Awesome List Updates on Dec 10, 2024
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- SiteDots - Share feedback for website projects directly on your website, no emulation, canvas or workarounds. Completely functional free tier.
- — Cloud and SaaS status page aggregator - 20 monitors and 2 notification channels (Slack and Discord) are free forever.
2. Awesome Blazor
- Clean Architecture with Blazor Server (⭐952)
- Another template with MudBlazor and CleanArchitecture approach.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- BlazorGravatar (⭐1) -
A Blazor component for integrating Gravatar, Blazor WASM, Server and SSR.
3. Awesome Neovim
AI / Diagnostics
- supermaven-inc/supermaven-nvim (⭐923) - The fastest copilot, brought to you by Supermaven.
4. Awesome V
Text processing
- vxml (⭐1) - Pure V library for parsing XML to a DOM.
5. Awesome Cl
Others / Third-party APIs
- numericals (⭐51) - SIMD powered simple-math numerical operations on arrays for Common Lisp through CFFI [still experimental]. MIT.
- documentation:
- dense-arrays (⭐25) - Numpy like array object for common lisp. MIT.
6. Awesome Rust
Applications / Message Queue
- Rocketmq-Rust (⭐975) - 🚀Apache RocketMQ build in Rust🦀. Faster, safer, and with lower memory usage.
Applications / Web
- Redlib (⭐1.8k) - An alternative private front-end to Reddit, with its origins in Libreddit (⭐5.1k)
7. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Critical Views about Generative AI
8. Awesome Angular
Blogs / Google Developer Experts
QR Codes / Google Developer Experts
- Angular-html5qrcode (⭐2) - This library provides an Angular wrapper for the html5-qrcode (⭐5.3k) library, allowing developers to easily integrate QR code and barcode scanning functionalities into their applications.
Additional / Google Developer Experts
- @ng-state/store (⭐14) - RxJS and Immer (or ImmutableJs) powered nested state management for Angular applications inspired by NgRx. It is simple, fast, reliable with no boilerplate. Supports signals and injectable actions.
9. Web Development Resources
CSS Games:
Website: Anchoreum
Description: A game for learning CSS anchor positioning.
10. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- deoplete (⭐50) - ZSH completion for deoplete.nvim (⭐6k)
11. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- SonarQube Cloud ©️ — SonarQube Cloud enables your team to deliver clean code consistently and efficiently with a code review tool that easily integrates into the cloud DevOps platforms and extend your CI/CD workflow. SonarQube Cloud provides a free plan.
- SonarQube for IDE — SonarQube for IDE (formerly SonarLint) is a free IDE extension available for IntelliJ, VS Code, Visual Studio, and Eclipse, to find and fix coding issues in real-time, flagging issues as you code, just like a spell-checker. More than a linter, it also delivers rich contextual guidance to help developers understand why there is an issue, assess the risk, and educate them on how to fix it.
- SonarQube Server — SonarQube empowers development teams with a code quality and security solution that deeply integrates into your enterprise environment; enabling you to deploy clean code consistently and reliably. SonarQube provides a free and open source Community Build.
- Prev: Dec 11, 2024
- Next: Dec 09, 2024