you can create and different tricks.
- Marcos Game Dev: Curso Metroidvania 1.0 - The version 1.0 of the Metroidvania Course, recorded in 2018, is now free! Follow the lessons to create your own metroidvania in Construct!
- Marcos Game Dev: Curso Beat'em Up - Create an amazing beat'em up with combos, local 4-player multiplayer, multiple enemies, and more in Construct! Not recommended for beginners.
- Marcos Game Dev: Criando Roguelike - Learn to create a roguelike with RANDOM LEVEL GENERATION, multiple enemies, and a complete platformer character! NOT recommended for beginners.
- Marcos Game Dev: Super Mario Bros. - Learn how to create Super Mario Bros. mechanics in Construct, faithfully recreated from the NES classic!
- Marcos Game Dev: Recriando Megaman X - Learn to create Megaman X mechanics like the iconic X-buster, intense boss battles, and special powers in Construct! Detailed, intermediate-level videos (with some advanced content).
- Marcos Game Dev: Criando Menu Principal - Learn to create a main menu that works for almost any game (focus on desktop). Includes fullscreen/window mode, control mapping, language switch, audio settings, and more.
- thenewboston: Game Development w/ Construct - The official playlist for thenewboston Game Development.
- thenewboston: Platform Game Development - Official playlist for thenewboston Platform Game Development.
- thenewboston: Physics Puzzle Game Development - The official playlist for thenewboston Physics Puzzle Game Development Tutorials.
- TodaysTuts: Behaviors - Tutorials about Behaviors.
- Udemy: Creating a Pixel Platformer in HTML5! - By the end, you will have gone from beginner to advanced in no time! (Free)
Construct 3 / Construct 2
- Level Up - The Educator's Edition - The ideal companion for anyone using Construct in the classroom.
- Construct 3 Starter Curriculum - Free starter curriculum for Construct aimed at teaching students the basics of Computer Science.
4. Awesome Ironsworn
Adventure starters and scenarios / Ironsworn
- Escape - Escape the dungeon
- Sea Beast - An adventure starter about a village plagued by a sea monster
- The Selkie Envoy - An adventure module for icy regions
Adventure starters and scenarios / Starforged
- Adventures in the Forge - A collection of quest starters
- The Ferrum Mysteries - Explore the mystery behind the iron pillars
- Rise & Shiningstar - Find out what happened to the settlement Shiningstar
5. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- ovk/endec.nvim (⭐18) - Encode, decode and re-encode text using Base64, Base64URL and URL (percent) encodings.
Version Manager / Diagnostics
- y3owk1n/nvs (⭐3) - Another Neovim version manager with config switcher.
6. Awesome Ai in Finance
Portfolio Management
- skfolio (⭐1.4k) - Python library for portfolio optimization built on top of scikit-learn.
7. Awesome European Tech
Index / Design and Creative Tools
- VectorStyler 🇫🇮 - vector graphics editor.
Index / Password manager services
- uniqkey 🇩🇰
8. Awesome Integration
Projects / API Design
- OpenAPI Diff (⭐884) (⭐882) - Compare OpenAPI specs with version control and visualize the differences in HTML or Markdown format.
Projects / API Documentation
- Zudoku (⭐145) (⭐143) - A customizable framework built on OpenAPI, focused on delivering exceptional developer experiences through quality documentation.
Projects / API Gateway
- Apinto (⭐1.4k) (⭐1.5k) - A Golang-based gateway that offers dynamic routing, multi-tenancy, and robust API access control for modern architectures.
Projects / Data Mapping Solution
- AtlasMap (⭐200) (⭐200) - Interactive web-based tool that simplifies mapping across Java, XML, CSV, and JSON data sources with an intuitive interface.
Resources / Data Formats
- YAML (⭐376) (⭐374) - A human-friendly and easy-to-read data serialization format that is widely used for configuration files and data exchange. It supports rich data types and is compatible with most programming languages.
9. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Financial Data - Stock market and financial data API. Free plan allows 300 requests per day.
Security and PKI
- Project Gatekeeper - An All-in-One SSL Toolkit Offering various features like Private Key & CSR Generator, SSL Certificate Decoder, Certificate Matcher and Order SSL Certificate. We offer the users to generate Free SSL Certificates from Let's Encrypt, Google Trust and BuyPass using CNAME Records rather than TXT Records.
- — Search widget and API, with automated web-crawler based indexing. Unlimited searches for free, for up to 50 subpages.
10. Awesome Angular
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- ng-react-bridge (⭐2) - A lightweight Angular package that enables developers to seamlessly render React components inside Angular components using a directive.
Free / Google Developer Experts
- dataclouder-template-angular (⭐1) - A ready-to-use Angular/Ionic template with Firebase Authentication integration.
Ionic / Google Developer Experts
- ionic-header-parallax (⭐38) - This directive enables a parallax effect on
elements to display a cover photo while on top of the page and transition to the normal toolbar when scrolling down.
11. Awesome Tensorflow
- Txeo (⭐46) - A modern C++ wrapper for TensorFlow.
12. Awesome Rails
Gems / Other external resources
- kreds (⭐3) - A shorthand for Rails credentials access. 🔴
- Prev: Mar 11, 2025
- Next: Mar 09, 2025