Awesome List Updates on Feb 04, 2025
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / AI Assisted Research
- An augmented reality microscope with real-time artificial intelligence integration for cancer diagnosis - Nature Medicine, 2019. [All Versions]. The microscopic assessment of tissue samples is instrumental for the diagnosis and staging of cancer, and thus guides therapy. However, these assessments demonstrate considerable variability and many regions of the world lack access to trained pathologists. Though artificial intelligence (AI) promises to improve the access and quality of healthcare, the costs of image digitization in pathology and difficulties in deploying AI solutions remain as barriers to real-world use. This work proposes a cost-effective solution: the augmented reality microscope (ARM). The ARM overlays AI-based information onto the current view of the sample in real time, enabling seamless integration of AI into routine workflows.
2. Awesome Neovim
Search / Diagnostics
- wsdjeg/flygrep.nvim (⭐8) - Search text in a floating window asynchronously.
3. Awesome Cern
Physics/mathematics analysis/simulation / Event Management
- CAiMIRA (⭐17): CERN Airborne Model for Indoor Risk Assessment, a tool developed to assess and model the concentration of airborne viruses in enclosed spaces, specifically focusing on the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Documentation available here.
Security / Event Management
- pam_2fa (⭐38): PAM 2FA module provides a second factor authentication, to be combined with the standard PAM-based password.
Libraries / Flask
- flask-multipass (⭐62): multi-backend authentication system for Flask
- flask-pluginEngine (⭐24): a simple plugin system for Flask applications
- js-flask-urls (⭐23): get Flask blueprint URLs in your JS apps, the clean way
Libraries / UI
- react-jsx-i18N (⭐2): Gettext-enhanced React components
- React-SearchKit (⭐82): React components library to build search interfaces.
4. Awesome Embedded Rust
Driver crates / Other
- lcd_parallel_bus - GPIO - Async and blocking driver for LCDs based on HD44780 parallel bus -
5. Awesome Cl
- 40ants/setup-lisp (⭐28) - GitHub Action to Setup Common Lisp tools.
- updates ASDF, installs Qlot, installs Roswell
- for multiple implementations
- for Ubuntu, OSX and Windows.
- Example use: Trial's CI (⭐1.1k)
6. Awesome Swift
Dependency Managers
- Swiftly (⭐549) - Swift CLI toolchain installer to install different versions of Swift.
- Forked (⭐408) - Generalized approach to managing shared data in Swift applications to support Local-first apps.
- Soundable (⭐93) - Soundable allows you to play sounds, single and in sequence, in a very easy way.
- Unrealm (⭐538) - Unrealm enables you to easily store Swift native Classes, Structs and Enums into Realm.
- XMLCoder (⭐813) - XMLEncoder & XMLDecoder based on Codable protocols from the standard library.
- MijickCamera (⭐300) - Camera made simple. Fully customizable camera library that significantly reduces implementation time and effort.
Images / Barcode
- Brightroom (⭐3.4k) - An image editor and engine using CoreImage.
- MCScratchImageView (⭐357) - A custom ImageView that is used to cover the surface of other view like a scratch card, user can swipe the mulch to see the view below.
Quality / Barcode
- AnyLint (⭐116) 🐧 - Lint anything by combining the power of Swift & regular expressions.
System / Barcode
- LaunchAtLogin (⭐1.6k) - Easily add 'Launch at Login' functionality to your sandboxed macOS app.
Testing / Barcode
- XCTest (⭐1.2k) - The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support.
UI / Barcode
- BulletinBoard (⭐5.4k) - Generates and manages contextual cards displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- Preferences (⭐1.5k) - Add a preferences window to your macOS app in minutes.
- SweetCurtain (⭐115) - Really sweet and easy bottom pullable sheet implementation. You can find a similar implementation in applications like Apple Maps, Find My, Stocks, etc.
Alert / Barcode
- SPAlert (⭐2.5k) - Native popup from Apple Music & Feedback in AppStore. Contains Done & Heart presets.
Permissions / Barcode
- SPPermission (⭐5.7k) - Simple request permission with native UI and interactive animation.
Transition / Barcode
- MijickNavigattie (⭐289) - Easy navigation with SwiftUI.
UITableView / Barcode
- WLEmptyState (⭐318) - A component that lets you customize the view when the dataset of UITableView is empty.
Walkthrough / Barcode
- SuggestionsKit (⭐69) - Library for educating users about features in app.
Utility / Barcode
- ZamzamKit (⭐270) - A collection of micro utilities and extensions for Standard Library, Foundation and UIKit.
7. Awesome for Beginners
- Devopness (⭐122) (label: good first issue)
Devopness aims to drastically simplify the way we manage cloud applications and multi cloud infrastructure in a secure and productive way.
8. Awesome Broadcasting
Video Production
- vMix-EmberPlus (⭐3) - vMix to EmberPlus gateway. Control vMix from any EmberPlus broadcast controller like Lawo's VSM or EVS's Cerebrum.
9. Awesome Angular
Online Training / Google Developer Experts
- Angular UI - Get ready to build your next web application using Angular with interactive courses and exercises.
- Prev: Feb 05, 2025
- Next: Feb 03, 2025