Awesome List Updates on Sep 30 - Oct 06, 2024

40 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Ai Collective Tools


2. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Theory of Mind / AI Assisted Research

3. Awesome Tikz

Tools / PGFPlots

4. Awesome Godot

2D / Godot 3

Plugins and scripts / Godot 4

5. Awesome Webxr

Development / Engines

6. Awesome Jquery

UI / Paid Books

7. Awesome Dash


Component Libraries


8. Awesome Python Data Science

Data Validation / Synthetic Data

9. Awesome Git Addons


Delete branches with day-offset

$ git branchcut execute -o 7
Switched to branch 'main'
Deleted branch bugfix/test (was e2afad6).
Deleted branch too-old-branch (was 1d3f82d).


Break apart large branches into smaller ones

Assume a hypothetical project where you make changes to two software component folders in one feature-branch, you can use this tool to make that two branches with a preserved history for both.

git checkout feature-branch
./git-exfiltrate master feature-branch-extracted "component-folder/*"

The feature-branch-extracted branch will be created with just the contents of component-folder from the feature-branch changes.

*   e01009e  (main)
| * ce4ca64  (feature-branch-extracted)
| |  component-folder/1 | 20 +
| * f3bf092
| |  component-folder/1 | 20 +
* | 4b2ebd6
| * d4c374e  (feature-branch)
| |  component-folder/1 | 20 +
| |  different-component-folder/2 | 100 -
| * 4724dbb
| |  component-folder/1 | 20 +
| |  different-component-folder/2 | 100 -
* 927799f
* 219e9b2

Collect and sum the /spend <duration> directives found in commit messages.

$ git spend sum
3 weeks 2 days 1 hour 37 minutes

10. Awesome Neovim

Remote Development / Diagnostics

11. Awesome Marketing

Email Marketing / Email Deliverability

12. Learn to Program



Freemium recreate programming tools from scratch in any language
(Go, Rust, Python, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, Haskell, C#, C, Java, PHP, Elixir, Crystal, Clojure, Zig, Nim)


To the extent possible under law, Karl Horky has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing style of this list.

13. Awesome Mongodb

Libraries / PHP

14. Awesome Spark

Packages / Language Bindings

15. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Models

16. Awesome Ebpf

Projects Related to eBPF / Security

17. Mind Expanding Books

Fiction / Fantasy

18. Awesome Developer First




19. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Bash / Non-X86

Java / Bootstrap

Linux / TeX

TypeScript / Vapor

20. Awesome Audit Algorithms

Papers / 2023

21. Awesome Zig

Allocators and memory



Misc libraries

22. Topics

List of blogs and websites


23. Awesome Integration

Projects / Workflow engine

Resources / API Specification

24. Awesome Polars

Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Polars plugins

Resources / Talks and videos

25. Awesome Kotlin

Android / Tools

26. Awesome Vite

Templates / React

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers

React / Routing

27. Awesome V


28. Awesome Transit

GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Rust

SIRI / Rust

Widely adopted / Rust

Pilot or development stage / Rust

Web Apps (open source) / Rust

Web Apps (closed source) / Rust

Native Apps (open source) / Rust

GTFS Based Visualizations / Rust

Agency Tools / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations

Community / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations

Academic papers / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations

29. Free for Dev

Design and UI

APIs, Data, and ML

30. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

31. Awesome Windows



32. Awesome Keycloak

Community Extensions


Commercial Offerings

33. Awesome Cpp

Image Processing


34. Awesome Go

Project Layout




35. Awesome Tailwindcss


36. Awesome Rust

Applications / Database

Applications / Games

Applications / System tools

Applications / Utilities

Libraries / Cryptography

Libraries / Date and time

Libraries / System

37. Awesome Dotnet

Algorithms and Data structures

Compilers, Transpilers and Languages


Query Builders

Source Generator

38. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Critical Views about Generative AI

Generative AI Tools Directories

Small Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs)

Autonomous LLM Agents / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image

Podcast generators / Deforum

39. Awesome Emails

Frameworks / React

Services / Misc

Self-Hosted Services / Misc

Inspirations / Misc

40. Awesome Angular


Blogs / Google Developer Experts

Exercises / Google Developer Experts

YouTube Channels / Google Developer Experts

Developer tools / Google Developer Experts

Integrations / Google Developer Experts

Server-Side Rendering / Google Developer Experts

Animations / Google Developer Experts

Carousels / Google Developer Experts

Dates / Google Developer Experts

DOM / Google Developer Experts

Drag and Drop / Google Developer Experts

Editor Components / Google Developer Experts

File Upload / Google Developer Experts

General / Google Developer Experts

Form Controls / Google Developer Experts

Layout Components / Google Developer Experts

Markdown / Google Developer Experts

Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts

Scroll / Google Developer Experts

Misc Components / Google Developer Experts

RxJS / Google Developer Experts