Awesome List Updates on Sep 23 - Sep 29, 2024
40 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Graphql
Type / React
- gqloom (⭐28) - GQLoom is a GraphQL weaver for TypeScript/JavaScript that weaves GraphQL schema and resolvers using Valibot (⭐7k), Zod (⭐36k), or Yup (⭐23k).
2. Awesome Dotnet
- fluent-cms (⭐137) - RESTful CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) APIs, Admin Panel web pages,a GraphQL-style query designer and a WYSIWYG web page designer, all fully configurable without writing code.
Web Frameworks
- Coalesce (⭐67) - Coalesce is a framework for rapid-development of ASP.NET Core web applications.
Source Generator
- List of Automated Testing Tools and Frameworks for .NET (⭐556) - List of Automated Testing (TDD/BDD/ATDD/SBE) Tools and Frameworks for .NET
3. Awesome Windows
- Nora - Plays and manages music.
- Arc - Organizes tabs vertically for improved productivity.
- Ladybird - Built with a new browser engine from scratch.
- Zen Browser - Firefox-based with community modifications.
System Utilities
- PowerToys - Microsoft's power user toolkit.
- SyncThing - Peer-to-peer file synchronization tool.
Video Utilities
- Kdenlive - Video editor focused on transitions and effects.
4. Awesome Django
Resources / Community
- Local Django Communities Page - Featuring local events all around the world.
Resources / Conferences
5. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Rich text editor extensions
- wagtailmdx (⭐1) - A MDXEditor (⭐2.3k) integration for Wagtail as textfield widget.
6. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- ENRE-cpp (⭐15) — ENRE (ENtity Relationship Extractor) is a tool for extraction of code entity dependencies or relationships from source code. ENRE-cpp is a ENtity Relationship Extractor for C/C++ based on @eclipse/CDT. (Under development)
- ENRE-java (⭐14) ⚠️ — ENRE (ENtity Relationship Extractor) is a tool for extraction of code entity dependencies or relationships from source code. ENRE-java is a ENtity Relationship Extractor for Java projects based on @Eclipse JDT/parser.
- ENRE-py (⭐13) ⚠️ — ENRE (ENtity Relationship Extractor) is a tool for extraction of code entity dependencies or relationships from source code. ENRE-py is a ENtity Relationship Extractor for Python based on Python Language Services of The Standard Library.
- ENRE-ts (⭐10) — ENRE (ENtity Relationship Extractor) is a tool for extraction of code entity dependencies or relationships from source code. ENRE-ts is a ENtity Relationship Extractor for ECMAScript and TypeScript based on @babel/parser.
Multiple languages / Other
- Precaution — Precaution is a static analysis security tool (SAST) designed to find potentially critical vulnerabilities in source code prior to production. It is available as a CLI, GitHub Action, and GitHub App.
7. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Compiler Plugins
- Mr-Mappie/mappie (⭐26) - Kotlin compiler plugin generating type-safe and performant object mapping code.
8. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-quilly (⭐68) - 🪶 Tiny Vue 3 component, that helps to create Quill v2 based WYSIWYG editors.
9. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- Databend (⭐8.2k) - A Modern Real-Time Data Processing & Analytics DBMS with Cloud-Native Architecture
Applications / Productivity
- Furtherance (⭐308) - Time tracking app built with GTK4
Applications / System tools
- brush-shell (⭐86) - bash/POSIX-compatible shell
Resources / Web programming
- Learning
- 100 Exercises To Learn Rust - Learn Rust through 100 hands-on exercises, covering syntax, types, and more
- Aquascope (⭐2.5k) - Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time
- Awesome Rust Streaming (⭐709) - A community curated list of livestreams.
- awesome-rust-mentors - A list of helpful mentors willing to take mentees and educate them about Rust and programming.
- Build a language VM - a series of posts to detailing how to build a language VM.
- CIS 198: Rust Programming - University of Pennsylvania's Comp Sci Rust Programming Course
- - Build your own Redis, Git, Docker, or SQLite
- Comprehensive Rust 🦀 - A 3-day course on Rust Fundamentals plus 1-day courses on Android, Bare-metal Rust, and Concurrency. Available in English, Brazilian Portuguese, and Korean.
- Easy Rust (⭐8.2k) - Learn Rust in easy English.
- - programming exercises that help you learn new concepts in Rust.
- Hands-on Rust - A hands-on guide to learning Rust by making games - by Herbert Wolverson (paid)
- Idiomatic Rust (⭐6.9k) - A peer-reviewed collection of articles/talks/repos which teach idiomatic Rust.
- LabEx Rust Skill Tree - A structured Rust learning path with hands-on labs, designed for beginners to master Rust step by step.
- Learn Rust 101 - A guide to aid you in your journey of becoming a Rustacean (Rust developer)
- Learn Rust by 500 lines code (⭐541) - Learn Rust by 500 lines code, build a Todo Cli Application from scratch.
- Learning Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists - in-depth exploration of Rust's memory management rules, through implementing a few different types of list structures.
- Little Book of Rust Books - Curated list of rust books and how-tos.
- Programming Community Curated Resources for Learning Rust - A list of recommended resources voted by the programming community.
- Refactoring to Rust - A book that introduces to Rust language.
- Rust by Example - a collection of runnable examples that illustrate various Rust concepts and standard libraries.
- Rust Cookbook - A collection of simple examples that demonstrate good practices to accomplish common programming tasks, using the crates of the Rust ecosystem.
- Rust Flashcards (⭐580) - Over 550 flashcards to learn Rust from first principles.
- Rust for professionals - A quick introduction to Rust for experienced software developers.
- Rust Gym (⭐914) - A big collection of coding interview problems solved in Rust.
- Rust in Action - A hands-on guide to systems programming with Rust by Tim McNamara (paid)
- Rust in Motion - A video series by Carol Nichols and Jake Goulding (paid)
- Rust Language Cheat Sheet - Rust Language Cheat Sheet
- Rust Tiếng Việt - Learn Rust in Vietnamese.
- rust-how-do-i-start (⭐1.1k) - A repo dedicated to answering the question: "So, Rust. How do I start?". A beginner only hand-picked resources and learning track.
- rust-learning (⭐12k) - A collection of useful resources to learn Rust
- Rustfinity - Interactive platform for practicing Rust through hands-on exercises and challenges
- Rustlings (⭐57k) - small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code
- Rusty CS (⭐922) - A Computer Science Curriculum that helps practice the acquired academic knowledge in Rust
- stdx (⭐2k) - Learn these crates first as an extension to std
- Tour of Rust - This is meant to be an interactive step by step guide through the features of the Rust programming language.
10. Awesome Cl
- nyaml (⭐29) - A lisp native YAML parser. MIT.
CLOS extensions
- defclass-std (⭐10) - a shortcut macro to write DEFCLASS and PRINT-OBJECT forms quickly. LLGPL.
HTTP Servers / Clack plugins
- lack-expression-cache (⭐4) - lack middleware for compressing and caching static resources. MIT.
- lack-rerouter (⭐2) - lack middleware to reroute URIs of requests. MIT.
Others / Third-party APIs
- stripe (⭐9) - a client for the Stripe payment system. MIT.
11. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
- Cartography of generative AI: "What set of extractions, agencies, and resources allow us to converse online with a text-generating tool or to obtain images in a matter of seconds?"
Critical Views about Generative AI
Large Language Models (LLMs)
- youssefHosni/Hands-On-LangChain-for-LLM-Applications-Development (⭐152): Practical LangChain tutorials for LLM applications development
- unclecode/crawl4ai: Crawl4AI (⭐32k): Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scrapper
- microsoft/LMOps (⭐3.9k): General technology for enabling AI capabilities w/ LLMs and MLLMs
Auxiliary tools and concepts / Deforum
- Rosie: AI Phone Answering Service
- Socialsonic - AI LinkedIn Coach: Personalized content, trends & scheduling.
12. Awesome Privacy
Link Shorteners
- Dub (⭐20k) - You can self-host for greater control over your data and design.
- Yourls - Self hosted URL shortener in PHP.
Video and Audio Conferencing / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
- 🤖 Aliucord (⭐3.9k) - A modification for the Android Discord app that fully disables the Discord Tracking (⭐3.9k).
13. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / General Overviews
- The Atlas for the Aspiring Network Scientist, by Michele Coscia (2021).
14. Awesome Transit
GTFS Courses
- MobilityData - "Understanding GTFS: An intro and overivew - Video provides an overview of of the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) and why it is useful for transit agencies, riders, and policymakers.
GTFS Consumer App Guidance
- Transit app Guidelines for Producing GTFS Static Data - Additional Transit app-specific documentation of GTFS.
- Bing Maps Transit - Add your transit data to Bing Maps - Additional Bing-specific documentation of GTFS.
- Yandex Maps - Transport integration - Additional Yandex-specific documentation of GTFS.
GTFS Converters / Rust
- Transporter-Project transxchange-to-gtfs (⭐3) TransXChange to GTFS converter written in Objective-C.
- TXC TransXChange publisher (UK Department for Transport) - The TXC TransXChange publisher is a standalone software tool that can be used to publish TransXChange compliant XML documents in a format that’s easy to read and print.
GTFS Analysis Tools / Rust
- GTFS Display - Analyse, monitor and maintain GTFS data (Example instances).
GTFS Validators / Rust
- gtfs-accessiblity-validator (⭐0) - Validates the presence of accessiblity-related fields and files in a GTFS file. Can be a command line tool or node.js package.
GTFS Realtime Utilities / Rust
- GTFS Realtime Display - Analyse, monitor and maintain GTFS Realtime data. Example instances
Software for Creating APIs / Rust
- Transitous - Community-run free and open public transport routing service.
Web Apps (open source) / Rust
- Catenary Maps - Realtime and Schedule global public transport map and navigation software, written in Rust and Svelte.
Web Apps (closed source) / Rust
- TransSee - Real-time transit predictions based on actual travel times, vehicle locations, schedules and maps. Premium gives you access to a detailed history of schedules, vehicle locations, stop arrivals, schedule adherance, charts and graphs. For an additional fee custom queries can be run on this data.
Transit Map Creation / Rust
- MetroDreamin' - A modern, open source software that allows users to create, save, like, and share interactive transit maps with agents.
Agency Tools / General GIS Applications for making transit visualizations
- PTV Lines - A cloud-based public transport software for line planning and public transport service optimisation
15. Magictools
Graphics / Tile/Level Editors
- 💸 MapperMate - A cloud based tile map editor used to create 2D levels directly in the browser.
16. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- auto-pnpm-use (⭐3) - Automatically loads the node version specified in
- banner (⭐4) - Displays ANSI/ASCII art on session startup.
- firebase (seqi) (⭐9) - Display the current working project or project alias when in a Firebase project directory or subdirectory.
- kubectl-prompt (⭐571) - Display information about the kubectl current context and namespace in your ZSH prompt. Creates
variables you can use to customize your prompt.
- oh-my-gpt (⭐1) - Provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with OpenAI's GPT models directly from your terminal. It allows you to send queries, analyze files, and get AI-powered assistance for various tasks.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- completion-sync (⭐14) - Automatically loads completions added dynamically to
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- alpha (⭐1) - Includes decorators for username@hostname and current directory.
- ap2 (⭐0) - Minimalist them with decortators for time, OS, current directory,
status and the last command's exit status.
- biraskull (⭐0) - Based on bira (⭐177k), includes root status and
status decorations.
- nerdp (⭐3) - Nerd powerline-style prompt. Requires a nerd font. Includes decorators for
status, username@hostname, current directory, Python virtualenv, filesystem usage check, 1 minute CPU load, available memory and the time.
- rho (⭐0) - Minimalist theme. Includes decorators for
status, hostname and current directory.
- zido (⭐1) - Includes decorators for
status and current directory.
17. Awesome Dash
Component Libraries
- dash-vega-components (⭐45) - Dash component for Vega-Altair, Vega-Lite, and Vega charts.
18. Awesome Firebase Genkit
Plugins / JavaScript - Community
- Evaluator Plugins
- Plugin for Promptfoo Evaluations.
Articles / Golang - Community
- Understanding Genkit flows with Czech language tricks - Learn how to work with Genkit flows and use the features of Genkit UI.
19. Awesome Ruby
Data Processing and ETL
- Multiwoven (⭐1.6k) - The open-source reverse ETL, data activation platform developed using Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
20. Awesome Deno
Modules / CLI utils
- clite (⭐7) - Automatic CLI generation from a class.
Tools / XML
- studio-pack-generator (⭐84) - Convert a folder or a RSS URL to Studio pack for Lunii device
21. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Productivity
- Tasker (⭐177) - A useful and modern To-Do List & Planner by Erfan Rahmati.
22. Awesome Developer First
- Opik - Evaluate, test, and ship LLM applications across your dev and production lifecycles.
23. Awesome Integration
Resources / Protocols
- OpenMessaging (⭐288) (⭐288) - A cloud native, vendor-neutral open specification for distributed messaging.
24. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- conduwuit - Well-maintained, featureful Matrix chat homeserver (fork of Conduit). (Source Code (⭐849))
Software / Games - Administrative Utilities & Control Panels
- Pelican Panel - Web application for easy management of game servers, offering a user-friendly interface for deploying, configuring, and managing servers, server monitoring tools, and extensive customization options (fork of Pterodactyl). (Source Code (⭐1.1k))
Software / Personal Dashboards
- Glance (⭐12k) - A highly customizable dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place.
Software / Photo Galleries
- Coppermine - Multilingual photo gallery that integrates with various bulletin boards. Includes upload approval and password protected albums. (Demo, Source Code (⭐68))
25. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- MarginNote 4 - In-depth PDF and EPUB reading, learning, managing and note taking app.
Proxy and VPN Tools / Audio Record and Process
- RerouteMe - An easy one-click macOS Proxy Configuration app.
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- RewriteBar - A macOS menu bar app that helps you write your text with the assistance of AI.
26. Awesome Polars
Resources / Tutorials & workshops
- Introduction course that introduces the concept of DataFrame with Polars and Python. It also proposes some corrected exercices by @TLouf.
Resources / Talks and videos
- Polars with Plotly ⏳ 19 min - A video that shows the usage of Polars with the Plotly graphic library by Plotly. <>
27. Awesome Cpp
- FastLZ (⭐457) - Small & portable byte-aligned LZ77 compression. [MIT]
- Coros (⭐319) - An easy-to-use and fast library for task-based parallelism, utilizing coroutines. [BSL-1.0]
- BqLog (⭐289) - A lightweight, high-performance logging system used in projects such as "Honor of Kings". [Apache-2.0]
- REFLECT (⭐365) - C++20 Static Reflection library. [MIT]
- Wirehair (⭐274) - O(N) Fountain Code for Large Data. [BSD-3-Clause]
- HighwayHash (⭐1.6k) - Fast strong hash functions: SipHash/HighwayHash. [Apache-2.0]
28. Awesome Pentest
Anti-virus Evasion Tools / Tor Tools
- Amber (⭐1.2k) - Reflective PE packer for converting native PE files to position-independent shellcode.
Network Tools / Transport Layer Security Tools
- CryptoLyzer - Fast and flexible server cryptographic (TLS/SSL/SSH/HTTP) settings analyzer library for Python with CLI.
- tlsmate - Framework to create arbitrary TLS test cases. Comes with a TLS server scanner plugin.
Network Tools / Secure Shell Tools
- ssh-audit (⭐3.4k) - SSH server & client auditing (banner, key exchange, encryption, mac, compression, compatibility, security, etc).
Network Vulnerability Scanners / Web Vulnerability Scanners
- nuclei (⭐21k) - Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on simple YAML based DSL.
Online Resources / Other Lists Online
- Awesome Censys Queries (⭐961) - A collection of fascinating and bizarre Censys Search Queries.
Open Sources Intelligence (OSINT) / Penetration Testing Report Templates
- Keyscope (⭐387) - An extensible key and secret validation for auditing active secrets against multiple SaaS vendors.
Web Exploitation / Social Engineering Tools
- authoscope (⭐401) - Scriptable network authentication cracker.
29. Awesome Go
- go-shelve (⭐9) - A persistent, map-like object for the Go programming language. Supports multiple embedded key-value stores.
- cimgui-go (⭐385) - Auto generated Go wrapper for Dear ImGui (⭐63k) via cimgui (⭐1.6k).
- hypermatch (⭐23) - A very fast and efficient Go library for matching events to a large set of rules
Science and Data Analysis
- go-hep (⭐233) - A set of libraries and tools for performing High Energy Physics analyses with ease.
- topk (⭐9) - Sliding-window and regular top-K sketches, based on the HeavyKeeper algorithm.
Web Frameworks
- iWF (⭐538) - iWF is an all-in-one platform for developing long-running business processes. It offers a convenient abstraction for utilizing databases, ElasticSearch, message queues, durable timers, and more, with a clean, simple, and user-friendly interface.
30. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- JSONGrid - Free tool to Visualize, Edit, Filter complex JSON data into beautiful tabular Grid. Save and Share JSON data over link link.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Teamcamp - All-in-one project management application for software development companies.
Code Quality
- DiffText - Instantly find the differences between two blocks of code. Completely free to use.
CI and CD
- blacksmith - Managed performance runners for GitHub Actions that provides 3,000 free minutes per month, with no credit card needed.
Security and PKI
- - Seclookup APIs can enrich domain threat indicators in SIEM, provide comprehensive information on domain names, and improve threat detection & response. Get 50K lookups free here.
Generative AI
- Comet Opik - Evaluate, test, and ship LLM applications across your dev and production lifecycles. #opensource (⭐5.3k)
- genezio - A serverless function provider offers 1 million function calls, 100GB of bandwidth, and 10 cron jobs per month for free, exclusively for non-commercial or academic use.
Low-code Platform
- lil'bots - write and run scripts online utlizing free built-in APIs like OpenAI, Anthropic, Firecrawl and others. Great for building AI agents / internal tooling and sharing with team. Free-tier includes full access to APIs, AI coding assistant and 10,000 execution credits / month.
Managed Data Services
- Nile — A Postgres platform for B2B apps. Unlimited databases, Always available with no shutdown, 1GB of storage (total), 50 million query tokens, autoscaling, unlimited vector embeddings
Storage and Media Processing
- imgix - Image Caching, management and CDN. Free plan includes 1000 origin images, infinite transformations and 100 GB bandwidth
31. Awesome Broadcasting
Animation, Graphics & Video Playout
- Bridge (⭐35) - Next generation graphics control software, with extension support.
- AntennaPod (⭐6.7k) - A podcast manager for Android (
- Anytime Podcast Player (⭐472) - Free and easy to use podcast player for Android and iOS (
- Castopod (⭐672) - Podcast Hosting and Broadcasting (
- gPodder (⭐1.3k) - Media aggregator and podcast client (
- Podlove Publisher (⭐301) - Podcast Publisher for WordPress (
- Podlove Web Player (⭐85) - Podcast-optimized, HTML5-based video and audio player (
- PeerTube (⭐13k) - ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser. (
32. Awesome React
React Component Libraries
- mantine (⭐27k) - Fully featured React components library
- react-email (⭐15k) - Unstyled components for creating beautiful emails
React Charts
- xyflow (⭐26k) - A customizable React component for building node-based editors and interactive diagrams
React Graphics and Animations
- simple-parallax-js (⭐1.9k) - The easiest way to get a parallax effect with React and JavaScript
33. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- bakageddy/alduin.nvim (⭐11) - A port of alduin (⭐458) theme to Lua with Tree-sitter and semantic highlights support.
- diegoulloao/neofusion.nvim (⭐212) - A theme compatible with Tree-sitter inspired by
34. Awesome Cli Apps
Entertainment / Music
- mpvc (⭐100) - Music player interfacing mpv.
35. Awesome Rails
Gems / Other external resources
- bemi-rails (⭐89) - A robust data change tracking and audit trail for Rails. 🔴
36. Topics
List of public profiles of Selvakumaran Krishnan
- Selvakumaran Krishnan @ Rhizome - Creative collections.
- Selvaklnc @ LongIsland - Articles, events, companies.
- Selvaklnc @ Metaculus - Questions, tournaments, leaderboards and more.
- Selvakumaran Krishnan @ Pinterest - Insightful boards.
List of articles and posts
- 12 key SEO metrics and ranking factors to boost your website SEO.
List of company profiles
- Wikimint @ Pinterest insightful board.
- Eco-Culture Research Gallery Presentation.
- Local Food Rebuilds Small Town (And Inner-City) America.
- Lou test blog
- NM Environmental Policy Initiatives Lecture
37. Awesome Arch
Inactive projects / Other
- Anarchy - A simple and intuitive Arch Linux installer. (discontinued)
38. Awesome Robotics
39. Awesome Angular
Blogs / Google Developer Experts
On-Site Training / Google Developer Experts
- liveloveapp - Workshops are available for Cypress, NgRx, RxJS, AG Grid and web performance.
YouTube Channels / Google Developer Experts
Builders / Google Developer Experts
- ng-rspack-build (⭐109) - Rspack (⭐11k) plugin and loaders to build Angular applications.
Developer tools / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-schematics-utilities (⭐7) - Useful utilities for Angular Schematics.
- angular-library-template (⭐0) - A template for creating Angular libraries.
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- limitless-angular (⭐14) - A collection of powerful Angular libraries designed to enhance the Angular ecosystem and help developers build better applications with a focus on integration.
- ngx-sentry (⭐3) - Angular wrapper for Sentry JavaScript SDK (⭐8.1k).
Internationalization / Google Developer Experts
- ng-intl (⭐9) - Type-safe, reactive Angular i18n library. Lazy-loaded translations, signal-based reactivity, full TypeScript support. Efficient, flexible, and scalable internationalization for Angular projects.
Component / Google Developer Experts
- angular-testing-kit (⭐1) - A set of convenient utilities to make Angular testing with Jasmine and Karma simpler.
Updating / Google Developer Experts
- npx-app-updater (⭐2) - When a new version of your application is deployed, this library will trigger a user notification to inform them that updates are available.
Notifications / Google Developer Experts
- angular-notification (⭐3) - A singleton, global Angular service to programmatically show notifications.
Tooltips / Google Developer Experts
- angular-tooltip (⭐2) - Easily show tooltips programmatically and/or declaratively in Angular.
Material Based / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-components (⭐3) - Useful components and utility functions for Angular.
- dejajs-components (⭐39) - This repository is an Angular components library and the common utility functions, with a demo application for testing it.
Misc Components / Google Developer Experts
- angular-confirmation-capture (⭐1) - A singleton, global Angular service to programmatically show a confirmation box to capture an user's consent.
- angular-anchored-floating-box (⭐0) - A singleton, global Angular service to programmatically render a floating box anchored at an element that can have arbitrary content specified by either a TemplateRef or component.
Other Lists / Google Developer Experts
- - Search, compare, and discover top Angular libraries and community-driven resources in Angular.
40. Awesome Crypto Papers
Books / Post-quantum cryptography
- CrypTool book - Predominantly mathematically oriented information on learning, using and experimenting cryptographic procedures.
- Prev: Sep 30 - Oct 06, 2024
- Next: Sep 16 - Sep 22, 2024