Awesome List Updates on Mar 08, 2025
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Concepts / Human Concept Representation
- Organizing conceptual knowledge in humans with a gridlike code - Science, 2016. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. It has been hypothesized that the brain organizes concepts into a mental map, allowing conceptual relationships to be navigated in a manner similar to that of space. Grid cells use a hexagonally symmetric code to organize spatial representations and are the likely source of a precise hexagonal symmetry in the functional magnetic resonance imaging signal. Humans navigating conceptual two-dimensional knowledge showed the same hexagonal signal in a set of brain regions markedly similar to those activated during spatial navigation. This gridlike signal is consistent across sessions acquired within an hour and more than a week apart. This work's findings suggest that global relational codes may be used to organize nonspatial conceptual representations and that these codes may have a hexagonal gridlike pattern when conceptual knowledge is laid out in two continuous dimensions.
2. Awesome Cpp
Data visualization
- morphologica (⭐277) - C++ header-only graphing and data visualization with modern OpenGL. [Apache-2.0] website
3. Awesome Go
- lazyjournal (⭐381) - A TUI for reading and filtering logs from journalctl, file system, Docker and Podman containers, as well Kubernetes pods.
4. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Model Context Protocol
- Introducing the Model Context Protocol \ Anthropic
- an open standard that enables developers to build secure, two-way connections between their data sources and AI-powered tools.
- developers can either expose their data through MCP servers or build AI applications (MCP clients) that connect to these servers.
- Model Context Protocol: Model Context Protocol (MCP) is an open protocol that enables seamless integration between LLM applications and external data sources and tools.
- Introduction - Model Context Protocol
- Think of MCP like a USB-C port for AI applications.
- MCP helps you build agents and complex workflows on top of LLMs.
- Examples
- Example Servers - Model Context Protocol
- abhiz123/todoist-mcp-server (⭐71): MCP server for Todoist integration enabling natural language task management with Claude
- List of Servers
- modelcontextprotocol/servers: Model Context Protocol Servers (⭐14k)
- Awesome MCP Servers
- punkpeye/awesome-mcp-servers (⭐5.2k): A collection of MCP servers.
- Composio MCP Server: Connect Cursor, Windsurf, and Claude to 100+ fully managed MCP Servers with built-in auth
- These servers are built by the community and are hosted by Composio
- Building Agents with Model Context Protocol - Full Workshop with Mahesh Murag of Anthropic - YouTube: AI Engineer Summit workshop
- loopwork-ai/emcee (⭐118): a tool that provides a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for any web application with an OpenAPI specification.
- MCP Run: a registry of AI tools that can be developed by anyone and used inside any AI application
- modelcontextprotocol/inspector (⭐538): Visual testing tool for MCP servers
5. Awesome Java
Game Development / Text-Based User Interfaces
- vulkan4j (⭐25) - Vulkan, OpenGL ES2 and GLFW Memory Allocator bindings.
Hypermedia Types / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Spring HATEOAS (⭐1.1k) - Standalone and Spring support for building hypermedia-based APIs using HAL, HAL FORMS, Collection+JSON, ALPS and UBER.
Imagery / Text-Based User Interfaces
- vips-ffm (⭐44) - Comprehensive bindings for libvips, using Java's "Foreign Function & Memory" API.
- scrimage - Immutable, functional, and performant JVM library for manipulation of images.
Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces
- webcam-capture (⭐2.3k) - Library for using built-in and external webcams directly in Java.
ORM / Text-Based User Interfaces
- MyBatis-Plus (⭐17k) - An powerful enhanced toolkit of MyBatis for simplify development.
Testing / Fixtures
- AutoParams (⭐351) - Supports generating test data or combining scenarios for parameterized tests.
Related Awesome Lists / Mocking
People / Socials
- Brian Goetz - Java Language Architect at Oracle.
- Chris Richardson - Software architect, consultant, and serial entrepreneur, Java Champion, JavaOne Rock Star, *POJOs in Action- author.
- Lukas Eder - Java Champion, speaker, Founder and CEO Data Geekery (jOOQ).
- Stephen Colebourne - Java Champion, speaker.
6. Awesome Cl
Machine Learning
- (⭐47) - a Common Lisp port of Karpathy's llama2.c to idiomatic Common Lisp. MIT.
- openai-openapi-client - semi-automatically generated Openapi client updated frequently from the official Openapi specification (⭐1.9k). AGPL-3.
- available on Ultralisp.
- cl-completions (⭐17) - LLM completions.
- makes it easy to create GPT functions in Common Lisp.
- Ollama support.
- cl-embeddings (⭐10) - LLM embeddings.
- cl-chroma (⭐8) - the vector DB interface.
- Caten (⭐192) - Deep Learning Compiler based on Polyhedral Compiler and Light-weight IRs, and Optimizing Pattern Matcher, written in Common Lisp
Natural Language Processing
- OpenMusic (⭐349) visual programming / computer-aided composition environment. GPL3. Developped at IRCAM, France.
- OM7 (⭐170) - a new implementation of the OpenMusic visual programming and computer-aided composition environment including a number of improvements on graphical interface, computational mode, and connection to external software libraries. GPL3.
- an extension: rq (⭐10) - a library for rhythm transcription in OpenMusic (version 6.10 and later). demo video. GPL3.
- Incudine - Music/DSP programming environment for Common Lisp. Useful to design software synthesizers or sound plugins from scratch. It is also a compositional tool that allows to produce high quality sounds controllable at the sample level, defining and redefining the digital signal processors and the musical structures on-the-fly.
- CLM - Common Lisp Music is a music synthesis and signal processing package in the Music V family. It provides much the same functionality as Stk, Csound, SuperCollider, PD, CMix, cmusic, and Arctic — a collection of functions that create and manipulate sounds, aimed primarily at composers (in CLM's case anyway).
- common-tones (⭐11) - a fork of CLM5 with modern Lisp (ASDF, cffi…). BSD_3Clause.
- Slippery Chicken (⭐72) - Algorithmic composition library which outputs Midi, Common Music Notation, pdf-score via Lilypond and sound via Common Lisp Music. GPL3.
- with documentation:
- Common Music (⭐25) - the repository of an
ancient version of Common Music (version 2.12.0), the presumably
last version which ran on Common Lisp dating from around 2007-09,
before work on Common Music shifted to (scheme-based) cm3.
- note: old project but working.
- cm-incudine (⭐10) - extends Common Music 2 with realtime capabilities. GPL2.
- cl-patterns (⭐81) - a system for composing music via Lisp code, heavily inspired by SuperCollider’s patterns system, with aims to implement much of it, but in a more robust, expressive, consistent, reflective, and lispy way. Audio output through SuperCollider, with preliminary support for Incudine, and MIDI through ALSA.
- Music (⭐39) - A framework for musical expression in Lisp with a focus on music theory (built from scratch, unrelated to Common Music).
- Harmony - A real-time sound processing and playback system. zlib.
- "provides you with audio processing tools as well as an audio server to play back music, sfx, and so forth."
- using cl-mixed (⭐26) for the mixing and sound processing library.
- easy-audio (⭐23) - a collection of audio decoders and metadata readers.
- scheduler (⭐9) - The time based musical event scheduler for Common Lisp. Apache2.0.
- Common Music Notation - Common Music Notation (CMN) provides a package of functions to hierarchically describe a musical score. Public domain.
- cl-mpg123 (⭐5), cl-opus (⭐8) (OGG/Opus), cl-vorbis (⭐4) (OGG/Vorbis), cl-SoLoud (⭐2), cl-out123 (⭐5) (libout123), cl-flac (⭐2)
- csound (⭐1.3k) - A sound and music computing system. Includes CFFI and FFI interfaces for Common Lisp.
- cl-collider (⭐230) - A SuperCollider client for CommonLisp. With a tutorial (⭐21) and live coding demos. Public domain.
- cl-openal (⭐36) - bindings for the OpenAL audio library. Public domain.
- modularize (⭐8) - A modularization framework for Common Lisp. zlib.
- provides a common interface to segregate major application components.
- for instance, by adding module definition options you can introduce mechanisms to tie modules together in functionality, hook into each other and so on.
- acts as a wrapper around
and integrates into ASDF.
7. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / General
- iommi (⭐845) - Toolkit for development of CRUD applications without writing HTML or JavaScript.
8. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Pimcore - Multi-Channel Experience and Engagement Management Platform. (Source Code (⭐3.5k))
Software / Knowledge Management Tools
- memEx - A structured personal knowledge base, inspired by zettlekasten and org-mode.
Software / Miscellaneous
- ClipCascade (⭐740) - Syncs your clipboard across multiple devices instantly, without any button press. Available on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android, it provides seamless and secure clipboard sharing with end-to-end data encryption.
Software / Money, Budgeting & Management
- MyFin Budget - Personal finances platform (web + REST API + Android) that'll help you budget, keep track of your income/spending and forecast your financial future. (Demo (⭐135), Source Code (⭐135), Clients (⭐15))
Software / Self-hosting Solutions
- Websoft9
- GitOps-driven, multi-application hosting for cloud servers and home servers, one-click deployment of 200+ open source apps. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.6k), Clients)LGPL-3.0
Software / Software Development - IDE & Tools
- LiveCodes
- A feature-rich client-side code playground for React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, Typescript, Python, Go, Ruby, PHP and 90+ other languages. (Demo, Source Code (⭐895))MIT
Software / Web Servers
- go-doxy (⭐1.4k) - A lightweight, simple, and performant reverse proxy with WebUI, Docker integration, automatic shutdown/startup for container based on traffic.
9. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Weather API - Offers free plan of weather API. Provides accurate and up-to-date weather forecasting with global coverage, historical data and weather monitoring solutions.
10. Awesome Angular
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- ng-storyblok (⭐3) - A simple way to integrate Storyblok into your Angular application.
NgRx / Google Developer Experts
- ngrx-manager (⭐1) - Plug-N-Play State Manager for NgRx stores.
- ngrx-set (⭐1) - This simplifies the creation of actions for asynchronous requests that can succeed, fail, or be aborted.
11. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- dbd (⭐1) - Displays eye-catching banners whenever you change directories (cd). It uses figlet and lolcat to generate colorful banners, giving your terminal a stylish touch.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- llm (⭐6) - Adds tab completions for the LLM CLI tool.
- tailscale-ssh (⭐0) - Provides host completion based off tailscale status. It automatically strips the MagicDNS suffix, if present.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- lgbt (⭐0) - Colorful theme with decorators for current directory and
- skondrashov (⭐2) - Minimalist. Includes decorators for
status, current kubernetes context and current AWS profile.
- zen (cybardev) (⭐23) - A minimalist theme for
systems. Includes decorators for execution time of last command run, curreent directory and vcs status information.
- zen (TheCrazyGM) (⭐0) - A clean, informative, and customizable theme for Oh-My-Zsh that provides essential information without cluttering your terminal. It was designed with Python developers in mind and includes smart features like SSH detection, detailed Git status information, and command execution time tracking.
- zigbar (⭐6) - Written in zig. Includes decorators for
status, current directory. Requires a Nerd Font.
- Prev: Mar 09, 2025
- Next: Mar 07, 2025