Awesome List Updates on Jul 01 - Jul 07, 2024

104 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Workflow Automation


2. Awesome Opentofu

Tools / Registry

3. Awesome Ai4lam

Tools and Frameworks / Document analysis, transcription, and labeling

Policies and recommendations / Frameworks

Conferences and Workshops / Past Conferences and Workshops

Publications and News Sources / Journals and Magazines

Publications and News Sources / News sources

4. Awesome Github Wiki

Useful Stack Overflow questions & answers

5. Awesome Ai Tools

Text / Models

Text / Chatbots

Text / Writing assistants

Text / Productivity

Text / Customer Support

Text / Developer tools

Image / Services

Other / Music

Related Awesome Lists / Deep Learning

6. Awesome Polars

Official news

Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Polars plugins

Resources / Blog posts

Resources / Talks and videos

Follow / Talks and videos

7. Awesome Langchain

Tools / Services

Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists

8. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Communications / Pragmatics

Domain Specific Language / Imperative DSL Applications

Domain Specific Language / Declarative DSL Applications

Domain Specific Language / Logic DSL Applications

Methodologies for Experiments / Virtual Reality

Science Logology / Literature Mining

Science Logology / Laboratory Automation

Science Logology / AI Assisted Research

Theory of Mind / AI Assisted Research

Causality / AI Assisted Research

Commonsense / AI Commonsense Reasoning

John Hopcroft / Commonsense Knowledgebase

9. Awesome Math


10. Awesome Osint

Real-Time Search, Social Media Search, and General Social Media Tools

People Investigations / Steam

Phone Number Research / Steam

Vehicle / Automobile Research / Steam

Domain and IP Research / Steam

Image Search / Steam

Image Analysis / Steam

Geospatial Research and Mapping Tools / Steam

Infographics and Data Visualization / Steam

Other Tools / Steam

11. Awesome Algorithms

Online Courses

12. Awesome Gatling

Official Resources

Distributed Testing

Trainings & Courses / Miscellaneous

Videos / Talks

13. Awesome Playwright


14. Awesome K6


15. Awesome Regression Testing

Tools and frameworks (a-z↓)

Online services (a-z↓)

16. Awesome Keycloak


Community Extensions

Example Projects

17. Awesome Executable Packing

📚 Literature / Scientific Research

📦 Packers / After 2010

18. Awesome Devsecops


Dynamic Analysis

Intentionally Vulnerable Applications / Ansible

19. Awesome Gdpr

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA, art. 35)

20. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam

Automation and Convention

Operating System distributions / Firewall appliances or distributions

21. Awesome Malware Analysis

Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources

Other / Other Resources

22. Awesome Cyber Security University


23. Awesome Pentest

Multi-paradigm Frameworks / Intentionally Vulnerable Systems as Docker Containers

Online Resources / Other Lists Online

24. Awesome Privacy

Android Keyboard


Link in Bio Tools


Search Engines

Version Control

Video and Audio Conferencing

25. Awesome Embedded Rust

Books, blogs, and training materials / Paid and commercially available materials

Peripheral Access Crates / Vorago

HAL implementation crates / Vorago

Board support crates / Vorago

Driver crates / WIP

no-std crates / WIP

26. Awesome Zig

Misc libraries

Zig development tools / Messaging

C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C

27. Awesome V


28. Awesome Coq

Projects / User Interfaces

Projects / Plugins

Projects / Verified Software

Resources / Tutorials and Hints

29. Awesome Crystal

Environment Management



30. Awesome Composer


Support / Stack Overflow

Plugins / IRC

Tools / IRC

Services / IRC

Tutorials / IRC

Blogs / IRC

Videos / IRC

Packagist Mirrors / IRC

Satis / IRC

31. Awesome Php

Table of Contents / Composer Repositories

Table of Contents / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Table of Contents / Security

Table of Contents / Static Analysis

32. Awesome Cl





Others / Web project skeletons and generators

Job processing / Third-party APIs

Apps / Third-party APIs

33. Awesome Cpp




Image Processing


Scientific Computing


Web Application Framework

34. Awesome Elm

Learning Guides / Learning Videos

35. Awesome Elixir

Command Line Applications

Framework Components


Text and Numbers

36. Awesome Ruby

File System Listener

37. Go Recipes

Style Guide / Run Turtle Graphics online with

38. Awesome Go



Database Tools

NoSQL Database Drivers

Distributed Systems

Embeddable Scripting Languages


IoT (Internet of Things)

Machine Learning




Server Applications


Third-party APIs


Web Frameworks

WebAssembly / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

DevOps Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

39. Awesome Rust


Applications / Games

Applications / System tools

Applications / Utilities

Development tools / Debugging

Libraries / Asynchronous

Libraries / Encoding

Libraries / Game development

Libraries / Parsing

40. Awesome Micropython

Communications / MQTT


Sensors / Load Cell

Sensors / Temperature Analog

Books / SRAM

41. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Performance

Third-Party Packages / Permissions

Resources / Books

Projects / Open Source Projects

42. Awesome Python Typing

Tools / Linters

43. Awesome Python

Specific Formats Processing

44. Awesome Swift



Kit / Barcode

Auto Layout / Barcode

Utility / Barcode

45. Awesome Eslint

Configs / Other Prominent Configs (100 stars or so)

Plugins / Code Quality

Plugins / Practices and Specific ES Features

Tools / Testing Tools

46. Awesome Javascript

Storage / Runner

47. Awesome Capacitor

Community plugins

48. Awesome Integration

Projects / Workflow engine

49. Awesome Nix

Deployment Tools / Discovery

Programming Languages / Haxe

Distributions / Webinterface

50. Awesome Dos


Video / VGA

Free / Sound Blaster/OPL3

Videos / Sound Blaster/OPL3

Open source DOS operating systems / Sound Blaster/OPL3

51. Awesome Deno

Modules / Web framework

52. Awesome Dotnet

Authentication and Authorization


Database Drivers

53. Awesome Kde

Utilities & Tools

Development & Programming

Plasma desktop / Extensions

Plasma desktop / KCM Modules and Systems

54. Awesome Gnome

Internet and Networking


Productivity and Time

Well Being



Scientific Tooling


System and Customization


Security and Privacy

Development and Design

Development and Design / Design Tooling

Others / Design Tooling

Docks and Panels / Design Tooling

Customization and Tweaks / Design Tooling

Menus / Design Tooling

Applets / Design Tooling

Visual Changes / Design Tooling

Icons / Homogeneous Icons

Cursors / Skeumorphic Icons

Official Venues / Skeumorphic Icons

Libraries / Skeumorphic Icons

Documentations / Skeumorphic Icons

55. Awesome WebExtensions


56. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / Text Editors

Developer Tools / Developer Utilities

Audio and Video Tools / Audio Record and Process

Utilities / Audio Record and Process

Utilities / Menu Bar Tools

Utilities / To-Do Lists

Utilities / Productivity

Utilities / Window Management

Utilities / Quality of Life Improvements

57. Awesome Ebpf

Articles and Presentations / Hardware Offload

Projects Related to eBPF / Observability

58. Awesome Ios



59. Awesome Nodejs

Packages / Job queues

60. Awesome Network Analysis

Books / General Overviews

Datasets / Topic-specific

Professional Groups / Research Groups (USA)

Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)

Software / Python

Software / Tutorials

61. Awesome Competitive Programming


62. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Database

Libraries/Frameworks / I/O

Libraries/Frameworks / API Clients

Projects / Web

63. Awesome Acg

Image Generation

64. Awesome Lowcode

Visual programming

65. Awesome Webxr

Social Spaces / Other

66. Awesome Qr Code

Libraries / Ruby

67. Awesome Irc


Bouncers / Self-hosted

Services / Self-hosted

Bots / Self-hosted

Frameworks / Self-hosted

Frameworks / Bridges

Miscellaneous / Platforms

68. Awesome Board Games



The abstract strategy game Quoridor is surprisingly deep for its simple rules. The object of the game is to advance your pawn to the opposite edge of the board. On your turn you may either move your pawn or place a wall. You may hinder your opponent with wall placement, but not completely block them off. Meanwhile, they are trying to do the same to you. The first pawn to reach the opposite side wins.


Players Min. Age Time
2 - 4 8 15m

69. Awesome Video

Media Analysis, Quality Metrics & AI Tools / Metadata Extraction & Management

70. Awesome Jupyter


JupyterLab Extensions

71. Awesome Magento2

Development Utilities

72. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions

Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI

Online Tools and Applications

AI-Powered Code Generation

AI Tools for Research / Multi-agents

Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering / Prompt Optimizers

Autonomous LLM Agents / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image

LLM Evaluation / Multi-agents

Inbox: Stable Diffusion / Stable Diffusion Deployed Web Tools

Speech-to-text (STT) and spoken content analysis / Deforum

Auxiliary tools and concepts / Deforum

73. Awesome Falsehood



Software Engineering

74. Awesome Vulkan



75. Awesome Transit

GTFS Data Collection and Maintenance Tools / Rust

76. Awesome Graphql


Servers / React

Rust Examples / React

Tutorials / React

77. Amas

Ask these people anything!

78. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Automation

Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems

Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums

Software / Games

Software / Inventory Management

Software / Learning and Courses

Software / Miscellaneous

Software / Polls and Events

Software / Software Development - Project Management

Software / Ticketing

Software / Wikis

79. Engineering Blogs

Companies / D companies

80. Awesome Readme


Architecture Examples


81. Free for Dev

Source Code Repos

APIs, Data, and ML

Tools for Teams and Collaboration


Mobile App Distribution and Feedback


Crash and Exception Handling

Education and Career Development


Feature Toggles Management Platforms




Design and UI

IDE and Code Editing

Payment and Billing Integration

82. Awesome List



83. Awesome Geojson


84. Awesome Scientific Writing

Word Processors

85. Awesome Kubernetes

Featured On

86. Awesome Flutter

Storage / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon

Guide & Interviews / Game Engine resources

87. Awesome Audiovisual

Tools / Audio tools

88. Awesome Broadcasting

Media Players

89. Awesome Javascript Learning

DOM related / Single Topics

90. Awesome Bioie

Research Overviews / LLMs in Biomedical IE

Techniques and Models / Text Embeddings

91. Topics

List of articles and posts

List of blogs and websites

List of important bookmarks

92. Awesome Vite

Templates / React

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers

React / Routing

Frameworks / Community

Go / Community

PHP / Community

93. Awesome Bash

Shell Script Development

94. Awesome Tailwindcss

Starters & Themes

95. Awesome Blazor

Videos / Others

Podcasts / Others

96. Awesome Plotters

Hardware / Pens

Software / Vector Creation

Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Manuals

Courses / Patents

97. Awesome Svelte

UI Libraries

98. Awesome Zsh Plugins


99. Awesome Newsletters

Technology in General / Svelte

100. Awesome Neovim

(requires Neovim 0.5)

Startup / Diagnostics

Icon / Diagnostics

Utility / Diagnostics

Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics

101. Awesome Datascience

Comparison / Deep Learning architectures

102. Awesome Playcanvas

Interactive Experiences

103. Awesome Angular

YouTube Channels / Google Developer Experts

NET / Google Developer Experts

Internationalization / Google Developer Experts

Module Federation / Google Developer Experts

Carousels / Google Developer Experts

DOM / Google Developer Experts

File Upload / Google Developer Experts

Form Controls / Google Developer Experts

Layout Components / Google Developer Experts

Unspecified / Google Developer Experts

Material Based / Google Developer Experts

104. Awesome Cryptography

Rust / Git