Awesome List Updates on Oct 14 - Oct 20, 2024

49 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome V

Scientific computing

2. Awesome Qubes OS

Downloading, Installing, Upgrading, and Building

3. Awesome Construct

Tutorials / YouTube

Tutorials / Other Sources

4. Awesome Job Boards

Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Remote / TypeScript

Tech / Aggregator

Tech / Europe

5. Awesome for Beginners













6. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Blogging Platforms

Software / Document Management - E-books

Software / Software Development - IDE & Tools

7. Awesome Cpp


8. Awesome Microservices

Frameworks / Runtimes

Security / Scala

Storage / Scala

Articles & Papers / Scala

9. Awesome Keycloak

Community Extensions

10. Awesome Ruby


11. Awesome Mac

Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools

Communication / File Sharing

Utilities / System Related Tools

Gaming Software / System Related Tools

12. Awesome Web Archiving

Tools & Software / Acquisition

13. Awesome Product Management

Articles / Obsidian

14. Awesome Crypto Papers

Specific topics / Post-quantum cryptography

15. Awesome Nodejs

Packages / Cross-platform integration

16. ALL About RSS

Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language

Terminal-based / programmable RSS readers / Outline Processor Markup Language

17. Awesome Datascience


General Machine Learning Packages / Deep Learning architectures

Deep Learning Packages / Visualization Tools

Podcasts / Book Deals (Affiliated) 🛍

18. Awesome Workflow Automation


19. Awesome Tmux

Tools and session management

20. PlacesToPostYourStartup


21. Awesome Algorithms

Online Judges / Randomized Algorithms

22. Awesome Go




Free e-books / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

Guided Learning / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

23. Awesome Ansible


24. Topics

List of articles and posts



25. Awesome Integration

Projects / API Management

Projects / API Design

Projects / API Documentation

Projects / API Testing

Projects / Data Mapping Solution

Projects / ESB

Projects / Messaging

Resources / Data Formats

Resources / Structure and Validation

26. Open Source Mac Os Apps

Utilities / Text

27. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Autonomous LLM Agents / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image

Autonomous LLM Agents / Multi-agents

LLM Evaluation / Multi-agents

Speech-to-text (STT) and spoken content analysis / Deforum

28. Awesome Transit

GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Ruby

29. Awesome Typescript

Decorators / Chrome Extensions

30. Static Analysis

Programming Languages / Other

31. Awesome Cryptography

Courses / Hash functions

32. Awesome Developer First

Code Quality

33. Awesome Azure Openai Llm

Advanced RAG


Vector Database Comparison / Lucene based search engine with OpenAI Embedding

Other techniques and LLM patterns / Llama Finetuning

OpenAI's Roadmap and Products / OpenAI's roadmap

Section 10: General AI Tools and Extensions / OSS Alternatives for OpenAI Code Interpreter (aka. Advanced Data Analytics)

Evaluating Large Language Models / OSS Alternatives for OpenAI Code Interpreter (aka. Advanced Data Analytics)

34. Awesome Ci

35. Awesome Opentofu

Tools / CI

36. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Mail

Projects / Web

Projects / Build tools

Projects / Misc

Projects / Desktop

Projects / Examples

Projects / Android

Android / Libraries

Android / Projects

Android / Extensions

Kotlin JavaScript / JavaScript

Kotlin JavaScript / Build Tools

Kotlin JavaScript / Integration

Kotlin Native / Projects

37. Awesome Love2d


38. Awesome Quant

Python / Financial Instruments and Pricing

Python / Trading & Backtesting

CPP / Data Visualization

Python / Factor Analysis

Python / Time Series

Python / Data Sources

Python / Visualization

R / Data Sources

Matlab / FrameWorks

Reproducing Works, Training & Books / Data Visualization

39. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Theory of Mind / AI Assisted Research

40. Awesome Cl

Non-deterministic, logic programming


HTTP Servers / Hunchentoot plugins

URI and IP handling / Isomorphic web frameworks

41. Awesome Vue

Resources / Community

Components & Libraries / UI Components

Components & Libraries / UI Utilities

42. Awesome Css

Preprocessors 💊 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Miscellaneous / Editor's Draft ✒️

43. Awesome Neovim

Marks / Diagnostics

Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics

Media / Diagnostics

Utility / Diagnostics

Neovim Lua Development / Diagnostics

GitHub / Diagnostics

Session / Diagnostics

Tmux / Diagnostics

Boilerplate / Diagnostics

44. Awesome Embedded Rust

Driver crates / Other

45. Awesome Rust

Applications / Security tools

Libraries / Text search

46. Free for Dev

Issue Tracking and Project Management

IDE and Code Editing

47. Awesome Angular

YouTube Channels / Google Developer Experts

Integrations / Google Developer Experts

Animations / Google Developer Experts

Captcha / Google Developer Experts

Carousels / Google Developer Experts

Charts / Google Developer Experts

DOM / Google Developer Experts

General / Google Developer Experts

Validation / Google Developer Experts

Icons / Google Developer Experts

Images / Google Developer Experts

Loaders / Google Developer Experts

Maps / Google Developer Experts

Media / Google Developer Experts

Notifications / Google Developer Experts

Tailwind CSS Based / Google Developer Experts

48. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

ZSH Tools / superconsole - Windows-only

Completions / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

49. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)

Cellular Automata

IDE and editors

Machine Learning

Mathematics For Computer Science

Software Architecture