Awesome List Updates on Jul 15 - Jul 21, 2024
38 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome K6
- Open source load testing tool review 2020 - Detailed comparison of the most popular open source load testing tools.
- Load Testing Your API with Postman - How to use Postman collections to load test your API.
- Load Testing SQL Databases with k6 - How to use the xk6-sql extension to test SQL databases directly.
- k6 examples - A list of common examples on the k6 documentation.
2. Awesome Langchain
Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots
- MemFree (⭐1.3k) - Open Source Hybrid AI Search Engine, Instantly Get Accurate Answers from the Internet, Bookmarks, Notes, and Docs. Support One-Click Deployment.
3. Awesome Javascript
- bundle - A quick online npm package size checker.
4. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / General
- Django-Classy-Doc (⭐39) - Document your own code in the style of CCBV and CDRF.
Third-Party Packages / Templates
- django-cotton - Goodbye
{% raw %}{%{% endraw %} extends, block, include {% raw %}%}{% endraw %}
, Hello<c-component />
. Bringing modern UI composition to Django.
5. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Vigilance - Espionage and deceit in a 1950s wizarding world setting, an Ironsworn conversion
6. Awesome Ai Tools
Text / Models
- GPT-4o Mini - Review on Altern - Advancing cost-efficient intelligence
7. Awesome Playwright
- playwright-magic-steps (⭐36) - Auto-transform JavaScript comments into Playwright steps.
8. Awesome Privacy
- darktable - darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer
9. Awesome Love2d
- bar128-love (⭐1) - Barcode rendering library for LÖVE.
- love-qrcode (⭐2) - QR Code rendering library for LÖVE.
- Pulsar - Hackable text editor based on the extinct Atom; Has great support and auto-completion works nicely, but for now lacks error highlighting.
- autocomplete-love (⭐0) - Auto-complete and snippets for LÖVE.
- love-ide (⭐57) - Auto-installs several utilities for writing Love2D games in Pulsar.
- language-lua (⭐66) - Add syntax highlighting and snippets to lua files.
- atom-autocomplete-lua (⭐35) - Autocomplete for Lua.
10. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 🧩 Indie UI - Rich styled UI components.
11. Awesome Zig
Zig development tools / Messaging
- aherrmann/rules_zig (⭐45) - Bazel build rules for Zig.
12. Awesome Go
- env (⭐6) - An environment utility package with support for unmarshaling into structs
Project Layout
- go-blueprint (⭐6.9k) - Allows users to spin up a quick Go project using a popular framework.
13. Awesome WebExtensions
- WXT (⭐3.3k) - Next-gen framework for developing web extensions
14. Awesome Userscripts
Scripts / Google
- Share Google Slides Control (⭐2) - Remotely share the control of a Google Slides presentation,
15. Awesome Python
Deep Learning
- stable-baselines3 (⭐8.4k) - PyTorch implementations of Stable Baselines (deep) reinforcement learning algorithms.
16. Awesome LaTeX
- Texifier - Commercial LaTeX editor for macOS and iOS, with excellent features (document overview, synchronised PDF display, autocompletion, sync across devices, etc.) that never get in the way of writing.
17. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2024
- Fairness Auditing with Multi-Agent Collaboration - (ECAI) Considers multiple agents working together, each auditing the same platform for different tasks.
- Mapping the Field of Algorithm Auditing: A Systematic Literature Review Identifying Research Trends, Linguistic and Geographical Disparities - (Arxiv) Systematic review of algorithm auditing studies and identification of trends in their methodological approaches.
18. Awesome Integration
Projects / API Gateway
- Apache APISIX (⭐14k) (⭐15k) - A high-performance, dynamic gateway featuring real-time traffic management and powerful plugin integrations.
19. Awesome Computational Biology
Databases / Interaction
- Knowledge Graph
- Drug Mechanism Database (DrugMechDB) (⭐57): database of the mechanism of action from a drug to a disease.
- DRKG (⭐590) - A library for biological knowledge graph.
API / Clinical Trial
- PubMed esearch: API for searching articles in PubMed.
Drug Response Prediction / Clinical Trial
- drGAT (⭐3): A model for drug response prediction with gene explainability with attention mechanism.
Drug Response Prediction / LLM for biology
- GeneGPT (⭐379) - LLM for biomedical information with several API.
- GenePT (⭐176) - foundation LLM for single cell data
20. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Bookmarks and Link Sharing
- Hoarder App - A self-hostable bookmark-everything app with a touch of AI for the data hoarders out there. (Demo, Source Code (⭐14k))
Software / Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA)
- E-Label - Solution for electronic labels, with QR Codes, on wine bottles sold within the European Union. (Source Code (⭐25))
Software / Media Streaming - Multimedia Streaming
- Meelo (⭐648) - Personal Music Server, designed for collectors and music maniacs.
21. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- pug (⭐515) - The terminal user interface for terraform power users.
22. Awesome Nix
Resources / Discovery
- Searchix - Search Nix packages and options from NixOS, Darwin and Home Manager.
23. Awesome Lidar
- Any list item with
badge has a GitHub repo or organization
- Any list item with
badge has YouTube videos or channel
- Any list item with
badge has a scientific paper or detailed description
- Brno Urban Dataset
(⭐152) - Navigation and localisation dataset for self driving cars and autonomous robots in Brno, Czechia.
- Argoverse
- A dataset designed to support autonomous vehicle perception tasks including 3D tracking and motion forecasting collected in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Miami, Florida, USA.
- PyTorch Geometric
- A geometric deep learning extension library for PyTorch.
Algorithms / Basic matching algorithms
- Iterative closest point (ICP)
- The must-have algorithm for feature matching applications (ICP).
- GitHub repository
(⭐305) - simpleICP C++ /Julia / Matlab / Octave / Python implementation.
- GitHub repository
(⭐1.7k) - libpointmatcher, a modular library implementing the ICP algorithm.
- Paper
- libpointmatcher: Comparing ICP variants on real-world data sets.
- GitHub repository
- Normal distributions transform
- More recent massively-parallel approach to feature matching (NDT).
- In Defense of Point-to-Point ICP – Simple, Accurate, and Robust Registration If Done the Right Way.
Algorithms / Semantic segmentation
- RangeNet++
- Fast and Accurate LiDAR Sematnic Segmentation with fully convolutional network.
- PolarNet
- An Improved Grid Representation for Online LiDAR Point Clouds Semantic Segmentation.
- Frustum PointNets
- Frustum PointNets for 3D Object Detection from RGB-D Data.
- Moving Object Segmentation in 3D LIDAR Data
- SuperPoint Graph
- Large-scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Graphs
- RandLA-Net
- Efficient Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Clouds
- Automatic labelling
- Automatic labelling of urban point clouds using data fusion
Algorithms / Ground segmentation
- Plane Seg
(⭐161) - ROS comapatible ground plane segmentation; a library for fitting planes to LIDAR.
- LineFit Graph
- Line fitting-based fast ground segmentation for horizontal 3D LiDAR data
- Patchwork
- Region-wise plane fitting-based robust and fast ground segmentation for 3D LiDAR data
- Patchwork++
- Improved version of Patchwork. Patchwork++ provides pybinding as well for deep learning users
Algorithms / Simultaneous localization and mapping SLAM and LIDAR-based odometry and or mapping LOAM
- LOAM J. Zhang and S. Singh
- LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time.
(⭐2.5k) - A lightweight and ground optimized lidar odometry and mapping (LeGO-LOAM) system for ROS compatible UGVs.
- Cartographer
(⭐7.3k) - Cartographer is ROS compatible system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
- SuMa++
- LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM.
- OverlapNet
- Loop Closing for LiDAR-based SLAM.
- Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping.
- Removert
- Remove, then Revert: Static Point cloud Map Construction using Multiresolution Range Images.
Algorithms / Object detection and object tracking
- Learning to Optimally Segment Point Clouds
- By Peiyun Hu, David Held, and Deva Ramanan at Carnegie Mellon University. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020.
- Leveraging Heteroscedastic Aleatoric Uncertainties for Robust Real-Time LiDAR 3D Object Detection
- By Di Feng, Lars Rosenbaum, Fabian Timm, Klaus Dietmayer. 30th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2019.
- What You See is What You Get: Exploiting Visibility for 3D Object Detection
- By Peiyun Hu, Jason Ziglar, David Held, Deva Ramanan, 2019.
- urban_road_filter
- Real-Time LIDAR-Based Urban Road and Sidewalk Detection for Autonomous Vehicles
- detection_by_tracker
- 3D-LIDAR Multi Object Tracking for Autonomous Driving: Multi-target Detection and Tracking under Urban Road Uncertainties, also used in Autoware Universe
LIDAR-other-sensor calibration / Object detection and object tracking
- OpenCalib
(⭐2.5k) - A Multi-sensor Calibration Toolbox for Autonomous Driving
Related awesome / Object detection and object tracking
Others / Object detection and object tracking
- Pointcloudprinter
(⭐152) - A tool to turn point cloud data from aerial lidar scans into solid meshes for 3D printing.
- Pcx
(⭐1.4k) - Point cloud importer/renderer for Unity.
- Bpy
(⭐985) - Point cloud importer/renderer/editor for Blender, Point Cloud visualizer.
- Semantic Segmentation Editor
(⭐1.8k) - Point cloud and image semantic segmentation editor by Hitachi Automotive And Industry Laboratory, point cloud annotator / labeling.
- 3D Bounding Box Annotation Tool
(⭐668) - 3D BAT: A Semi-Automatic, Web-based 3D Annotation Toolbox for Full-Surround, Multi-Modal Data Streams, point cloud annotator / labeling.
- Photogrammetry importer
(⭐935) - Blender addon to import reconstruction results of several libraries.
24. Awesome Neovim
AI / Diagnostics
- tzachar/cmp-ai (⭐229) - This is a general purpose AI source for nvim-cmp, easily adapted to any REST API supporting remote code completion.
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- Kicamon/markdown-table-mode.nvim (⭐73) - Markdown format plugin like vim-table-mode but write in Lua.
25. Topics
List of interesting topics
- Topics - Interesting topics coverage on all subjects
- Web development - Top 5 websites to mastering web development
- WordPress development - Understaning the power of WordPress CMS
- Frontend development poll - Your favorite JavaScript framework
List of public profiles of Selvakumaran Krishnan
- Google Scholar profile
- Mozilla profile of Selvakumaran Krishnan
- Research papers submitted by Selvakumaran Krishnan on
- Wordpress Profile of Selvakumaran Krishnan, a WordPress Developer.
- ORCID record - Public record of Selvakumaran Krishnan at ORCID
- Medium profile of Selvakumaran Krishnan, founder of Wikimint.
- LibraryThing profile - collection of books by Selvakumaran Krishnan
List of articles and posts
- Online business ideas to start up an online business matching your skills.
- Full-stack developer group to skill-up programming knowledge.
List of company profiles
- Creative animation collections - Wikimint entering to offer gif images for creative developers
List of blogs and websites
- Selvakumaran Krishnan Strikingly - Personal profile at Strikingly
- Ourmaster at Google groups - Discussions about online business ideas
- Developer group - Join web developer group to get updated daily on full-stack development topics
List of important bookmarks
- Symbaloo bookmarks by Selvakumaran Krishnan
26. Awesome Polars
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Polars plugins
- life_polars_plugin (⭐4) - Polars plugin to showcase some features of the plugin system by @condekind.
- polars-url (⭐6) - Polars plugin to parse/extract fields from urls by @condekind.
Resources / Talks and videos
- Polars - SQL Interface for Querying DataFrames ⏳ 20 min - A video that shows how to use SQL to query the data in Polars DataFrames by @bugbytes-io.
27. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI
Generative AI Tools Directories
- AI Tools Aggregator
- Toolify: AI Tools Directory & AI Tools List
- LLM Explorer: A Curated LLM List. Explore LLM List of the Open-Source LLM Models
- OrbicAI: "The Larget AI Directory, GPT Stores, AWS PartyRocks Apps and Lots of Free AI Tools"
- Altern: "Gateway to AI Discoveries"
Courses and Educational Materials
- udlbook/udlbook (⭐7.2k): Understanding Deep Learning by Professor Simon J.D. Prince
AI-Powered Code Generation
- Archie: AI-Driven Product Architect that Designs and Plans Software Applications
Large Language Models (LLMs)
- F*** You, Show Me The Prompt: quickly understand inscrutable LLM frameworks by intercepting API calls
Prompt Engineering
- ncwilson78/System-Prompt-Library (⭐109): A library of shared system prompts for creating customized educational GPT agents.
Inbox: Stable Diffusion / References Collection about Stable Diffusion
- Stable Diffusion General Updates Posted by u/ImeniSottoITreni | Reddit: a general update on all the "most important" news/repos available
28. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / VPN
- DefGuard - True enterprise WireGuard with MFA/2FA and SSO. (Source Code)
29. Awesome Sitecore
- Sitecore CDP Serializer (⭐3) - A Node.js tool aimed to serialize CDP and Personalize assets on a hard drive and restore that back.
30. Awesome Data Engineering
Testing / Data Profiler
- DataKitchen - Open Source Data Observability for end-to-end Data Journey Observability, data profiling, anomaly detection, and auto-created data quality validation tests.
31. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / AI Assisted Research
- Augmenting large language models with chemistry tools - Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. This paper introduces ChemCrow, an LLM chemistry agent designed to accomplish tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery and materials design. By integrating 18 expert-designed tools and using GPT-4 as the LLM, ChemCrow augments the LLM performance in chemistry, and new capabilities emerge. The agent autonomously planned and executed the syntheses of an insect repellent and three organocatalysts and guided the discovery of a novel chromophore.
32. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- micropb: Rust Protobuf library targetting embedded systems and no_std environments without an allocator. -
33. Awesome Coq
Resources / Course Material
- Program verification with types and logic - Lectures and exercise material for a course in programming language semantics, type systems and program logics, using Coq, at Radboud University Nijmegen.
34. Awesome Capacitor
Tools / Incompatible
- Tailwind Capacitor (⭐11) - Collection of helper plugin for Tailwind, it add safe area class and others utlitilies.
- Capacitor safe area simulator - Chrome extension to simulate safe area in the browser, it support Ionic, Knsta UI and Tailwind Capacitor.
35. Awesome Angular
- angular-memes (⭐36) - A collection of Angular memes.
Online Training / Google Developer Experts
YouTube Channels / Google Developer Experts
- Workik - Free AI-Powered Angular code generator | Your Context-Driven AI Partner!
- Figma to Angular - Convert Designs to Clean Angular Code in a Click.
- Zipy - AI Angular Code Generator.
- ai-test-gen-angular (⭐12) - A powerful tool that leverages OpenAI's advanced capabilities to automate the generation of unit tests for your Angular components and services.
- Yes Chat AI - Angular Ninja - Angular Development Assistant.
- theres an ai for that - #1 AI aggregator. Updated daily. Used by 20M+.
- what plugin - Angular copilot.
- mini-bard-palm2-angular (⭐29) - Result from this step by step guide on how to integrate Google Gemini with Angular.
- gemini-angular-drawing-demo (⭐38) - Developer sample written in Angular demonstrating Gemini multimodal (image and audio) input and understanding. The user enters a prompt and the app generates images via VertexAI’s image generation which the user can after that preview in a three-dimensional gallery.
- Alan AI - Build a voice agent for an Angular app.
- Vishal Gosain Hashnode - Integrate OpenAI into an Angular app.
- ng-text-to-image (⭐0) - Build an AI Image Generator in Angular 17 Using the Clipdrop API || AI Text to Image Generator.
- ng-generative-ai-demo (⭐10) - Result from this angular-ai-chatbot tutorial.
- - AI Tools Built With Angular.
- angular-webxr-art-sample (⭐36) - A WebXR Gallery that creates Generative AI images using Vertex AI Image Generation and creates captioning using Gemini Multimodel API.
- global seo - Translate Angular app with AI.
Authentication / Google Developer Experts
- cryptr-angular (⭐1) - Codeless Auth platform for business.
- angular-authentication (⭐249) - An Angular application that demonstrates best practices for user authentication & authorization flows.
- ngx-security (⭐21) - Security directives for your Angular application to show/hide elements based on a user roles / permissions.
Deployment / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-aws-deploy (⭐99) - Deploy your Angular app to Amazon S3 directly from the Angular CLI.
Internationalization / Google Developer Experts
- i18n-ally (⭐4.2k) - All in one i18n extension for VS Code.
Module Federation / Google Developer Experts
- module-federation-plugin (⭐756) - Module Federation allows loading separately compiled and deployed code (like micro frontends or plugins) into an application. This plugin makes Module Federation work together with Angular and the CLI.
Free / Google Developer Experts
- angular-sample-app (⭐18) - This sample app demonstrates how to integrate the Descope authentication service into an Angular application. This application includes a login screen using Descope Angular SDK, a user dashboard to display user information and a navigation bar that dynamically adjusts based on the user's authentication state.
Helpers / Google Developer Experts
- ng-mocks-sandbox (⭐5) - A repo with guides and examples for unit tests in Angular applications using ng-mocks.
Animations / Google Developer Experts
- angular-shiki-magic-move (⭐3) - Smoothly animated code blocks with Shiki (⭐11k).
DOM / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-breakpoint-observer (⭐8) - This library adds reactive breakpoint and media query methods based on Signals.
Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts
- angular-ru-sdk (⭐74) - A set of tool chains that implement common interaction patterns while being unopinionated about their presentation. It represents an abstraction of the core functionalities found in Angular.
- dfts-common (⭐3) - Collection of TypeScript and Angular libraries (QR Code, Bootstrap table and icons, and other utilities).
- sba-angular (⭐30) - Sinequa's Angular-based Search Based Application (SBA) Framework.
NgRx / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-view-state (⭐1) - Library for handling Loading/Success/Error in NgRx.
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- tansu (⭐91) - A lightweight, push-based state management library. It works well with the Angular ecosystem.
UX Components / Google Developer Experts
- bdc-walkthrough (⭐74) - An Angular Material library for displaying walk-through pop-ups and dialogs using a declarative way.
36. Awesome Rails
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
Gems / Other external resources
- passive_columns (⭐44) - A gem that extends Active Record to retrieve specific columns from DB on demand. 🔴
37. Awesome Flutter
🇮🇷 Iran / Misc
- Telegram Persian Flutter
38. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- antidote-use-omz (⭐14) - Make using oh-my-zsh with antidote seamless.
- eza-ls (⭐0) - Adds aliases allowing eza (⭐14k), to act as a drop-in replacement for
- iterm-tmux-color-tabs (⭐1) - Every new
tab opened in iTerm2 will have the next colour from the default or specified palette.
- printdocker (⭐0) - Pretty print docker objects.
- shortcuts (⭐6) - Enhance your terminal productivity with the Shortcuts plugin for oh-my-zsh. Easily manage command shortcuts with robust features.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- ollama (⭐5) - Tab command completion for Ollama AI models management.
- ssh-agent (twfksh) (⭐2) - A bloat free utility plugin for managing ssh-agent in ZSH. This plugin automatically starts and manages
whenever a new ternimal session starts. After running zsh-ssh-agent, you only need tossh-add
your keys once. The plugin will handle the rest.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- cafeconbits (⭐1) - Simple theme with a coffee cup icon. Includes decorators for
status, current directory and the exit status of the last command.
- gg (⭐0) - Includes decorators for time and
- jeff (⭐0) - Based on bira (⭐177k). Includes decorators for user@host, time, current directory and
- mu (⭐4) - Improves display of multiple
statuses. Inspired by lambda mod theme (⭐465). Requires a powerline-compatible font.
- purr (⭐0) - Includes decorators for current directory and
- rabbit (⭐0) - Optimized for
. Requires a terminal program that works with unicode. Includes decorators forgit
status, current working directory and the current virtual environment.
- shades of purple (⭐7) - Purple theme for Windows terminal that is reminiscent of powerline (⭐1.2k).
- thayne (⭐1) - Includes decorators for exit status of last command, time to run if > 1 second, current time, current directory and
status. Requires a Nerd Font.
- zero (arlimus) (⭐16) - Zero's theme & plugin. Has variants for both light and dark terminal backgrounds.
- zero (shirozuki) (⭐0) - Minimalistic prompt with decorators for
status, current directory, exit status and time to execute of last command run.
- Prev: Jul 22 - Jul 28, 2024
- Next: Jul 08 - Jul 14, 2024