Awesome List Updates on Dec 07, 2024
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Osint
Code Search
- Sourcebot - Index thousands of repos on your machine and search through them in a fast, powerful, and modern web interface.
Social Media Tools / Reddit
- Arctic Shift (⭐286) - A tool for accessing and interacting with large dumps of Reddit data, offering an API and web interface for research and moderation purposes.
- Pushshift API - A powerful API that provides access to historical Reddit data, including posts, comments, and metadata for analysis and research—more information here.
- Pullpush - PullPush is a service for the indexing and retrieval of content that Reddit users have submitted to Reddit. Helpful for finding deleted/removed posts & comments.
- REDARCS - Reddit archives 2005-2023.
- RedditMetis - RedditMetis is a Reddit user analysis tool to see the summary and statistics for a Reddit account, including top posts and user activity etc.
Social Media Tools / Telegram
- Maltego Telegram (⭐134) - Rich Set of Entities & Transforms for OSINT on Telegram with Maltego
2. Awesome Neovim
Completion / Diagnostics
- brianaung/compl.nvim (⭐20) - A minimal and dependency-free auto-completion built on top of Vim's ins-completion mechanism.
Git / Diagnostics
- trevorhauter/gitportal.nvim (⭐38) - Generate Git permalinks, open them in your browser, load files locally from permalinks, and more.
Tmux / Diagnostics
- juselara1/tmutils.nvim (⭐2) - Tmux utilities that enable sending lines, capturing content, creating terminals, and managing REPLs.
3. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Domain Specific Language / Logic DSL Applications
- Qualitative Simulation - Artificial Intelligence, 1986. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. This paper presents a precise definition of qualitative structure and behavior descriptions as abstractions of differential equations and continuously differentiable functions. The authors present a new algorithm for qualitative simulation that generalizes the best features of existing algorithms, and allows direct comparisons among alternate approaches. Starting with a set of constraints abstracted from a differential equation, this work proves that the QSIM algorithm is guaranteed to produce a qualitative behavior corresponding to any solution to the original equation. The paper also shows that any qualitative simulation algorithm will sometimes produce spurious qualitative behaviors: ones which do not correspond to any mechanism satisfying the given constraints. These observations suggest specific types of care that must be taken in designing applications of qualitative causal reasoning systems, and in constructing and validating a knowledge base of mechanism descriptions.
4. Awesome Rust
Applications / Emulators
- Shockwave Player
- DirPlayer (⭐53) - A web-compatible Shockwave Player emulator written in Rust
Libraries / Compression
- bzip2
- trifectatechfoundation/bzip2-rs (⭐98) - libbz2 bindings
5. Awesome Kotlin
Links / Resources
- tbhaxor/GUIDE-TO-KOTLIN (⭐11) - A practical guide on Kotlin for Developers
Libraries/Frameworks / Web
- kwebio/kweb-core (⭐970) - Build rich live-updating web apps in pure server-side Kotlin.
- bootique/bootique-kotlin (⭐13) - Provides extension function and features for smooth development with Bootique and Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- dam5s/aspen (⭐33) - Aspen is an RSpec and Spek inspired test runner for Kotlin.
- tyro/arbitrater (⭐41) - Arbitrater is a library for creating arbitrary (randomized) instances of classes by reflection for use in testing.
- KennethWussmann/mock-fuel (⭐0) - JUnit 5 extension to easily mock external HTTP requests made with the HTTP client Fuel.
- jcornaz/kwik (⭐21) - A property-based testing library for Kotlin. Execute tests with randomized inputs with a test-engine agnostic and compile-time safe library.
Libraries/Frameworks / Dependency Injection
- kailan/kodeinject (⭐14) - Constructor dependency injection for Kodein.
Libraries/Frameworks / Coroutines
- Kotlin/kotlin-coroutines (⭐1.5k) - Design documents and examples for coroutines in Kotlin.
- soywiz/korim (⭐133) - Korim: Kotlin cORoutines IMaging utilities depending on Korio.
- soywiz/korui (⭐44) - Korui: Kotlin cORoutines User Interfaces: korio + kimage + korui
- huanshankeji/compose-html-material (⭐29) - Compose HTML Material 3 wrapper components based on Material Web
Libraries/Frameworks / Functional Programming
- UrbanCompass/Snail-Kotlin (⭐44) - An observables framework for Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Serialization
- SalomonBrys/Kotson (⭐708) - Gson for Kotlin, Kotson enables you to parse and write JSON with Google's Gson using a conciser and easier syntax.
- fboldog/ext4klaxon (⭐8) - Type Extensions (Long, Int, Enum, Date) for Klaxon.
Libraries/Frameworks / Database
- x2bool/kuery (⭐202) - Typesafe SQL with Kotlin.
- huanshankeji/exposed-vertx-sql-client (⭐5) - Exposed on top of Vert.x Reactive SQL Client
Libraries/Frameworks / Tools
- jtransc/jtransc (⭐632) - JVM AOT compiler created in Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Desktop
- edvin/tornadofx (⭐3.7k) - Lightweight JavaFX Framework for Kotlin/
Libraries/Frameworks / Http Clients
- egorzhdan/networkinkt (⭐31) - Multiplatform coroutine-based HTTP client.
- curiousnikhil/Asynkio (⭐80) - Make asynchronous calls painlessly with async/await style.
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- moshbit/Kotlift (⭐395) - Kotlift is the first source-to-source language transpiler from Kotlin to Swift.
- phxql/aleksa (⭐35) - Aleksa is a small framework for writing Alexa Skills in Kotlin.
- soywiz/klock (⭐676) - Consistent and portable date and time utilities for multiplatform kotlin (JVM, JS and Common).
- korlibs/kds (⭐49) - Optimized Kotlin Data Structures for JVM, JS and Common
Libraries/Frameworks / Extensions
- Kotlin/ (⭐56) - Extension and top-level functions to use JDK7/JDK8 features in Kotlin 1.0.
Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics
- GlimpseFramework/glimpse-framework (⭐16) - OpenGL made simple.
Libraries/Frameworks / Data Science
- sekwiatkowski/Komputation (⭐294) - A neural network framework written in Kotlin.
Libraries/Frameworks / Logging
- Foso/Cabret-Log (⭐195) - Method call logging for Kotlin Multiplatform
Libraries/Frameworks / Mail
- bluefireoly/SimpleKotlinMail (⭐67) - A simple, modern and coroutine based Kotlin Email API, supporting both clientside and serverside projects.
Libraries/Frameworks / Jetpack-Compose
- huanshankeji/compose-multiplatform-html-unified (⭐17) - Unified Compose Multiplatform wrappers of common and Material Design APIs for rendering-based Compose UI and DOM-based Compose HTML
Projects / Web
- mariomac/codebuilder (⭐6) - Demo app about asynchronous architectures for long-response-time web applications.
Projects / Build tools
- gradle/kotlin-dsl-samples (⭐3.7k) - Kotlin language support for Gradle build scripts.
- nebula-plugins/nebula-kotlin-plugin (⭐57) - Provides the Kotlin plugin via the Gradle plugin portal, automatically depends on the standard library, and allows Kotlin library versions to be omitted.
Projects / Misc
- kpspemu/kpspemu (⭐73) - Multiplatform (JS and JVM) PSP Emulator written in Kotlin.
- chrislo27/RhythmHeavenRemixEditor (⭐436) - An audio custom remix editor designed for the Rhythm Heaven series, using libGDX and Kotlin.
Projects / Desktop
- yschimke/okurl (⭐124) - cURL-like client based on OkHttp.
- hazae41/Kotlin-Compiler-GUI (⭐1) - Easily compile Kotlin classes (.kt) and run Kotlin scripts (.kts)
Projects / Examples
- Kotlin/kotlin-koans (⭐2.6k) - Kotlin Koans are a series of exercises to get you familiar with the Kotlin Syntax.
- JetBrains/kotlin-examples (⭐3.2k) - Various examples for Kotlin.
Projects / Android
- skydoves/githubfollows (⭐294) - A demo project based on MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
Android / Libraries
- GlimpseFramework/glimpse-framework-android (⭐5) - OpenGL made simple.
- calintat/alps (⭐4) - Android library for preferences which includes property delegates and a custom DSL for definining preferences.
- Jintin/MixAdapter (⭐19) - Compose multiple Adapter for RecyclerView in Android.
Android / Frameworks
Android / Projects
- hanjoongcho/aaf-easyphotomap (⭐41) - This is a photomap app that shows photos taken on a map.
- mustafaberkaymutlu/uv-index (⭐66) - A simple ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP
- hanjoongcho/aaf-easypassword (⭐35) - A password manager using a single lock pattern for various type passwords management.
- android-password-store/Android-Password-Store (⭐2.6k) - Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application.
- AnkitSuda/Rebound (⭐182) - Feature Rich & Highly Customizable Workout Log App.
Android / Extensions
- rosariopfernandes/fireXtensions (⭐29) - Unofficial Kotlin Extensions for the Firebase Android SDK.
Kotlin JavaScript / JavaScript
- pixijs/pixi-native (⭐87) - The aim of this project is to provide a fast lightweight 2D library that works across all devices.
- Kotlin/kotlin-fullstack-sample (⭐1.2k) - Kotlin Full-stack Application Example.
- Foso/MpApt (⭐235) - Kotlin Native/JS/JVM Annotation Processor library
Kotlin JavaScript / Build Tools
- Kotlin/kotlin-frontend-plugin (⭐564) - Gradle Kotlin plugin for frontend development.
Kotlin JavaScript / Integration
- kotlin/ts2kt (⭐317) - Converter of TypeScript definition files to Kotlin declarations (stubs).
Kotlin Native / Projects
- JetBrains/kotlin-native (⭐7k) - Kotlin/Native is a LLVM backend for the Kotlin compiler, runtime implementation and native code generation facility using LLVM toolchain.
6. Awesome Angular
Authentication / Google Developer Experts
- ngxfire (⭐1) - Zoneless AngularFire replacement.
HTTP / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-http-request-state (⭐13) - An Angular library for wrapping HttpClient responses with loading & error information.
- Next: Dec 06, 2024