Awesome List Updates on Jun 10 - Jun 16, 2024
20 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Typescript
Libraries / Chrome Extensions
- 🐙 simple-mask-money (⭐172) - 💰 Simple mask money is a light, safe and typed package to format money!
2. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- bilibili-gist-py (⭐2) - Update a pinned gist to show your Bilibili stats and your latest videos.
3. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Blazor and Orchard Core with Peter Matthews - Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq - June 17, 2024 - Join this session of Orchard Core Pair Programming by Lombiq! In these, we do an hour of pair programming with an Orchard Core community member about a project of theirs. We learn together a lot, share best practices, and write some good code. All this is live, and you can join us with your questions!
- Building Real-Time Web Applications with Blazor and Akka.NET -
June 13, 2024 - This talk presents how you can use Akka.NET and Blazor to build scalable, streaming web applications without JavaScript or any fuss. Pure C# end to end.
- ASP.NET Community Standup: Static web asset improvements in .NET 9 -
June 11, 2024 - Learn about some of the static web asset improvements coming in .NET 9.
Articles / Others
- Blazor Basics: Blazor Render Modes in .NET 8 - June 12, 2024 - This article is about the new Blazor render modes in .NET 8, including ServerInteractivity, WebAssemblyInteractivity, AutoInteractivity and static server-side rendering (SSR).
- The usage of Blazor.Diagrams - June 11, 2024 - How to use Blazor.Diagrams.
4. Awesome Ironsworn
Resources / Ironsworn
- Starforged Moves Starter - Cheatsheet of the most important moves in Starforged, aimed especially at new players
5. Awesome Inertiajs
Adapters / Server-side
6. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-wheel-spinner (⭐9) - A simple, customizable wheel of fortune component. See Demo
7. Awesome Lidar
- Pepperl+Fuchs - Is a global technology company, specialized in innovative automation solutions and sensor technologies, such as LiDAR, based in Mannheim, Germany.
8. Awesome Docker
Reverse Proxy
- caddy-docker-upstreams (⭐27) - Docker upstreams module for Caddy, configured with container labels. By @invzhi
9. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- Friflo.Engine.ECS (⭐168) - High-performance C# ECS with simple API. Supports .NET, WASM/WebAssembly, Native AOT, Godot, Unity, MonoGame, ... (Godot 3 and 4)
- Godot Google Play Game Services (⭐181) - Integrate Google Play Games Services in your Godot game.
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- Godot Google Play Games Services (⭐26) - Integrate Google Play Games Services in your Godot game.
10. Awesome Developer First
- MarsCode - AI-powered cloud-based IDE.
11. Magictools
Graphics / Vector/Image Editor
- 💰 Lightcube - Pixel Art Editor for Windows, supposed PSD files in addition to JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF.
12. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Portuguese
- PH Santos Podcast - Podcast do Comunicador e Crítico de Cinema PH Santos, focado em séries e filmes.
- Olá, Gabs - Podcast sobre tecnologia de maneira bem humana. Reflexõe, histórias e tecnologia.
13. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- ysmb-wtsg/in-and-out.nvim (⭐67) - Quick navigation in and out of surrounding characters.
- ChuufMaster/buffer-vacuum (⭐11) - Set a maximum number of buffers to keep open and intelligently delete the oldest buffers over the maximum.
Code Runner / Diagnostics
- niuiic/task.nvim (⭐8) - Another highly configurable task manager that enables seamless interaction with tasks.
14. Awesome Angular
Blogs / Google Developer Experts
Books / Google Developer Experts
- Angular for Enterprise Applications -
Packt Publishing
YouTube Channels / Google Developer Experts
Node / Google Developer Experts
- nx - The Nx Plugin for Angular contains executors, generators, and utilities for managing Angular applications and libraries within an Nx workspace. It also enables using Angular Devkit builders and schematics in Nx workspaces.
- workik - AI Angular code generator that supports all Angular frameworks and libraries.
- generator-jhipster-ionic (⭐195) - You can use it to generate an Ionic app that talks to a JHipster backend.
- create-tauri-app (⭐1.1k) - Rapidly scaffold out a new Tauri app project.
Spring Boot / Google Developer Experts
- JHipster - Open source app generator for Spring Boot and Angular.
GraphQL / Google Developer Experts
- graphql-code-generator (⭐11k) - A tool for generating code based on a GraphQL schema and GraphQL operations (query/mutation/subscription), with flexible support for custom plugins.
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- angular-tauri (⭐104) - Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular and Tauri.
Free / Google Developer Experts
- wails-template-angular-latest (⭐4) - A generated wails template, currently supports Angular 17.
Markdown / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-remark (⭐8) - Render markdown with custom Angular templates.
QR Codes / Google Developer Experts
- angularx-qrcode (⭐481) - A fast and easy-to-use Ivy compatible Ionic and Angular QR Code Generator library.
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- signalstory (⭐44) - A state management library based on Angular signals. It offers a range of architectural options, from simple repository-based state management (signal-in-a-service) to orchestrating decoupled commands, handling side effects through encapsulated objects, and facilitating inter-store communication using an event-driven approach.
Misc Components / Google Developer Experts
- ng-parsel (⭐16) - Parse your Angular code base to JSON abstraction - Great for displaying APIs and running custom analysis.
15. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Generic ZSH
- Profiling ZSH - Good article about profiling your ZSH setup to optimize startup time.
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- git-patch (⭐0) - Adds custom functions and aliases to the oh-my-zsh
- gpg (⭐0) - Adds helpful aliases for using
- lsd (tankeryang) (⭐0) - Replaces
commands with lsd (⭐14k).
- mkcd (⭐1) - Allows user to create a directory and if successful,
into it afterward.
- nvm-auto-use (jrr997) (⭐1) - Automatically manages your Node.js versions with nvm (⭐83k) based on your current directory.
- nvm-auto-use (tomsquest) (⭐18) - Calls
nvm use
automatically whenever you enter a directory that contains an.nvmrc
file with a string tellingnvm
which node to use.
- oh-my-posh-manager (⭐3) - Manages the oh-my-posh theme engine, along with providing a default powerline-like theme.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- jenv (⭐0) - Tab completions for jEnv (⭐6k).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- catpuccin (⭐4) - Minimalist theme. Includes decorators for current directory, exit status of last command and
- mint (⭐0) - Includes decorators for current directory, whether running on a laptop or a desktop, and
- refined-flower (⭐0) - Requires a terminal program that can handle emoji. Includes
status decorator.
16. Awesome Machine Learning
JavaScript / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- WebNN - A new web standard that allows web apps and frameworks to accelerate deep neural networks with on-device hardware such as GPUs, CPUs, or purpose-built AI accelerators.
17. Awesome Vite
Open Source / Community
- @lazarv/react-server (⭐270) - A React meta-framework.
18. Awesome Ai in Finance
- 🌟🌟 Financial Statement Analysis with Large Language Models - GPT-4 can outperform professional financial analysts in predicting future earnings changes, generating useful narrative insights, and resulting in superior trading strategies with higher Sharpe ratios and alphas, thereby suggesting a potential central role for LLMs in financial decision-making.
19. Awesome Lit
20. Awesome Bitcoin
Blockchain API and Web services
- - Open source and self hostable REST, WebSocket and Electrum RPC API
Open Source Wallets
Blockchain Explorers
- - Open source, self hostable blockchain, mempool and lightning network explorer
Rust Libraries
- Bitcoin Dev Kit (BDK) - With BDK, you can seamlessly build cross platform mobile wallets
- Rust Bitcoin (⭐2.2k) - support for de/serialization, parsing and executing on data-structures and network messages.
- Lightning Dev Kit (LDK) - Complete Lightning implementation packaged as an SDK
Full nodes
- Bitcoin Core - direct descendant of the original Bitcoin implementation in C++
Additional Resources
- Learn me a Bitcoin - Greg Walker - extensive learning ressource for bitcoin developers
- Prev: Jun 17 - Jun 23, 2024
- Next: Jun 03 - Jun 09, 2024