Awesome List Updates on Dec 01, 2024
4 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Go
Search and Analytic Databases
- zoekt (⭐846) - Fast trigram based code search.
Game Development
- Pixel (⭐288) - Hand-crafted 2D game library in Go.
- qrand (⭐16) - Client for the ANU Quantum Numbers (AQN) API, providing quantum-mechanically secure random data.
Third-party APIs
- aws-encryption-sdk-go (⭐21) - Unofficial Go SDK implementation of the AWS Encryption SDK.
2. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- do-you-even-nix (⭐2) - Simple powerline-esque theme designed to increase nix power. Includes decorators for username@hostname, current directory,
status, whether you're in a nix shell, and whether there is a flake.nix or shell.nix file in the current directory.
3. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Bayesian Modeling / Bayesian Induction
- Rules and Similarity in Concept Learning - NeurIPS'99, 1999. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. This paper argues that two apparently distinct modes of generalizing concepts - abstracting rules and computing similarity to exemplars - should both be seen as special cases of a more general Bayesian learning framework. Bayes explains the specific workings of these two modes - which rules are abstracted, how similarity is measured - as well as why generalization should appear rule- or similarity-based in different situations. This analysis also suggests why the rules/similarity distinction, even if not computationally fundamental, may still be useful at the algorithmic level as part of a principled approximation to fully Bayesian learning.
4. Awesome Angular
Printing / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-printify (⭐1) - Angular utility library that simplifies the process of printing content in your Angular applications. It provides a directive for easy integration into your components and a service for programmatic printing.
Routing / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-route-manager (⭐2) - A simple library to store all route urls used in the application.
- Prev: Dec 02, 2024
- Next: Nov 30, 2024