Awesome List Updates on Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2024
36 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- oxigraph/oxigraph (⭐1.2k) [oxigraph] - graph database implementing the SPARQL standard
Applications / Graphics
- linebender/resvg (⭐3k) - An SVG rendering library.
Applications / Virtualization
- youki-dev/youki (⭐6.5k) - A container runtime
Libraries / Configuration
- rust-cli/config-rs (⭐2.8k) [config] - Layered configuration system (with strong support for 12-factor applications).
2. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- CocktailTDI (⭐2) - Another cocktail machine (powered by Raspberry Pi 4, Golang, a pneumatic pump and valves).
- DIY Arcade Machine (⭐8) - A retro style arcade machine, based on a Raspberry Pi Pico, a Hub75 LED matrix and some other stuff (Wii Nunchucks, 3D printed parts, ...)
- RGB-LED-Matrix (⭐3) - A 128x128 Pixel RGB LED Matrix to display images, animations, conways game of life and other stuff.
3. Awesome Snmp
Libraries / C#
- C# SNMP Library (⭐356) - MIT licensed SNMP library for .NET with extensive SNMP standard support, latest .NET platform targets, as well as rich manager/agent samples.
Libraries / Python
- pysnmp (⭐82) - This is a pure-Python, open source and free implementation of v1/v2c/v3 SNMP engine distributed under 2-clause BSD license.
- This project is derived from the original repo (⭐580).
- pysmi (⭐3) - PySMI is a pure-Python implementation of SNMP SMI MIB parser.
- This project is derived from the original repo (⭐134).
4. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- bartekjaszczak/finale-nvim - A balanced dark theme, blending vivid and pastel colors for a comfortable, high-contrast experience. Supports Tree-sitter and semantic highlighting.
5. Awesome Osint
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- OSINTEye (⭐14) - OSINT Eye: A WPF Desktop Application for GitHub Intelligence, Social Media Reconnaissance, and Subdomain Discovery
6. Awesome Micropython
Display / LEDs
- micropython-aw210xx (⭐0) - Driver for Awinic's AW210xx line of 8-bit LED drivers.
7. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- QuestSystem (⭐336) - A simple and extensible quest manager and creator.
Modules / Godot 4
- Keyring (⭐7) - Utility to interact with the OS keyring to store credentials.
8. Awesome Developer First
- Nango - Hundreds of pre-built product integrations with 250+ APIs, customizable in code.
9. Awesome Arcgis Developers
Code samples and snippets
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java product team samples. (deprecated)
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET MAUI samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK MAUI product team samples.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET UWP samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET product team samples.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET WinUI samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK WinUI product team samples.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET WPF samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET product team samples.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android Java samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android product team samples for Java.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android Kotlin samples - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK for Android product team samples for Kotlin.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for iOS sample code - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK for iOS product team samples.
- ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt C++ sample code - Esri's official ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt product team samples for C++.
Data integration tools
- - iPaaS to automate repetitive tasks involved in using Survey123 and make your work easier.
Debugging tools
- - App to test CORS requests.
- arcgis-js-api-camera-helper (⭐0) - Web application to get the camera position JSON object for 3D web apps in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x.
- arcgis-js-api-extent-helper - Web application to get the map extent JSON object for web apps in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x.
Starter apps and CLIs
- Check the contributing guidelines for this repo.
10. Awesome Css
Tutorials 🎬 / 2015
- CSS Hands-on Tutorial - Free CSS hands-on tutorial by LabEx.
11. Awesome Datascience
Free Courses
- Data Science Course By IBM - Free resources and learn what data science is and how it’s used in different industries.
12. Awesome Integration
Projects / Messaging
- EMQX (⭐14k) (⭐15k) - High-performance MQTT broker built for IoT and industrial applications, ensuring scalable message delivery.
Projects / Workflow engine
- Argo Workflows (⭐15k) (⭐15k) - Container-native workflow engine designed for orchestrating parallel jobs in Kubernetes-based, cloud-native environments.
13. Awesome Qubes OS
Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / Crypto
- Split Monero Wallet - With Qubes + Whonix you can have a Monero wallet that is without networking and running on a virtually isolated system from the Monero daemon which has all of its traffic forced over Tor.
14. Awesome for Beginners
- OpenFoodFacts (⭐952) (label: good first issue)
Collaborative, free and open database of food products from around the world. Scan barcode to get info or add a product
- OpenCalc (⭐942) (label: good first issue)
A simple and beautiful calculator for Android.
15. Awesome Svelte
Routers / Form Components
- svelte5-router (⭐132) - First Svelte 5 SPA router with nesting, hooks, and more.. Use components, snippets, or both!
16. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- DerScanner ©️ — Multi-language Static Application Security Testing (SAST) platform that detects critical vulnerabilities, including hardcoded secrets, weak cryptography, backdoors, SQL injections, insecure configurations, etc.
17. Awesome Ai in Finance
Traditional Market / Crypto Currencies
- 🌟🌟🌟 OpenBB (⭐37k) - AI-powered opensource research and analytics workspace.
18. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- deno_kv_fs (⭐9) Deno KV file system, compatible with Deno deploy. Makes use of Web Streams API.
Tools / XML
- Deno Dig (⭐0) - A tool for extracting application code and npm packages from stand-alone Deno executables.
19. Awesome Cakephp
- CakeDC/SearchFilter plugin (⭐0) - Powerful and flexible solution for implementing advanced search functionality. Provides a robust set of tools for creating dynamic, user-friendly search interfaces with minimal effort.
20. Awesome Java
Native / Text-Based User Interfaces
- native-lib-loader (⭐200) - Native library loader for extracting and loading native libraries from Java.
Testing / Frameworks
- cdi-test (⭐27) - JUnit extension for easy and efficient testing of CDI components.
- weld-testing (⭐105) - Set of test framework extensions (JUnit 4, JUnit 5, Spock) to enhance the testing of CDI components via Weld. Supports Weld 5.
Testing / Miscellaneous
- Testcontainers (⭐8.2k) - Provides throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.
21. Awesome Cl
- Pretty printing tree data structures in Common Lisp (as a Jupyter notebook)
Others / Web project skeletons and generators
- mobiledetect (⭐4) - System for detecting mobile devices (including tablets) in User-Agent strings. MIT.
- random-ua (⭐3) - Random User-Agent generator for Common Lisp. BSD_2Clause.
22. Awesome Ruby
- MaglevCMS - An open source page builder with an sleek UI.
- fitting (⭐61) - Library add improve test log for RSpec and WebMock, validate its according to API Blueprint and Open API, show the documentation coverage with log.
23. Awesome Go
Distributed Systems
- NATS (⭐17k) - NATS is a simple, secure, and performant communications system for digital systems, services, and devices.
- NATS Go Client (⭐5.7k) - Go client for the NATS messaging system.
- vdf (⭐47) - A Lexer and Parser for Valves Data Format (known as vdf) written in Go.
Third-party APIs
- go-gerrit (⭐98) - Go client library for Gerrit Code Review.
Web Frameworks
- WebGo (⭐303) - A micro-framework to build web apps with handler chaining, middleware, and context injection. With standard library-compliant HTTP handlers (i.e.,
Code Analysis / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- fatcontext (⭐26) - Fatcontext detects nested contexts in loops or function literals.
24. Awesome Connectivity Info
Global Connectivity Indexes
- ITU ICT Development Index - (2024) (2023) (2017) Composite index based on three pillars, ICT Access, ICT Use, and ICT Skills.
Periodic Global Connectivity Reports
- Broadband Commission: The State of Broadband - (2024) (2023) (2022) (2021) (2020) (2019)(2018) (2017)
Regional Connectivity Reports and Data
- GSMA Mobile Economy - Latin America (2024) (2022) (2021)
Other sources
- Continent of Africa: High Resolution Population Density Maps by Meta - HRSL datasets offering unprecedented accuracy in population mapping.
25. Awesome List
- VLM Architectures (⭐671) - Vision Language Model architectures.
- Babylon.js (⭐265) - Game engine for cross-platform web and native game development.
Health and Social Science
- Lucid Dreams (⭐70) - A dream where one becomes aware they are dreaming.
26. Discount for Student Dev
- Lucidchart [FREE] - Create flowcharts & diagrams online with Lucidchart. You don't need to download anything. Students are eligible for a free Education account using school email.
- Basecamp [FREE] - Basecamp's the project management platform that helps small teams move faster and make more progress than they ever thought possible. Sign up using school email and follow the steps from the link above.
- Miro [FREE] - Free digital whiteboard for online education. The offer is valid for two years.
- [FREE] - helps you and your entire class create modern presentations with ease. We believe that design and education should be accessible to everyone, so we’re excited to offer students a free annual Pro subscription. Simply verify your .edu account and we’ll send you a confirmation email with your coupon code.
- Shodan [FREE / CREDIT] - Free upgrade (normally 49$) to gain full access to everything shodan has to offer + 100 Export credits. Simply use your academic email address when you signup.
- Malwarebytes [Discount] - Get 50% off device security by entering your information into ProxID to get verified as a student.
27. Awesome Angular
HTTP / Google Developer Experts
- ng-memento (⭐2) - Makes your application faster by preventing the same HTTP requests from being called again in your Angular project.
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- angular-rsocket (⭐2) - This service allows you to easily connect to an RSocket server, handle streams and messages, and manage authentication tokens flexibly via a token provider.
Internationalization / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-translate-lint (⭐34) - Simple CLI tools for check
- ngx-translate-routes (⭐6) - This service translates titles and route paths.
e2e / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-playwright (⭐24) - Tools to run Playwright e2e tests in an Angular workspace.
Data Grids / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-grid (⭐4) - A professional Angular data grid.
QR Codes / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-qrcode-generator (⭐2) - An Angular component that generates QR codes using the QRious (⭐1.6k) library.
Scroll / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-perfect-scrollbar (⭐3) - This fork of ngx-perfect-scrollbar (⭐523) is an Angular wrapper library for Perfect Scrollbar.
RxJS / Google Developer Experts
- rxjs-collection (⭐5) - RxJS enhanced Array, Map, WeakMap, Set and WeakSet.
28. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Java / Bootstrap
- Learn Java for FTC (⭐144) - Alan Smith (PDF)
29. Awesome Ai Tools
Text / Writing assistants
- Nexus AI - Nexus AI is a generative cutting-edge AI Platform for writing, coding, voiceovers, research, image creation and beyond.
- Shy Editor - A modern AI-assisted writing environment for all types of prose.
Text / Productivity
- AnkiDecks AI - Create Flashcards 10x faster. Generate Anki Flashcards from any File or Text with AI.
- AI for Google Slides - AI presentation maker for Google Slides
- FARSITE - AI-powered Compliance Software for U.S. Government Contractors
- GOSH - Free AI Price Tracker - Track any price of any product at any store using AI
Text / Developer tools
- Langfuse - Open-source LLM engineering platform that helps teams collaboratively debug, analyze, and iterate on their LLM applications. #opensource (⭐8.8k)
- CodeRabbit - An AI-powered code review tool that helps developers improve code quality and productivity.
- Pagerly - Your Operations Co-pilot on Slack/Teams. It assists and prompts oncall with relevant information to debug issues.
- Hexabot - A Open-source No-Code tool to build your AI Chatbot / Agent (multi-lingual, multi-channel, LLM, NLU, + ability to develop custom extensions)
Image / Services
- RepublicLabs.AI - multi-model simultaneous generation from a single prompt, fully unrestricted and packed with the latest greatest AI models.
- Black Headshots - AI headshots generator for black professionals
- Pixvify AI - Free realistic AI photo generator platform
- Pawtrait - AI Pet Portraits
- iColoring - Free AI Coloring Pages Generator
Audio / AI Voice Cloning
- - An app to generate podcast eposode ( script + Audio ) using AI.
Audio / Marketing AI Tools
- LogicBalls - An AI-powered writing tool to create any type of content and supercharge your productivity.
- Rupert AI - AI tools for designers and marketers
- PersonaForce - Create and chat with AI buyer personas for smarter marketing
Audio / Phone Calls
- Rosie - AI Phone Answering Service
Audio / Speech
- - Generate daily news podcasts only on the topics you care about.
Other / Music
- AI Wedding Toast - Generate a personalized wedding speech with AI
- Socialsonic - AI LinkedIn Coach: Personalized content, trends & scheduling.
- Napkin - Napkin turns your text into visuals so sharing your ideas is quick and effective.
- Exam Samurai - AI Exam Generator
- AI Watermark Remover - Remove watermarks from images and videos.
- AISaver - Collection of AI Powered Video and Photo Tools
- Harbor (⭐1.4k) - run LLM backends, APIs, frontends, and services with one command
Learn AI free / Machine Learning
- How To Learn Artificial Intelligence (AI)? - provides a step-by-step guide for beginners to understand and develop AI skills. It covers foundational topics like programming (Python), mathematics, and machine learning, progressing to advanced concepts such as deep learning and neural networks.
30. Awesome Naming
- Cookie licking - E.g. claiming a GitHub issue, then not working on it.
31. Colorful
Color Palettes / Web App
- InclusiveColors - Create custom accessible Tailwind-style color palettes, with WCAG/APCA contrast checks and live previews on a mockup.
32. Awesome Firebase Genkit
Articles / Golang - Community
- How to Develop Firebase Genkit Functions - A practical guide to efficient local testing of Genkit Functions with Firebase product integrations.
- Firebase Genkit for Go Developers: A Guide to Building LLM Applications - A getting started guide for Go developers using Genkit.
33. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Bayesian Modeling / Bayesian Induction
- Theory-based Bayesian models of inductive learning and reasoning - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2006. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. Inductive inference allows humans to make powerful generalizations from sparse data when learning about word meanings, unobserved properties, causal relationships, and many other aspects of the world. Traditional accounts of induction emphasize either the power of statistical learning, or the importance of strong constraints from structured domain knowledge, intuitive theories or schemas. This paper argues that both components are necessary to explain the nature, use and acquisition of human knowledge, and the authors introduce a theory-based Bayesian framework for modeling inductive learning and reasoning as statistical inferences over structured knowledge representations.
Concepts / Human Concept Representation
- Semantic projection recovers rich human knowledge of multiple object features from word embeddings - Nature Human Behavior, 2022. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. How is knowledge about word meaning represented in the mental lexicon? Current computational models infer word meanings from lexical co-occurrence patterns. They learn to represent words as vectors in a multidimensional space, wherein words that are used in more similar linguistic contexts—that is, are more semantically related—are located closer together. However, whereas inter-word proximity captures only overall relatedness, human judgements are highly context dependent. For example, dolphins and alligators are similar in size but differ in dangerousness. This work proposes a domain-general method to extract context-dependent relationships from word embeddings: ‘semantic projection’ of word-vectors onto lines that represent features such as size (the line connecting the words ‘small’ and ‘big’) or danger (‘safe’ to ‘dangerous’), analogous to ‘mental scales’. This method recovers human judgements across various object categories and properties. Thus, the geometry of word embeddings explicitly represents a wealth of context-dependent world knowledge.
34. Awesome Cpp
- barkeep (⭐164) - Small C++ header to display async animations, counters, and progress bars. [Apache-2.0] website
- Ctrl+C (⭐25) - Crossplatform C++11 library to handle Ctrl+C event in custom functions. [MIT]
- tuibox (⭐158) - A single-header terminal UI (TUI) library, capable of creating mouse-driven, interactive applications on the command line. [MIT]
Image Processing
- [Jpegli][ (⭐178)] - an improved JPEG encoder and decoder implementation. [BSD-3-Clause]
- Pipes (⭐814) - Pipelines for expressive code on collections in C++. [MIT]
35. Awesome Generative Deep Art
AI-Powered Code Generation
- Potpie - Open Source AI Agents for your codebase in minutes. Use pre-built agents for Q&A, Testing, Debugging and System Design or create your own purpose-built agents.
Attacks on LLMs / Multi-agents
- ZombAIs: From Prompt Injection to C2 with Claude Computer Use
Image Segmentation / Deforum
- Melies: All-in-one AI filmmaking software
36. Free for Dev
Artifact Repos
- RepoForge - Private cloud-hosted repository for Python, Debian, NPM packages and Docker registries. Free plan for open source/public projects.
Generative AI
- Pollinations.AI - easy-to-use, free image generation AI with free API available. No signups or API keys required, and several option for integrating into a website or workflow. #opensource (⭐1.1k)
IDE and Code Editing
- Zed - Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
- Prev: Nov 04 - Nov 10, 2024
- Next: Oct 21 - Oct 27, 2024