Awesome List Updates on Feb 05, 2025
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome European Tech
Index / AI
- Next Epoch 🇳🇱 - AI platform for developing and managing AI agents with full data sovereignty.
2. Awesome Playwright
- Testing 3D applications with Playwright on GPU - Recipe to enable hardware acceleration for Playwright tests on CI.
3. Awesome Cyber Security University
Free Beginner Red Team Path / Level 5 - Reverse Engineering & Pwn
- Windows x64 Assembly - Introduction to x64 Assembly on Windows.
4. Awesome Cl
- docker-lisp-gamedev - A Docker image containing tools necessary for Common Lisp game development and deployment. Comes in Linux and Windows variety. Thoroughly tested via CI.
5. Awesome Cpp
- PCC (⭐99) - A very old C compiler. Supports C99.
Build Systems
- Sconsolidator (⭐24) - Scons build system integration for Eclipse CDT.
6. Awesome Rust
Applications / Security tools
- 0xdea/haruspex (⭐21) [haruspex] - Vulnerability research assistant that extracts pseudo-code from the IDA Hex-Rays decompiler
7. Discount for Student Dev
- Requestly [FREE] – Requestly is an open-source tool that simplifies API development, testing, mocking, and integration for developers and QAs. Through the Requestly Student Program, students get full access to all its powerful tools completely free.
8. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Bayesian Modeling / Generative Model
- Cooperative Training of Descriptor and Generator Networks - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2018. [All Versions]. This paper studies the cooperative training of two generative models for image modeling and synthesis. Both models are parametrized by convolutional neural networks (ConvNets). The first model is a deep energy-based model, whose energy function is defined by a bottom-up ConvNet, which maps the observed image to the energy. We call it the descriptor network. The second model is a generator network, which is a non-linear version of factor analysis. It is defined by a top-down ConvNet, which maps the latent factors to the observed image. The maximum likelihood learning algorithms of both models involve MCMC sampling such as Langevin dynamics. This work observes that the two learning algorithms can be seamlessly interwoven into a cooperative learning algorithm that can train both models simultaneously. Specifically, within each iteration of the cooperative learning algorithm, the generator model generates initial synthesized examples to initialize a finite-step MCMC that samples and trains the energy-based descriptor model. After that, the generator model learns from how the MCMC changes its synthesized examples. That is, the descriptor model teaches the generator model by MCMC, so that the generator model accumulates the MCMC transitions and reproduces them by direct ancestral sampling.
9. Awesome Integration
Projects / API Design
- Spectral (⭐2.6k) (⭐2.6k) - Detect and fix errors in your JSON/YAML files using this linter tool that supports OpenAPI 3.0 & 2.0 and AsyncAPI.
Projects / API Documentation
- Stoplight Elements (⭐1.9k) (⭐1.9k) - Provides modular, attractive UI components for building comprehensive API reference and tutorial documentation.
Projects / API Gateway
- KrakenD API Gateway (⭐2.1k) (⭐2.1k) - An ultra-high performance gateway with efficient middleware configuration, robust security, and seamless scaling.
- Traefik (⭐53k) (⭐54k) - A dynamic, cloud-native reverse proxy designed for modern container environments with auto-discovery and load balancing.
Projects / Integration Frameworks
- Ballerina (⭐3.7k) (⭐3.7k) - Innovative programming language designed for effortless creation and integration of network services and APIs.
Resources / API Specification
- CloudEvents (⭐5.2k) (⭐5.3k) - A specification for describing event data in common formats to provide interoperability across services, platforms and systems.
10. Awesome Ios
Command Line
- Ashen (⭐103) - A framework for writing terminal applications in Swift.
- Linenoise (⭐146) - A pure Swift replacement for readline
- Progress (⭐348) - Add beautiful progress bars to your loops.
- Swift Argument Parser (⭐3.4k) - Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift
- SwiftCLI (⭐866) - A powerful framework for developing CLIs in Swift
11. Awesome Agriculture
Farm Management Systems and Record Keeping
- LiteFarm (⭐134) - LiteFarm is the world’s first community-led, not-for-profit, Farm management system
12. Awesome Jamstack
API / Forms
- - An endpoint for HTML forms to handle submissions with ease. It offers a rich feature set with email notifications, file uploads, submissions archive, GDPR-compliant data processing and a lot more.
13. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-smooth-picker (⭐217) - A SmoothPicker for Vue 3 (like native datetime picker of iOS)
14. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Zig / Vulkan
- Introduction to Zig - Pedro Duarte Faria (HTML)
- Zig Language Reference (HTML)
- Prev: Feb 06, 2025
- Next: Feb 04, 2025