Awesome List Updates on Dec 20, 2024
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Design Systems
Accessibility (a11y)
- Accessibility for developers - 5 simple ways developers can help improve and enforce website accessibility.
- InclusiveColors palette creator - Creates accessible custom Tailwind-style color palettes that pass WCAG contrast checks and can be exported to CSS/Figma/Adobe.
2. Awesome Neovim
Motion / Diagnostics
- sphamba/smear-cursor.nvim (⭐824) - Animate the cursor with a smear effect in all terminals. Inspired by Neovide's animated cursor.
3. Awesome Ai in Finance
- 🌟🌟 MarS (⭐1.3k) - A Financial Market Simulation Engine Powered by Generative Foundation Model.
4. Awesome Marketing
Content Marketing / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- BCMS - BCMS is an API-based Headless CMS, that provides flexible content modeling for creative projects in Next.js, Astro, Nuxt.js, and more
5. Awesome Opentofu
Tools / CI
- TF-via-PR (⭐160) - GitHub Action to init, plan and apply Terraform/OpenTofu via PR automation.
6. Awesome Testing
Software / Visual Testing
- TestingBot - Supports automated, manual, and visual testing.
7. Awesome R Learning Resources
Topic Areas / Viz
- AISEKA - Discover the best Color Palette & Color Tools. Author: meetqy.
8. Awesome Cpp
- JerryScript (⭐7.1k) - Ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things. [Apache-2.0] website
9. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Macro
- elastio/bon (⭐1.5k) [bon] - generate compile-time-checked builders for structs and functions, provides partial application, optional and named parameters for functions and methods.
10. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Finder Tools
- FileMinutes - Find files and take actions, all in one.
11. Awesome Bioinformatics
Assembly / Tools
- Minimap2 (⭐1.8k) - Minimap2 is an pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences. It can perform the assembly-to-assembly alignment, and works with gzip'd FASTQ, FASTA formats. It also finds overlaps between long-reads.
- D-GENIES - Dot plot large Genomes in an Interactive, Efficient and Simple way. It is an online tool designed to support large genome, compare two genomes, and you can interact with the dot plot to improve the visualisation. It can also be used for extension of minimap2 by uploading the output generated in PAF(Pairwise mApping Format) or MAF(Multiple Alignment File) alignment files to D-GENIES
12. Awesome Db Tools
- dbForge Edge - Multidatabase solution for DB development, design, management, and administration of MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL databases, and various cloud services.
- Kangaroo (⭐388) - A AI-powered SQL client and admin tool for popular databases(SQLite / MySQL / PostgreSQL / etc) on Windows / macOS / Linux, support table design, query, model, sync, export/import etc, focus on comfortable, fun and developer friendly.
SQL / Formatters
- JSQLFormatter (⭐28) - Open Source Java SQL Formatter for many RDBMS based on JSqlParser.
SQL / Games
- Querymon - Learn to use SQL queries on the Querydex, a database of monsters from common to legendary.
- Prev: Dec 21, 2024
- Next: Dec 19, 2024