Awesome List Updates on Apr 22 - Apr 28, 2024
42 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Admin Themes
- django-unfold (⭐2.3k) - Modern Django admin theme for seamless interface development.
Third-Party Packages / Commands
- django-migration-zero (⭐60) - Holistic implementation of "migration zero" pattern for Django covering local changes and in-production database adjustments.
Third-Party Packages / Configuration
- django-content-settings - Easily create and manage editable typed variables directly from the Django admin panel.
2. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- Spaced - Organize your menu bar items into groups.
Utilities / Quality of Life Improvements
- Hyperduck - Receive links from your iOS & visionOS devices.
3. Awesome Blazor
2D/3D Rendering engines / Database
- EfCoreNexus (⭐3) -
EfCoreNexus helps integrating the entity framework core into your blazor app. Via reflection it adds your entitiy classes automatically and provides you with basic crud functionality.
Videos / Others
- ASP.NET Community Standup: Fluent UI Blazor -
April 23, 2024 - The Fluent UI Blazor library provides a set of Blazor components which are used to build applications that have a Fluent design (i.e. have the look and feel or modern Microsoft applications). Join Vincent and Denis to learn the fundamentals and building blocks of the library and demonstrate how to quickly incorporate it into your Blazor projects. Learn the basics of setting up the environment, use the interactive components, and change the styling of your application with Fluent UI design tokens.
- Understand the Next Phase of Web Development -
April 23, 2024 - Talk by Steve Sanderson at the NDC London 2024. It’s 2024, and the web continues to dominate the software landscape. Innovation proceeds in all directions, with new frameworks, build systems, and architectural patterns emerging at pace. But where are we all heading? Is there a pattern? What’s the next big phase? In this demo-centric talk we’ll look at the common trends across web frameworks: disruptive new features that are showing up across technologies and changing how web apps are built. We’ll dig into live code examples in Next.js (React), SvelteKit, Blazor, Astro, and more. We’ll see how these and others are setting a similar path for the next phase of web technology – and how you could implement the same features yourself without any framework. Finally, we’ll catch up on the state of WebAssembly and try out WASI preview 2 – the upcoming reinvention of WASI. Will it achieve the dream of seamless interop across all languages, operating systems, and CPU architectures? Will it become the standard for server-side cloud programming? Let’s build something with it.
- ASP.NET Community Standup: Blazor Hybrid + Web in .NET 9 -
April 9, 2024 - Learn how improvements coming to .NET 9 will make it easier to integrate Blazor Web and Blazor Hybrid.
- ASP.NET Community Standup - Modern Blazor Auth with OIDC -
February 13, 2024 - See how to connect a Blazor app to Microsoft Entra using OIDC and the BFF pattern.
- .NET Data Community Standup - Database concurrency and EF Core: ASP.NET and Blazor - Episode 2 - January 24, 2024 - In the last episode, we dug deep into the underpinnings of optimistic concurrency handling in EF Core. In this episode, we continue that journey to cover disconnected scenarios. That is, where the entity travels to a client and then back to the server before being updated in the database. We’ll look at the different patterns for doing updates like this in ASP.NET Core and Blazor apps and see how concurrency tokens work with each of these. We’ll also look at how
can be used with concurrency tokens, and take a look at ETag concurrency in Azure Cosmos DB.
4. Awesome Datascience
General Machine Learning Packages / Deep Learning architectures
5. Awesome Cpp
Image Processing
- TinyTIFF (⭐148) - lightweight TIFF reader/writer library. [GPL-3.0]
6. Awesome Privacy
Maps and Navigation
- Qwant Maps - An OpenStreetMap-based private Google Maps alternative.
Notes and Tasks
- Quillpad - Take beautiful markdown notes and stay organized with task lists. Fork of Quillnote.
7. Awesome Godot
3D / Godot 4
- Reia (⭐334) - A free game that's an action adventure RPG for Desktop and Mobile with multiplayer, MMO, and offline support.
8. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- auto-venv (⭐5) - Automatically activates the Python virtual environment in the current directory or its parent directories.
- pwp (⭐5) - Provides a convenient way to display the present working path in the terminal prompt and lists the current working directory along with its parent directories. Additionally, it includes a custom command .. to navigate to parent directories easily.
- ranger (niziL) (⭐0) - provide prompt element for ranger (⭐16k). Shows current
, displaying nothing when the environment variable is unset, something when it is equals to 1, and something else when it is greater than 1.
- ranger (rc2dev) (⭐5) - Integrates zsh-z (⭐2.1k) into ranger (⭐16k).
- venv (⭐0) - Run 'source venv/bin/activate' automatically every time there's a path
file in the directory.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- oh-my-update (⭐4) - Updates plugins in oh-my-zsh.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- greenclean (⭐0) - Fork of akz92/clean (⭐9) with a bit more green and permanent clock on the right.
9. Awesome Algorithms
- CodeChef - Learning DSA by practice on Codechef
10. Awesome Svelte
UI Libraries
- daisyUI - The most popular component library for Tailwind CSS -
adds component class names to Tailwind CSS so you can make beautiful websites faster than ever.
11. Awesome Wpo
Web server Modules / Meetups
- imteekay/web-performance-research (⭐866) - Research in Web Performance
12. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Replay
- PYWB (⭐1.5k) - A Python 3 implementation of web archival replay tools, sometimes also known as 'Wayback Machine'. (Stable)
13. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Embeddings and Semantic Search / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image
AI and Education / Deforum
14. Awesome Yew
- demo_web_zip_wasm (⭐6) - A simple example program for creating ZIP archives running in the browser using WebAssembly, Live Demo.
- RustedLessPass (⭐52) - A stateless password manager. Web App.
15. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Advent of Computing - A podcast about the shocking, intriguing, and all too often relevant history of computing.
16. Awesome Cli Apps
Productivity / Note Taking and Lists
- geeknote (⭐6) - Evernote client.
17. Awesome Embedded Rust
no-std crates / WIP
- miniconf: Lookup/enumerate/serialize/deserialize nodes in trees of heterogeneous structs/arrays by path/key -
18. Awesome Go
- fwdctl (⭐61) - A simple and intuitive CLI to manage IPTables forwards in your Linux server.
19. Awesome Integration
Projects / Data Mapping Solution
- JOLT (⭐1.5k) (⭐1.6k) - Java-based JSON transformation library that uses a specification-driven approach for effortless JSON-to-JSON conversions.
Projects / Workflow engine
- Azkaban (⭐4.4k) (⭐4.5k) - Distributed scheduler that simplifies managing job dependencies in large-scale data processing environments.
Resources / Certifications
- Apollo Graph Developer - Associate Certification - Developers who obtain this certification possess a solid foundational knowledge of GraphQL and the Apollo tool suite to design a schema, run an Apollo Server 4, and perform queries with Apollo Client 3 on the frontend.
- Apollo Graph Developer - Professional Certification - Developers who obtain this certification demonstrate strong familiarity with Apollo Federation concepts. They can apply those concepts to build a federated supergraph or move an existing monolithic graph to federation.
- SAP Certified Associate - Integration Developer - Validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP Integration Suite profile.
20. Awesome Connectivity Info
Global Connectivity Indexes
- Portulans Institute - Network Readiness Index - (2024) (2023) (2022) (2021) (2020) (2019) Network Readiness Index covering 121 economies from Portulans Institute
- Speedtest Global Index - (2024) Index of mobile and fixed broadband speeds from around the world on a monthly basis.
-'s Worldwide Broadband Price Comparison - (2023) (2022) (2019) (2018) Index of broadband costs around the world based on fixed line/wireless access.
Connectivity Maps
Periodic Global Connectivity Reports
- We Are Social (2024) (2023) (2022) (2021) Annual report by Hootsuite on internet and social media adoption.
Regional Connectivity Reports and Data
- African Telecommunications Infrastructure Development - 2014-2023
Other sources
- Internet Resilience Index (IRI)- Developed by the Internet Society, the IRI monitors select, weighted indicators to measure Internet resilience
- M-Lab Global Network Diagnostic Tool - M-Lab is an open, verifiable measurement platform for global network performance.
- USAID Digital Ecosystem Country Assessments - Ghana 2024 Tanzania 2023 Mali 2023 Zambia 2022 Bangladesh 2023 Nepal 2022 Libya 2022 See website for others.
21. Awesome Inertiajs
Adapters / Server-side
22. Awesome Swift
- SimplexArchitecture (⭐55) - A Simple architecture that decouples state changes from SwiftUI's View
- Aptabase (⭐1.1k) - Open Source, Privacy-First and Simple Analytics for Swift Apps.
Layout / Barcode
- FrameLayoutKit (⭐77) - This framework supports complex layouts, including chaining and nesting layout with simple and intuitive operand & DSL syntax.
Menu / Barcode
- SegmentIO (⭐2.5k) - Animated top/bottom segmented menu for iOS.
23. Awesome Icons
- Phosphor Icons - Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations — whatever, really.
24. Free for Dev
Web Hosting
- Fern - Build and host a Markdown-based documentation site on Fern's free plan. You can even auto-generate an API reference for your site from API definition files. The site is hosted at
Crash and Exception Handling
- Jam - Developer friendly bug reports in one click. Free plan with unlimited jams.
Education and Career Development
- Free Professional Resume Templates & Editor - Free platform with lots of Resume templates of Experienced Professionals, ready to clone and edit fully and download, ATS optimized.
Storage and Media Processing
- ImageEngine – ImageEngine is an easy to use global image CDN. Sub 60 sec setup. AVIF and JPEGXL support, WordPress-, Magento-, React-, Vue- plugins and more. Claim your free developer account here.
Game Development
- Freesound - Free collaborative sound library offerer with different CC licenses.
25. Awesome Playcanvas
Games / Browser Games
- Mancala Classic - Strategic board game.
26. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🔼🌍 ska-tailwind-editor - Edit Tailwind HTML as WordPress blocks with intuitive UI for Tailwind classes and get HTML or JSX back.
27. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- 宁皓网独立开发者训练营:Vue 前端应用开发 on bilibili
- 宁皓网独立开发者训练营:Vue 前端应用开发 on Youtube
Components & Libraries / UI Layout
- vue-stack-grid (⭐8) - A Vue 3 component designed to make creating dynamic, responsive grid layouts easy and efficient.
28. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / E-commerce
- EverShop
- E-commerce platform with essential commerce features. Modular architecture and fully customizable. (Demo, Source Code (⭐4.8k))GPL-3.0
29. Awesome Plotters
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- Taxan KPL 710 Demo Plot - A handheld recording of the Taxan KPL 710 running its demo plot.
- Sweet-P Six Shooter SP-600 Plotter Demonstration - A recording of the Sweet-P SP-600 running its demo plot.
- Bottle Plotter - Blog post about building a cylindrical pen plotter for drawing on wine bottles.
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Manuals
- Esterline Angus Spartan X-Y Recorder Instruction Manual (1980) - Revs 1080, 1178, 0480.
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Ephemera
- Sweet-P Plotter Brochure and Price List - Four-page color marketing brochure with attached suggested retail price list.
30. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Puzzle Games
- Oderrube - Android, IOS - Oderrube is an physics puzzle game. Carefully remove the blocks to allow Derrubito to fall into the target. By Paulo Gonçalves
31. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Extensions
- pg_analytics (⭐5.7k) - pg_analytics is an extension that accelerates analytical query processing inside Postgres to a performance level comparable to dedicated OLAP databases.
Contents / Docker images
- paradedb/paradedb - ParadeDB is Postgres for Search and Analytics. Based on the Bitnami Postgres container with pg_search and pg_analytics Postgres extensions.
32. Awesome Polars
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Python
- polars-candle (⭐24) - Python package for for running candle (⭐17k) ML models on Polars DataFrames by @wdoppenberg.
Resources / Blog posts
- Pandas vs Polars? Bid Adieu to Pandas and Switch To Polars! - An article that compares Polars to Pandas with a dataset of 1.2 GB. Code used is available on Github here (⭐1).
33. Awesome Cl
C, C++
- bitcoin-core-rpc - a (hopefully) complete Bitcoin Core RPC client. AGPL-3.0+
- sbcl-wiki (⭐56) - an open wiki to document SBCL's internals.
Lem / Third-party APIs
- 🚀 Lem on the cloud (video presentation)
- "Rooms is a product that runs Lem, a text editor created in Common Lisp, in the Cloud and can be used by multiple users."
- NEW as of April, 2024.
34. Awesome Deno
Modules / Logging
- LogTape (⭐507) - Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers.
35. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-react-framer-starter (⭐10) - Starter template with
,Framer Motion
,Tailwind CSS
, andPrettier
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-mpg (⭐1) - Simple configuration of multi page applications.
36. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- junnplus/lsp-setup.nvim (⭐230) - A simple wrapper for nvim-lspconfig and nvim-lsp-installer to easily setup LSP servers.
Programming Languages Support / Diagnostics
- jim-at-jibba/micropython.nvim (⭐55) - Enhances the development experience for developers using Micro-python for IoT and maker projects.
Web Development / Diagnostics
- rest-nvim/rest.nvim (⭐1.8k) - A fast Neovim HTTP client written in Lua.
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- nfrid/markdown-togglecheck (⭐23) - Simple Neovim plugin for toggling check boxes using Tree-sitter.
Search / Diagnostics
- nvim-pack/nvim-spectre (⭐2.2k) - Search and replace panel.
File Explorer / Diagnostics
- nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua (⭐7.6k) - A simple and fast file explorer tree.
Project / Diagnostics
- GnikDroy/projections.nvim (⭐239) - Tiny project + session manager.
Color / Diagnostics
- xiyaowong/transparent.nvim (⭐964) - Make your Neovim transparent.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- Abstract-IDE/Abstract-cs (⭐97) - Colorscheme written in Lua, specially made for roshnivim with Tree-sitter support.
- comfysage/evergarden (⭐266) - A comfy Neovim colorscheme for cozy morning coding.
- jim-at-jibba/ariake.nvim (⭐19) - A port of the great Atom theme. Beautiful, dark colour scheme.
- RRethy/base16-nvim (⭐550) - Neovim plugin for building base16 colorschemes. Includes support for Tree-sitter and LSP highlight groups.
- niyabits/calvera-dark.nvim (⭐154) - A port of VSCode Calvara Dark (⭐12) Theme to Neovim with Tree-sitter and many other plugins support.
- Everblush/nvim (⭐256) - A dark, vibrant and beautiful colorscheme written in Lua.
- Yazeed1s/minimal.nvim (⭐188) - Two Tree-sitter supported colorschemes that are inspired by base16-tomorrow-night and monokai-pro.
- mellow-theme/mellow.nvim (⭐347) - A soothing dark color scheme with Tree-sitter support.
- Yazeed1s/oh-lucy.nvim (⭐255) - Two Tree-sitter supported colorschemes, inspired by oh-lucy in vscode.
- maxmx03/fluoromachine.nvim (⭐269) - Synthwave x Fluoromachine port.
- uncleTen276/dark_flat.nvim (⭐42) - A Neovim colorscheme written in Lua ported from Dark Flat iTerm2 theme, with LSP and Tree-sitter support.
- uloco/bluloco.nvim (⭐337) - A fancy and sophisticated colorscheme for night and day coding. Supports LSP, Tree-sitter and all the plugins you love.
Colorscheme Creation / Diagnostics
- ThemerCorp/themer.lua (⭐258) - A simple highlighter plugin for Neovim. It has a huge collection of colorschemes. It also has ability to create colorschemes for Vim/Neovim and other supported apps (such as kitty and alacritty).
Statusline / Diagnostics
- Zeioth/heirline-components.nvim (⭐115) - 30+ Heirline.nvim components you can use out of the box to create your perfect user interface.
- mikesmithgh/git-prompt-string-lualine.nvim (⭐24) - Add git-prompt-string to your statusline.
Icon / Diagnostics
- nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons (⭐2.3k) - A Lua fork of vim-devicons (⭐5.7k).
Media / Diagnostics
- HakonHarnes/img-clip.nvim (⭐628) - Effortlessly embed images into any markup language, like LaTeX, Markdown or Typst.
Note Taking / Diagnostics
- nfrid/due.nvim (⭐114) - Displays due for a date string as a virtual text.
- zk-org/zk-nvim (⭐603) - Neovim extension for zk, a plain text note-taking assistant.
- Ostralyan/scribe.nvim (⭐24) - Take notes, easily.
Debugging / Diagnostics
- pocco81/dap-buddy.nvim (⭐398) - Manage several debuggers for nvim-dap.
Deployment / Diagnostics
- sachinsenal0x64/hot.nvim (⭐28) - A hot reloader that works with any programming language.
Code Runner / Diagnostics
- Vigemus/iron.nvim (⭐1.1k) - Interactive REPLs of over 30 languages embedded.
Neovim Lua Development / Diagnostics
- nfrid/treesitter-utils (⭐11) - Some useful Tree-sitter methods.
Scrolling / Diagnostics
- nkakouros-original/scrollofffraction.nvim (⭐13) - Scrolloff as a fraction of the window height.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- pocco81/true-zen.nvim (⭐989) - Clean and elegant distraction-free writing.
- pocco81/high-str.nvim (⭐311) - Highlight visual selections like in a normal document editor!
- pocco81/auto-save.nvim (⭐707) - Save your work before the world collapses or you type :qa!
- andersevenrud/nvim_context_vt (⭐390) - Shows virtual text of the current context.
- CKolkey/ts-node-action (⭐370) - A framework for executing functional transformations on Tree-sitter nodes - Has a lot of built-in actions for transforming text.
Indent / Diagnostics
- Mr-LLLLL/cool-chunk.nvim (⭐28) - Simpler and faster chunking with animations.
Split and Window / Diagnostics
- nvim-focus/focus.nvim (⭐747) - Auto-Focusing and Auto-Resizing Splits/Windows written in Lua! Vim splits on steroids.
- altermo/nwm (⭐326) - X11 window manager.
37. Awesome Algorand
Nodes & Consensus Participation / Wallets
- TxnLab/reti (⭐27) - Provides contracts, a Node Daemon, and a UI for Algorand 'The Reti' consensus incentives, facilitating the creation of decentralized staking pools on the Algorand network to promote broader participation and enhance network security through diversification.
38. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Repos
- Functional Programming Learning Path - A Learning Path for Functional Programming
39. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Domain Specific Language / Design Theory
- Domain-Specific Languages - Pearson Education, 2010. [All Versions]. [Domain-Specific Languages Guide]. When carefully selected and used, Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) may simplify complex code, promote effective communication with customers, improve productivity, and unclog development bottlenecks. In Domain-Specific Languages, noted software development expert Martin Fowler first provides the information software professionals need to decide if and when to utilize DSLs. Then, where DSLs prove suitable, Fowler presents effective techniques for building them, and guides software engineers in choosing the right approaches for their applications.
Domain Specific Language / Declarative DSL Applications
- The BioPAX community standard for pathway data sharing - Nature Biotechnology, 2010. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. Biological Pathway Exchange (BioPAX) is a standard language to represent biological pathways at the molecular and cellular level and to facilitate the exchange of pathway data. BioPAX can represent metabolic and signaling pathways, molecular and genetic interactions and gene regulation networks.
Science Logology / Democratization of Science
- Bridging the information gap in organic chemical reactions - Nature Chemistry, 2024. [All Versions]. This perspective article formulates eight principles to improve data management in scientific publications relating to data standardization, reproducibility and evaluation, and encourage scientists to go beyond current publication standards.
Science Logology / Laboratory Automation
- Automation isn't automatic - Chemical Science, 2021. [All Versions]. This perspective provides an overview of the current state of automation of synthetic chemistry at the benchtop scale with a particular emphasis on core considerations and the ensuing challenges of deploying a system. The authors aim to reframe automation as decidedly not automatic but rather an iterative process that involves a series of careful decisions (both human and computational) and constant adjustment.
- Balancing act: when to flex and when to stay fixed - Trends in Chemistry, 2023. [All Versions]. This perspective article provides essential insights into the decision-making process for choosing automation platforms, highlighting the suitability of fixed automation for standardized tasks and the strategic use of flexible automation in dynamic research settings.
40. Awesome Java
CLI / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Jexer - Advanced console (and Swing) text user interface (TUI) library, with mouse-draggable windows, built-in terminal window manager, and sixel image support. Looks like Turbo Vision.
Messaging / Text-Based User Interfaces
- AutoMQ (⭐4.4k) - AutoMQ is a cloud-native, serverless reinvented Kafka that is easily scalable, manage-less and cost-effective.
PDF / Text-Based User Interfaces
- Dynamic Jasper - Abstraction layer to JasperReports. (LGPL-3.0-only)
Influential Books / Mocking
41. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Text search
- pg_search (⭐6.8k) - PostgreSQL extension that enables full-text search over SQL tables using the BM25 algorithm, the state-of-the-art ranking function for full-text search.
Applications / Security tools
- Raspirus (⭐161) - User- and resources-friendly rules-based malware scanner
Applications / Text editors
- vamolessa/pepper [pepper] - An opinionated modal editor to simplify code editing from the terminal
Libraries / Data processing
- datafusion (⭐6.9k) - DataFusion is a very fast, extensible query engine for building high-quality data-centric systems in Rust, using the Apache Arrow in-memory format.
Libraries / Markup language
- insomnimus/tidier (⭐7) [tidier] - A library to format HTML, XHTML and XML documents.
Libraries / Mobile
- Android / iOS
- ivnsch/rust_android_ios (⭐243) - An example of using a shared lib for Android and iOS using rust-swig and cbindgen respectively.
42. Awesome Angular
- angular-logos (⭐78) - Repo is dedicated to collecting all the different kinds of Angular badges and logos.
Blogs / Google Developer Experts
- - (Polish) Excellent up-to-date resource for Angular.
- modern-angular - Josh Morony's website is a collection of content centered around creating modern Angular applications using the latest Angular features and concepts.
- angular-university - Learn and Keep Up with the Angular Ecosystem.
- simplified courses - Blog articles written with love, just for you!
Cheatsheet / Google Developer Experts
Online Training / Google Developer Experts
- Angular Start - Learn to build professional-grade Angular v17 applications using new features with modern best practices.
- Angular Training - The Angular Coach You Need.
- Angular University - Learn And Keep Up With The Angular Ecosystem.
- Ultimate Courses - Everything you need to become an Angular expert.
- Angular Academy - World-class instructor-led live online Angular courses!
On-Site Training / Google Developer Experts
- Simplified Courses - Angular Training by Expert Brecht Billiet!
YouTube Channels / Google Developer Experts
Analytics / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-google-analytics (⭐19) - A simple Google analytics integration for Angular apps.
Authentication / Google Developer Experts
- angular-auth-oidc-client (⭐1.2k) - NPM package for OpenID Connect, OAuth Code Flow with PKCE, Refresh tokens, and Implicit Flow.
- angularx-social-login (⭐642) - Social login and authentication module for Angular 17.
- auth0-angular (⭐186) - Auth0 SDK for Angular Single Page Applications.
- ng-universal (⭐442) - Angular Universal module for Nest framework (Node.js).
- angularfire (⭐7.7k) - Angular + Firebase.
- supabase - Build a User Management App with Angular.
- fingerprint - The Fingerprint Angular SDK is an easy way to integrate Fingerprint into your Angular application.
- amplify - AWS Amplify streamlines full-stack app development. With its libraries, CLI, and services, you can easily connect your frontend to the cloud for authentication, storage, APIs, and more.
Builders / Google Developer Experts
- Angular Builders (⭐1.2k) - This repo consolidates all the community builders (ES Build, Webpack, Jest, Bazel, and Timestamp) for the Angular build facade.
- Jest Builder (⭐1.2k) - Jest builder for Angular build facade.
- Bazel (⭐1.2k) - Provides an Angular CLI Builder, which can execute Bazel when triggered by ng build, ng test, etc.
- Timestamp (⭐1.2k) - This is explained in this article.
- ngx-build-plus (⭐1.2k) - Extend the Angular CLI's default build behavior without ejecting, e. g. for Angular Elements.
- ng-process-env (⭐20) - Angular schematics and builder to retrieve values from System Environment (OS) variables and update relevant
- ngx-electronify (⭐117) - Angular CLI builder that runs your application in the desktop using Electron.
- dotenv-run (⭐274) - Seamlessly load environment variables. Supports cli, esbuild, rollup, vite, webpack, angular, ESM and Monorepos.
- ng-packagr (⭐1.9k) - Compile and package Angular libraries in Angular Package Format (APF).
Deployment / Google Developer Experts
- Netlify - Angular applications on Netlify can benefit from integrations such as automatic framework detection and built-in redirects functionality. The Angular Runtime (⭐24) plugin implements Angular Support on Netlify.
- angular-cli-ghpages (⭐973) - SSR does not work, and there can be some caveats, but you can host your Angular project on GitHub Pages.
Developer tools / Google Developer Experts
- StackBlitz - Instant Dev Environments.
- Redux DevTools (⭐14k) - Can be used in combination with @ngrx/store-devtools to inspect the state of your NgRx app.
- Ionic VS Code Extension - Perform various functions that are common to developing an Ionic app, all without leaving your VS Code window.
- Angular Schematics - Ultimate code generation in Visual Studio Code.
- Angular 17 Snippets - 258 Angular Snippets (TypeScript, Html, Angular Material, Flex Layout, NgRx, RxJS, PWA & Testing).
Documentation tools / Google Developer Experts
- ng-doc (⭐260) - The documentation engine for Angular projects.
- docgeni (⭐198) - A modern, powerful and out of the box documentation generator for Angular components lib and markdown docs.
Node / Google Developer Experts
- teleport-code-generators (⭐1k) - A collection of code generators for modern JavaScript applications.
Spring Boot / Google Developer Experts
- - Generate Spring Boot apps with custom database, Angular frontend and CRUD functionality.
Integrations / Google Developer Experts
- TailwindCSS + Angular - Integrate Angular app with Tailwind.
- Sentry - Sentry is a developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring platform.
- Stencil - Stencil can generate Angular component wrappers for your web components. This can improve Angular performance.
- GoodData - Integrate GoodData Visualizations into your Angular application.
- DataDog - With the Datadog Angular integration, you can resolve performance issues quickly.
- Elastic - Real User Monitoring JavaScript agent with Angular applications.
- HyperFormula - HyperFormula is a headless spreadsheet built in TypeScript, serving as both a parser and evaluator of spreadsheet formulas. It can be integrated into your browser.
- Strich - STRICH is a JavaScript library for real-time, multi-format barcode scanning directly in the web browser.
- Pega - Angular SDK includes a bridge and DX components that connect the ConstellationJS Engine to an Angular-based design system.
- Genesis Foundation - Genesis is a low-code platform designed specifically for the financial markets.
- angular-sdk (⭐26) - Angular library used to integrate with Descope.
- angular-electron (⭐5.7k) - Ultra-fast bootstrapping with Angular and Electron.
- Postcat (⭐5.4k) - A lightweight, extensible API tool based on Angular and Electron.
- angulardart-community (⭐5) - The next-generation AngularDart documentation website.
- NativeScript - NativeScript provides platform APIs directly to the JavaScript runtime (with strong types) for a rich TypeScript development experience.
- Bit - Leverage Bit to build composable software.
Monorepos / Google Developer Experts
- Nx (⭐25k) - Nx is a build system with built-in tooling and advanced CI capabilities. It helps you maintain and scale monorepos, both locally and on CI.
Security / Google Developer Experts
- Socket - Socket is a developer-first security platform that protects your code from both vulnerable and malicious dependencies.
- Synk - Snyk is a developer security platform that integrates directly into development tools, workflows, and automation pipelines.
- Github - Code scanning is available for all public repositories on You can turn on secret scanning and use Code QL to secure your repos.
- Github Skills - Guided interactive tutorials for Code Security and analysis are available.
Server-Side Rendering / Google Developer Experts
- ssr - Documentation for the new SSR package built into the framework.
- angular-prerender (⭐126) - A command line tool to prerender Angular Apps.
- analogjs - Fullstack Angular meta-framework supports both server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) of Angular applications.
Free / Google Developer Experts
- ng-matero (⭐1.4k) - Angular Material admin dashboard template.
- coreui-free-angular-admin-template (⭐1.8k) - CoreUI Angular is free Angular 17 admin template based on Bootstrap 5.
- sakai-ng (⭐704) - Free Angular Admin Template by PrimeNG.
- angular-template-for-threejs (⭐146) - Angular Template For Three.js.
- lemon-mart (⭐170) - Angular Template App with a Router-first architecture.
- devextreme-angular-template (⭐119) - Responsive Application Layout Templates based on DevExtreme Angular Components.
- QuickApp (⭐1.3k) - ASP.NET Core / Angular startup project template with complete login, user and role management. Plus other useful services for Quick Application Development.
- material-pro-angular-lite (⭐130) - MaterialPro Angular Lite is high quality free angular material template / theme from WrapPixel. You can download and use for Personal as well as Commercial Projects.
- Angular-V17-Template (⭐60) - A template designed for Angular 17 that emphasizes clean code practices and test-friendly development.
- angular-quickstart (⭐24) - A bare-bones Angular template to get you deployed to Netlify fast!
- sap-fiori-templates (⭐28) - SAP BTP & Fiori App templates implemented with third-party frontend frameworks such as React, Vue, and Angular.
- template-angular (⭐29) - Phaser 3 TypeScript project template that uses the Angular framework and Vite for bundling.
- angular-nest (⭐17) - Simple web app template with Angular v17 + NestJS v9 + ng-openapi-gen.
- angular-ngrx-frontend (⭐12) - Angular NgRx powered frontend template for Symfony (or similar) backend.
- gradient-able-free-admin-template (⭐21) - Gradient able free bootstrap, angular, react admin template.
e2e / Google Developer Experts
- cypress - End to End and Component Testing for Angular.
- testcafe - TestCafe is a user-friendly end-to-end testing solution. Free and open-source test runner. Powerful desktop app.
- webdriverio (⭐9.2k) - Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js.
Component / Google Developer Experts
- jasmine - Simple JavaScript testing.
- jest - Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
- jest-preset-angular (⭐902) - Jest configuration preset for Angular projects.
- jest-preview (⭐2.4k) - Debug your Jest tests. Effortlessly.
Guides / Google Developer Experts
- angular-tour-of-heroes-jest-100-coverage (⭐3) - 100% unit testing coverage of the popular Angular demo app - Tour of Heroes.
- how-do-i-test (⭐6) - Repository representing different testing use cases for Angular and Spring.
- YouTube - How do I Test? playlist.
- YouTube - Angular Unit Testing Made Easy.
- Tim Deschryver Blog - Testing an NgRx project.
Helpers / Google Developer Experts
- ng-mocks (⭐1.1k) - Angular testing library for mocking components, directives, pipes, services and facilitating TestBed setup.
- auto-spies (⭐181) - Create automatic spies from classes.
- spectacular (⭐37) - Spectacular offers test harnesses for Angular applications and libraries.
- @angular/cdk/testing -
provides infrastructure to help with testing Angular components.
- spectator (⭐2.1k) - A Powerful Tool to Simplify Your Angular Tests.
Updating / Google Developer Experts
- ng update - Use the CLI to update your project or try new Angular features by adding the
- migrations - Angular offers schematics to help update your project for you. You can convert your project to standalone components, the new control flow syntax, and more by using one of the Angular built-in schematics.
Animations / Google Developer Experts
- tsparticles (⭐37) - A component to easily add Particles animations to your Angular application.
- ngx-confetti-explosion (⭐9) - Confetti in Angular.
- angular-animations (⭐641) - Easy, Reusable Animation Utility library for Angular.
- ngx-lottie (⭐232) - Fully customizable Angular component for rendering After Effects animations. Compatible with Angular 9+.
- angular-animations-explorer (⭐141) - A resource to showcase the different animations that you could do with Angular.
- ngx-notation-reveal (⭐13) - Angular component to add rough notation animation when element is visible.
- ngx-typed2 (⭐2) - An Angular Typing Animation Library.
Calendars / Google Developer Experts
- angular-calendar-scheduler (⭐104) - A scheduler view component for angular.
- fullcalendar-angular (⭐1.1k) - The official Angular component for FullCalendar.
- angular-year-calendar (⭐22) - A powerful and performant Angular year calendar library built with ❤️.
Charts / Google Developer Experts
- ng-chartist (⭐125) - Angular component for Chartist.js.
- org-chart (⭐994) - Highly customizable org chart. Integrations available for Angular, React, and Vue.
- ag-charts (⭐269) - Fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript charting library.
- systelab-charts (⭐0) - Systelab Angular Chart services.
- ngx-gantt (⭐265) - A modern and powerful gantt chart component for Angular.
- carbon-charts (⭐937) - Carbon Charts Angular is a thin Angular wrapper around the vanilla JavaScript @carbon/charts component library.
Data Grids / Google Developer Experts
- sheetjs - SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.
- ngx-easy-table (⭐378) - The Easiest Angular Table. 12kb gzipped! Tree-shakeable. 55 features and growing!
- active-table (⭐257) - Framework agnostic table component for editable data experience.
- jsgrids (⭐192) - A comparison tool to compare JavaScript data grid and spreadsheet libraries. Find even more libraries from this repo.
Drag and Drop / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-drag-drop (⭐318) - Angular directives using the native HTML Drag And Drop API.
- ngx-dropzone (⭐44) - The missing file input component for Angular Material.
- ng-dnd (⭐124) - Drag and Drop for Angular.
- ngx-file-drag-drop (⭐17) - Angular material file input component which lets the user drag and drop files, or select files with the native file picker.
- angular cdk - The
module provides you with a way to easily and declaratively create drag-and-drop interfaces.
Editor Components / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-quill (⭐1.8k) - Angular (>=2) components for the Quill Rich Text Editor.
- ngx-editor (⭐465) - Rich Text Editor for Angular using ProseMirror.
- code-editor (⭐127) - Code editor component for Angular applications.
- ngx-wig (⭐231) - Angular(also Angular 17) WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor.
- ngx-monaco-editor (⭐4) - Monaco Code Editor for Angular.
- ngx-property-editor (⭐1) - Angular library containing simple input components and a property editor component, which automatically builds a form for editing all properties of any object.
General / Google Developer Experts
- ng-dynamic-forms (⭐1.3k) - Rapid form development library for Angular.
JSON Forms / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-formly (⭐2.9k) - JSON powered / Dynamic forms for Angular.
- formio (⭐663) - JSON powered forms for Angular.
Images / Google Developer Experts
- cloudinary - Angular SDK from Cloudinary.
Keyboard Mouse / Google Developer Experts
- angular2-hotkeys (⭐203) - Keyboard shortcuts for Angular 2 apps.
- virtual-keyboard-javascript (⭐0) - Virtual Keyboard for Javascript, React, Angular, & Vue.
- angular-touch-keyboard (⭐55) - Virtual Keyboard for Angular applications.
Loaders / Google Developer Experts
- ng-lazy-load-component (⭐8) - Lazy load Angular component into HTML template without routing.
- ngx-loading-bar (⭐776) - Automatic page loading / progress bar for Angular.
Maps / Google Developer Experts
- ng-maps (⭐49) - Modular map components for angular.
- ngx-leaflet (⭐788) - Core Leaflet package for
- ngx-maplibre-gl (⭐85) - Angular binding of maplibre-gl.
- @angular/google-maps (⭐25k) - This component provides a Google Maps Angular component that implements the Google Maps JavaScript API.
Markdown / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-markdown-editor (⭐175) - Angular markdown editor based on ace editor.
- angular-markdown-editor (⭐166) - Angular Markdown Editor. All-in-one Markdown Editor and Preview.
Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts
- rx-angular (⭐1.9k) - RxAngular offers a toolkit for handling fully reactive apps with the main focus on runtime performance, template rendering, and developer experience.
- ng-web-apis (⭐771) - A set of common utils for consuming Web APIs with Angular.
Modals / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-awesome-popup (⭐73) - Angular dialog modal framework (Confirmation box, Alert box, Toast notification and Cookie banner).
Notifications / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-sweetalert2 (⭐662) - Declarative, reactive, and template-driven SweetAlert2 integration for Angular.
- hot-toast (⭐106) - Smoking hot toast notifications for Angular.
- ngx-sonner (⭐113) - An opinionated toast component for Angular. A port of @emilkowalski's sonner.
- angular-bootstrap-toast-service (⭐18) - Angular project for sending Bootstrap based toast notifications including Vercel deployment.
- angular2-notifications (⭐748) - A light and easy to use notifications library for Angular.
Scroll / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-infinite-scroll (⭐1.3k) - Infinite Scroll Directive for Angular.
NgRx / Google Developer Experts
- ngrx-course (⭐396) - Angular University Complete Guide.
- ngrx-store-localstorage (⭐616) - Simple syncing between
and local storage.
- angular-ngrx-nx-realworld-example-app (⭐943) - Real world application built with Angular 17, NgRx 17, & Nx 17.
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- elf (⭐1.6k) - A reactive immutable state management solution built on top of RxJS. It uses custom RxJS operators to query the state and pure functions to update it.
- query (⭐44k) - Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web.
- state-adapt (⭐299) - Declarative, incremental state management library.
- ngx-signal-state (⭐61) - Opinionated simple state management for Angular.
- mini-rx-store (⭐168) - MiniRx is the reactive state management platform.
Unspecified / Google Developer Experts
- Syncfusion - Its Essential UI Kit for Angular (⭐8) is compatible with both Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap.
- prime-ng (⭐11k) - The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library.
Material Based / Google Developer Experts
- MDBootstrap (⭐1.1k) - Bootstrap 5 & Angular 17 UI KIT - 700+ components, MIT license, simple installation.
UX Components / Google Developer Experts
- angular-shepherd (⭐224) - Angular 7 Service wrapping the site tour library Shepherd (⭐13k).
- skyux (⭐34) - SKY UX components for Angular.
- ngx-ui-tour (⭐185) - A UI tour library inspired by angular-ui-tour (⭐163).
Viewers / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-extended-pdf-viewer (⭐509) - A full-blown PDF viewer for Angular 16, 17, and beyond.
- ng2-pdfjs-viewer (⭐234) - An Angular component for PDFJS and ViewerJS (Supports all versions of Angular).
- ngx-json-viewer (⭐177) - JSON formatter and viewer in HTML for Angular.
Ionic / Google Developer Experts
- (Github) Ionic Framework (⭐51k) - Github Repo of Ionic Framework.
- Ionic Academy - The fastest way to learn Ionic.
- Elite Ionic - Advanced training for Angular developers who want to create NEXT LEVEL native web applications.
- Ionic Themes - Tutorials and templates.
- Ionic Start - Build web and native mobile applications with Ionic whilst learning modern reactive development with Angular.
RxJS / Google Developer Experts
- rxjs - Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript.
- learn-rxjs (⭐3.7k) - Clear examples, explanations, and resources for RxJS.
- rxjs-course (⭐387) - RxJS course from Angular University
- redux-observable (⭐7.8k) - RxJS middleware for action side effects in Redux using "Epics".
- rxjs-challenge (⭐605) - A set of little RxJS puzzles to practice your Observable skills.
TypeScript / Google Developer Experts
- typehero (⭐6.2k) - Connect, collaborate, and grow with a community of TypeScript developers.
- type-challenges (⭐45k) - Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge.
- typescript-challenges (⭐165) - A set of challenges helping you understand TypeScript.
- Sheriff (⭐229) - Lightweight Modularity for TypeScript Projects.
- Total Typescript Book (⭐1.7k) - The companion repo for the upcoming Total TypeScript book.
- ts-essentials (⭐3.9k) - All essential TypeScript types in one place.
- trpc (⭐36k) - Move Fast and Break Nothing. End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy.
- quicktype (⭐13k) - Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL.
- ts-pattern (⭐13k) - The exhaustive Pattern Matching library for TypeScript, with smart type inference.
- ngx-mf (⭐44) - Bind your model types to angular FormGroup type.
- superstruct (⭐7.1k) - A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
- typebox (⭐5.4k) - Json Schema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript.
- zod (⭐36k) - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.
- Prev: Apr 29 - May 05, 2024
- Next: Apr 15 - Apr 21, 2024