Awesome List Updates on Jan 22 - Jan 28, 2024
32 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Casual
- Save The Potato source-code (⭐35) - 🥇 Winner of Flame Game Jam 3.0 - Rotate the shields and save the potato from incoming orbs! By imaNNeo. for Android or iOS
2. Awesome Software Patreons
Open Source Projects
- Bottles - Easily manage and run Windows apps on Linux.
- Sonic Pi - Code-based music creation and performance tool.
Open Source Projects / Operating Systems
- PostmarketOS - A real Linux distribution for phones.
3. Awesome Git Hooks
Git Hook Scripts / pre-commit
- dotenvx (⭐919) - Prevent committing your
file(s) to code.
4. Awesome Kotlin
Android / Projects
- inorichi/tachiyomi - Free and open source manga reader for Android.
5. Awesome Datascience
Deep Learning Packages / Visualization Tools
6. Awesome Rails
Gems / Other external resources
- solid_queue (⭐2k) - A gem to Database-backed Active Job backend 🔴
7. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- hypnosnek (⭐0) - Simple utilities with p10k integration for managing
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- zap-robbyrussell (⭐1) - The OMZ robbyrussell theme, patched to add compatibility with zap.
8. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Truss - An open source framework for packaging and serving ML models.
Python / Computer Vision
- MLX (⭐18k)- MLX is an array framework for machine learning on Apple silicon, developed by Apple machine learning research.
Python / Neural Networks
- Kinho (⭐35) - Simple API for Neural Network. Better for image processing with CPU/GPU + Transfer Learning.
Tools / Misc
- Infinity (⭐2.8k) - The AI-native database built for LLM applications, providing incredibly fast vector and full-text search. Developed using C++20
9. Awesome Ipfs
Pinning services
- Gateway3 - A decentralized IPFS pinning service designed for developers. Supports content pinning, IPNS hosting, DAG operations, pinning tweets, and web hosting.
10. Free for Dev
- - Set up webhooks and monitor them via push notifications and emails.
Generative AI
- Portkey - Control panel for Gen AI apps featuring an observability suite & an AI gateway. Send & log up to 10,000 requests for free every month.
- Braintrust - Evals, prompt playground, and data management for Gen AI. Free plan gives upto 1,000 private eval rows/week.
Analytics, Events and Statistics
- LogSpot - Full unified web and product analytics platform, including embeddable analytics widgets and automated robots (slack, telegram, and webhooks). Free plan includes 10,000 events per month.
Privacy Management
- Concord - Full data privacy platform, including consent management, privacy request handling (DSARs), and data mapping. Free tier includes core consent management features and they also provide a more advanced plan for free to verified open source projects.
11. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)
Security & Privacy
- The MoonMath Manual to zk-SNARKs - Least Authority
12. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Chekuri. Approximation Algorithmis Illinois - A broad introduction to results and techniques with an emphasis on fundamental problems and widely applicable tools. Also more advanced and specialized topics.
- Dinitz. Approximation Algorithms. Johns Hopkins - It includes greedy, local search, dynamic programming, randomized rounding, tree embeddings, and semidefinite programming.
- Gupta & Ravi. Approximation Algorithms. CMU - It includes convex programming-based, randomness, and metric methods.
Books / Monograph
- Williamson & Shmoys. The Design of Approximation Algorithms - It includes greedy, local search algorithms, dynamic programming, linear and semidefinite programming, and randomization.
- Du & Ko. Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms - A technique-oriented approach provides a unified view. It includes detailed algorithms, proofs, analyses, examples, and applications from research papers.
- Fedor Fomin. Parametrized Algorithms - Modern comprehensive explanation of recent tools and techniques with exercises, for graduate students.
13. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Equity and Environmental Justice
- STEAP - The Screening Tool for Equity Analysis of Projects (STEAP) is a census sampling tool that allows rapid screening of potential project locations anywhere in the United States to support Title VI, environmental justice, and other socioeconomic data analyses.
Vendor Data Resources / Infrastructure
- Geomate - Geomate provides HD vector maps from high-resolution aerial imagery to support autonomous vehicles and urban planning use cases.
14. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Mattermost - Platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle, can be integrated with Gitlab (alternative to Slack). (Source Code (⭐31k))
Software / Groupware
- Tine - Software for digital collaboration in companies and organizations. From powerful groupware functionalities to clever add-ons, tine combines everything to make daily team collaboration easier. (Source Code (⭐15))
15. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Africa
- West African Arabic Manuscript Database - A comprehensive collection of manuscripts that provides insight into the Islamic scholarly tradition in West Africa.
Learning / Switzerland
- Introduction to Python for Humanists - A textbook offering a comprehensive introduction to Python programming, tailored for researchers and students in the humanities.
16. Awesome Terraform
Managed Registries / Miscellaneous
- cloudsmith - Managed package hoster for internal and external clients. 💲
17. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- lopi-py/luau-lsp.nvim (⭐55) - A luau-lsp extension to improve your experience.
AI / Diagnostics
- gsuuon/model.nvim (⭐343) - Integrate LLMs via a prompt builder interface. Multi-providers including OpenAI (+ compatibles), PaLM, HuggingFace and local engines like llamacpp.
Marks / Diagnostics
- otavioschwanck/arrow.nvim (⭐580) - Like harpoon, but with a different UX, single keybinding needed and statusline support.
Project / Diagnostics
- LintaoAmons/cd-project.nvim (⭐116) - All you need is just an easier way to
to another project directory.
18. Awesome Developer First
Authentication & Identity
- Kinde - Authentification and user management as a service.
- Appwrite - End-to-end backend server for frontend and mobile developers.
19. Awesome Capacitorjs
Plugins / Community Plugins
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-android-dark-mode-support - Capacitor plugin to support dark mode on Android.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-android-foreground-service - Capacitor plugin to run a foreground service on Android.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-datetime-picker - Capacitor plugin that let the user easily enter both a date and a time.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-file-compressor - Capacitor plugin for compressing files.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-file-opener - Capacitor plugin to open a file with the default application.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-nfc - Capacitor plugin for reading and writing NFC tags.
- @capawesome-team/capacitor-printer - Capacitor plugin for printing.
20. Awesome Ai4lam
Learning Resources / Generative AI
- What are large language models (LLMs)? – (YouTube) by Google for Developers
- Generative AI for Everyone – free Coursera course by Andrew Ng
- What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work? – by Stephen Wolfram
Publications and News Sources / Journals and Magazines
21. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / APIs
- django-webhook (⭐201) - A plug-and-play Django app for sending outgoing webhooks on model changes.
Hosting / PaaS (Platforms-as-a-Service)
22. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- PiKISS (⭐887) - A bunch of scripts with menu to make your life easier.
23. Awesome Video
Learning / Books
- Fundamentals of Multimedia - 2022-02-17 (3rd Edition). Ze-Nian Li (Author), Mark S. Drew (Author), Jiangchuan Liu.
Encoding / Talks Presentations Podcasts
- realeyes-media/demo-encoder (⭐57) - A nodejs encoding system based on ffmpeg and configured to write HLS streaming files to S3 - realeyes-media/demo-encoder
Streaming Server and Storage / SRT
- prologic/tube (⭐23) - 📺 a Youtube-like (without censorship and features you don't need!) Video Sharing App written in Go which also supports automatic transcoding to MP4 H.265 AAC, multiple collections and R...
Players / Android
- google/ExoPlayer (⭐22k) - ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android.
- cuda/ubuntu16.04/ffmpeg-gpu/Dockerfile · master · nvidia / container-images / samples - Sample Dockerfiles for Docker Hub images
24. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
- [🔥🔥🔥] Generative AI in a nutshell: a map with the most common Generative AI' concepts by Henrik Kniberg Youtube Video explaining the map
Online Tools and Applications
- Recast Studio: AI-powered podcast marketing assistant.
Auxiliary tools and concepts / Deforum
- Marblism: Generate a SaaS boilerplate from a prompt
25. Awesome Fantasy
Epic Fantasy / The Chronicles of Prydain 1964 by Lloyd Alexander [4.42]
Epic Fantasy / The Daevabad Trilogy 2017 *byS. A. Chakraborty*[4.3]
26. Awesome Privacy
Android Gallery
- Google Photos has privacy issues. They collect a lot of data about you, which you can see in their privacy policy. Google can scan your photos and might flag them for different reasons, as shown in this incident. They also use your photos to improve their AI technology.
- Amazon Photos also has similar privacy problems. Like Google Photos, it gathers a lot of information from your photo gallery. You can see a bit of what kind of data they collect in their examples list.
- Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, etc. Gallery
- Aves (⭐3k) - Beautiful gallery and metadata explorer app, built for Android with Flutter.
- Fossify Gallery (⭐1.9k) - Fork of Simple Gallery. Browse your memories without any interruptions with this photo and video gallery.
27. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / StarFive
HAL implementation crates / StarFive
28. Awesome React
React Frameworks
- remix (⭐30k) - Full stack web Framework that lets you focus on the user interface
React Libraries
- react-error-boundary (⭐7k) - A React error boundary component that lets you catch errors
29. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- react-component-library-vite (⭐4) - A library template for with
,React Testing Library
30. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Domain Specific Language / Design Theory
- Domain-Specific Language - Wikipedia. Wikipedia encyclopedia entry on Domain Specific Languages.
31. Awesome Cl
C, C++
- stacks-api (⭐1) - a Stacks API client. AGPL-3.0
Web frameworks / Isomorphic web frameworks
- Weblocks (Reblocks) (⭐66) - A widgets-based framework with a built-in ajax update mechanism that "solves the JavaScript problem". LLGPL.
- example code bases: Ultralisp (⭐239), krasnodar (⭐6), a dashboard made for a hackaton (2024) (demo video).
32. Awesome Docker
IDE integrations
- denops-docker.vim (⭐87) - Manage docker containers and images in Vim. By @skanehira
Web / Other
- Mafl (⭐374) - Minimalistic flexible homepage by @hywax
- Prev: Jan 29 - Feb 04, 2024
- Next: Jan 15 - Jan 21, 2024