Awesome List Updates on Nov 26, 2024
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ruby
- AnnotateRb (⭐217) - Adds database schema annotations for your ActiveRecord models as text comments as well as routes. An active and maintained hard fork of Annotate.
2. Awesome Go
- strcase (⭐6) - Case-insensitive implementation of the standard library's strings/bytes packages.
3. Awesome Ebpf
Articles and Presentations / BTF
- What is BTF (BPF Type Format) - A community-authored newsletter enriched with useful code illustrations and hands-on examples.
Tutorials / Hardware Offload
- Loops and Iterators in eBPF - Newsletter about all the ways to loop and iterate in eBPF.
- What Insights Can eBPF Provide into Real-Time SSL/TLS Encrypted Traffic and How? - A step-by-step guide how eBPF can observe encrypted network traffic.
- Can eBPF Detect Redis Message Patterns Before They Become Problems? - A step-by-step guide how eBPF can observe Redis communication between client and server.
- Transparent Proxy Implementation using eBPF and Go - A step-by-step guide on how to implement a transparent proxy using eBPF.
- eBPF-Powered Load Balancing - Learn how eBPF can infer custom load-balancing for services listening on the same port, through the SO_REUSEPORT TCP option.
- Unit Testing eBPF Programs - Learn how you can unit test your eBPF programs using libbpf.
- Accelerating Local Socket Communication using eBPF - Learn how eBPF can speed-up local socket communication up to 30%.
4. Free for Dev
- - Uptime Monitoring free for up to 100,000 events for unlimited projets and unlimited status pages.
- - Email API with REST API and SMTP integrations, free for upto 3,000 emails/month.
5. Awesome Angular
Internationalization / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-signal-translate (⭐2) - A signal-driven translation service.
Drag and Drop / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-drag-resize (⭐9) - This Angular library provides directives that add drag and resize functionality to HTML elements.
Mixed utilities / Google Developer Experts
- ng-kit (⭐3) - Reusable Angular components built with Angular Material and Bootstrap 5.x, Utility classes/functions for Date, Form and String operations.
Modals / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-concern (⭐2) - Angular library for creating simple, unstyled dialogs/modals and action-sheets/bottom-sheets.
6. Awesome Neovim
GitHub / Diagnostics
- claydugo/browsher.nvim (⭐6) - Create commit pinned links to GitHub hosted files/lines. Avoid stale links.
7. Awesome Datascience
8. Awesome Osint
Domain and IP Research / Steam
- Webscout - A Swiss Army knife for scaled intelligence and metadata on IP addresses and domains.
Geospatial Research and Mapping Tools / Steam
9. Awesome Elixir
Framework Components
- live_vue (⭐279) - End-to-end reactivity for Phoenix LiveView and Vue.
10. Awesome Dotnet
- AgileConfig (⭐1.5k) - AgileConfig is a lightweight configuration center that helps you manage all your application's configurations through website.
Web Servers
- GenHTTP (⭐207) - A lightweight, embeddable web server for quickly creating REST APIs
11. Awesome Lowcode
Visual programming
- WeWeb - A no-code frontend builder that connects to any backend to build scaable and secure web applications 10x faster.
- Tabbled - Self-hosted low-code platform for business applications like CRM, ERP, WMS, etc.
- BESSER - A Python-based low-modeling low-code platform for smart software.
- BESSER Bot Framework - Design and implement chatbots in Python.
12. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Critical Views about Generative AI
13. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- react-admin-dashboard (⭐7) - Dashboard template with
,Ant Design
,React Router
,Ant Design Charts
Tauri / Electron
- HuLa (⭐992) - is a desktop instant messaging app built on
Vite 5
+Vue 3
(not just instant messaging).
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-vanilla (⭐6) - Vanilla multi-page web development mode.
- vite-plugin-year (⭐1) - Inserts the current year to the HTML file during build. Useful for adding a copyright year to the HTML file.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-replace-lodash (⭐2) - Replacing the import of
is more beneficial to tree-shaking.
14. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- Prev: Nov 27, 2024
- Next: Nov 25, 2024