Awesome List Updates on Sep 02 - Sep 08, 2024
35 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Docker
- Axibase Collector - Axibase Collector streams performance counters, configuration changes and lifecycle events from the Docker engine(s) into Axibase Time Series Database for roll-up dashboards and integration with upstream monitoring systems.
2. Amas
Ask these organizations anything!
- S Fox Jones (⭐1) - Full stack developer, independent author, and JavaScript lover.
3. Awesome Db Tools
- Clidey WhoDB (⭐2.4k) - A lightweight database explorer with next-gen UX for all SQL, NoSQL, Caches, and Queues.
4. Awesome Icons
- Iconbuddy - A search engine to browse open source svg icons. (Website)
5. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- nvm-deferred (⭐0) - Defers loading of the
oh-my-zsh plugin using zsh-defer (⭐363) to speed up shell startup.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- cryptic (⭐0) - Based on aphrodite-terminal-theme (⭐151). Includes decorators for current directory,
status, time, username, hostname and virtual environment.
6. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Email - Complete Solutions
- Mox - Complete e-mail solution with IMAP4, SMTP, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, MTA-STS, DANE and DNSSEC, reputation-based and content-based junk filtering, Internationalization (IDNA), automatic TLS with ACME and Let's Encrypt, account autoconfiguration, and webmail. (Source Code (⭐3.8k))
Software / Games - Administrative Utilities & Control Panels
- auto-mcs - Cross-platform Minecraft server manager. (Source Code (⭐193))
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- PodFetch - A sleek and efficient podcast downloader. (Source Code (⭐372))
Software / Miscellaneous
- asciinema - Web app for hosting asciicasts. (Demo, Source Code (⭐2.3k))
- LubeLogger - A web-based vehicle maintenance and fuel mileage tracker. (Demo (⭐1.3k), Source Code (⭐1.3k))
Software / Photo Galleries
- Photofield (⭐472) - Experimental fast photo viewer.
Software / Recipe Management
- Recipya - A clean, simple and powerful recipe manager your whole family will enjoy. (Demo, Source Code (⭐256))
7. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)
- The Web Development Glossary (⭐4) – Jens Oliver Meiert
8. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Data Collection
- RTracker - Generic, customisable personal data tracker (iOS).
- Sink - Voice-enabled Lifelogger for tracking anything with automatic sync to Google Sheets (iOS).
Applications and Platforms / Time
- arbtt - Automatic, rule-based time tracker, which works by periodically snapshotting the metadata of your desktop window state. Rules are specified in the arbtt DSL and can be written retroactively (Linux, Mac, Windows).
Applications and Platforms / Wealth
- Menot - Simple expense and finance tracker for multiple currencies, including crypto.
Open Source Projects / Wealth
- HumanProgrammingInrerface (⭐1.5k) - Unify, acces and interact with all of your personal data.
- Dogsheep - A collection of data exporters and tools for personal analytics using SQLite and/or Datasette.
- Chronicle (⭐138) - A CLI toolkit for extracting and working with your digital history.
- QS-Schema (⭐1) - Open schemes for QS applications.
- Datasette (⭐9.2k) - An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data.
9. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Critical Views about Generative AI
Generative AI Tools Directories
Courses and Educational Materials
- Niraj-Lunavat/Artificial-Intelligence (⭐1.7k): Awesome AI Learning with +100 AI Cheat-Sheets, Free online Books, Top Courses, Best Videos and Lectures, Papers, Tutorials, +99 Researchers, Premium Websites, +121 Datasets, Conferences, Frameworks, Tools
Inbox: Stable Diffusion / Stable Diffusion Deployed Web Tools
- DecorAI: Generate Interior and Exterior Ideas in Seconds
10. Awesome Tailwindcss
IDE Extensions
- Editor support for VS2022 (⭐98) - IntelliSense, linting, sorting, and more in Visual Studio 2022.
11. Awesome Readme
- dutrevis/spark-resources-metrics-plugin (⭐0) - Highlights an interactive Mermaid diagram in the Developer section, showcasing the code architecture. Has a patch-inspired logo, useful badges (CI, coverage, version links), and a concise ToC. Installation section is well-organized with expandable blocks for different scenarios. Usage section covers current functionalities and examples, also with expandable blocks. Includes technology badges, and also prior art and next steps sections.
- "Build a Better README" - Jason A. Crome at The Perl and Raku Conference in 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
12. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- fantomas — F# source code formatter.
- ionide-analyzers — A collection of F# analyzers, built with the FSharp.Analyzers.SDK.
13. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2024
- LLMs hallucinate graphs too: a structural perspective - (complex networks) Queries LLMs for known graphs and studies topological hallucinations. Proposes a structural hallucination rank.
14. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- @yoichiro/vite-plugin-handlebars (⭐5) - Import of Handlebars templates
as ES Modules.
PHP / Community
- php-vitelinker (⭐1) - A CLI tool that generates includable PHP files after building bundles.
15. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Web Servers
- cloudflare/foundations (⭐1.4k) - Foundations is a modular Rust library, designed to help scale programs for distributed, production-grade systems.
Libraries / Network programming
- Zenoh
- eclipse-zenoh-flow/zenoh-flow (⭐96) - A declarative framework for computations that span from the Cloud to the Thing
- eclipse-zenoh/zenoh (⭐1.6k) - Zero Overhead Network Protocol
16. Awesome Bash
- oh-my-bash (⭐5.8k) - A delightful community-driven framework for managing your bash configuration.
Shell Script Development
- lobash (⭐364) - A modern, safe, powerful utility/library for Bash script development.
17. GoBooks
2024 - Go Programming - From Beginner to Professional, 2nd Edition / Why does this book look so different?
- Understand the Go syntax and apply it proficiently to handle data and write functions
- Debug your Go code to troubleshoot development problems
- Safely handle errors and recover from panics
- Implement polymorphism using interfaces and gain insight into generics
- Work with files and connect to popular external databases
- Create an HTTP client and server and work with a RESTful web API
- Use concurrency to design efficient software
- Use Go tools to simplify development and improve your code
18. Awesome Data Engineering
Data Ingestion
- Artie - Real-time data ingestion tool leveraging change data capture.
19. Awesome Broadcasting
- SDPoker (⭐12) - CLI tool and library for testing SMPTE ST2110 SDP files.
Network & Storage Testing
- Wireshark dissector for TSL UMD protocol V3.1, V4 (⭐5) - Analyzers for TSL UMD (under-monitor display) protocol V3.1 and V4.
- Wireshark dissectors for Video Routers (⭐11) - Analyzers for various video router/matrix protocols.
- NVIDIA NMOS Library (⭐9) (NvNmos) - A simple-to-use C/C++ library for adding an NMOS Node to your application, with support for IS-04, IS-05, BCP-002-01, BCP-002-02, BCP-004-01, etc.
20. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Static Analysis Tools
Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Books
Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Others
21. Awesome Cl
Others / Web project skeletons and generators
- dns-client (⭐16) - DNS record client. See documentation. zlib.
22. Awesome Javascript
Spreadsheet / Runner
- RevoGrid (⭐2.7k) - RevoGrid is a fast, responsive excel like data grid library for modern web applications.
Log / Runner
- LogTape - Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno, Node.js, Bun, browsers, and edge functions.
Machine Learning / Runner
- JS-PyTorch (⭐1k) - GPU accelerated PyTorch in JavaScript.
23. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Dependency Injection
- traversals/kapsule (⭐164) - Minimalist dependency injection library for Kotlin.
24. Awesome Laravel Filament
Development / Docs
- Laravel Model Doc Generator (⭐22) - Generate docs for models for easy autocomplete
- Laravel IDE Helper (⭐14k) - Generate docs for models for easy autocomplete
Development / Quality Check
Development / Generator
Development / Starter Kits
25. Awesome Math
26. Awesome Elixir
- PubSubx (⭐2) - A simple publish-subscribe system built on Elixir's GenServer and Registry, allowing for dynamic topics, process monitoring, and automatic subscription management.
27. Awesome Go
Database Tools
- gatewayd (⭐233) - Cloud-native database gateway and framework for building data-driven applications. Like API gateways, for databases.
Error Handling
- multierr (⭐1.1k) - Package for representing a list of errors as a single error.
File Handling
- go-wkhtmltopdf (⭐1.1k) - A package to convert an HTML template to a PDF file.
Machine Learning
- GoMLX (⭐627) - An accelerated Machine Learning framework for Go.
DevOps Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- alaz (⭐668) - Effortless, Low-Overhead, eBPF-based Kubernetes Monitoring.
Tutorials / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- golang-examples (⭐1.6k) - Many examples to learn Golang.
28. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- Quick Note - Colorful sticky notes in the Menu bar.
Developer Tools / Databases
- Dataflare - Simple database client supporting Postgres, MySQL, DuckDB, libSQL, Cloudflare D1, and more.
29. Awesome Tikz
Gallery / PGFPlots
- - Graphics with TikZ in LaTeX.
30. Awesome Neovim
AI / Diagnostics
- Kurama622/llm.nvim (⭐92) - Free large language model (LLM) support, provides commands to interact with LLM.
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- SCJangra/table-nvim (⭐36) - A markdown table editor that formats the table as you type.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- qaptoR-nvim/chocolatier.nvim (⭐14) - An espresso/kimbie inspired chocolatey theme adapted from ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim theme as a code template.
Neovim Lua Development / Diagnostics
- OXY2DEV/helpview.nvim (⭐228) - Decorations for
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- adoyle-h/one.nvim (⭐158) - All-in-one config framework in Lua.
31. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Micro Frameworks
- Laravel Zero - A micro-framework for console applications.
Table of Contents / Files
- Parquet (⭐29) - PHP implementation of Parquet file format
Table of Contents / E-commerce
- Brick Money (⭐1.7k) - A money library for PHP, with support for contexts, cash roundings, currency conversion.
Table of Contents / Numbers
- Brick Math (⭐1.9k) - A library providing large number support:
32. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- JSON Serve — A free service that helps developers to store JSON objects and use that JSON as a REST API in their app.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- — An OpenSource alternative forDiscord, that respects your privacy. It also have most proprietary features from discord for free. Revolt is a all in one application that is secure and fast, while being 100% free. every features are free. They also have (official & unofficial) plugins support unlike most main-stream chatting applications.
Authentication, Authorization, and User Management
- Phase Two - Keycloak Open Source Identity and Access Management. Free realm up to 1000 users, up to 10 SSO connections, leveraging Phase Two's Keycloak enhanced container which includes the Organization extension.
Education and Career Development
- MIT OpenCourseWare - MIT OpenCourseWare is an online publication of materials from over 2,500 MIT courses, freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world. Youtube channel can be found at @mitocw
- - Temporary / Disposable Mail Gen Utilizing a range variety of domain. Email Address refreshes everytime, the page is reloaded. It is entirely free and does not include any pricing for their services.
- - A German Temporary / Disposable Mail generator. Support 10 domain, while giving you the freedom of creating unlimited addresses. (include ads) but other than that, there is no pricing included in the service, it is entirely free.
Feature Toggles Management Platforms
- Abby - Open-Source feature flags & A/B testing. Configuration as Code & Fully Typed Typescript SDKs. Strong integration with Frameworks such as Next.js & React. Generous free tier and cheap scaling options.
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers
- — Free and secure dynamic reverse proxy service.
Docker Related
- - Anonymous & ephemeral Docker image registry
Other Free Resources
- Killer Coda - Interactive playground in your browser to study Linux, Kubernetes, Containers, Programming, DevOps, Networking
33. Awesome Angular
Blogs / Google Developer Experts
Cheatsheet / Google Developer Experts
- Framework Field Guide - A free and practical way to learn Angular, React & Vue all at once.
- ng-flexbot (⭐3) - An open-source Angular UI library designed to create chatbots with just a few lines of code. It allows you to select from various models, such as GPT and Google Gemini, and customize the chatbot’s behavior using a prompt context.
Builders / Google Developer Experts
- angular-env-builder (⭐2) - Builder to generate
file based on your environment variables.
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- angular-three (⭐227) - Angular Renderer for THREE.js (⭐104k).
Security / Google Developer Experts
- HackTricks - Angular Security Checklist.
Updating / Google Developer Experts
- fast-facts/ng-update (⭐4) - A Github Action that keeps your Angular CLI-based projects up-to-date via automated PRs based on
ng update
Charts / Google Developer Experts
- zingchart-angular (⭐2) - ZingChart is a declarative, efficient, and simple JavaScript library for building responsive charts.
- unovis (⭐2.3k) - Modular data visualization framework for React, Angular, Svelte, Vue, and vanilla TypeScript or JavaScript.
Data Grids / Google Developer Experts
- revogrid (⭐2.8k) - Powerful virtual data grid smartsheet with advanced customization. Best features from Excel plus incredible performance.
- ZingGrid - ZingGrid (⭐89) is a JavaScript Web Component Library that allows developers to include interactive data tables in their web applications. The library can also be used in popular frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue, jQuery, and many more!
- ngx-panemu-table (⭐10) - An Angular table component. It is designed to be easy to use. Most work will be in TypeScript file, while the HTML file only needs to have a very simple
Dates / Google Developer Experts
- dhutaryan/ngx-mat-timepicker (⭐80) - Material timepicker based on material design.
DOM / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-ellipsis (⭐96) - Multiline text with ellipsis for Angular 9+.
File Upload / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-custom-material-file-input (⭐7) - File input management for Angular Material.
General / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-vest-forms (⭐53) - A lightweight adapter for Angular template-driven forms integrated with vest.js for validation.
Maps / Google Developer Experts
- ng-azure-maps (⭐17) - An Angular library, mostly an HTML-driven wrapper of the azure-maps-controls package, allowing you to easily integrate its functionalities into an Angular application.
NgRx / Google Developer Experts
- ngrx-entity-relationship (⭐43) - ORM selectors for Redux,
, and@ngrx/data
. Ease of relationships with entities.
- ngx-signal-store-query (⭐8) - Signal Store feature that bridges with Angular Query.
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- angular-redux (⭐77) - Unofficial Angular bindings for Redux.
Storage / Google Developer Experts
- signaldb (⭐364) - A local JavaScript database with a MongoDB-like interface and TypeScript support, enabling optimistic UI with signal-based reactivity. It integrates easily with Angular, Solid.js, Preact, and Vue, simplifying data management with schema-less design, in-memory storage, and fast queries.
Unspecified / Google Developer Experts
- po-angular (⭐925) - Component library based on Angular. Documentation in Portuguese.
Tailwind CSS Based / Google Developer Experts
- Preline UI - Preline (⭐5.1k) is an open-source set of prebuilt UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework.
- ngxtw (⭐5) - Tailwind CSS components for Angular Enterprise Applications. Super easy to use and customize.
Misc Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-angular-query-builder (⭐32) - A new version of angular2-query-builder (⭐300) that supports modern Angular. Used to create queries and filters.
34. Awesome Actions
Official Actions / Setup Actions
Utility / Docker Container Actions
- Website to GIF (⭐108) - Turn any webpage into a GIF to display on your README, docs, etc.
- Interactive Inputs - Runtime workflow inputs (⭐1) - Add dynamic inputs at runtime for your GitHub Actions workflows
Static Analysis / Testing
Static Analysis / Linting
- Run
to ensure your package has only the requiredruntime
artifacts (⭐0)
Build / Terraform
- Check Gradle version (⭐7) - Keep your Gradle version up to date.
Networking / Terraform
- Setup ZeroTier (⭐45) - Connect your runner to a ZeroTier network.
35. Awesome Windows
API Development
- Hoppscotch - Tests APIs with real-time collaboration features.
- HTTP Toolkit - Intercepts and modifies HTTP traffic.
- Postman - Tests APIs with automated test scripts and monitoring.
- Dopamine - Plays and organizes music.
- musikcube - Plays music through terminal.
- Kopia - Creates incremental backups with client-side encryption and cloud support.
Chat Clients
- Beeper - Combines WhatsApp, Slack, Telegram, Signal, X, Instagram, SMS into one app.
- Vencord - The cutest Discord client mod with lots of plugins.
Cloud Storage
- Streamshare - Provides 1.5 TB storage with focus on media streaming.
Command Line Tools
- Chocolatey - Package manager for Windows.
- winget - Official Windows package manager from Microsoft.
- PeaZip - Archive manager with compression format support.
- EarTrumpet - Controls volume per application.
Databases Clients
- DataFlare - Modern, lightweight database GUI for SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
- Android Studio - Develops and tests Android applications.
- Eclipse - Supports plugin-based development workflows.
- NetBeans IDE - Emphasizes modular Java development.
- Visual Studio - Builds Windows and cloud applications.
- Visual Studio Code - Customizes development with extensions.
Proxy and VPN Tools
- ProtonVPN - High-speed Swiss VPN that safeguards your privacy.
- Cmder - Console emulator with clink shell integration.
Text Editors
- GVim - Highly configurable text editor optimized for efficiency.
- LazyVim - Customizable Neovim configuration framework.
Video Utilities
- mpv - Script-based media player with extensive keyboard controls.
- Prev: Sep 09 - Sep 15, 2024
- Next: Aug 26 - Sep 01, 2024