Awesome List Updates on Sep 30 - Oct 06, 2024
40 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Ai Collective Tools
- ChatPulse -ChatPulse allows you to have conversations with any PDF document. Simply upload your file and start asking questions right away!.
2. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Theory of Mind / AI Assisted Research
- Evaluating and Modeling Social Intelligence: A Comparative Study of Human and AI Capabilities - CogSci'24, 2024. [All Versions]. This work eveloped a comprehensive theoretical framework for social dynamics and introduced two evaluation tasks: Inverse Reasoning (IR) and Inverse Inverse Planning (IIP). The approach also encompassed a computational model based on recursive Bayesian inference, adept at elucidating diverse human behavioral patterns. Extensive experiments and detailed analyses revealed that humans surpassed the latest GPT models in overall performance, zero-shot learning, one-shot generalization, and adaptability to multi-modalities.
3. Awesome Tikz
Tools / PGFPlots
- TikZiT - A GUI editor designed for graphs and string diagrams.
4. Awesome Godot
2D / Godot 3
- ROTA (⭐238) - Gravity-bending puzzle platformer game.
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- Shaker (⭐310) - Plugin that adds shaking and emitters for cameras, nodes or any property in 2D and 3D.
5. Awesome Webxr
Development / Engines
- iR Engine (⭐35) - A full stack MMO engine built on three.js and bitECS with support for WebXR.
6. Awesome Jquery
UI / Paid Books
- macon (⭐3) - Tiny utility (430B) to create reactive jquery components using a JSX-like syntax.
7. Awesome Dash
- Ploomber Cloud - The community plan allows free deployments
Component Libraries
- Dash PDF (⭐21) - Display inline PDFs
- Dash MUI (⭐14) - Material UI components
- Dash React Simple Maps (⭐7) - Create interactive maps
- Dash Mosaic (⭐12) - Display Mosaic (⭐901) plots
- Dash Tabler Icons (⭐4) - Beautiful icons for your Dash apps
- Dash React Syntax Highlighter (⭐1) - Display code snippets with a copy button
8. Awesome Python Data Science
Data Validation / Synthetic Data
- DataComPy (⭐505)- A library to compare Pandas, Polars, and Spark data frames. It provides stats and lets users adjust for match accuracy.
9. Awesome Git Addons
Delete branches with day-offset
$ git branchcut execute -o 7
Switched to branch 'main'
Deleted branch bugfix/test (was e2afad6).
Deleted branch too-old-branch (was 1d3f82d).
Break apart large branches into smaller ones
Assume a hypothetical project where you make changes to two software component folders in one feature-branch, you can use this tool to make that two branches with a preserved history for both.
git checkout feature-branch
./git-exfiltrate master feature-branch-extracted "component-folder/*"
The feature-branch-extracted
branch will be created with just the contents of
from the feature-branch changes.
* e01009e (main)
| * ce4ca64 (feature-branch-extracted)
| | component-folder/1 | 20 +
| * f3bf092
| | component-folder/1 | 20 +
* | 4b2ebd6
| * d4c374e (feature-branch)
| | component-folder/1 | 20 +
| | different-component-folder/2 | 100 -
| * 4724dbb
| | component-folder/1 | 20 +
| | different-component-folder/2 | 100 -
* 927799f
* 219e9b2
Collect and sum the /spend <duration>
directives found in commit messages.
$ git spend sum
3 weeks 2 days 1 hour 37 minutes
10. Awesome Neovim
Remote Development / Diagnostics
- live-share.nvim (⭐179) - Provides remote collaboration capabilities from anywhere, making it ideal for pair-programming scenarios.
11. Awesome Marketing
Email Marketing / Email Deliverability
- Heybounce - Review - Email verification service that checks if an email exists and detects disposable emails to reduce bounce rates.
- GlockApps - Review - Tool to diagnose email deliverability problems.
- Mailtrap - Review - Platform used to test deliverability before sending and control results in one place.
12. Learn to Program
Freemium recreate programming tools from scratch in any language
(Go, Rust, Python, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, Haskell, C#, C, Java, PHP, Elixir, Crystal, Clojure, Zig, Nim)
To the extent possible under law, Karl Horky has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing style of this list.
13. Awesome Mongodb
Libraries / PHP
- laravel-mongodb (⭐7k) - Official Eloquent model and query builder for Laravel
- Doctrine MongoDB ODM (⭐1.1k) and MongoDB ODM Bundle for Symfony (⭐385) - Fully featured ORM with Symfony integration
- MongoDB Bundle (⭐37) - Integration of the official library with Symfony, without ORM
- yii-mongodb (⭐327) - Yii 2 MongoDB extension
- opentelemetry php auto-mongodb (⭐1) - Automatic monitoring of MongoDB commands with OpenTelemetry
14. Awesome Spark
Packages / Language Bindings
- spark-connect-rs (⭐85)
- Rust bindings.
- spark-connect-go (⭐155)
- Golang bindings.
15. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Models
- django-auto-prefetch (⭐368) - Automatically prefetch foreign key values as needed.
16. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Security
- harpoon (⭐149) - Trace syscalls from user-space functions, by using eBPF.
17. Mind Expanding Books
Fiction / Fantasy
Name: And the Mountains Echoed
Author: Khaled Hosseini
Goodreads Rating: 4.26
Year Published: 2013
18. Awesome Developer First
- devActivity - Contributions analytics with AI Insights, Performance Review, Retrospectives and Gamifications.
- Lil'bots - Create and deploy automation scripts in JavaScript or Python and deploy them to the cloud instantly, with free built-in APIs like OpenAI, Anthropic, and more.
- Heybounce - Email verification API.
19. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Bash / Non-X86
- The Shell Scripting Tutorial - Steve Parker (HTML)
Java / Bootstrap
- Java 23 - Key Concepts in Brief - Sergio Petrucci (PDF)
Linux / TeX
- Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide - Machtelt Garrels (PDF)
TypeScript / Vapor
- Total TypeScript: Essentials (HTML)
20. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2023
- Auditing fairness under unawareness through counterfactual reasoning - (Information Processing & Management) Shows how to unveil whether a black-box model, complying with the regulations, is still biased or not.
21. Awesome Zig
Allocators and memory
- dbandstra/zig-hunk (⭐0) - Basic "Hunk" memory allocator, based on the hunk system from id Software's Quake engine.
- dbandstra/zig-wav (⭐1) - Simple WAV file parser and writer.
- dbandstra/oxid (⭐4) - Arcade-style game where you fight waves of monsters in a fixed-screen maze.
Misc libraries
- dbandstra/zig-pcx (⭐0) - PCX image format decoder and encoder.
22. Topics
List of blogs and websites
- Official website of Selvakumaran Krishnan
23. Awesome Integration
Projects / Workflow engine
- Camunda (⭐4.1k) (⭐4.2k) - Flexible workflow and decision automation platform designed for scalable business process management.
Resources / API Specification
- Standard Webhooks (⭐1.3k) (⭐1.4k) - Open source tools and guidelines for sending webhooks easily, securely, and reliably.
24. Awesome Polars
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Polars plugins
- polars_sim (⭐12) - Polars plugin that implements fast approximate joins on string columns for polars dataframes by @schemaitat.
Resources / Talks and videos
- Polars and time series | PyData 2024 ⏳ 29 min - A video that shows how to use Polars effectively for time series analysis iby @MarcoGorelli.
25. Awesome Kotlin
Android / Tools
- jzbrooks/vgo (⭐46) - vgo is a tool for optimizing and converting between vector artwork representations.
26. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-amplify (⭐8) - Template with SSR + Express APIs + AWS Amplify Hosting.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- vite-plugin-dynamic-chunk (⭐11) - Split dependencies between entry and dynamic entry, and merge small chunks.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-envtype-patch (⭐1) - Generate
info forimport.meta.env
React / Routing
- vite-plugin-remix-flat-routes (⭐5) - Remix-flat-routes convention-based routing, compatible with react-router data-api routing.
27. Awesome V
- Tiniest Veb Server (⭐14) - A < 1MB static hosting web server written in V, based on
. 🍃
28. Awesome Transit
GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Rust
- GTFS Diff - GTFS Diff is a specification created by and aims at providing a simple and unified way to express differences between GTFS files.
- Swiftly - Tool generate realtime transit data.
SIRI / Rust
- BISON - Netherlands implementation of SIRI.
Widely adopted / Rust
- APDS - Alliance for Parking Data Standards: formed by the International Parking Institute (IPI), the British Parking Association (BPA), and the European Parking Association (EPA). APDS is a not-for-profit organization with the mission to develop, promote, manage, and maintain a uniform global standard that will allow organizations to share parking data across platforms worldwide.
- DATEX - EU data standard for road traffic and travel information.
- GBFS - General Bikeshare Feed Specification: open data standard for real-time information about bikeshare, scootershare, mopedshare, and carshare.
- gbfs R package (⭐38) - Functions to interface with GBFS feeds in R, allowing users to save and accumulate tidy .rds datasets for specified cities/bikeshare programs.
- MDS (⭐693) - Mobility Data Specification: A format to implement realtime data sharing, measurement and regulation for municipalities and mobility as a service providers. It is meant to ensure that governments have the ability to enforce, evaluate and manage providers. Maintained by the Open Mobility Foundation.
- TODS - Transit Operational Data Standard: standard format for representing transit schedules used by drivers, dispatchers, and planners to carry out transit operations.
- TOMP (⭐100) - Transport Operator Mobility-as-a-service Provider API: API standard for use by transport operators and mobility-as-a-service providers for operator discovery, trip planning, end user interaction, booking, and payment.
Pilot or development stage / Rust
- GMNS (⭐116) - General Modeling Network Specification: A format for sharing routable road network files designed to be used in multi-modal static and dynamic transportation planning and operations models. Volpe/FHWA partnership with Zephyr Foundation.
- GTNS - General Travel Network Specification: A planned data specification for sharing travel demand model networks.
- IXSI (⭐2) - interface for exchanging information between a travel information system and a sharing system (carshare, bikeshare).
- MTLFS (⭐9) - Managed and Tolled Lanes Feed Specification: Proposal for a schema that comprise the Managed and Tolled Lanes Tolling Feed Specification (MTLFS) and defines the fields used in all of those files developed by Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority.
- MaaS API (⭐17) - A set of open documents and test suite that defines a MaaS-compatible API.
- OJP (⭐25) - Open Journey Planner.
- OSDM (⭐65) - Open Sales and Distribution Model: Aims to substantially simplify the booking process for customers of rail trips and to lower complexity and distribution costs for distributors and railway carriers. Contains a specification of an offline model and on-line API. Maintained by the International Union of Railways (UIC).
- TIDES (⭐36) - Transit ITS Data Exchange Specification (TIDES) is a proposed effort to create standard data structures, APIs, and data management tools for historical transit ITS data including AVL, APC and AFC Data.
Web Apps (open source) / Rust
- 1-Click - A virtual “trip aggregator” that assembles information on a wide variety of available modes: public transit, private, rail, rideshare, carpool, volunteer, paratransit, and walking and biking.
Web Apps (closed source) / Rust
- DC MetroHero - Realtime vehicle position and arrivals and departure information for the Washington, D.C. region's WMATA Metrorail and Metrobus systems. WebApp, Android, and iOS apps avaliable.
Native Apps (open source) / Rust
- Next Train - Connecticut (⭐1) - A React-native mobile app for searching train schedules published by the Shore Line East transit agency in Connecticut. Relies on a deployment of the Next Train API (⭐4).
GTFS Based Visualizations / Rust
- Simple Transit Map - An online example of how to host and update a webmap.
Agency Tools / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- Next Train API (⭐4) - Serves any GTFS feed as a JSON API. Transit agencies and developers alike can deploy the open source code to their own Heroku server.
- TransAM - An open-source asset management platform for public transportation agencies.
Community / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
Academic papers / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- Kay et al. - "When(ish) is my bus? User-centered Visualizations of Uncertainty in Everyday, Mobile Predictive Systems" - Paper attempts to answr the question of "how do we communicate uncertainty in transit predictions?" Explains the problem, existing solutions and designs a better interface for letting users know when to arrive at the bus stop (⭐45).
29. Free for Dev
Design and UI
- Flyon UI- The Easiest Components Library For Tailwind CSS.
APIs, Data, and ML
- JSONing — Create a fake REST API from a JSON object, and customize HTTP status codes, headers, and response bodies.
30. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-arc (⭐0) - Adds aliases and functions for git-arc (⭐8.1k), a FreeBSD development tool.
31. Awesome Windows
- Timelens - Cross-platform time tracking software.
- Hyper - Terminal built on web technologies.
32. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
Commercial Offerings
- Phase Two ( offers hosting (free tier avaialable), on-prem deployments, and enterprise Keycloak support.
33. Awesome Cpp
Image Processing
- QOI (⭐7k) - The “Quite OK Image Format” for fast, lossless image compression. [MIT]
- MPH (⭐189) - C++20 [Minimal] Static Perfect Hash library. [MIT]
34. Awesome Go
Project Layout
- goxygen (⭐3.6k) - Generate a modern Web project with Go and Angular, React, or Vue in seconds.
- mm-go (⭐158) - Generic manual memory management for golang.
- go-deepcopy (⭐44) - Fast deep copy library.
- json-log-viewer (⭐140) - Interactive viewer for JSON logs.
35. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🧬 Quantity Queries (⭐12) - Adds variants for using quantity queries.
36. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- valentinus (⭐12) - Next generation vector database built with LMDB bindings
Applications / Games
- zipxing/rust_pixel (⭐156) [rust_pixel] - A 2D pixel art game engine & rapid prototyping tools, supporting both text and graphical rendering modes.
Applications / System tools
- ynqa/logu (⭐92) - Extract patterns from (streaming) unstructured log messages
Applications / Utilities
- sorairolake/qrtool (⭐177) [qrtool] - A utility for encoding and decoding QR code images.
Libraries / Cryptography
- sorairolake/abcrypt (⭐18) [abcrypt] - A simple, modern and secure file encryption library.
- sorairolake/scryptenc-rs (⭐5) [scryptenc] - An implementation of the scrypt encrypted data format.
Libraries / Date and time
- sorairolake/nt-time (⭐7) [nt-time] - A Windows file time library.
Libraries / System
- sorairolake/sysexits-rs (⭐26) [sysexits] - The system exit codes as defined by
37. Awesome Dotnet
Algorithms and Data structures
- OneOf (⭐3.6k) - OneOf provides discriminated unions for C# with exhaustive compile time matching.
Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- dotnet-repl (⭐753) - C# REPL (read-eval-print loop)
- DapperQueryBuilder (⭐525) - Dapper Query Builder using String Interpolation and Fluent API
Query Builders
- InterpolatedSql (⭐223) - SQL Builder using String Interpolation and Fluent API
Source Generator
- CodegenCS (⭐268) - Code Generation Toolkit where templates are written using plain C#. Command-line tool, MSBuild task, Visual Studio Extension, and Roslyn Source Generator.
38. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Critical Views about Generative AI
Generative AI Tools Directories
- AI Presentation Makers: In-depth reviews of dozens of AI presentation makers
Small Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs)
- LiteLLM: a proxy server to manage auth, loadbalancing, and spend tracking across 100+ LLMs, all in the OpenAI format
Autonomous LLM Agents / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image
- NirDiamant/GenAI_Agents (⭐8.3k): tutorials and implementations for various Generative AI Agent techniques, from basic to advanced. It serves as a comprehensive guide for building intelligent, interactive AI systems.
Podcast generators / Deforum
- Google NotebookLM: generate podcast episodes based on your uploaded references
- Illuminate: transform your content into engaging AI‑generated audio discussions also by Google
39. Awesome Emails
Frameworks / React
- JSX-email - JSX Mail is an email framework that uses React to create email templates.
Services / Misc
- Resend - Build, test, and send transactional emails at scale.
- ForwardMX - Premium email forwarding for your domain name.
Self-Hosted Services / Misc
- Cloud Seeder - 1-click Install and Upgrade a Postfix+Dovecot or Stalwart mail server instance, hands free.
Inspirations / Misc
- WhoSentWhat - We bring email newsletters from inbox to web
40. Awesome Angular
- built with angular - Discover apps of all sizes, including Open Source and Indie developer projects.
Blogs / Google Developer Experts
Exercises / Google Developer Experts
- angular-exercises (⭐3) - Exercises on various Angular topics, including solutions and solution videos.
YouTube Channels / Google Developer Experts
Developer tools / Google Developer Experts
- detective (⭐108) - Detective leverages forensic code analysis at the architectural level to uncover hidden patterns in your codebase.
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-fabric-wrapper (⭐25) - Angular wrapper library for Fabric.
- ngx-three-globe (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides an interactive, 3D globe visualization built using Three.js.
- vike-angular (⭐9) - Angular integration for Vike (⭐4.7k), a fast Vite-based frontend framework.
- stream-chat-angular (⭐58) - Angular Chat SDK ➜ Stream Chat. Build a chat app with ease.
- gong (⭐14) - Gong (go + ng) is a framework for full stack development based on Go and Angular. The Go back-end uses gin, gorm, and sqlite (a pure go sqlite, no cgo needed). The Angular front-end uses Angular Material.
Server-Side Rendering / Google Developer Experts
- analog-stuff (⭐3) - Extra stuff for AnalogJS including
Animations / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-number-ticker (⭐2) - A simple number ticker effect to animate counting.
- ngx-word-rotation (⭐0) - An Angular library designed to facilitate word rotation animations within Angular applications.
- ngx-word-morph (⭐4) - An Angular library designed to facilitate word morphing animations within Angular applications.
- ngx-cryptic-text (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a cryptic text animation effect. The component animates text by randomly switching letters until the correct characters appear.
- ngx-word-pullup (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a smooth pull-up animation effect for words. This component is designed to sequentially pull up and reveal words with a customizable delay.
- ngx-typewriter (⭐3) - A lightweight and easy-to-use library for creating typewriter effects. It uses RxJS to manage the typewriting effect, ensuring smooth and customizable animations.
- ngx-gradient-text (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a dynamic gradient animation effect for text. This component allows you to display text with a smooth, animated gradient that transitions between two customizable colors.
- ngx-shiny-text (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a shimmering text animation effect.
- ngx-ripple (⭐2) - This component creates an expanding ripple effect with customizable color, border, and animation duration. Perfect for adding an interactive and engaging effect to backgrounds or containers in your application.
- ngx-shine-border (⭐3) - An Angular library that provides a dynamic and customizable animated border effect for Angular components.
- ngx-border-beam (⭐1) - This component allows you to create a glowing, animated border that can be customized in terms of colors, border radius, and animation duration.
- ngx-dotpattern (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a customizable dot pattern background effect for your Angular components.
- ngx-meteors (⭐1) - An Angular library that adds a mesmerizing meteor shower animation effect to your components.
- ngx-background-beams (⭐0) - An Angular component that generates dynamic animated background beams with customizable gradients and motion paths.
- ngx-aurora (⭐7) - An Angular library that creates a mesmerizing aurora background effect. This component provides an animated, gradient-based light effect with customizable inversion and two different animation styles.
- ngx-particles (⭐1) - An Angular library that provides a dynamic and interactive particle animation effect. The particles react to mouse movements, creating a visually engaging and customizable background for your Angular components.
- ngx-spotlight (⭐0) - An Angular library that creates a spotlight effect using SVG animations. The component highlights sections of your page when they enter the viewport, with customizable spotlight colors and optional animations.
- ngx-starry-sky (⭐0) - An Angular library that creates a beautiful starry sky background with optional shooting star effects.
- ngx-connection-beam (⭐5) - An Angular component that dynamically renders animated connection lines between two elements.
Carousels / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-stories (⭐19) - An Angular component to render Instagram like stories.
Dates / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-timeline (⭐1) - A simple component library to add an animated timeline view.
DOM / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-fade (⭐0) - A versatile Angular component that provides a smooth fading and sliding effect for its content as it enters or leaves the viewport. This component uses the Intersection Observer API.
Drag and Drop / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-swapy (⭐8) - A simple component library to get a drag and drop DOM through the help of Swapy (⭐7.4k).
Editor Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-ace-wrapper (⭐46) - Angular wrapper library for Ace.
- ngx-quill-wrapper (⭐13) - Angular wrapper library for Quill.
File Upload / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-dropzone-wrapper (⭐174) - Angular wrapper library for Dropzone.
General / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-currency (⭐244) - Currency mask module for Angular.
Form Controls / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-otp-input (⭐27) - One time password input library for Angular.
Layout Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-flickering-grid (⭐1) - A simple component library to create a container with an animated grid pattern background.
- ngx-gridpattern (⭐3) - A simple component library to create a container with an pattern background.
- ngx-retro-grid (⭐0) - This component creates a 3D perspective grid with customizable colors, rotation, and smooth animation, perfect for adding a nostalgic or futuristic visual effect to your application.
- ngx-bottom-sheet (⭐4) - A highly customizable and lightweight Angular service that provides a mobile-friendly bottom sheet component.
Markdown / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-md (⭐266) - Angular directive for parsing markdown content in your web application.
Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-lift (⭐6) - This project has been crafted to enhance and simplify your Angular development experience. In the dynamic web development landscape, Angular stands out as a robust framework, and
complement it by offering a collection of utilities, operators, and components.
- firestitch - Firestitch has a ton of open source Angular solutions.
Scroll / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-tracing-beam (⭐2) - A simple component library to add an animated tracing beam to your vertical scrolling.
- ngx-marquee (⭐1) - A simple component library to create an infinite scrolling marquee with your content.
- @omnedia/ngx-scrollbar (⭐0) - This component offers a custom scrollbar with smooth scrolling functionality and allows for full control over its appearance through styling.
Misc Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-gauge (⭐219) - A highly customizable Gauge component for Angular apps and dashboards.
- ngx-neon-underline (⭐0) - An Angular library that provides a glowing neon underline effect for your components.
- ngx-lamp (⭐0) - A simple component library to create a lamp.
- ngx-globe (⭐1) - A simple component library to create a container with an animated globe.
- ngx-copypaste (⭐29) - A pure and awesome copy paste directive for Angular.
RxJS / Google Developer Experts
- rxjs-typewriter (⭐4) - A lightweight and easy-to-use NPM library for creating typewriter effects in your web applications. It uses RxJS to manage the typewriting effect, ensuring smooth and customizable animations.
- Prev: Oct 07 - Oct 13, 2024
- Next: Sep 23 - Sep 29, 2024