Awesome List Updates on Dec 17, 2024
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Domain Specific Language / Design Theory
- Usability Evaluation of Domain-Specific Languages - ICQICT'12, 2012. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. The purpose of this proposal is to contribute to the systematic activity of Software Language Engineering by focusing on the issue of the Usability evaluation of DSLs. Usability evaluation is often skipped, relaxed, or at least omitted from papers reporting development of DSLs. The authors argue that a systematic approach based on User Interface experimental validation techniques should be used to assess the impact of new DSLs. For that purpose, the authors propose to merge common Usability evaluation processes with the DSL development process.
2. Awesome Go
Distributed Systems
- go-eagle (⭐2.3k) - A Go framework for the API or Microservice with handy scaffolding tools.
3. Colorful
Tools / Web App
- Color Wheel - A color wheel based on the drawings by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von from the year 1810.
- RGB HEX Code - HTML/CSS Color Picker & Converter.
Color Palettes / Web App
- ColorMagic - Generate color palettes with AI. Enter any keyword and generate a matching color palette.
4. Awesome Osint
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- LeakRadar - Scans for compromised emails and domains in stealer logs, offering proactive breach prevention and real-time alerts.
Phone Number Research / Steam
- SearchPeopleFREE - a reverse name, address, email address, or phone lookup that allows you to discover the owner of a phone number or who lives at an address.
- USPhoneBook - Reverse phone and address lookups and leading data.
Other Tools / Steam
- Cyberbro (⭐313) - A self-hosted application, available as a Dockerized, for effortless searching and reputation checking of observables. Extracts IoCs from raw input and check their reputation using multiple services.
- CyberGordon - CyberGordon is a threat intelligence search engine. It leverages 30+ sources.
5. Awesome Executable Packing
📦 Packers / After 2010
- ASM Guard (⭐242) - Free packer utility for compressing and complicating reversing compiled native code (native files), protecting resources, adding DRM, and packing into an optimized loader.
- obfus.h (⭐986) - Macro-header for compile-time C obfuscation/virtualization (tcc, win x86/x64)
6. Awesome Rust
Applications / Operating systems
- vinc/moros (⭐957) - A text-based hobby operating system targeting computers with a x86-64 architecture and a BIOS.
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Games
- Luanti - An open source voxel game engine (formerly Minetest). Play one of our many games, mod a game to your liking, make your own game, or play on a multiplayer server. (Source Code (⭐11k))
Software / Remote Access
- Engity's Bifröst - Highly customizable SSH server with several ways to authorize a user and options where and how to execute a user's session. (Source Code (⭐37))
8. Awesome Machine Learning
Rust / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- delta (⭐376) - An open source machine learning framework in Rust Δ
R / Data Manipulation | Data Analysis | Data Visualization
- data.table -
provides a high-performance version of base R’sdata.frame
with syntax and feature enhancements for ease of use, convenience and programming speed.
Scala / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- isolation-forest (⭐237) - A distributed Spark/Scala implementation of the isolation forest algorithm for unsupervised outlier detection, featuring support for scalable training and ONNX export for easy cross-platform inference.
Tools / Misc
- Hamilton (⭐2k) - a lightweight library to define data transformations as a directed-acyclic graph (DAG). It helps author reliable feature engineering and machine learning pipelines, and more.
- Prev: Dec 18, 2024
- Next: Dec 16, 2024