Awesome List Updates on Feb 03, 2025
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / AI Assisted Research
- Virtual and augmented reality for biomedical applications - Cell Reports Medicine, 2021. [All Versions]. 3D visualization technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) have gained popularity in the recent decade. Digital extended reality (XR) technologies have been adopted in various domains ranging from entertainment to education because of their accessibility and affordability. XR modalities create an immersive experience, enabling 3D visualization of the content without a conventional 2D display constraint. This paper provides a perspective on XR in current biomedical applications and demonstrate case studies using cell biology concepts, multiplexed proteomics images, surgical data for heart operations, and cardiac 3D models. Emerging challenges associated with XR technologies in the context of adverse health effects and a cost comparison of distinct platforms are discussed. The presented XR platforms will be useful for biomedical education, medical training, surgical guidance, and molecular data visualization to enhance trainees’ and students’ learning, medical operation accuracy, and the comprehensibility of complex biological systems.
2. Awesome Swift
Alert / Barcode
- MijickPopups (⭐1.5k) - Popups, popovers, sheets, alerts, toasts, banners, (...) presentation made simple.
3. Awesome Music
Music Programming
- Leiter (⭐3) - TypeScript-based library designed to generate musical scales.
4. Awesome Neovim
Media / Diagnostics
- vyfor/cord.nvim (⭐289) - Highly extensible Rich Presence for Discord.
5. Awesome Cern
Open Science / Digital repositories
- InvenioILS: a modern and user-friendly integrated library system, written in Python and React.
- Open Data Portal: highly curated repository of high energy physics (UI and server), written in Python.
- Zenodo (⭐86): Research. Shared. An open dependable home for the long-tail of science.
Open Science / Event Management
- Indico: feature-rich general event management system written in Python.
- newdle (⭐94): a lightweight collaborative enterprise meeting scheduling tool
Physics/mathematics analysis/simulation / Event Management
- ACTS (⭐111): Experiment-independent toolkit for (charged) particle track reconstruction in high energy an nuclear physics experiments
- BioDynaMo: create, run, and visualise multidimensional agent-based simulations in various domains.
- Geant4: Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter.
- ROOT: an open-source data analysis framework used by high energy physics and others.
Storage and Data / Data management
- FTS: software written in C++/Python to orchestrate reliable and large-scale data transfers.
- Rucio: software written in Python to manage large volumes of data spread across data centres.
- Davix: toolkit for file operations over HTTP and Cloud protocols (written in C++).
Storage and Data / Storage systems
- EOS: distributed storage system written in C++ for the exabyte era (biggest installation 1.1 Exabytes).
- CTA: distributed storage system written in C++ for archival of data on tape media (biggest installation 1 exabyte).
- CVMFS: a scalable, reliable and low-maintenance software distribution service.
- QuarkDB: high-performance C++ key-value datastore built with: RocksDB + Raft + Redis wire protocol (RESP2).
- Reva (⭐186): WebDAV/gRPC server to connect end-users to storage system (EOS, CephFS). Written in Go.
Libraries / UI
- react-overridable (⭐8): Overridable React components.
6. Awesome Go
- ristretto (⭐5.9k) - A high performance memory-bound Go cache.
7. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Ancient Wonders - Explore the galaxy with new mechanics and generators for solar systems, planets, alien megastructure and more
8. Awesome Angular
Validation / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-validators (⭐2) - A library that provides additional Angular Validators, including the ones Angular provides.
Maps / Google Developer Experts
- angular-yandex-maps (⭐62) - Yandex.Maps Angular components that implement the Yandex.Maps JavaScript API.
- Prev: Feb 04, 2025
- Next: Feb 02, 2025