Awesome List Updates on Nov 15, 2024
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Meta-Level Considerations / Rationality
- Understanding Human Intelligence through Human Limitations - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2020. [All Versions]. [Preprint]. Recent progress in artificial intelligence provides the opportunity to ask the question of what is unique about human intelligence, but with a new comparison class. The author argues that we can understand human intelligence, and the ways in which it may differ from artificial intelligence, by considering the characteristics of the kind of computational problems that human minds have to solve. The author claims that these problems acquire their structure from three fundamental limitations that apply to human beings: limited time, limited computation, and limited communication. From these limitations we can derive many of the properties we associate with human intelligence, such as rapid learning, the ability to break down problems into parts, and the capacity for cumulative cultural evolution.
2. Awesome Programming for Kids
Upper Elementary
- CodeKidz - Learn through AI tutor and gamified content, including python, javascript, c/c++, game development, machine learning, generative ai, and more.
3. Awesome Go
Template Engines
- htmgo - build simple and scalable systems with go + htmx
4. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- skim (⭐5.5k) - A fuzzy finder
Libraries / Reverse engineering
- binarly-io/idalib (⭐137) [idalib] - Rust bindings for the IDA SDK, enabling the development of standalone analysis tools using IDA v9.0’s idalib
5. Awesome Connectivity Info
Regional Connectivity Reports and Data
- Open Signal - The state of mobile network experience in Africa - (November 2024) A look at download speeds and network quality in 27 African countries.
6. Awesome Libgdx
Assets / General Learning Material
- Jsfxr - Quickly create unique sound effects by pressing a few buttons, excellent for prototyping.
7. Awesome Godot
Projects / Godot 3
- SimulaVR (⭐3k) - A VR window manager for Linux, built on top of Godot engine.
Plugins and scripts / Godot 4
- Quest Manager (⭐56) - Minimalistic quest manager able to track quest state at runtime for easier debugging.
8. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- ssh-agent (⭐1) - Automatically launches
if it isn't already running.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- arctic-glow (⭐1) - Based on agnoster. Includes decorators for
status, python virtual environment, current directory, username and operating system.
- Prev: Nov 16, 2024
- Next: Nov 14, 2024